The Belligerent Miss Boynton AND The Lurid Lady Lockport (Two Companion Full-Length Regency Novels) (69 page)

BOOK: The Belligerent Miss Boynton AND The Lurid Lady Lockport (Two Companion Full-Length Regency Novels)
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Gilly couldn't quite suppress a giggle as she caught sight of her husband's fatuously preening expression. "Of course she is, dearest," she agreed wisely. "Didn't I say she has your ears?"

In a burst of exhilaration, Kevin lifted Gilly into his arms and waltzed her out of the nursery and into their shared bedchamber. Whirling her about dizzily, he exclaimed, "We shall fill The Hall with our children!"

Lifting her head from where it had been buried against his broad shoulder, Gilly responded breathlessly, "You deliciously silly man. Do you have any idea of the number of bedrooms there are in this great pile?"

Kevin, his blue eyes twinkling as his mouth lowered to claim hers, sighed theatrically and murmured, "It is an awesome task we are setting ourselves, I agree—but nonetheless a challenging one. I can only suggest we make a beginning."

And they did.


The End



Author's Note


One of the primary attractions of a novel set in the Regency Era is its historic setting; therefore, an accurate portrayal of the events, real characters (and there were some real characters!), language, modes, and manners of that glorious time in history become a major concern for the Regency author.

Yet I found myself compelled to include mention in this book of the vast underground excavations carried out by the Fifth Duke of Portland although, according to DeBrett's, the Duke was only twelve the year my story occurs—just barely past the sandcastle stage. My reason for this is that such tunnels—large enough to drive a coach and four through—smack too much of a figment of the imagination to be believable.

I wished to be able to lend Sylvester's tunnels, by means of referring to other such construction, some basis in fact so that you, dear reader, wouldn't think you were being asked to swallow some farradiddle I had made up purely to fit the confines of my plot. If this slight bending of dates offends anyone's sensibilities, I hereby apologize.




It has been so long since I've read my older books, the novels I've always called my Alphabet Ladies. Indeed,
The Belligerent Miss Boynton
is the very first book I ever wrote, and it remains one of my favorite stories. The puzzle I set for the characters in
The Lurid Lady Lockport
brought a smile to my lips as I re-read the book, amazed that I'd actually once written a poem (all right—a bad poem—but a poem none the less!).

I've greatly delighted in returning to visit with Amanda and Jared Delaney, with Gilly and Kevin Rawlings—tweaking their stories here and there, dusting them off, polishing them up—and I hope you, dear reader, have likewise enjoyed either meeting them for the first time, or revisiting them in their latest incarnation.

I also hope you'll look for my other traditional Regency romances, all either available now or soon to be available in electronic format. A complete listing of these titles can be found on my website.

. . .

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More praise for the books of Kasey Michaels


"A writing style, voice, and sense of humor perfectly suited to the era and genre." —
Publishers Weekly


"Ms. Michaels writes with a crisp economy of style that never, ever drags ... I don't know how she dreams up winner after winner: I just know I'm deeply grateful she does." — Jane Bowers,
Romance Reviews Today


"Kasey Michaels certainly knows how to bring a smile and giggle to readers while touching their hearts with the antics of her unforgettable characters. Savor ... when you need a lift to your spirit and your mind." —
RT Bookclub


"Ms. Michaels keeps us chuckling and wishing we could make her books last longer ... such a talent!" —


"[Michaels] 19th century London is always a wonderful place to visit." —
All About Romance




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