The Billionaire and Me - Complete Series: BWWM Alpha Billionaire Romance (15 page)

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Authors: Shirley Hunt

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Interracial, #Short Stories (Single Author)

BOOK: The Billionaire and Me - Complete Series: BWWM Alpha Billionaire Romance
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Chapter Eight

Now began the great race.  Which would arrive first?  The after school program or the baby?  I really wasn

t sure which would appear first but part of me was good and ready for the baby to be born!  When your mother says it

s something out of the
movie she was not kidding.


I had gotten lucky and the school agreed to work with the after school program.  We had decided to name it for the district which we resided in.  It wouldn

t be linked to just that one district but rather it would be available to all children who needed it.  I didn

t like the idea of the program only being for certain people.  Not to go into race issues but the idea felt to segregation like for my comfort.


The painting of the interior had to be done and then it was ready for opening.  I wasn

t sure if I

d be available to be there for the so called ribbon cutting but I

d be able to read it in the local papers and online if the baby came along at the same time of the opening.


Speaking of the baby, yesterday Blake and I had both been sitting on the couch when the baby moved and we could both see it.  I had the thought of if I placed a small glass of water on my belly it would move like something out of that scene in
Jurassic Park


I looked over at Blake and said


s your fault.


Blake asked.  I could tell by his face he was both amused and yet so confused by this accusation of mine.



re the one who provided the other half of the baby

s DNA.


I did, but you

re the one carrying her!


If men had to give birth the human population would drop dramatically.


Blake raised an eyebrow,

Are you saying that the human race would go extinct?


No, but I think men would only go through the labor process once.


Blake paused and pursed his lips,

There was a short story about that once.  I forget the name but I remember the basic outline of the story.


That certainly escalated quickly,

I laughed.


You started that one!


I did enjoy exchanging banter with Blake like this.  I didn

t know how many married or in love couples did this but it was fun.  I suppose we all show our amusement and love in different ways.


It turns out the after school program
did indeed
open before the baby arrived.  Technically it opened right before I had to be rushed to the hospital as the baby was now coming!


You never really do forget the doctor

s scientific announcement of

we need a mop in here

when your water breaks.


Why did I suspect something out of an old cartoon where someone walking in was to suddenly slip in it to some old sound effect?  Maybe the Wilhelm Scream needed to be added for good measure.


When your body begins to start pushing a tiny body out of itself you begin to think of odd things.  At least I did as my mind went to all the things that could happen to a woman when going through labor.  Your mind has a funny way of doing things.


At first I had wanted to have a natural birth due to all the stories I had heard about the epidurals and the complications that could arise including a longer labor.  By the time I wanted that epidural it was too late so it was a natural birth all the way.


Like my mother before me I screamed at my husband with each contraction.  I even went as far as to tell him if he ever entered the same building as me they would never unearth his body.


Blake said nothing, which due to the circumstances, was probably a wise thing.  I already had a death grip on his hand.


If it was true mothers would forget about the birthing process after the baby was born I welcomed that idea.


You did this to me!
I screamed at Blake.


At the time I couldn

t tell if Blake was going to say something or if he was about to faint.  Were all fathers to be like this or was it just him?  Perhaps it was the threat or the sight of blood?


Birthing a child was not that clean and orderly experience we had all been told it was.  The media lied to us!  If I had known this was what went into it I might have decided not to go through with it.


When I heard the baby cry I had forgotten what I thought and felt in that instant.  Before me now was a tiny baby

that was practically flipping us off.  Clearly she was not happy about having been born.


Well, that

s one that

s not for the baby book,

Blake said.


Mom said I did the same during her ultrasound,

I told him before looking at the doctor and giving an order,

Give me my baby!


The baby was average length, weight, and had a set of lungs on her.  It would be amazing if the entire hospital couldn

t hear those little lungs screaming away.


Now, the next one should be easier,

I said.

Mom always said the first birth is the longest and hardest.
I looked to Blake,

Why are you grinning like that?


I think our mothers were right in that mothers always forget the labor process after the baby is born.


Blake and I had decided to name her Elizabeth Rose after both of our grandmothers.


She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen and in my opinion that was not just motherly bias talking.  She was the most beautiful baby.


Between the after school program opening and the birth of Elizabeth Rose my life felt complete and perfect.


I never would have thought that someone from my middle class background could find and marry such a wonderful man and have such a beautiful child.  Yet, it happened and life was perfect.

























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