The Benn Diaries: 1940-1990 (125 page)

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Hobsbawm, Eric, 493, 543, 559

Hoggart, Richard, 134

Holland, Stuart, 263, 264, 532, 550

Holmes, Brigadier, 135, 137

Home, Lord (Sir Alec Douglas-Home), 94, 114, 165, 231, 353, 540

succeeds Macmillan as Prime Minister (1963), 105

Wilson defeats him in 1964 election, 115

homosexuality, debate on legalisation, 72

Hooper, Sir Leonard, 453

Hooson, Emlyn, 134

Horner, John, 44

Houghton, Douglas (Lord), 23–4, 145, 204, 239, 250, 267, 279, 280

House of Lords: Benn’s amendment on abolition (1988), 612

Hoveyda, Amir, 509

Howard, Anthony, 517

Howe, Sir Geoffrey (Lord), 399, 546, 622, 640

challenge for leadership (1975), 309

Chancellor, 541

resignation as Deputy Prime Minister (1990), 631, 633; speech savages Thatcher, 633

Hoyle, Douglas, 473, 481

Huckfield, Les, 550

Hughes, Cledwyn, 61, 177, 348, 354

Hughes, Emrys, 30, 34

Hughes, John, 608–9

Hughes, Simon, 542

Hungarian crisis (1956), 38, 40, 44

regime overthrown (1989), 623

Hunt, Sir John (Lord), 358, 431, 440, 461, 464

Hunter, Sir John, 174

Hurd, Douglas, 628, 631, 632, 634, 635

bid for leadership (1990), 636

Hussein, Saddam: Gulf War, 626, 631, 632, 633, 635, 636–40

meeting with Benn, 637–9

Hussain, King of Jordan, 625, 632, 633, 639

illness: suffers from Guillain-Barré Syndrome, 514–15, 517–18, 524, 529, 539

Industrial Relations Bill (1971), 239–40

Ingham, Bernard, 441, 451

Benn’s press officer, 327, 336–7, 348

head of Energy Conservation Department, 436

Inner London Education Authority (ILEA): threatened break-up, 488; last meeting (1990), 624

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 1976 crisis, 369, 374, 377–87

IPD (Fisher-Bendix) workers’ co-operative, 291, 299

Iran visit (1975), 341–3

Iraq visit (1990), 636–40

meeting with Saddam Hussein for hostage release, 637–9

Isaacs, Jeremy, 106

Jackson, Jesse, 640

Jackson, Margaret, 263, 368,
see also
Beckett, Margaret

Jackson, Tom, 478, 498

Jackson, Vic, 544

Jacques, Martin, 602

Japan visit (1983): attends World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, 553–6; trip to Hiroshima, 554–6

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 589

Jay, Douglas (Lord), 68

Jay, Peter, 377

controversial appointment as ambassador to US, 415

Jeger, Lena, 388, 495

Jellicoe, Lord, resignation, 268

Jenkins, Clive, 262, 267, 478, 490, 491, 492, 495, 514, 515, 546

Jenkins, Peter, 377, 388, 619

Jenkins, Roy (Lord), 27, 37, 49, 68, 96, 117, 238–9, 240, 243, 244, 249, 250, 259–60, 285, 287, 294, 295, 308, 315, 321–2, 324, 358, 400, 488, 495, 506, 508

Home Secretary (1965–7), 144, 160, 164

Chancellor (1967–70), introduces expenditure cuts (1968), 176–7, 179; closes gold market (1968), 182, 184, 185; 220, 221, 226, 231

resigns as Deputy Leader and from the Shadow Cabinet due to referendum on Europe (1972), 255–6

Home Secretary (1974–6), 304

leadership bid (1976), 354

leaves the Government, (1976), 367

President of the European Commission (1977–81), 368

Leader of SDP after breakaway from Labour (1981–3), 503, 505, 510; elected SDP MP for. Glasgow Hillhead (1982–7), 531

