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Authors: Elizabeth Hayley

The Best Medicine (17 page)

BOOK: The Best Medicine
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Once he was standing again, Lauren went to work on his jeans, pushing them off his hips and moving backward slightly so he could undress.

He used his index fingers to pull her bra straps off of her shoulders before he reached around to unclasp it, letting it fall to their feet. He then pulled her flush to him.

Lauren had never felt anything as incredible as Scott’s hard body. The taut muscles of his chest leading into the
long, hard plane of his abdomen. She wanted to touch every part of him, so she did. She shifted back just enough to slide her hands over the ridge of his abdomen, the cut of his hips, the dusting of hair that led down to the last piece of the sexual puzzle in front of her. Deciding that she couldn’t wait, she hooked her thumbs into the band of his boxers and dragged them down his thighs. She then took a step back to admire him.
of him. She hadn’t done that before. And fuck, was Scott Jacobs impressive. His perfect cock demanded attention as it jutted from his body. She wanted her mouth on it yesterday.

She wrapped her fingers around the sides of her thong and drew it down her legs, leaving herself as bare as he was. Her gaze lifted to his, and she watched his eyes roam her body, taking her in as she stood before him. She took a step toward him and slowly dropped to her knees.

He briefly seemed like he was going to stop her, but didn’t. She wanted this, and he let her have it.

Gingerly, she touched his cock, running her fingertips over it, feeling the hard steel covered in soft skin. Then she took him into her mouth, letting her tongue swirl over the tip before taking him deep. She felt him glide over her tongue as she forced herself to swallow so she could take more of him.

“Fuck,” Scott said, his voice deep and rough. “That is so fucking good.”

His words spurred her on, made her work him quickly and deeply.

Scott’s hand rested on her jaw as he released one of the sexiest moans she’d ever heard. He allowed her to continue for a minute longer before stepping back, forcing her to release him. “Lie on the bed.”

His command was simple and Lauren followed it without hesitation. She sat down on his bed and used her arms to pull herself to the middle of it, all the while keeping her eyes on his. She lay back, letting her hands rest by her sides.

Scott walked over to the bedside table and opened a drawer, removing a foil wrapper. “I had plans to do mind-blowing things to that magnificent body of yours, but you sucking my cock made me ache to be inside of you.” He used his teeth to rip the wrapper open and then sheathed himself with the condom.

“I’m pretty sure mind-blowing is still in the cards,” Lauren rasped.

Scott loomed over her as he placed his hands on either side of her head to support himself. “I’m pretty sure you’re right,” he uttered before he launched an assault on her mouth, his tongue pushing inside and wrestling seductively with hers. He moved one hand down to where she ached for him the most. “Let’s see how wet you are for me.” He plunged a finger inside, then two. “Goddamn, you’re soaked. I’m dying to fuck you.”

“Then fuck me,” Lauren countered.

Scott leaned down again, his lips touching hers only briefly before he bit down on her lower lip. It wasn’t enough to draw blood, but she got the message. Dr. Scott didn’t take orders. He withdrew his fingers quickly before thrusting inside.

The movement was so fast, Lauren hadn’t fully expected it, which made her gasp in both surprise and pleasure. He was seated deeply inside of her, giving her body time to stretch around him. The adjustment was a delicious mix of pleasure and pain. And then the pain
subsided, and only pure, unadulterated pleasure remained. She craved friction, needed him to fucking move, but she knew better than to ask for it.

Finally Scott began to thrust, his cock rubbing against her walls, hitting every nerve ending on the way in and out. He growled as he lowered his head to her breast and he sucked her nipple into his mouth, teasing and nipping it in the best ways possible. His hands slid up and laced with hers, pulling them above her head on the bed and holding them there as he rocked into her. After a few minutes, he picked up the pace, pushing into her with a groan and hard, measured movements.

From the moment Scott had entered her, Lauren had felt her orgasm building. Tingling spread throughout her entire body, and she knew she would tumble over the edge soon.

As though he could sense her impending climax, Scott trained his eyes on hers. “You want to come? I can feel you tightening around me. You want me to get you off now?”

Lauren highly doubted he’d be able to stop her, but decided against voicing it. Mostly because she adored this side of Scott. And more importantly, she needed it. She needed him to take control. To let her forget everything but the feeling of him moving inside of her.

