The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage) (28 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage)
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She made a raw, choking sound that had him whirling around and dragging her into his arms. God, he’d never expected her to cry. Not his Lilly. “It’s all right. I’m only teasing. You never have to park again. Next time you come into St. Paul just leave your car with Charlie. I’ll have him park it for you.”

She clung to him, sobbing, her hands fisted in his shirt. “The bar went up. I can’t believe you did that. For me. The very first weekend? But why?”

Because I love you. I’ve loved you since our very first weekend, Lilly Harrison. Since the first day you strode into my office and changed my life forever.

But he’d promised he wouldn’t say it. Not until she’d told him the same.

Without answering, he wiped her tears, kissed her softly and helped her into the passenger seat. With a bump and a jolt, he drove the car off the curb and parked it beside his Jag. He got out, but she still sat in the passenger side, unmoving.

He came around and opened her door, but she stared up at him. “Why?”

“You know why.” He took her hand and drew her out, but she still stared at him with a shellshocked look on her face that made him shake his head. Scooping her up into his arms, he carried her toward the elevator. “I guess I’m going to have to show you again.”

Chapter Twenty-One

He laid her on his bed like the very first night she’d spent with him. Slowly, he undressed for her, but this time, he didn’t pause, tremble or pant with the effort of containing his desire. He didn’t blush or avert his gaze, keeping his eyes locked on her, a smoldering heat she could feel on her skin. She started to sit up, her hands moving to her T-shirt, but he interrupted.

“No. I want to do it.”

Staring at him a moment, she swallowed, fighting down the tears again, and decided to let his refusal go unanswered.
I can’t punish him for telling me no when I’m bawling like a baby. Mistresses don’t cry. They make their subs cry.

He knelt on the edge of the bed and untied her tennis shoes. “Who’s here with me now? Lilly or Mistress L?”

“Only Lilly, I guess, since you’re telling me no and I didn’t double the count.”

He flashed a grin and tossed her shoe over his shoulder. It knocked something over with a crash, making her sit up. “I’ll remind you later.”

“To double it?”

“No. That you claimed only Lilly was here.” Her other shoe went over his shoulder too and he dragged her shirt over her head so fast she got her arm stuck and had to twist her shoulder and wrestle to get out of it. “Making love to me.”

Oh no. I don’t think I can take it. Not today.

He reached around for her bra clasp but she leaned back out of his reach. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

With a shrug, he jerked her pants open and started dragging her jeans down her thighs. “I don’t mind if you leave it on.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Just having him pull her jeans down was spreading heat through her body.
He’s too close to the danger zone and I’m too ragged, too raw, too emotional…

But it didn’t stop her from lifting her hips and helping him.

“Ah, you don’t want to make love.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss against the lace still covering her crotch, pressing his tongue so the satin molded to her. “You just want to fuck me. That’s okay. Fuck me, Lilly. I still know what I feel for you.”

She couldn’t remember lying back down, but she stared up at the ceiling while he made himself comfy between her thighs. “Are you still mad about the window?”

“I was never mad about the window.” He nudged his tongue deeper, tracing the slit through her panties. He didn’t even have his tongue on her flesh yet and she was pulling her legs wider apart and reaching for his head. “Just concerned when the parking attendant called to tell me my lady crashed her car on the curb. Why would you think I was mad?”

“I’ve never heard you curse except when you’re angry.”

“I guess you’re rubbing off on me.” He looked up at her with a wicked grin, while his fingers traced the skin along the curve of her panties. “I love it when you talk dirty to me, so I decided to give it a try. May I now lick this delectable pussy until you come, Lilly? I want you wild with need when you fuck me.”

Heat rose in her, a scalding wave that made her lift her hips off the bed in silent invitation.

“Mmm,” he whispered, rubbing his chin against her pelvis. “I guess that’s a yes.” He reached beneath her and dragged the silk down her legs, shifting so he could get one leg free and then toss her panties to join the rest of her clothes. “I love the way your pussy feels, so soft and smooth and wet. Silky and wet and hot. May I take over the duty of shaving you, Lilly? I’d love to take care of this pussy in any way you let me. Let me worship you day and night.”

Moaning, she tangled her fingers in his hair and set his mouth to work. At least then she didn’t have to hear him.
I’m starting to understand why he blushed so much when he first met me. So hot to hear him say what he feels, what he wants, what he’s going to do, even while he keeps asking for permission.

He traced every inch of her with his tongue, stroking and playing without ever touching her clit. She let him tease for a while, but when he slipped a finger inside her, she decided she was done playing. Tightening her grip on his hair, she moved his mouth higher and pressed her groin against him.

Groaning deep in his chest, he flattened his tongue against her and pushed another finger into her, pressing deeper with a stroke that made her hips jerk. Each twitch worked her against his tongue while his lips vibrated with his sounds of enjoyment. In moments, her clit pulsed and she quivered with release, clamping her thighs around his head.

So he started to use his teeth.

The man was skilled with his tongue, but the sharpness of his bites sent her soaring even higher. Evidently he’d taken the lesson of the burn on her hand to heart, because he didn’t hesitate to bite hard enough to make her cry out. He nibbled and sucked, stopping only to lick her clit again until her thighs were trembling and sweat dripped into her eyes. Yet he wouldn’t stop until she dragged his head up using his hair.

Panting, she pulled him up so he lay on top of her.

“Please fuck me now, Lilly. I want to be inside you so bad I’m going to die if you don’t fuck me. Please.”