John Paul II, Pope, 452, 537

Johnson, Dennis, 303

Johnson, Lyndon B., 108, 113, 145, 164, 179 exhaustion, 172

requests the closure of London gold market (1968), 183

Johnson, Paul, 68

Jones, Alec, 367

Jones, Barry, 487

Jones, David, 284

Jones, Sir Elwyn (Lord Elwyn-Jones), 91, 98, 117, 138, 396, 461

Jones, Jack, 22, 144, 229, 260, 267, 270, 284, 285, 288, 294, 311, 329, 332, 340, 368, 369, 379, 387, 397,406, 412,424, 426, 431, 453, 534

opposed to nationalisation, 292–3

support for Benn, 319

Godfather description in press, 328

Jones, Dr Norman, 620

Joseph, Sir Keith (Lord), 302,401, 476

Secretary of State for Industry (1979–81), 508–9

Judd, Frank, 400–1, 417, 457

Kapidoo, Dr, 518

Kaufman, Gerald, 162, 168, 187, 195, 267, 328, 330, 333, 458, 501, 612,
619, 626

cynicism, 210

Kearton, Frank (Lord), 329, 343, 344, 395, 436

Keeler, Christine, 98–9, 514

Kennedy, Edward, 530

Kennedy, John F., 114

assassination (1963), 105–6

Kennedy, Robert, assassination (1968), 188

Kent, Bruce, 534, 541

Kent, Duchess of, 374–5

Keys, Bill, 448, 478, 491–2

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 460, 616, 617, 626

Khrushchev, Nikita, 62, 75, 82, 189, 247, 343, 456, 608

King, Cecil, 54, 119, 120, 130, 184

attack on Wilson, (1968), 187

King, Tom, 628

Kingsley, David, 215, 226

Kinnock, Glenys, 338, 572, 590, 591, 596, 621

Kinnock, Neil, 239, 338, 354, 369, 439, 496, 497, 501, 516, 526, 527, 550–1, 552, 581, 602, 621, 631, 634, 635, 640

Common Market objections, 318

media figure, 368

canvassing for Foot, 487

Shadow Education spokesman, 486, 488, 495, 525

critical of Benn, 556–7

elected leader (1983–92), 557, 564

meets Reagan on US trip (1984), 561

miners’ strike (1984), 565, 566, 568, 571; denounces strike, 580

Conference speeches, 572, 578, 590; attack on Liverpool Militant (1985), 578–9, 584–5, 593, 596

second visit to see Reagan (1987), 595

sums up 1987 election defeat, 599–600

‘unforgivable diversion’ by Prescott, 609

economic debate, 611, 618–19

full Marketeer, 612

volte-face on unilaterialism, 613

re-elected leader (1988), 614

arguing for capitalism, 619

unilateral disarmament, 619–20

Gulf War, 626, 628

Kirillin, Vladimir, 169, 171, 205, 206, 208, 209, 289

Kissinger, Henry, 455

Kitson, Alex, 481, 521, 585

Knight, Jill, 279

Knighton, William, 181

Moscow trip (1967), 168

Korean War, 26, 32

Kosygin, A. N., 172, 204, 208

London visit (1967), 167–8

meeting in Moscow (1969), 205–7

Kutchinsky, Nicolai, 73–8

Kyle, Keith, 68

Laird, Gavin, 579

Lalor, Paul, 632–3, 637, 639, 640

Lambton, Lord, resignation, 268

Langham, Cyril, 506

Lansman, Jon, 518, 529, 560

Lapworth, Bill, 303

Lawrence, Dr, 518

Lawrence, Ivan, 596

Lawson, George, 290

Lawson, Nigel (Lord), 525, 571

resigns as Chancellor (1989), 621–2

Le Cheminant, Peter (PS), 341, 342

Le Marchant, Spencer, 466

leadership aspirations, 244, 245, 251, 268, 317, 445, 452, 478, 487, 545, 609–10

1976 challenge on policy changes, 347–54

1981 deputy leadership campaign, 503, 512, 513–17, 518, 519–21; narrowly defeated by Healey, 521