“Please. I’m so close.”

Scott dipped a hand between her thighs and stroked her clit with his thumb. “Let go, Lo.”

Lauren wasn’t sure what made her orgasm harder, his thumb or his words. Not that she pondered it long. She was too caught up in the convulsions of release, the feel of his cock twitching inside of her as he exploded.

His whole body tensed with his climax, and the sight of his flexed muscles was almost enough to catapult her over the edge again. He pumped into her a few more times as he came down from his own orgasm. Then, as if he knew exactly what she needed, he pulled out, got up to throw the condom away in the bathroom, and returned to bed, pulling Lauren to him so he could hug her close.

And as she felt herself begin to drift off, there was nowhere else she’d rather be.

Chapter 14

Binging and Purging

Tuesday morning brought with it a whole new issue for Scott. Even though Lauren had left the previous night having forgiven him, he still knew that what he had said on Saturday was affecting her. It had to be. She’d been through something traumatic, and he’d catapulted her back to that time in her life with one sentence. So when she’d shown up for work, Scott gave her some space. Despite his intense desire to touch Lauren in any and every way he could imagine, he didn’t. Because even though she looked the same, he could see the pain still clouding her eyes. He wanted to be there for her, though when the fuck being a good person trumped getting his dick stroked, he wasn’t sure. But it had. And if he were honest with himself, he wasn’t all that broken up about it. Someone else’s feelings were more important than his cock. It was a relatively novel thought for him.

But when Lauren didn’t go down to the cafeteria for lunch, he didn’t let his disappointment show. And when she didn’t initiate in any witty e-mail banter, he refused
to send one just to bait her. But by the end of the day, he was exhausted from all the things he’d
from doing.

As he was staring at his computer screen, trying to waste time so that he didn’t go into the office and pester Lo like an attention-starved puppy, she appeared. And she was smiling.

“You hiding out in here?” she teased.

“If I were, I should probably find a better spot.” His lip quirked up in one corner.

She leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms over her chest. It was one of the sexiest positions he’d ever seen a woman in.

“So, how ya been?” He didn’t want to ask, but he had to. Because what else was there really to say? He couldn’t ignore what they’d talked about Monday, and he also couldn’t pretend that it wasn’t causing a certain level of awkwardness between them.

“Working through it. Feeling better now than I was yesterday, or even this morning, for that matter.” She dropped her hands and stood up straight, pinning him with that look that he’d started growing accustomed to—the deeply assessing one that made him feel like she could see through to his soul. “Thanks,” she added.

“For what?”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “For everything. For listening. For letting me freak out, for letting me fall apart, and then for helping put me back together again. And for giving me some space today. You obviously know how distracting you are.” She said the last part with a grin that was both playful and seductive.

Scott didn’t return the smile though. “First of all, you
didn’t fall apart or freak out. I was a prick and you called me on it. As for the rest of it, I should be thanking you for trusting me with all of that. I know it took a lot for you to share it, and I’m . . . just . . . it was my pleasure.” And then, because he was uncomfortable with his own seriousness, he added, “And you know how I love pleasure.”

Lo rolled her eyes, but smiled wildly. “I do know. I also know you’re pretty damn good at giving it.”

“Very true,” he agreed.

They just looked at each other for a bit, letting all of the weirdness that had settled between them evaporate.

“Well, my indentured servitude is over for the day. I’ll see you Thursday.”

“Wait. All that talk of pleasuring and now you’re just going to leave?” Scott joked.

“Good things come to those who wait, Doctor.”

And then she was gone. The tease.

*   *   *

As Lauren hefted her book bag onto her shoulder, she quickly rolled her neck from side to side before beginning to climb the steps toward the exit of the large lecture hall. She was so friggin’ exhausted. Since classes had started back, she had been exceptionally busy with schoolwork, staying up later than usual to knock out a few papers and case studies. She’d also somehow allowed Scott to talk her into going to a Thursday night Redskins game the previous night. She didn’t even really like football, but she had to admit that she’d had a good time. Not because of the game, but because Scott was simply a ton of fun to be around. He was funny, and flirty, and even downright goofy at times. It was a sharp contrast to his
ever-serious demeanor at work. It was why she ultimately agreed to go with him even though she knew she had an early class the next morning. Watching Scott act his age was truly something to behold, and Lauren took advantage of every opportunity she got to witness it.

