The Billionaire's Burden (Key to My Heart #2) (5 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Burden (Key to My Heart #2)
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Chapter Nine




"You don't have to do this tonight if you don't want to." I said softly, watching as Sebastian inspected his elegant black suit in the full length mirror of his room.

I sat on his bed, only a few days after the newest revelation about his parents had come unearthed.

He'd been withdrawn since then, less inclined to talk and less inclined to eat. Even though we didn't really have a true relationship at this point, I missed the old spark in his beautiful eyes. I think he in part blamed himself for Karina and George's divorce. Not to mention that he still had to work with his father and Alissa daily. He was obviously torn on how to handle it.

I couldn't blame him there, and I couldn't help but to feel that I was doing nothing to help him either.

What did he need me to do? I would have done anything, but no matter which way I asked him, the billionaire always told me that the needed nothing. I could see in his eyes, however, that he desperately needed something.

Karina had moved in promptly the next day. I had a feeling that she had been waiting for the invitation for some time. She currently resided on the ground floor of the manor, while we were on the second. She didn't like having to walk upstairs each day.

My mother in law seemed happy enough, for now, to be out of the home she'd once shared with George. It was nice to have her off my back for a little hale, though I was certain she'd be back to her old persnickety self in no time.

She'd also brought with her another chef, a talented woman named Tricia who Karina had apparently scared into total subservient silence. I would not be having as much fun with her as I did with Harry, though I still got to see him frequently at the bakery.

The shop was doing very well under Lewis Carson's management and Harry's fantastic kitchen skills. It was such a joy to see it coming back to life.

"You're just saying that because you don't want to go." Sebastian's reflection smirked at me in the mirror.

He was right about that.

I smoothed my hands over the champagne colored ruffles of the long evening gown I wore. Tight in the bodice, sheer towards the end, Sebastian had even managed to guilt me into some sparkling heels.

Alissa, fortunately distracted with her blissful relationship with Sebastian's father, had actual chosen a decent dress for me.

The Davis Corporation was having a huge work event this evening, some kind of fancy ball where you could be judged on your dancing skills as well as how much liquor you could imbibe.

I was gleeful to go. Yeah right.

Sebastian approached me, reaching out a hand to help me to my feet. He lifted my wrist over my head, twirling me around like one of those ballerinas in a music box. The dress spun around my ankles.

For a second, I felt like a roman goddess.

"You look amazing." Sebastian said gently, slowing my turn as he pulled the hand he grasped up against his chest. I could feel his heart beating, calm and steady, against his ribs. My own heart plodded along like an excited little rabbit.

"Do you think they'll believe that you really married me?" I asked with a laugh, shaking my head.

He frowned slightly, moving us side to side as though we were already dancing at the ball, "Why wouldn't they?" He asked curiously.

"I mean, just look at me." I shook my head, blushing and turning my gaze away.

In the mirror, I could see us reflected back, the shapes of our bodies close, his arm at the small of my back, my hands on his neck. It was like a painting, or a dream.

"I am looking at you." He whispered into my ear, his breath warm against my earlobe.

My eyes drifted shut, head tilting slightly into his voice.

"The limo's here." He said quietly, eyeing the headlights reflection in the window as he lingered for just a moment in my hold. Then, he stepped away, turning his back to me as he checked his pockets.

I almost leaned forward, wrapping my arms around him instinctively.

Instead, I wound up giving myself a rather award hug before trudging after him.

I was completely unused to wearing heels. In all honesty I felt a bit like a baby giraffe learning how to walk. I stumbled after my handsome billionaire husband, struggling to keep up with his pace.

As we reached the door he turned, holding an arm out for me to grasp. I clung to his strong, muscled forearm, allowing him to guide me towards the long and lean black vehicle.

So brightly and spotlessly waxed, it reflected the night sky as perfectly as the mirror in Sebastian's bedroom.

The inside of the limo was even better. Purple lights danced along the top of the ceiling, champagne waited in a chiller, the ride was so effortlessly easy I didn't feel a single dip in the road on the way.

It was also my first time riding in such an exquisite thing. I didn't even get a limo to my senior prom.

"What do you think?" Sebastian asked as he extended a glass of wine towards me. He watched me quietly, half marveling in the wonder in my eyes.

"It's amazing." I breathed.

I took the glass from my husband, delicately sipping on it, hoping it would calm my nerves before meeting all of the important heads of Sebastian's business. He'd be on a pedestal this evening, I was sure of it. All eyes would be on him, and in turn, on myself as well. That alone was enough to make butterflies jumble wildly in my tummy.

For such a young man, Sebastian had already accomplished so much. The head of a multibillion company stationed in two different countries, overseeing a huge staff. It was astounding really, that a person who just turned thirty could shoulder so much responsibility.

I'd only had my one little bakery, and I hadn't even managed to keep that on track.

Sebastian was basically a world wonder, and I got to call him my husband.

He stared quietly out the window now, brow creased and pensive. His blue eyes were stormy. I could nearly see the gears of his brain turning wildly.

"What’s wrong?" I asked, after gathering the courage to break the stillness of the car ride.