1988 leadership campaign, 614

Lee, Jennie (Baroness), 29, 30, 69, 71, 125, 145, 191

Leighton, Ron, 481

Lemnitzer, General, 194–5

Lenthall, John, 559, 560

Leonard, Mr (Acting Chief Constable of Derbyshire), 571–2

Leopold, King, 153

Lestor, Joan 240, 250, 351, 447, 449, 468, 482, 489

resignation (1975), 345, 346

Lever, Harold (Lord), 215, 217, 290, 291, 299, 320, 337, 380, 405, 427

resigns from Shadow Cabinet due to referendum on Europe (1972), 255–6

Levin, Bernard, 68, 362, 397

Lewis, Stephen, 562

Lib-Lab pact (1977), 407–10, 424

Benn opposes, 408–9

Liberal merger with part of SDP (1987), 601–2

Libyan bombing raids, 592, 616

Liddell, Helen, 531

Lillicrap, Peter, 151

Lindop, Professor Patricia, 451

Lipsey, David, 468

Listowel, Billy, 151, 152

Livingstone, Ken, 524, 577, 583, 611, 612, 618

death threat, 630

Lloyd George, David (1st Earl), 1, 62

Lockerbie air disaster (1988), 616

Longford, Elizabeth, Countess of (formerly Pakenham), 24, 266

Longford, Frank (7th Earl of), 96, 177

Lovell-Davies, Peter, 345

Loyden, Eddie, 543

Lubbock, Eric (Lord Avebury), 187, 230, 447

Ludbrook, Kathy, 571

Lyon, Alex, 367, 506

Lyons, Denis, 226

Lyons, John, 433

Mabon, Dick, 410, 457, 487

MacArthur, Douglas, 26

McCartney, Hugh, 241

McCluskie, Sam, 496, 526, 557

McDermid, Anne (literary agent), 445

McElhone, Frank (PPS), 242, 244, 245–6, 253, 260, 269, 283, 285, 301, 302, 349, 367

