The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series) (18 page)

BOOK: The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series)
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The electricity pulsed through her veins. “Oh, God, Daniel, I can barely stand this.”

“Okay, my love. Okay. Almost there. Almost there. Okay. One. Two. Three. Look.”

Marissa stared across the field to see a bolt of lightning – a real, live lightning bolt zap Jason’s head. His entire body lit up
, and he fell from the tree.

Sober leapt out of the way. He looked back to where Marissa and Daniel stood and cocked his head, his tail wagging in a sort of “Did I do that?” kind of wag.

Marissa gasped. “Did you do that?”

“We did that.”

Her hands flew to her face. “Should we go check him?”

“I think Sober is doing a fine job.”

The dog sniffed and rooted around Jason’s still body.

“He’s not dead, is he?”

“I don’t think so.”

“What do you mean
, you don’t think so?”

“Cariño, this is that thing that Tom spoke of. We just did what had to be done. You can’t look back.”

“Well, I can look forward and determine whether I ever want to do this again.” She disentangled from Daniel’s arms and paced back and forth. “Is this another taste of Sorcery 101?”


“I don’t think I want this. I don’t want to learn anymore. We may have killed Jason. The police are going to ask questions. How will I explain this to the police? How will I explain this to my sisters?”

“We didn’t kill Jason. We just stunned him.”

“His body lit up. The human body can’t survive that.”

“He’ll be alright. We just did what was right.”

“Whatever we just did, it was wrong.”

Daniel seized her arm and whirled her around to face him.

She gasped at the look on his face. His face looked like a stone mask – a very scary one. This new glimpse of him gave her the chills.
Oh my God. He doesn’t look human right now.

“It wasn’t wrong. It was essential. Are you telling me you still love the creep?”

“No! I never loved Jason. But I never intended him harm. I never wanted to hurt him.”

“All we did was to teach him a lesson. He won’t remember a thing.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I know. You can ask him. Ask him when he wakes up. Ask him what he remembers.”

“No! I don’t want to ask him anything.”

“Well, then you’ll just have to trust me.”

He stared at her, his eyes blazing, and a weird, disturbing sensation bubbled in her gut. “Am I in danger?” she said in a small voice. “Are you going to hurt me? Daniel, where’d you go?”
It isn’t just a guy looking at me – Daniel Navid is something different.

He blinked and his eyes softened. “Cariño, you’re going to have to learn to do far worse things, I’m afraid.”

“I will?” Her eyes widened, and she clasped Daniel’s arms. “Like what?”

“We’re dealing with a demon soul, Marissa. El Demonio’s a cold, ruthless killer. He took your parents from you. He took my fiancé
e from me. He’ll stop at nothing to get to you and claim your powers as his own. Nothing! Do you hear me? The man’s a murderer.”

“What will I have to do?” she whispered.

“It depends on what he tries to do to you.” Daniel flung his arm toward Jason. “That man is a gnat. He’s nothing but an annoying gnat compared to El Demonio. But he’s also a nuisance and a hindrance. He’s stalking you. He doesn’t listen to you. We had to do this, cariño, we had to. Think of this as practice.”

“Okay,” she said hesitantly.
I’m losing my grip on reality.
Sober bounded back after vanquishing his foe. She rubbed his wet ruff when he reached her side and accepted his sloppy kisses. “Who took care of the bad man? Who’s my brave dog?” She turned to Daniel. “Are we just going to leave him out there? He might get all wet or catch cold or something.”

“It would serve him right
, but don’t worry,” Daniel answered, stalking over to the plastic wrapped box.

That same dark chill as before started to form in her belly. “Are you mad?”

“No. I’m efficient, that’s what. I’m doing what needs to be done. Right now I need to get the contents of this box out of your hands. I’ll return everything that doesn’t reek of El Demonio. Meanwhile, you should get in the house with your dog. You’re starting to shiver.” He quickly peeled his overcoat from his body and placed it around her shoulders. “Shoo.”


He gave her lips a soft, quick kiss. “Go! I’ll meet you there in a moment.” He took off toward the front of the house along the side trail.

Marissa stared as he marched away.
Who are you, Daniel Navid?
She and Sober tramped back to the house, Daniel’s coat trapping her in its warmth. She opened the back door for her dog. He raced inside, stood and shook his wetness all over the back room. She turned toward the field. Jason had rolled onto his side and was pushing himself up to standing. He didn’t look good at all as he staggered out into the forest, away from her house and into the resuming rain.

Chapter 18

Marissa wrapped a fluffy towel around her head and swathed a cuddly blue robe over loose-fitting sweatpants. The doorbell rang. She opened it to see Daniel standing on the stoop. He wore a different coat and had that same, cold expression she’d glimpsed earlier.

She looked past him to make sure there wasn’t another Daniel out by his car. “You could have just come in. I already know you’re here.”