It also helped that Scott had two extra tickets and allowed her to invite someone. She chose Quinn since she could have fun doing just about anything. Scott was bringing Xavier for pretty much the same reason. She was a little worried about seeing him out again after her freak-out, but quickly decided that worrying about it wouldn’t do any good, so she just let it go.

They’d decided to meet at Scott’s apartment and leave from there. Scott was leaving work early, and told Lauren to do the same so she could get ready and be at his place by five. The building’s security let her and Quinn right up when they arrived. She was surprised they’d even asked her who she was there to see this time. When she’d shown up the Monday after the club, she’d walked right up behind an old man and no one had questioned her.

“Does he have a butler too?” Quinn jibed.

“Only on weekends,” Lauren replied as she hit the elevator button for Scott’s floor. Once the elevator arrived at their destination, Lauren led Quinn toward his apartment. But just as she was about to knock, the door flew open and a man nearly barreled into her.

His hands shot out to keep her from falling over. “Shit, sorry.”

Lauren’s eyes looked down at the tattooed arms that held her upright. She began skimming her eyes up his biceps, over his broad shoulders, before finally landing on
his face. She noticed a familiar pair of green eyes, but the man in front of her wasn’t Scott. He was lean like Scott, but had a reddish copper tone to his hair and a light scruff over his jaw. He was taller too. Lauren wouldn’t have called him attractive in the traditional sense, but he definitely held a girl’s attention with a sort of bad-boy appeal.

“Trying to mow down my guests?” Scott’s voice snapped Lauren out of her shock at almost being trampled by a stranger.

“You know how I like to make an impression.” The man let go of Lauren and stepped back. “Are you okay?”

Lauren smoothed down her sweatshirt with her hands. “Yeah, I’m fine. You just startled me,” she said with a smile.

“Lauren, Quinn, this is my brother, Tim. Tim, meet Lauren and Quinn.”

Tim extended his hand toward Lauren first and she shook it. “Nice to meet you, Lauren.”

“You too.” She hoped her tone hid her surprise over not knowing Scott even had a brother.

Then he put his hand toward Quinn. “Pleasure, Quinn.”

Lauren noticed the slight blush at Quinn’s neck, probably at the double meaning of his words. She watched them shake hands, holding on to each other for a beat longer than what would have been considered normal.

Finally, Tim shook his head slightly as if to clear it. “Let me get out of your way. I just had to drop something off to my brother. Enjoy the game, kids.” And with that, Tim took off down the hallway and disappeared onto the elevator.

Lauren looked at Scott, who smiled at her. “Come on in.”

*   *   *

Lauren wasn’t surprised that the tickets were practically on the field, though she was surprised by how caught up in the game she got. But sitting with two nut-job fans like Scott and Xavier would drum up excitement in anyone. She was almost sad when the night ended.

It had been weird—to be out with Scott when they both knew sex wasn’t really an option—but a good kind of weird. It was actually crazy how their friendship had blossomed since Lauren had revealed how mortifyingly damaged she was. Things had been a little awkward at first, but she ultimately felt closer to Scott. They were even becoming good friends.
Lauren tossed the word around in her mind as her class was about to start.
Who the hell saw

But Lauren liked it—maybe a little more than she should. She was well aware that her sexual relationship with Scott had an expiration date, but maybe their friendship didn’t. She was spending more time with Scott than her girlfriends lately, but she couldn’t help it. And she knew she’d better damn well take advantage of it before he decided to move on. She tried to ignore the fact that she was now certain that it would be
that did the moving on. Lauren was at a point in her whatever-the-hell-it-was with Scott where ignorance was bliss. And she’d been spending
a lot
of time blissed out.

*   *   *

Scott leaned his hip against Lauren’s desk. The past week or two he’d taken to pestering her as often as humanly possible. It was starting to matter less who saw him do it too. He explained it away by reasoning that he was
entitled to bother whomever he wanted in his own practice. Lauren was typing on some spreadsheet, ignoring him completely. But he saw the curve of her lips, telling him it was intentional.

“I thought we’d moved past your weird staring tendencies,” she said.

“I’m not staring at you. I’m looking at this disgrace you call a desk.”

