The Best and the Brightest (134 page)

Read The Best and the Brightest Online

Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Military, #Vietnam War, #United States, #20th Century, #General

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Abrams, General Creighton W., Jr.

Acheson, Dean G.

Ackley, Gardner

Adenauer, Chancellor Konrad

Agency for International Development (AID)

Agnew, Vice-President Spiro

Alexander, Henry

Allen, Richard V.

Alperovitz, Gar

Alphand, Ambassador Hervé

Alsop, Joseph

Alsop, Stewart

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)

Andreson, Wilbur

Angell, Robert

Arnett, Peter

Auchincloss, Louis

Ayub Khan


Bailey, John

Baines, Joseph

Baines family

Baker, Russell

Baldwin, Hanson

Ball, George W.

Ballantine, Arthur

Bao Dai, Emperor

Barnett, David

Barnett, Robert

Bartlett, Charles

Bator, Francis

Belin, Mrs. G. Andelot

Bell, David

Bennett, Harry

Benton, William

Berlin, Sir Isaiah

Bernhard, Prince

Bigart, Homer

Bird, Robert

Black, Eugene

Bohlen, Charles E.

Bonesteel, Charles

Borah, Senator William

Borodin, Michael

Bosworth, Charles

Boulding, Kenneth

Bowie, Robert

Bowles, Chester

Bowles, Samuel

Bradley, General Omar

Brammer, William

Brandeis, Louis

Brandon, Henry

Breech, Ernie

Brewster, Kingman

Bricker, John

Brink, Francis

Brinkley, David

Brogan, Denis

Brown, George

Brown, Herman

Brown, Holmes

Brown, James

Brown, Mordecai

Browne, Malcolm

Bruce, David K. E.

Bruce, Lenny

Bryan, William Jennings

Buchwald, Art

Bundy, Harvey

Bundy, Mrs. Harvey

Bundy, McGeorge

Bundy, William P.

Bundy family

Bunker, Ambassador Ellsworth

Burns, James MacGregor

Busby, Horace

Butterworth, W. Walton

Byrnes, James F.


Caffery, Ambassador Jefferson

Califano, Joseph

Cannon, James

Carey, Joyce

Carroll, Wallace

Carver, George

Case, Everett

Casey, Ralph

Castro, Fidel

Celebrezze, Anthony J.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Chambers, Whittaker

Chaplin, Charlie

Chayes, Abram

Ch’en Chia-k’ang

Chennault, General Claire

Chiang Kai-shek

Chuong, Ambassador Tran Van

Church, Senator Frank

Churchill, Sir Winston

Clark, Ramsey

Clay, General Lucius

Clifford, Clark

Clifton, Brigadier General Chester V.

Clubb, O. Edmund

Cohen, Benjamin

Collins, Ambassador J. Lawton

Conant, James Bryant

Conein, Lou

Connally, Governor John

Conway, John

Cooper, Chester

Cooper, Senator John Sherman

Cottrell, Sterling

Council of Economic Advisers

Council on Foreign Relations

Craig, General Louis

Cronkite, Walter

Crossen, Colonel William

Crowther, Bosley

Crusoe, Lewis

Cummings, Attorney General Homer

Cunniff, Robert


Dale, Ed

Daley, Mayor Richard J.

Davies, John Paton, Jr.

Davis, John

Day, Postmaster J. Edward

Deakin, James

Dean, Arthur H.

Defense Intelligence Agency

De Gaulle, Charles

De Lattre de Tassigny, Jean

Democratic Policy Study Group

Deno, Colonel Francisco Caamano

Depuy, General William

De Silva, Pier

Dewey, Governor Thomas E.

Diem, Ngo Dinh

Dillon, Douglas

Dilworth, Mayor Richardson

Dirksen, Senator Everett McKinley

Dobrynin, Ambassador Anatoly F.

Dodd, Senator Thomas J.

Don, General Tran Van

Dong, General Pham Van

Dong, Premier Pham Van

Douglas, Helen Gahagan

Douglas, James

Douglas, Senator Paul

Douglas, William O.

Draper, General William H.

Duff, Senator James

Dulles, Allen

Dulles, John Foster

Durbrow, Ambassador Elbridge

Durr, Clifford

Dutton, Fred


Economic Cooperation Administration

Eisenhower, President Dwight D.

Elliott, William Yandell

Ellsberg, Daniel

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Erikson, Erik

Evans, Rowland


Faas, Horst

Fairbank, John K.

Fall, Bernard

Farmer, Thomas

Faubus, Governor Orval E.

Faure, Premier Edgar

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federal Power Commission

Felt, Admiral Harry D.

Fensterwald, Bernard, Jr.

Ferguson, Senator Homer

Finletter, Thomas K.

Finley, John

Finney, John

Fisher, Adrian

Fisher, Roger

FitzGerald, Desmond

Fitzgerald, John F. (Honey Fitz)

Ford, Edsel

Ford, Franklin

Ford, Henry II

Ford Foundation

Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy James V.

Forrestal, Michael

Fortas, Abe

Fosdick, Ray

Foster, William C.

Frankel, Max

Frankfurter, Felix

Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture Orville L.

Fritchey, Clayton

Frost, Robert

Fulbright, Senator J. William

Furgurson, Ernest B.


Galbraith, John Kenneth

Gandhi, Mahatma

Gates, Thomas

Gavin, General James

Geneva Agreement

Geneva Conference

George, Senator Walter

Geyelin, Phil

Giap, General Vo Nguyen

Gilpatric, Roswell

Goldberg, Arthur J.

Goldwater, Senator Barry M.

Goodpaster, Andy

Goodwin, Richard N.

Graff, Professor Henry

Green, Marshall

Green, Senator Theodore

Greene, Graham

Greene, General Wallace

Greenfield, James

Griffin, Robert Allen

Gromyko, Foreign Minister Andrei

Gross, Congressman H. R.

Gruening, Senator Ernest

Guevara, Che

Gullion, Edmund A.

Hamilton, Fowler

Hamilton, George

Hamilton, James Pierpont Morgan

Hamlett, General Barksdale

Hand, Judge Learned

Harder, Delmar

Harkins, General Paul D.

Harriman, W. Averell

Harris Poll

Hart, Senator Philip A.

Hellman, Lillian

Helms, Richard

Henderson, Deirdre

Heren, Louis

Herrick, Captain John

Hersh, Seymour

Herter, Christian

Higgins, Marguerite

Hilsman, Roger

Hiss, Alger

Hiss, Donald

Hitler, Adolf

Hoffa, James

Holborn, Fred

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Hoopes, Townsend

Hoover, President Herbert

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hopkins, Harry

Hughes, Emmet

Hughes, Thomas

Hull, Cordell

Humphrey, George

Humphrey, Vice-President Hubert H.

Hurley, Patrick


Iacocca, Lee,

International Control Commission

Irons, Richard

Isaacs, Harold


Jackson, C. D.

Jackson, Senator Henry M.

Janeway, Eliot

Jenkins, Walter

Jenner, Senator William E.

Jessup, Philip

Johnson, Alexis

Johnson, General Harold K.

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