The Billionaire & The Barfly (Coming Home)

BOOK: The Billionaire & The Barfly (Coming Home)
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A New Adult Romance by Adrianne James


A Coming Home Novel


Adrianne James


Copyright 2014 by Adrianne James

Published by Star Bound Books


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

 All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

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Cover Design by Gonet Design

Editing by Rogena Mitchell-Jones Manuscript Services




Writing a book is one thing. Getting it ready for publication is completely different. There may be some author out there who can go it completely alone, but I am not one of them. Because of that, I have a whole big list of ‘thank you’s to get through.


Thank you to my beta readers. You all know who you are and I adore each and every one of you for sticking with me and helping me with this little love story.

Thank you to Rogena, my brilliant editor who indulges me when I stress over a single typo in a sixty thousand word novel.

Thank you to Rachel, my publicist who got this gem into the hands of bloggers and reviewers.

Thank you to all the bloggers and reviewers who helped me spread the word.

Thank you to my husband, for everything you do including keeping the children occupied so I can write naughty scenes.

And a final thank you to my bestie, who is always gives me the kick in the rear I need, when I need it.







Chapter One


The music was pumping through the large dark room filled with people. Lights were flashing and circling around, illuminating the dance floor in a kaleidoscope of colors. Aubrey Vincent laughed as she swayed to the music with some guy who came up behind her. She never minded when men joined her on the dance floor. It was more fun to dance with a partner anyway, and since she always showed up to bars alone, she welcomed the attention.

She had been in New York City for almost a week
, and it had been constant work from the time her alarm went off before the sun until she went to bed. Being a personal assistant had its perks, traveling all across the world, for example, but it was also more than a full time job. Jenna worked round the clock for Viola Gaming Industries trying to acquire new clients and the next ‘it’ game. So when Jenna told Aubrey to go out and enjoy the city, she wasn’t going to argue.

The bar was right in Times Square
, and it was just as amazing as she had imagined it would be. People were everywhere, and the buildings lit up the area so bright it was almost like day time. In the three years that Aubrey had worked for Jenna, they had been to a number of places, but never New York City. For hours that afternoon, she had wandered the streets. She made sure to fully experience everything a tourist was supposed to do. After taking all of her shopping bags back to her hotel room, she ended the night in Times Square, and at the bar on every search engine listed as the place to be at night.

Aubrey turned to look at the man dancing behind her. She continued to sway her
hips from side to side and trace her arms along her body to the beat of the music, but she was no longer interested in continuing to dance with the guy. She made no attempts to hide her shallow side. Looks weren’t everything when it came to relationships, but when all she was looking for was a fun and fulfilling night out in a city she wouldn’t step foot in again for who knows how long, looks mattered. Aubrey leaned in and spoke into his ear so he could hear her. “Thanks for the dance.”

She smiled at him and walked away with a little wave. She could see the slight disappointment in his
eyes, for all of the two seconds it took it to land on another girl wearing a tiny skirt and shaking her ass just in front of him. Aubrey gave a little laugh and made her way through the throng of people to the bar.

She ordered a Jack and cherry coke and turned to watch the world around her. When the bartender handed her the glass, he told her that the gentleman at the end of the bar had covered her tab. Smiling, Aubrey looked in the direction the bartender
had pointed to see a tall blonde guy surrounded by women. His hair was gelled up in a messy guy-do, and he had on a superman t-shirt under a blazer. She wasn’t sure if he were trying to be ironic or not, but he had on dark rimmed glasses, as well. When the man looked up at her, he smiled a brilliant smile and nodded his head as he lifted his own glass. She smiled and nodded back in thanks, but she wouldn’t go over to him.

He may have that hot geek thing going on, but she wasn
’t one to fight for a guy’s attention, and by the way those girls were already eyeing her, she would have had to. No thank you. Taking her drink, she made her way back to the dance floor and spotted him—the perfect memory for New York City—tall, with jet black hair, and a body to die for. Aubrey walked straight to him. She wasn’t shy, she wasn’t subtle, and she knew what she wanted. When she stood in front of him, Aubrey took a big gulp of her drink and sat it on the table where he stood, and then took his hand, leading him to the dance floor. She didn’t ask, and he didn’t protest.

