The Best of Si Robertson: Life Lessons from the Lovable Duck Dynasty Uncle & Author of Si-cology 1 (Duck Commander Family, Happy happy happy, Duck Dynasty, ... Family, Si Robertson, Phil Robertson)

BOOK: The Best of Si Robertson: Life Lessons from the Lovable Duck Dynasty Uncle & Author of Si-cology 1 (Duck Commander Family, Happy happy happy, Duck Dynasty, ... Family, Si Robertson, Phil Robertson)
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The Best of Si Robertson: Life Lessons from the Lovable Duck Dynasty Uncle & Author of Si-cology 1

By Timothy Bauer

©2013 Timothy Bauer

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Si Robertson: A Short Biography

Chapter 2: Si as an Important Part of the Robertson Clan

Chapter 3: Si and the Duck Commander Business

Chapter 4: Si’s Quirky Personality

Chapter 5: Si’s Life Experiences

Chapter 6: What Everybody Can Learn from Si Robertson


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All Rights Reserved Copyright 2013

Timothy Bauer

Silas Robertson is in no way associated in writing this book and the book only outlines learnings from his/her books and teachings. He/she was not involved in any way while preparing this book.

No part of this book can be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means including recording, scanning, photocopying, electronic or print without written permission from the author. While utmost care has been taken to ensure accuracy of the written content, the readers are advised to follow the guidelines and ideas mentioned herein at their own risk. The author in no case shall be responsible for any personal or commercial damage that can result due to misinterpretation of the information.

This book does not take personal situations into consideration, and therefore may not be fit for every purpose.



If you’re a Duck Dynasty fan, then you should know who often utters this line. Yes, it’s the Robertson clan’s favorite uncle, Si Robertson.

To give you an overview, and if in case you didn’t know, Si Robertson is the youngest brother of the clan’s patriarch, Phil. Si is not only Phil’s brother, but he’s also Phil’s best friend and partner in crime. He’s the crazy one. He throws the punchlines and he does the funny antics. Some even say he’s the life of the series, as it’s pretty serious without him around.

He’s part of the Duck Dynasty main cast, and he’s responsible for making reeds for Duck Commander. People can’t seem to get enough of him either; Uncle Si ended up writing a book called Si-Cology 1 that discussed main events that took place in his colorful life.

Curious yet? Learn all about his childhood, his affinity with brother Phil, his dark days and his experiences during the Vietnam War. Read on to know more about the unique Duck Dynasty uncle, Silas Robertson.

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Chapter 1: Si Robertson: A Short Biography

“I’m like an owl. I don’t give a hoot.” – Si Robertson

How can someone who spells “respect” as R-S-P-E-C-T be loved by so many? How can someone who goofs off at work be missed when his presence isn’t felt?

Only one person can manage that feat – it’s Duck Dynasty’s Si Robertson.

Like what Si said, if there’s anything that you need to know about him, it’s about him being a hard rascal to be figured out.

Know more about Duck Dynasty’s number one uncle.

Si’s Childhood and Early Years

Everybody was born naked. It’s life’s reality. In Si’s case, though, he stayed that way most of his childhood. Si was never really fond of clothes – he usually ran around their farm naked. After all, he was brought into this world in his birthday suit, so he might as well enjoy it.

Silas Merritt Robertson was born on the 27
of April 1948. His parents were James and Merritt Robertson, and they all lived in a log cabin in Vivian, LA. The cabin they lived in was rustic: they used an outhouse and they didn’t even have hot water for baths.

Si was the youngest of five sons: Jimmy Frank (the eldest), Harold, Tommy and Phil. Aside from his brothers, Si had an older sister named Judy, and a younger sister named Jan who was born a few years after his birth.

Si’s father began working in the oil industry as a roughneck first, then as a tool pusher and as a driller, and eventually as a drilling superintendent. It was hard work, but Si never saw their father complain about it. They lived an honest life; they didn’t have a lot of money but they always had food to eat. It was taken from their farms’ fields and gardens.

When Si grew a little older, they moved to Dixie, LA. The move was due to Si’s mother having a nervous breakdown and was identified as manic-depressive. Because they lived in Dixie, treatment reached Si’s mother easier. She had to spend a lot of time inside hospitals as well as the state mental institution.

Brotherly Love


When Si’s two older brothers left for college, he was left with Tommy and Phil. They didn’t complain, though; in fact, they were inseparable. Si wasn’t really sure if his brothers wanted him along, but they didn’t have any choice because their mother always told them to take their little brother Si along.

Everywhere they went, they were together. They even looked like stair steps; Tommy walked in front – he was the tallest; Phil, who was 4 inches shorter than Tommy, and then Si. They went to the river and spent their time fishing. Whatever their parents brought at the store, they supplemented it with fish and game that they caught.

Si’s Military Life

Si dropped out of school and eventually went to Vietnam after he was drafted by the army. He had a lot of stories to tell about his experiences during the war.

One of the famous stories was related to the cups that he frequently carries on the show – the cups were given by his mother, together with two boots that have two jars of jalapeno peppers in every boot (Si loves jalapeno peppers). Si values these gifts very much and takes them everywhere.

In 1993, Si retired from the army. By this time, he already had served the Army for 24 and a half years. To add, this was also the year when Si stopped shaving his face.

Personal Life

Si may look like a bachelor, but the truth is, he’s taken. According to him, there’s a lucky woman who have captured his heart and mind for 43 years. Her name is Christine Robertson (nee Raney). She’s the lucky woman who Si had asked for the hand for about 100 times. He had to ask for her hand in marriage multiple times but she was still somewhat hesitant to marry him, but good for Si, she agreed to marry him later on.

