The Big Sister

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Authors: Sally Rippin

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By Sally Rippin

Illustrated by Aki Fukuoka

The Big Sister

published in 2011 by

Hardie Grant Egmont

85 High Street

Prahran, Victoria 3181, Australia

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and copyright owner.

A CiP record for this title is available from the National Library of Australia

Text copyright © 2011 Sally Rippin
Illustration copyright © 2011 Aki Fukuoka
Logo and design copyright © 2011 Hardie Grant Egmont

Design and typeset by Stephanie Spartels

Printed in Australia by Griffin Press

1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

For Hilary


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four


Billie B Brown has four baby jumpsuits, three tiny dresses and one big teddy bear. Do you know what the B in Billie B Brown stands for?


Billie's mum is having a baby. Billie is going to be a big sister!

These little clothes used to be Billie's. Aren't they tiny? They will be perfect for the new baby.

Billie is very
about being a big sister.

She's going to give the baby her favourite teddy, Mr Fred. Isn't that nice of her?

Billie has had Mr Fred since she was a baby. But when the baby comes she won't need him anymore.

Today Billie is playing mummies and daddies with her best friend, Jack.

Jack lives next door. Billie and Jack have been friends since they were little. They do

Billie and Jack sit in the cubby they have made. Billie squeezes Mr Fred into a pink dress. He looks very funny. Billie and Jack giggle.

Today it is Jack's turn to look after the baby while Billie goes off to work.

‘I'm glad you're home,' says Jack when Billie comes back. ‘Mr Fred has been crying all day!'

Billie laughs and takes Mr Fred. ‘I'm bored of playing mummies and daddies,' she says. ‘Let's go and play soccer.'

Jack and Billie run into the garden to play.

Billie sits Mr Fred on the grass to watch.

Oh dear. Look at those grey clouds.

Soon it starts to rain. Billie and Jack run inside. But they forget someone.

Poor Mr Fred! He is going to get very wet, isn't he?


That night, Billie's mum reads her a story in bed. It is about a mummy elephant and her baby. It is Billie's favourite book.

Suddenly Billie's mum stops reading. She gets a funny look on her face.

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