supports Benn for leadership, 251

staunch friend, 257

disenchantment, 305

McGahey, Mick, 279, 280, 490, 570

McGarvey, Danny, 350

MacGregor, Sir Ian, 570

MacKenzie, Sir Compton, 63–4

MacKenzie, Gregor: Benn’s Minister of State, 284, 308

Mackie, Allister, 312, 316

McKinnon, Judge Neil, 438

McLennan, Gordon, 543–4

Macleod, Iain, 93–4

death (1970), 265

Macmillan, Harold (Earl of Stockton), 45, 49, 50, 52, 69, 94, 100, 155, 156

succeeds Eden as PM, 47

Commonwealth tour (1959), 63

Profumo affair, 95, 98–9

resignation (1963), 105

McNally, Tom, 468

McNamara, Kevin, 486

McNamara, Robert, 172, 632

Macpherson, Sir John, 120

Madden, Max, 552, 564–5, 617

Maddock, Ieuan, 219

Moscow trips: (1967) 168, 170; (1969) 208

Magee, Bryan, 95

Maguire, Frank, 466

Mahon, Alice, 617

maiden speech (1951), 27

Maitland, Sir Donald, 391

Major, John 634, 637, 640

wins leadership to become Prime Minister, 636

Makins, Sir Roger, 43

Malaysian crisis (1964), 113

Mandela, Nelson

life imprisonment, 110

release (1990), 623–4

Mandelson, Peter, 582, 594, 618

Manley, Ivor (PS), 210, 212, 218, 225

Soviet visit (1969), 205, 208

Mao Tse Tung, 190, 246, 247, 248

death, 367

Marples, Sir Ernest (Lord), 111, 151

Marsh, Richard (Lord), 177, 182, 188, 198, 201

resigns from Labour Party, 510

Marshall, Sir Walter (Lord), 342, 362, 363, 399, 554

Marten, Neil, 256

Masefield, Charles, 199

Masefield, Peter, 199, 216

Mason, Roy (Lord), 112, 244, 315, 382–3, 423, 440, 461, 479

Massingham, Hugh, 43

Matthews, Stanley: knighthood from Wilson, 124

Maudling, Reginald, 105, 252

Maxwell, Robert, 140, 312, 316

Mayhew, Christopher (Lord), 31, 155, 308

Mayhew, Sir Patrick, 581

Maynard, Joan, 368, 388, 603

Meacher, Michael, 349, 551, 556, 557, 576, 602, 603

Parliamentary Under-Secretary, 284,
434–5, 445

Meale, Alan, 570

Mellish, Robert (Lord), 98, 117, 239, 256, 279, 308, 315, 348, 397, 538, 542

Chief Whip (1974–6), 295

Melville, Sir Ronald, 178, 224–5

Mendelson, Jack, 271

Meriden Triumph workers’ co-operative, 284, 288, 290–1, 292, 298, 303, 311, 315–16, 390

Messer, Wilf, 22

Messmer, Pierre, 172–3

Methven, John, 462

Meyer, Sir Anthony: stands against Thatcher for leadership, 622–3

Meyer, Cord, 299

Michaels, Michael, 451

Micklewright, George (election agent), 544

Mikardo, Ian, 69, 82, 83, 147, 157, 187, 227, 409, 532

Miliband, Ralph, 576–7, 578, 631, 632

Militant Tendency, 484–5, 511, 524, 528, 543, 578, 582, 584–5

Millan, Bruce, 381, 405, 408, 436, 462

Miller, Maurice, 514–15

Milne, Alasdair, 65

miners’ strike (1972), 252–3, 262 (1974), 280, 285

miners’ strike on pit closures (1984–5), 563–75

Benn supports, 563–4, 566–75

failure of Labour leadership, 566

use of troops in police uniforms, 591

Orgreave Coke Depot riots (1984), 567; miners on trial, 578

Mitchell, Derek, 124, 140, 141, 143

Mitterrand, François, 502

Moberly, Patricia, 641

Moberly, Richard, 615, 641

Mollet, Guy, 43

Molyneaux, Jim, 408

Monckton, Sir Walter: opposition to Suez policy, 45–6

Moncrieff, Chris, 517

Moore, Mandy, 550

Moorgate tube disaster, 311

Moran, Lord, 166

Morgan, Gwyn, 228, 259

Morrell, Frances (adviser), 262, 273, 283, 284, 285, 288, 296, 301, 305, 310, 312, 316, 341, 345, 348, 349, 350, 351, 354, 366, 370, 387, 393, 402, 407, 428, 441, 460, 470, 497, 507, 510, 517, 529, 576, 577

Morris, Charles, 558

Morrison, Herbert (Lord), 28, 35, 37, 59, 97

Mortimer, Jim 610

Moscow visit (1987), 603–8

Mosley, Sir Oswald, 65

Mossadeq, 342–3

Mountbatten of Burma, Earl, 43, 119

assassinated by IRA (1979), 478–9

Movement for Colonial Freedom, 35–6, 39, 44

Muirhead, Sir David, 391

Mulhearn, Tony, 579

Mulley, Fred (Lord), 238, 321, 416, 422

Mullin, Chris, 445–6, 477, 487, 498, 513, 529, 550, 560, 601, 610

A Very British Coup
, 523, 594

appointed editor of
, 533

Munich Olympic Games massacre (1972), 258

Murdoch, Rupert, 255, 530–1, 593

Murray, Len (Lord), 348, 377, 379, 405, 406, 459, 534

Murray, Ronnie King (Lord Advocate), 433

Nabarro, Sir Gerald, 224

Nagasaki bomb (1945), 20–1

Nagy, Imre, 40

Nasser, Gamal Abdel: Suez crisis, 40, 55

assassination attempt, 595, 601

National Enterprise Board, 287, 288, 296

National Front, 438, 441–2, 511; clashes, 430

National Health Service, 337–8

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