He sighed, keeping his eyes locked on the window, "My father will be there tonight." He finally said, "And I don't bloody well know how to face him yet."

"Your mother is going to be fine." I responded, reaching out to take his hand, "Like you said, George is still your dad."

"If they get married, Alissa will be my step mother." He said suddenly, eyes going just slightly wide as he turned back to me in disgust, "You don't think that will happen do you?"

"I don't know." I responded, though I definitely wouldn't put it past the scarlet haired young woman.

When she wanted something, she usually got it. All except Sebastian of course. At least I had one thing on her.

With the green tint of Sebastian's face growing brighter, I hastily changed the subject to get the billionaire's mind off the grody details of his father's newest conquest.

"Will there be lots of people tonight?" I asked, patting his knee with my hand.

"Yes." Sebastian responded, tapping his chin, "We'll have some of our London office in attendance. The head executives and most of our managers..."

He trailed off, going on and on about the schematics of the evening and what sorts of music he chose.

I stared at him, his words melting like butter between my ears. I honestly couldn't care less about how many people would show up or whether there would be enough quail to go around, but it was nice to see Sebastian seem more relaxed. It was nice to hear him chatter on instead of sulk.

He'd been through a lot.

I wondered how Karina was doing right now. Was she relieved she didn't have to sit through another boring party? Was she gazing at her piles of fine dresses and wishing she were all dressed up and ready to go?

What about Alissa?

Was she happy? Was George just a pawn in her game? Did she care about Karina's feelings at all, did she even care that she'd broken up a marriage?

I wanted to be spiteful of the young woman, to hate her for making Sebastian so upset.

But, in the end, the honest to God truth was that I couldn't bring myself to dislike her. I didn't know Alissa. I didn't know what she thought about or how she felt about herself. I didn’t know if she’d cried in her bed late at night, tormented over Karina’s sadness. I didn’t know if she’d even thought that far.

All that I knew was that it did not take a woman of dignity to steal a man so willing to cheat. This was going to come back and bite Alissa in the ass at some point. Karma would take care of everything.

Sebastian suddenly stopped talking, straightening as he glanced out the window.

From behind the glass, I could see the glow of lights decorating a large country club.

"We're here." Sebastian sighed, no excitement whatsoever lighting his eyes as he stared at the huge center.

I allowed him to help me out of the limosine, carefully brushing a wrinkle out of the chiffon gown.

Music spilled out onto the courtyard. From within the club, I could see figures dancing and moving about. I could hear their thrilled chatter.

It was time to make my debut as the billionaire’s bride.

Chapter Ten




"It's so nice to finally meet you, Macy." A man with white hair bowed low before me as though I were royalty, taking my hand softly kissing the back, "We've heard such lovely things about you." His British voice reminded me of Sebastian's, though this stranger's was much more frosty.

"It's a pleasure." I replied, struggling to keep a clam smile on my face. I'd already forgotten the man's name, as well as everyone else's.

I was going to have to find some back corner and have a drink.

More and more people floated our way, like zombies wandering towards a locked building with people hunkered down inside.

They said much of the same thing, over and over. Lots of 'pleasures' were exchanged and 'how do you do’s.' It was all very stiff, formal, and unbearable.

Fortunately enough, we had yet to come across George Davis and Alissa. I was sure, however, that his arrival with his new lover would be the drama of the evening. At least it would be something interesting.

As enticing as that sounded, however, I really didn't want to see the look on my husband's face when they arrived.

I still hadn't figured out what I could do to help him. It pained me that I was so useless in this complicated situation.

"I'm going to run to the ladies' room." I whispered in his ear, holding still as he planted a kiss on my cheek before darting away.

Tonight was all about show. Nothing meant anything, it was all just to make it seem as though we were the happiest, most in love newlyweds in the room.

This was why we got married after all, to show his corporation what a dedicated man Sebastian could really be.

I was sure on the inside that none of the older gentlemen here were in the dark of our situation, but the least we could do was fake it for them a bit longer.

The line into the small bathroom was way too long, I realized, as I approached it. There was only one stall and many women with too much champagne in their bellies.

I sighed, choosing to slide around the other side of the wall and plant myself in a chair. It wasn't long before a waiter circled around, offering me a glass of my own bubbly.

Too enthusiastically, I snatched it, downing it quickly before requesting another glass.

If there was anything that could make this night more bearable, it was alcohol. I only wished there was some tequila in the house.

I leaned back in the chair, propping my legs up on the next chair over in a most unladylike way. I didn't really care, it wasn't like Karina was here to see me. The other people bustled past me, thankfully ignoring my very existence. While I was alone, I was a nobody. It was only while I was at Sebastian's side that I mattered, at least in this place.

To be honest, I was currently okay with that. It made escaping for a little 'me time' easier.

If I leaned heavy to the side, I could just see the top of Sebastian’s head through he thick swarm of ever moving dancers and waiters. He didn't look as though he was particularly missing me either. He was probably glad not to have to keep up the rouse for a little while.

I was perfectly content to give him as much time as he needed, as I ordered another glass form the waiter.