“That would have been presumptive, don’t you think?” He looked her up and down, assessing her like a predator. “You look…warm. Good.”

A quick frown passed over her face.
Who the hell is this guy?
“Come in.”

“Thank you.”

He strode in the foyer, fully in command. “May I hang my coat here?”

“Oh. I’m sorry. Sure, give it to me and I’ll hang it.”

“My hand works as well as yours does.” He removed his sopping coat, tugging off one arm, then the next with crisp, precise movements.

“Rain started again, huh?”

“With a vengeance.” He ran his hand through his wet locks, spilling drops of water on the stone floor. “My apologies. I shouldn’t get water all over the floor.”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re wet. I’ll get a towel and wipe it up.”

“No, no. I made the mess. I can clean it up.” He flicked his hand and the droplets steamed and evaporated.

Marissa blinked. “What was that?”

“Sorcery 101. It comes in handy in moments like this.” He smiled at her warmly, his face becoming the recognizable Daniel.

“There you are,” Marissa said. “I wondered where you had gone.”

“What, cariño?” He appeared perplexed.


“No, tell me. I’m confused.”

Marissa tugged at the belt of her robe. “Oh, it’s just that…I don’t know - you seemed cold a second ago. I kind of didn’t know who you were exactly.”

“Didn’t you?”

“Not really.”

“I was just taking care of business, that’s all.” He stood at attention, studying her.

She shifted side to side and bit her lip. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, that would be lovely. What do you have?”

“Wine, beer, tea, water, coffee, juice…what are you in the mood for?”

He gave her another one of those piercing stares. “Do I really need to answer that?”

Quivers and shivers coiled through her spine.
Want. Oh, God, he turns me on.
“No, I…”

“A glass of wine would be perfect.”

She took a deep breath. “Red? Rosé? White? I’ve got all three. But first – please come in and make yourself at home.”

“Thank you.”

When she was coming out of the kitchen with the wine, Les Baleines Bleues began playing.

“Clever ring tone,” said Daniel as he accepted the wine. “It reminds me of a café in Paris.”

“Thanks,” she said, dashing to answer the phone. “Me, too.” When she saw the number in the caller ID she froze. Tapping the answer button, she said, “What?”

Daniel glanced over at her and cocked his head inquisitively.

“Hey, baby-doll, Harmonia here.”

“I know who this is. What do you want?”

“Chill, doll. My head’s in a mess. I got wasted and can’t remember where I left my car.”

“Where are you now?”

“Not really sure. I woke up sitting at a gas station over on…” His voice faded for a moment. “It looks like I’m at an Arco over on 35

“So what do you want me to do about it?”

“I just wondered if you knew where my car is.”

She strode over to the foyer and peeked out front. His car was nowhere to be seen.
It was out there 30 minutes ago.
Her head whipped back to Daniel. He swirled his wine and studied her painting. “Haven’t a clue. Ask your boys.”

“Okay. Thanks, baby-doll. Man, that must have been some killer weed,” he said, chuckling. “You should try it with me sometime.”

“No, thanks.”

“You might like it.”

“I said, no, Jason. Don’t forget we
broke up.
I have to go.”

“Okay, well, later. And the name’s Harmonia.”

She tapped the End Call button. “What did you do to Jason’s car?”

“I think it was impounded. Tow truck came by when I was out there.”

“Why would a tow truck stop by?” She narrowed her eyes at him.

“Maybe it was parked illegally. How should I know?” He patted the seat next to her. “Come, cariño. Come sit and enjoy this most excellent wine with me. Where did you get it?”

“My brother-in-law is a wine distributor.”

“I look forward to meeting him.”

I’m not so sure about that,
Marissa thought.

After she’d sat and sipped some of the wine, she started to feel more at ease. Daniel sat his glass down and put his arm around her. She relaxed and settled into his warm, strong body.

He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “So, cariño, I think we should have a look at your gems together.”

She stiffened. “Why?”

“You need to learn their significance.”

“I thought I got to do that on my own.”

“Things have accelerated a bit.”

She sat up. “What do you mean, accelerated?’

“The image, cariño. The photograph. I’ve confirmed that it was indeed El Demonio. I’m afraid he knows where you live now.”

The hairs on her neck and scalp sprang to attention. “You mean when I untied the bindings? That let him find me? How do you know that?”

“I had an ether meeting while I was outside.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that. He’s on your trail now.”

“What do you mean, on my trail?”

“What do you think I mean?”

“On my trail as in stalking me, like Jason?”

“Far worse than Jason, I’m afraid. I can only protect you for so long, mi amor. He’s a formidable foe. He possesses ancient magic. I’m not sure if I can do away with him – it could be up to you.”

Marissa exploded from the couch. “Why? Why can’t your team of sorcerers and ether people do away with him? I know nothing! I only know how to make finger paintings on my arms and fairy lights!”