He was also blessed with two children, Trasa and Scott, whom he calls ‘miracle babies’. (More information will be provided in later chapters.) They’re not a part of the Duck Dynasty show, not even mentioned, because they’re happy with their life out of the limelight.

Since he’s not really having his family exposed on TV, everybody thinks he’s a bachelor and women keep on showering him with marriage proposals. These women in turn get shattered when they hear this funny guy is already taken.

Si mentioned that he’s not really that happy about losing his privacy, but he understands that’s the price he has to pay by being famous.

Why, everybody would agree they’d like to have Si around.

Si as a Part of Duck Dynasty


For several years, Si’s brother Phil have been making hunting videos. Occasionally it featured Si but he really didn’t want to be in them. His main concern is just to shoot and feed ducks.

One day, though, Jase and Willie (Si’s nephews & Phil’s sons) filmed Si without him knowing – with a goal of making him angry. However, Si started narrating stories about Vietnam. Soon, people who bought the hunting DVDs started calling and letting Duck Commander know that they wanted more of Uncle Si.

Outdoor Channel and afterwards A&E TV launched Duck Dynasty. Si was only supposed to appear on the show every now and then. However, after a few episodes, it was evident that people loved Uncle Si – he was the star of the show!

Duck Dynasty changed Si’s life in a lot of ways. He can’t just roam around without being asked for an autograph or a photo. It takes time to go to the grocery store or the gas station. He’s not complaining, though – after all, he understands that Duck Dynasty won’t be as famous as it is now if not for their fans.

Chapter 2: Si as an Important Part of the Robertson Clan

“What is this, Star Wars?! Hey, lasers are for space.” – Si Robertson

Si was the Robertson family’s baby. He had four older brothers and an elder sister that he was always compared with. He didn’t like being compared to someone else and this caused him to have an identity crisis.

Because of his brothers, Si learned to be afraid of the dark and to have separation anxiety. Knowing this, the brothers often hunted in the woods or played hide-and-seek with Si and he would be left alone in the woods at night.

Big Shoes to Fill

Tommy and Phil both played football – they were halfbacks and quarterbacks as well as all-state and all-district players. When Si also played football, understandably he had big shoes to fill.

When Si was at North Caddo High School, Si played quarterback during his freshman and sophomore seasons. Afterwards, he moved to end on offense, and linebacker and cornerback on defense. Si didn’t have problems training while growing up – that’s what two brothers constantly picking on him was for.

Chance for College Education

Si was told by his mother that they were going to send him to college whether he likes it or not. They didn’t have that much money but all of his siblings had finished their college education. Some of them even went back for their Master’s degrees.

Si told his Momma he wouldn’t want to waste their money for his college education. His mother disagreed and told him he didn’t really have a choice. He even tried to coerce his mother by saying he’ll just do nothing but party in college, but all his mother said to him was to have a good one (party).

When Si asked his mother why she was so bent on sending him to school, she said that she and his father doesn’t want Si to blame them if he gets a poor career. They’d like Si to have the opportunity to attend college, and all Si has to do is to make the most out of it.

And so, dear Uncle Si went to college without any idea on what’s going to happen next.

Chapter 3: Si and the Duck Commander Business

“Give me 15 more minutes. I’m dreaming about beavers.” – Si Robertson

Uncle Si doesn’t just loiter, hang around and sleep inside the Duck Commander warehouse. He actually fulfills an important part in their family business.

What does he exactly do and how significant is he to the others?

Read on.

Duck Commander: the Company and the Product

Duck Commander are two things: the duck calls and the company that manufactures it, along with other duck and deer-hunting merchandise which is known as Buck Commander.

The Company

The company was founded and established by Phil Robertson, and is based on West Monroe, Louisiana. It’s a typical mom-and-pop operation ran by a family with a rags-to-riches story.

Phil Robertson first made duck calls from salvaged swamp wood. His business started in a very old shed where he crafted the duck calls using Louisiana cedar trees.

From simple products, Duck Commander has now become a sporting empire. Aside from the famous duck calls and decoys, the company is now providing a product line that includes cooking products, hunting apparel, CDs, DVDs, and other novelty items that carry the Duck Commander brand.

The success of the company is not solely entrusted to Phil; Willie Robertson, Phil’s third son and Si’s nephew, has taken over as the CEO of the company and he was able to expand their business into a multi-million dollar venture.

The Product

Duck calls are what hunters use for, well, you guessed it right, calling ducks. The air blown on the duck calls produce a sound similar to the duck’s natural quacks hence attracting the ducks to the area. The duck calls are proudly crafted and tuned by hand since 1972, and its quality has never wavered from then till now.

The duck calls have different variations: there’s the classic Commander made using Cedar and Poplar wood. The Dymond Wood Charcoal that has the same range and volume as a Mallard Hen. The Triple Threat which is made using Polycarbonate materials. Aside from the aforementioned, there are other types that will meet a hunter’s needs.

Si’s Main Participation

Si has a valuable part in the process of making duck calls. He is employed at the Duck Commander Company and he started when he retired from the army in 1993.

He might appear as a happy-go-lucky guy who just can’t seem to stay still, but Uncle Si is playing a huge part in the business – he’s the one responsible for making the reeds of every duck call. What’s a duck call without a reed? Without it, a duck call’s simply a piece of wood. That’s how important his job is.

The job might sound hard for most, but for Si, it seems to be a pretty easy job. He can’t stay on task for too long, though – he takes breaks every now and then to take naps or play around with the warehouse equipment. He gives Willie (the company CEO) a headache and drives him crazy.

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