Hearing him beg made her crazy. Not Donovan, her arrogant and proud submissive who’d fought tooth and nail before going to his knees for her. She grabbed his cock and pulled him in, wrapping her legs around him. He settled against her on a deep sigh. Braced on his elbows above her, he didn’t thrust. He simply looked at her. Eyes wide open. Eyes shining with emotion. She knew that light. It beckoned her like a lighthouse on a stormy night. She wanted to sail closer to it, hoping for a safe harbor, but there were no guarantees. There could be rocks below the surface that would sink her in a hurry.

But wouldn’t it be worth sinking if I could have his light forever?

He leaned down and kissed her, keeping those damnable eyes open. His mouth soft, vulnerable, sweet. So sweet.

So fucking dirty when he whispered, “You like my ass, Lilly. Maybe you should fuck it while I’m inside you. Take me. Take me any way you want. I’m yours.”

Watching his face, she let her hand roam across his buttock. Her fingers stroked and teased, drawing a moan out of him, but he still wouldn’t close his eyes. Not until she pushed her index finger into him.

Jaws clenched, he shuddered and finally began to move inside her. She reached down to squeeze his buttock with her other hand and haul him closer, teasing her finger deeper in time with his cock inside her. His breathing quickened, catching on a groan that seemed to start at his toes and rumble through his entire body. He clenched around her, just like her body had to be clenching around him. She didn’t dare push him too hard, not without lubrication, but it was a beginning. It set her mind to thinking about whipping his ass and then fucking him hard, having him beneath her, wild and out of control.

The sudden climax rocketed through her, bowing her back on a scream that hurt her throat.

“Lilly,” he ground out, rigid against her. “Please!”

Another wave of pleasure crashed into her, threatening to take her down to the bottom of an endless sea, but she knew what he wanted.
Even now, he wants permission. He won’t come until I let him.

“Yes.” She watched him surrender. Head thrown back, deep frantic groans, sweat trailing down his chest, muscles working him on top of her, driving him to release. So damned beautiful it hurt to watch. Yet she couldn’t have looked away even to save her life.

Breathing hard, he dropped his forehead to hers, his body stilling. Gently, she eased her finger out and just gripped his ass, kneading the firm, rounded muscle with both hands.

“That was…fantastic.” She tipped her mouth up and kissed him. “Thank you.”

He leaned back enough to watch her face, searching for the truth. “For what?”

For the parking pass. The catered lunches. The aloe plants. For putting up with my dog and my messes and my filthy mouth.

For taking care of me.

For loving me.

She swallowed the lump threatening to choke her. “For everything.”

He nodded a little, still watching her face. “And who was here in my bed just now? Think about it, sweetheart. Because if you say only Lilly, I’m going to ask why I couldn’t come until you allowed it. Or why you came so hard at the thought of fucking my ass. Because somehow I don’t think ‘only Lilly’ would find it so fucking hot.”

“Lilly was here,” she said reluctantly. “But so is the Mistress. She’s always here too.”

She’s here because of you. Because I can be both with you and not even realize it.

She thought he might push harder and make her admit the truth, but he tucked his face up against her neck and settled in like he intended to stay for a long while. She lay there, trailing her fingers over the fine, lean lines of his body, relishing his weight against her, his strength and pride and tenderness. His goodness. The way he took care of so many people. She started to cry again, silent tears that plopped on his head but he didn’t seem to mind. He just burrowed tighter into her arms and let her hold him.

Without saying a word or making a single demand on her.

Chapter Twenty-Two

With the whole crew working to replace the broken pieces, they were only going to be a week behind schedule. If things went according to plan, they’d be ready to install the first window by next Friday, and every single person had already sworn in blood not to lift a finger until Lilly was there personally. Checking her phone to see if Donovan was ready to pick her up yet, she noticed an email alert on Mistress L’s client account.

After canceling all her contracts, no one was supposed to email her. They had no reason to. She’d made it very clear she would let them know if her circumstances changed, but at this time, no further contact would be welcome. She’d known most of her clients too long to suspect them of just being annoying or rude. Either it was spam, or one of them was desperate enough to risk her wrath.
But will they be desperate enough to make me willing to risk Donovan’s wrath?

Reluctantly, she opened the email program. The sender wasn’t an email she recognized, but she opened it anyway.


Dear Mistress L:

Forgive me, I know I’m breaking your rules, but I’m desperate. Please help us. It’s going to cost us our marriage if I don’t get a grip on this. I’m begging you, please call me and at least talk me through it one more time.



Hannah Hamilton


Fuckity fuck fuck crap.

Lilly had been meeting the Hamiltons twice a week, more than she typically offered, to teach Hannah what she needed in order to help her husband. Ralph was a sub who couldn’t get aroused at all if he didn’t have pain, and from what they told her after she left, it was difficult for him to continue to climax. They loved each other and were committed to working out their sexual differences, even though Lilly feared they might simply be too incompatible. Hannah really didn’t have a dominant bone in her body. But she was willing to at least learn about punishment for her husband’s sake.

Calling a client wasn’t something Lilly had ever done. In fact, she’d insisted on knowing as little about them as possible. Donovan’s PI probably knew more about where they lived and their lifestyle than she did, even though she’d been meeting some of them for years. Hannah had included a phone number. Just in case.

With a sigh, she called the number. When an obviously tearful woman answered, she simply said, “This is Mistress L.”

“Oh thank God. Can you see us? One last time? Please, Mistress, I’m trying. You know how hard I’m trying. I think we’re close. I just can’t quite get him there yet. If I can get over this last hump, I think we’ll make it. I’ll double your fee.”

“It’s not the money. I’m in a relationship myself and I don’t think he would understand.”

“Please. We’re at our usual hotel. I thought the familiar room would help, but it’s just not working. I need you.”

BOOK: The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage)
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