Aubrey and the tall hottie danced and drank together until the bar closed. Walking out
the door into the night, she was once again surprised that it didn’t look much like night. She grasped his hand in hers.

You live around here?” she asked with a flirty smile. When his eyes lit up, she knew she had him.

No, but my hotel is just a few blocks away, unless you would rather go to yours?”

Nope, yours is just fine.”





Tall Hottie, as Aubrey began referring to him
as in her head, was staying in some high rise hotel just a few blocks from Time Square. The elevator even had a bell man. He was rather professional, not even looking when Tall Hottie began kissing and fondling her before they even reached his floor.

Aubrey and her man of the night stumbled from the elevator, completely entwined with one another
—hands, legs, lips. Her back pressed up against a door with a thud as Tall Hottie wrestled with his keys and tried to unlock the door without removing his mouth from her skin.

The door fell open, sending them both tumbling into the room laughing. It could have been seen as an utter disaster, falling on the floor and bumping their heads, but Aubrey didn
’t care. She loved when things didn’t go picture perfect. Nothing was, and if they could laugh it off, then why ruin the night?

I am so sorry,” he said.

Don’t be,” she replied, then leaned up and kissed him. Aubrey heard the door close behind her and Tall Hottie moved, straddling her with a knee on either side of her hips before he pulled away from her kiss.

Do you have a condom?” She was shocked at his question. Of course, she did, but why didn’t he? She never fucked without protection. She wasn’t stupid. Maybe he hadn’t intended on bringing a girl back to his room, but what if she didn’t? Would he stop then or keep going and hope for the best?

Of course I do. In my purse.” Tall Hottie moved off her and stood, then reached down to grab her hand and help her up off the floor. Once they were standing, he leaned in and kissed her softly before walking over to the little fridge in the corner of the room.

Want a drink?” he asked. She was digging into the little secret zip pocket in her purse for her condom stash. She pulled two out hoping he might be one of those guys who could go twice in a row. Wouldn’t that be her lucky night? She had only met one man who could do that before, but unfortunately, even with him getting off twice, he couldn’t get her off once. It was such a waste.

Just water. I had plenty at the bar.” Aubrey held up the shiny silver foil packets in her hand and dropped her purse to the ground. She was under no delusion that they were going to hang out, chit chat, and get to know each other. She walked over to him and took the bottle of water from his hand before taking a sip.

Tall Hottie watched her as she strolled across the room to the perfectly made bed. Aubrey sat on the edge and began to take her shoes off. Once Tall Hottie saw her beginning to undress, he turned into Speedy Gonzolas and was naked before she even managed to get her zipper down.

He was a glorious specimen. More abs than she could count, and the perfect V leading directly to his dark curls that framed his very big and very hard dick. He strode over to her with confidence. She hoped he was as confident in bed as he was in his appearance.

Aubrey let him undress her, caress her, and lay her back on the bed. When her body started to react to his, she shut her mind off and just enjoyed the feeling of sexual euphoria.




Tall Hottie stood and walked to the bathroom to clean up, or so she assumed. She didn
’t ask. She honestly didn’t care. He got her off, and that’s all she came for. Aubrey walked around the room and picked up her clothing, putting each piece on as she found it. By the time Tall Hottie walked back out of the bathroom, still in all his naked glory, she was completely dressed.

Going so soon? You can stay if you want. I mean, this hotel has a kick ass breakfast buffet,” then he looked at the clock over his shoulder showing three twenty-two, “I mean, it will start serving in a little over two hours.”

Sorry, but I have to go. This was fun.” Aubrey walked to the door and opened it. Tall Hottie slipped his boxers on and walked over to her.

It was. When are you leaving New York?” She could see the hopeful look in his eye. He was an okay lover, he got the job done after all, but she didn’t even know his name and didn’t want to. She had learned to accept this about herself long ago. She wasn’t the type who equated sex with love. Sex was sex, a physical need and a pleasurable release. Love and sex could and did go hand in hand, but it didn’t have to. Making love and having sex were completely different.

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