The Billionaire Bachelor's Surprise Baby: A Billionaire Romance (15 page)

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Four Years Later...


.” Mason touched my belly with his sticky fingers. “Can the baby hear me?”

Glancing down at him, I smiled when he pressed his ear to my protruding stomach. “Yes, love bug.” I rubbed his shiny, dark hair. “Maci can hear you.”

“I can’t hear her.”

“In about a month we’ll all be able to hear her.”

“Because babies cry?”

“Yes, they do.”

“Because they’re sad?” He looked up at me, his tiny hand still resting close to his baby sister. “Why is she sad?”

“She’s not sad,” I explained. “Crying is how she will communicate. Since she can’t tell us what she wants she has to express it by crying.”

“Did I cry?”

“Not all the time. Don’t worry, bug. Maci won’t cry all the time either. Do you know why?”


“Because she’s going to have the best big brother in the world.”

“Me!” He jumped up and down. “I’m the big brother.”

“We’re so lucky to have you.” When I looked into those precious eyes, Kyler’s eyes, I thought about how lucky I was to have this little boy. Not just Mason, but the healthy baby girl that was growing inside me.

“I’m lucky too,” he declared with such determination that I couldn’t help but see his father in his expression.

“You are?”

“Yeah, I told Avery yesterday at school.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That I was getting a baby.”

“Yes, you are.” I took a wet cloth and wiped the syrup from his mouth and hands. “Are you all finished with your pancakes?”

“Yes.” He glanced out the patio doors. “Uncle Caden is coming today to go swimming with me.”

“That will be fun.”

“Mama, guess what?”

“What, baby?”

“No, I’m not the baby.” He crinkled his nose. “Maci is.”

“You’re right.” I bent down and kissed his cheek. “But you’re still my first baby.”

The baby I fell in love with at first sight. That very special boy who not only saved me from a dark time, but the child who brought me to the most amazing man I’d ever met. The man who encouraged me through medical school, supported my decision to become a partner in my father’s practice and told me I was capable of accomplishing anything. Kyler had not only made it possible for me to legally adopt Mason, but fulfilled a promise I never thought he’d be able to keep, no matter how many times he told me he would. I never should have doubted such a determined man.

“Can I tell you what I wanted to tell you?” Mason asked in an adorable, exasperated tone.

“Of course.”

“I love you and you’re the prettiest mama in the whole world. I told Avery that too.”

“I love you too.” I hugged him close to me. “I’m the lucky one.”

“I beg to differ.” Kyler leaned in the doorway of the kitchen, grinning at me.

“How long have you been standing there?” I asked as Mason went barreling toward his dad.

“Long enough.” He swooped the speedy boy into the air, tossing him high and catching him.

My breath still caught in my throat every time he did that but Mason giggled a loud, hearty laugh. One of the benefits to having a father with all those muscles. He could throw him around like a rag doll. I, of course, saw many other benefits when it came to my husband’s body.

Kyler held Mason above his head, bench pressing him as he walked over to me. “This could be a whole new workout video.” Kyler laughed. “Benching your kid. What do you think?”

“Not many kids have a superhero for a father.” I pointed to the floor. “Put him down before you throw me into early labor.”

“Ah!” Mason protested as Kyler set him on the island. “I want to fly again.”

“Later.” Kyler winked at me.  “When Mama takes a nap.”

“Hey?” I placed my hand on my hip. “Is that how we play it?”

“You are pretty,” Kyler said in a smooth voice. “Isn’t she, Mason?”

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” I blew him a kiss.

I smiled as my guys fist bumped one another. Just wait until Miss Maci arrived. Then the teams would be even. I was guessing the girls would have the advantage.


I lifted Mason from the island and placed him on the floor. “Go get your bathing suit on,” I told him. “Uncle Caden will be here in a few minutes.”

“What are you going to do?” Mason asked. “While I’m playing with Uncle Caden?”

“I’m taking your Mama out for a date.”


“Because it’s our anniversary.” I took Jenna’s hand in mine, recalling how beautiful she looked on that May afternoon three years ago when she vowed to be mine forever. Then I glanced down at her stomach and realized she couldn’t look anymore perfect than she did today. Her belly was full with my baby girl. The little angel who would look just like her mother.

“I’m staying with Uncle Caden?”

“All day,” Jenna said. “You better watch him. He’s a crazy one.”

“You have no idea.” Mason shook his head. “I’ll go get ready.” He skipped out of the kitchen and down the hall.

“How did he get so big?” I couldn’t believe how fast the time had gone. “It seems like just yesterday when I mistook you for my nanny.”

“Your hot nanny?”

“My very hot nanny.” I pulled her to me, cupping her ass in my hands.

“I’m not so hot now.”

“Are you out of your mind? You’re the sexiest pregnant woman I’ve ever seen.” I trailed my lips along her jaw. “Do you know why I booked dinner at the hotel?”

“Why?” She sighed when I kissed her neck. “What did you have in mind?”

“The suite with that view of the city you like so much.”

“We’re staying over?” Her gorgeous eyes widened. “How?”

“Caden is taking Mason to my parents’ house later and he’s spending the night there.”

“Kyler? Dinner would have been enough.”

“I wanted you to have a night away before things get hectic around here with the new little miss. Besides, I needed a night of loud sex and a lot of naked time with my sexy wife.”

“Mmm.” She ran her fingers through my hair, messing it up as she kissed me. “Can we skip dinner?”

“We can do whatever you want.” I took her face between my hands. “I’m might even pop open a bottle of Dom.”

“I can’t drink it.”

“Who says you have to?” I winked. “Remember what we did that night, right here in this very spot?”

“I’ll never forget.” She licked my bottom lip. “I hope you’re thirsty.”

“Very.” I pressed my lips to hers, wondering how I was going to make it to the hotel without ravishing her before then. It wouldn’t be the first time Conrad had to pretend he didn’t know what I did to my wife in the backseat.

“Hey!” Mason stood in the doorway in his blue bathing suit, holding a beach towel. “Don’t kiss her.”

“Why not?” Kyler asked. “I love her.”

Jenna took her hand in mine and rested them on her stomach.

“You can’t kiss her. She has a baby in her belly,” he insisted.

“Oh?” I whispered into her ear. “How does he think that baby got in there?”

“Stop it.” She hit my chest. “And that’s not exactly true.”

“What? I still did my part.” I smirked before turning back to Mason. “She does have a baby in there and I was just telling Mama how happy I am to have you, her and Maci. We have a very special family, little dude.”

When Aimee decided she couldn’t be the mother he needed, she signed over her rights. I still didn’t understand how she could leave him, but I was glad she made the choice when he was still a baby and didn’t cause anymore problems for us. We never shut her out of his life. Jenna sent her pictures and videos of him and included her in his birthday parties and holidays. Aimee didn’t always come. She’d been married twice since he was born. Her second husband seemed to be a good fit for her and they were expecting their first child. She requested that we didn’t tell Mason who she was. Someday I’d have to deal with his biological mother’s decisions and the consequences of my actions, but Mason had never been slighted in the mom department. Jenna would always be his mother.

And now we were adding to our family.


The End


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