The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book) (31 page)

Read The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book) Online

Authors: Jerrica Knight-Catania,Catherine Gayle,Ava Stone,Jane Charles

Tags: #historical romance, #regency anthology, #anthology, #regency romance, #catherine gayle, #jerrica knightcatania, #jane charles, #ava stone

BOOK: The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book)
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Ainsely, you met my sister earlier in the park today.”

He bowed toward her. “You look lovely this evening, Lady Moira.”

That same secret smile came to her lips. What he wouldn’t give to know what she was thinking about.

May I introduce my good friend, Lord Lydell?”

Lady Moira’s eyes widened at the name. Surely, she didn’t know about the bet, or did she? Maybe Hearne had warned her.

Such an honor, Lord Lydell and Lord Ainsely.” the dowager Lady Hearne gushed. “I don’t remember that we have met previously.”

Apparently the girl’s mother wasn’t aware of the wager, because Gideon was fairly certain she would not be particularly welcoming, especially to Lydell.

No, I don’t believe we have,” Lydell answered. “Had I known you had such a lovely daughter I would have rectified the matter much sooner.”

Oh, do go on.”

Please, don’t

Would you care for a turn about the room, Lady Moira?” Lydell offered his arm.

That would be lovely, thank you.”

Hearne reached out and put a hand on Lydell’s shoulder. “Stay close.” The warning was at the edge of the man’s voice and in the narrowing of his eyes.

Yes, and don’t be gone long. The dancing will begin shortly,” the dowager countess called after them.

Gideon watched the two stroll away, and Hearne leaned in. “If anything happens to my sister, I will hold you personally responsible.”

Gideon turned away from Hearne, keeping an eye on the two as they traversed the ballroom. “He simply wanted an introduction. It is up to Lydell to woo her.”

Lydell and Lady Moira stopped beside a long window.

Gideon wasn’t the only one watching the two of them. In fact, several more interested eyes focused on the pair. An open door leading to the gardens below was but a few feet away. Would Lady Moira take Lydell outside and make both Mr. Fiske and the Marquess of Lydell richer for having done so?

Moira stopped just short of the doors leading outside. She and Lord Lydell had dispensed with all pleasantries during their short partial circuit of the ballroom, but she would not take another step until she had answers.

It is a lovely evening outside.” Lydell nodded toward the door. “Would you care for a stroll in the gardens?”

Moira studied him for a moment. “You approached me because of that bet, did you not?”

The man flushed a bit. “We shouldn’t discuss such a subject so blatantly in polite company.”

I would have honesty and frankness, Lord Lydell.”

He pulled at his neck cloth. Goodness, why was he the one nervous? Was he afraid she would actually try to compromise him?

Yes, I was told of the bet yesterday,” he finally answered.

And then you learned of my value.”

The gentleman straightened and looked around before he bent forward. “Such matters should not be discussed with a lady.”

The fortune hunter thought to censure her? Well, she had enough of that from her mother already. Besides, upon first glance she’d determined they would not suit. Though it seemed unfair to dismiss him out of hand, she couldn’t help herself. Perhaps had the man not been standing next to Lord Ainsely when they met, she could have looked at him in a more favorable light. Unfortunately, Lydell did not have the same warm brown eyes, height, aquiline nose, chiseled cheekbones, or broad shoulders. She almost pitied Lord Lydell, especially since he was apparently also broke. “Why pretend it doesn’t exist when we both know that it does?”

Yes, well, um, that is beside the point.”

Lord Lydell, you approached me after learning of the bet and my dowry. I believe I have a right to ask you a few questions.”

He pursed his lips and inhaled. “Very well. What would you have me tell you?”

Where is your estate?”

Outside of Bath.”

. “I am sorry, Lord Lydell, but you just will not do.”

The man’s mouth popped open and his chin dropped. “Excuse me. I thought you wished to be married right away, the reason for Scotland and all.”

She stared at him. Did they all assume she was intent on an anvil wedding? Perhaps it was best. “Once I set my mind to nuptials, I don’t wish to spend months planning a wedding for society to attend, to see and be seen. Scotland is more expedient for my purposes.”