“Well, maybe if my boss didn’t make sweatshop owners look lax, I’d have more time to tidy up.”

Scott could barely hold back his laughter. The thrill that always shot through him when she referred to him as her boss never ceased to excite him. His dick twitched in his pants, but the invitation on her desk snagged his attention before he could reply and he picked it up. “Are you
going to this?”

Lauren slid her hands away from her keyboard and relaxed back into her chair. “Probably. My dad wants no part of it, and since I got an invite too, I figured my mom and I could go as each other’s date.”

Scott tried to keep his face neutral. On one hand, he didn’t really want Lauren there for various reasons that he didn’t want to explain to her. But on the other, he suddenly wondered what it would be like to take Lauren as
date. Not that he wanted a date. He didn’t even want to go. But the curiosity was there all the same. “You heading down to the cafeteria?” he asked, feeling the need to change the subject.

Lauren locked her computer and stood. “Yup. Just let me grab my lunch.”

Scott wasn’t sure when exactly they’d started leaving
the office together—not caring who saw, but they had been doing it for a while. He was suddenly a little overwhelmed by how much their relationship had changed since they’d first decided to give into their mutual lust. They were no longer concealing their friendship, so it would be easy for people to get the wrong idea. He wasn’t sure why he cared so much, but it seemed important in that moment. He was just beginning to slide his hand into his pocket when Lauren reappeared and handed him a brown paper bag.

“Don’t act like you don’t want it. It’s better for you than whatever crap you’d buy downstairs.”

Once her mom had grown tired of packing Lauren’s lunch and started forcing her to pack her own, Lauren had brought Scott lunch a few times. Mostly whenever she was having something she knew he’d like. It had never felt like a big deal before. But right then, it did. Everything did.

“Thanks, Mom,” he said dryly as he grabbed it from her.

She cocked her head slightly and observed him, probably noticing the change in his demeanor. She always fucking noticed. It was starting to piss him off how he couldn’t get anything past her. “You’re welcome, Son. You want to hold Mommy’s hand as we walk downstairs? Or are you too big for that now?” Then she turned and led the way out of the office.

And even though he doubted whether he should or not, he followed her. Who cared if people talked? The two of them knew where they stood, and that was all that mattered.

As Lauren stepped into the hallway, Scott walked
closer to her. “I don’t need you to hold my hand, but I have something else you could hold if you wanted to.”

“Such a sweet-talker,” Lauren teased. “It’s nice today. Wanna eat outside in the courtyard instead?”

“Sure.” He began to rummage through the bag lunch as they walked toward the elevator. “What’s in here anyway?”

“Arsenic and rat poison.”

“Very funny,” he retorted, nearly laughing at how much he sounded like a ten-year-old.

“I’m not laughing.” She boarded the elevator, which already held a few other people.

Scott followed her inside, and then reached over and snatched her lunch out of her hand. “I’ll just take yours then.” He started pulling things out of her bag and adding it to his.

“Don’t you dare. That’s mine!”

She tried to make a grab for it, but Scott lifted both bags above his head. “Not anymore.”

She gripped his biceps and tried to pull his arm down, but he was too strong for her. “Scott, I’m about to start fighting dirty,” she warned.

“Bring it, princess,” he challenged with a smirk.

He watched as Lauren’s hands flew toward him like wild birds, digging into his armpits, tickling him mercilessly. When the hell was the last time he’d been tickled? He had no idea. But he’d missed it. He tried to lower his arms enough to cover the area under attack, but she wedged her hands in. “Don’t start a war you can’t win.” His breath caught at his words. He wasn’t sure how Lauren would react to his mention of war, but she didn’t seem to notice as she continued her ten-fingered assault.
She only ceased when the doors slid open and three more people boarded. But she continued to scowl at him until they arrived in the lobby.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Scott squeezed out before the other riders, leaving Lauren to wait until the others got off. He made it outside to the courtyard, dropped the bags on the grass, and turned just in time to catch Lauren as she launched herself at him. He immediately took her down to the ground—not caring that he wouldn’t normally act that way—pinned her hands above her head with one hand, and set about tickling her to death with the other.

She began to squirm uncontrollably, laughing so hard she could barely catch her breath. “No fair. You’re cheating,” she forced out between deep breaths.

BOOK: The Best Medicine
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