“Stop panicking, Marissa. Panicking won’t help things.”

“Easy for
to say, Mr. Night Numen.”

“You’re just as powerful as I am. You’re just untrained.”

She threw back her head. “Gah! I don’t know what to do! How in God’s name will I get trained in a jiffy? How do I know I will get trained in time before El Demento does something to me?”

“We’ll find a way – starting with the gems.”

Marissa grabbed her hair and pulled, grimacing. “I seriously doubt holding gemstones will make a bit of difference in the scheme of things. That’s like me playing with dolls while you get to go play with guns.”

“Would you like to play with guns?”

She stopped her frenetic pacing and stared at him. “Why? Do you know how to shoot a gun?”

“Yes,” he said simply.

She shook her head. “Well, no to me learning that one. No, no, and no.” She flung herself into the cozy chair next to the sofa. “I’m scared, Daniel. I’m scared. Two weeks ago I was just a stupid girl doing stupid graphic arts with a stupid boyfriend. Now I’m someone who can stun a man…”

“With my help,” Daniel interrupted. “And you were never stupid.”

She glared at him. “Excuse me - with
help. So I’m someone – not stupid – who can stun a man but only with the help of a
Night Numen, and this powerful, demented sorcerer is after me and wants to kill me.”

“He wants to consume you in the same way he consumed Josephina.”

“What do you mean,

“You certainly ask a lot of questions, cariño. Come, sit next to me.”

“I can hear you just fine over here.”

“Fair enough. I didn’t tell you the whole story about Josephina.”

“I’m listening.”

“I told you we found her in a tide pool at the bottom of a cliff. That kind of fall would kill a person. There’s no way to survive that. But she was still alive.”

“She what?” Marissa’s face pulled back in horror.

“She was still alive. We believe he captured her soul in order to
prevent her from being with me. She lay there, in the tepid sea water, and I knew she could see me. I knew she could hear me. There was still color in her face and warmth in her body, even though her heart had stopped beating. At this point, though…” His voice trailed off.

The image that Marissa had seen came rushing into her head. “I’ve seen her, Daniel. I’ve seen her in that pool. She’s pleaded with me for help.”

He frowned and regarded her. “That’s impossible.”

“No, it’s not. I’ve seen her, I tell you. Did she have beautiful green eyes and long, wavy hair?”

“Yes, she did.” Daniel’s face furrowed.

“A mole or a mark of some kind here?” Marissa pointed next to her left eyebrow.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“That’s who I saw. She pleaded with me to help her
, but I didn’t know what to do.”

Daniel sat very still. Marissa could almost hear the wheels turning inside.

“This changes things.”


“If her captured spirit has appealed to you, it can only mean one thing. She’s
alive somewhere – in flesh and blood.”

Marissa’s heart clenched. How could the love of his life, his Beloved Josephina, still be alive? “It’s been
11 years. I imagine she’s pretty decayed – wherever she is. Didn’t you bury her?”

Daniel’s face went completely blank. “No.”

A chill washed over Marissa’s face, like he had just poured icy cream on her face. “What do you mean, no? People bury their dead, Daniel, in case you haven’t heard.”

“We wouldn’t let the authorities take her. My father took her and put her in a…” He looked askance. “In a crypt at his home.”

“Who has a crypt at their home?”

“We do. It’s a tradition among my family to keep the dead nearby. We want our ancestors to watch over us and guide us the best they can.”

Once again, a chill spread across Marissa’s scalp and face. “This is creeping me out, Daniel.”

“It shouldn’t. This would all be second nature to you if you’d been trained properly.”

“Well, excuse me.” She shielded her chest with tightly crossed arms.

Daniel looked over at her, his features soft and inviting. “I’m sorry, mi corazón. This must be terrible for you. So much has happened in such a short time. I’m sorry to push you
, but we have no choice. Can you retrieve your gemstones? I’d really like you to get a feel for them with me here.”

“You, the
Night Numen,” Marissa grumbled, arms still clenched tight.

“Me, the man who’s in love with you.”

Her heart skipped. She returned his gaze, tears welling up in her eyes. Jealousy snapped like a flag in a stiff wind in her gut. “What about Josephina? What if she
still alive? What will you do then?”

“I believe in living life in the present, cariño. I intend to embrace what is before me, not cling to the past like I did for years after she died. If she is still alive –
– then we owe it to her to bring her back from wherever she had been hiding. But her and my destiny is complete. Your and my destiny is just beginning.”


“Really and truly. Night Numen tear-sucking promise.” He placed his palm on his chest. “And now, cariño, will you please retrieve your gems? Time is
slowing down for us. We
train you before it’s too late. I couldn’t live with myself if what happened to Josephina happened to you. I won’t let him take your soul.”

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