I would also like to determine where I will live, and Bath will not do.”

Moira turned on her heel, about to return to her mother, when Lydell gently touched her arm. “Allow me to escort you.”

She glanced down at his offered arm and accepted.

What lady does not wish to live close to Bath?” The question was barely a whisper in her ear.

This one.”

If not Bath, then where?”

Moira considered telling him, as the information would spread and perhaps a Scotsman would come looking for her. However, as the only Scot she had seen thus far was the older gentleman, shorter than she, Moira decided to keep that information to herself. Perhaps it was best if she looked for her Scot and not the other way around.

Instead of answering him, Moira inclined her head as they stopped by her mother and brother, a sly smile on her lips. “Thank you, Lord Lydell.”

May I see your card, Lady Moira?” Gideon asked when she returned.

She held it up to him. Her blue eyes sparkled with merriment. Or maybe it was more mischief. What had she and Lydell discussed? Why hadn’t she taken Lydell outside? She could have easily led his friend out into the moonlight, kissed him, and her fate would be sealed.

He glanced at her card. No dance had been claimed as of yet. He began to pencil in his name for the supper dance but her words stopped him.

I have not been given permission to waltz, Lord Ainsely.”

At this rate she probably never will be,” Hearne muttered.

What was that, Nyle?” the dowager countess asked.

Gideon bit back a grin. “Perhaps the country dance after supper?”

That would be lovely, Lord Ainsely. I look forward to it.”

With no reason to stay, Gideon bowed, quit the small group, and made his way to find Lydell, who had simply strode away from Lady Moira with her brother and mother without a by-your-leave.

Gideon found his penniless friend in the card room, drink in his hand, brooding in a back corner. Apparently there was no future for Lydell and Lady Moira. A wave of relief ran through him.

Gideon retrieved a drink for himself and sauntered over to his friend. “I take it your meeting didn’t go very well.”

No,” Lydell grumbled and took a drink before he explained. “She doesn’t like Bath.”

Excuse me?”

She does not want to live on an estate near Bath,” Lydell repeated a little louder.

That was her only reasoning?” Perhaps Lady Moira didn’t have all of her wits after all.

It is the only bloody reason she needed.” Lydell tossed back the drink. “What the hell am I to do now?”

Lady Moira is not the only heiress in London,” Gideon reminded him.

But the others will be harder to convince. They will want wooing, courtship, and such.”

Which is their right, I suppose,” Gideon reminded him.

It is all a bloody pain. Why can’t I just find the one I want, marry her and be done with it?”

Perhaps the lady would care for a say in the match?”

Lydell dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “They don’t know what they want. Take Lady Moira for instance.
. She should just let her brother arrange a match. It is better for all parties when gentlemen are doing the thinking and planning.”

A footman stopped to refill the glass Lydell recently emptied. He picked it up and took another drink. “That is how it should be for all ladies. They are not sensible enough to make such decisions for themselves.”

Gideon had never seen this side of his friend, and began to understand why the ladies were no longer interested in his pursuit. Maybe it had more to do with his personality than his empty purse. Unlike Lydell, apparently, Gideon preferred a lady with wit and intelligence, one who knew her own mind. “Then perhaps you should begin courting a few fathers and older brothers until you find the perfect, malleable lady.”

If only it were that simple.” Lydell tossed back the remainder of his drink, set the glass down, and marched from the room.

Gideon leaned back against the wall, sipping the smooth, fiery liquid. So, the lady did not like Bath. Why? Or was that simply an excuse?

Lady Moira was either a very complex lady or a simpleton. Gideon shrugged. He would have his answer after dinner.

As couples took to the floor for the supper dance, Moira was left alone with her mother. Even Nyle decided to dance, and he swept Alvina around the floor. Pippa, Georgie, and Patience stood not far away, watching the dancers as well. This was the perfect opportunity to speak with them.

Mother, might I be excused for a moment?”

What, where to?”

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