Tipping my head back, I downed that glass of white wine in a way that would have made my lush of a mother in law proud.

As another song ended and a new one began, I realized it was about time I made my return back to our boring company. Fortunately enough for me, the line at the restroom had barely moved an inch. The length of my disappearance would be all too believable, and I was much more content with a little champagne in my belly.

Climbing to my stilettoed feet, the heel of shoe caught in the gossamer length of my gown. I stumbled, champagne glass flying free from my hand like a bug escaping a net.

The glass tumbled to the ground, noisily crashing into a hundred tiny specks of crystal.

The entire room seemed to fall silent, my hands pressing hard against my face in sheer mortification. I glanced around, face and neck going crimson as Alissa’s hair, only to find that no one was staring at me for making a fool of  myself.

No, the people were turning slowly towards the front door.

I peered around them, apologizing to the waiter quickly who had to clean up my mess, as a scarlet head bobbed through the entrance.

Alissa Grant stood there, George Davis slightly behind her.

The woman flicked her perfect red curls over her exposed shoulder, allowing a man to take her coat.

The bright red dress, if it was even long enough to be called so, clung tight to her body. The neck of her gown dipped almost down to her belly button in a deep V, her cleavage threatening to explode. The back of her gown, which she just so happened to spin and show off, was equally as exposing.

I was almost jealous she had the body and confidence to wear something like that. No wonder George was so into her.

Sharply, I turned back around, searching for the familiar face of my husband in the crowd. Of course I would have left him just when he needed someone at his side. No doubt he was being interrogated by the executives over the lack of Karina and this new, sexy surprise guest.

Slowly, the chiming chatter of the party guests began to resume its vigor. They had plenty of gossip fodder now.

I stumbled my way through the people, unsure if it was the heels or the alcohol that made it so difficult to stay up straight.

After minutes of searching, I finally found him.

"So, I suppose Karina won't be joining us this evening." The man who'd spoken to me not long ago questioned, eyebrow arched as he watched the front door where George and Alissa had made their grand, fashionably late entrance.

"I'm afraid not." Sebastian replied stiffly, turning to face me, "Did you see them?" He asked softly into my ear, gaze searching the sea of people.

With a simple nod, I slid my hand into his, interlacing my fingers within his own.

I wasn't going to let him forget that someone was still on his side.

"Hello gentleman." A feminine voice purred as Alissa moved closer.

She swayed her hips with the seductiveness of a succubus, her makeup heavy and lips fire engine red. The girl had already gotten her wealthy lover to leave his wife, I wasn't sure what she was working so hard for.

Then, I realized her gaze was focused intensely on my husband. Ah. That explains it.

"Hello, Alissa." Sebastian replied stiffly, squeezing my hand, "How are you?"

"Wonderful." She replied, lips parting to show white, sparkly teeth.

There was no denying it. The woman was beautiful and intimidating. It was like standing in the presence of a fierce, feral panther. All sleek and terrifying. You knew you were about to be eaten alive and there was absolutely nothing you could to stop it.

As she lifted a hand to greet another of the gentlemen, I saw the giant sparkling rock on her left hand ring finger half a second before Sebastian did.

A startled gasp welled up in my lung as his hand went limp in my own, dropping from my grasp to his side.

"Do you love it?" Alissa giggled, stepping closer to Sebastian. Her shoulder pressed into his chest, she lifted her hand so her palm was almost square in my face, "Your father's gift to me. We're getting married in the spring, isn't that wonderful?"

She tilted her face to gaze up into Sebastian's, her nose brushing the tan flesh of his cheek.

He stared at his father, then at the woman beside him before taking a stiff step away.

"I'm afraid I'm feeling unwell." He murmured, voice hoarse, "I need to call this an evening."

He nodded his head politely before taking a few stumbling steps towards the door.

"Good evening, everyone." I offered with a polite smile before turning and following after my runaway husband.

I burst into the cool night air, leaving behind the thick cloud of judgement and too much cologne that threatened to suffocate everyone in that place. Sebastian sat on the steps of the country club, his eyes vacant.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as I pressed my lips against his temple.

For a second he didn't respond, but then he sank into my hold, body melting so that his head rest against my chest.

"No," He whispered gruffly, "I'm sorry that you have to see in such a state. I have no reason to react as I did."

I shook my head, fingers softly stroking his perfect black lapel.

"I understand." I said gently, unable to come up with more words than that.

Just what was going to say to this strong man who clearly struggled so much, what magic words did I have to make his problems go away.

Then, like a light switch suddenly flicking on, I knew exactly what we had to do.

Why hadn’t I thought of this before? There was one thing that would always cheer up a man in need.

"Come on," I said, climbing to my feet and holding both hands out to the handsome, pouting billionaire, "I know just what you need to knock the edge of this evening off a little bit."

"What?" He asked, begrudgingly allowing me to help him stand up, "What have you got up your sleeve now?"

With a laugh, I tugged him faster after me.

"Tequila." I said simply, flashing him a wild grin over my shoulder before dragging him after me towards the limo.

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