The Billionaire's Daughter (7 page)

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Authors: Maggie Carpenter

BOOK: The Billionaire's Daughter
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poor Kate,” he said gently.
have had a very rough time of it.
I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone who needed a spanking more than
It’s a first step.”

don’t know what you mean,” she sobbed.

know,” he said gently.
“But you
Very soon.
You will.
No more talking now.
Just cry as much as you want.”

was very confused.
He was being so
nice to her but he had just totally humiliated her and spanked her very

knowing why, her mind flashed back to the many times she had challenged her
father and walked away victorious.
She had been elated - for a while - and then felt disappointed.
She let out a long, deep, heavy sigh
and her sobbing ceased.

knew the sigh.
It was what he had
been waiting for.

Come with me.”

unraveled their bodies and taking her hand, hobbled to the couch by the
Her tights were still around
the tops of her thighs and when she attempted to pull them up he stopped
She certainly wasn’t about to
argue with him.
He sat down on the
couch and turned, looking up at her.

your knees in front of me please, Kate,” he said firmly.

dropped down, overcome with the same unfamiliar but pleasurable sensation she’d
had when she had studied his ankle in the bathroom.
She looked up at him, red faced, eyes sparkling, bottom

“You know you needed that trip over my knee ... have needed that for a long
time, don’t you Kate?”

She hated to admit he was
right but she nodded her head.

Sir,” she said quietly, uncomfortable with her confession.

you just had was a punishment spanking Kate, but there are other kinds of
Very tantalizing ones.
The interesting thing is,” he said,
“they all have a common

dropped his hand between her legs and touched between her pussy lips.
She closed her eyes, and though she was
groaning with embarrassment she was also groaning with a hot, heady need.

very wet.
Doesn’t my hand feel
good there?
Tell me the truth.”

said nothing.
She was
He was right.
It felt soooo good.

Oh Lord, what is happening to me?

waiting,” he continued, continuing to rub.
“I can always spank you some more.
You must obey me remember?”

was so difficult for her to listen to his words while he teased and tantalized
His finger began probing
upwards and she wriggled against it, wanting him to leave her alone but never
wanting him to stop.

It does,” she answered, for
some reason almost sobbing again.
“It does feel - oooohhhh -

a greedy little thing,” he said commented, withdrawing his fingers.
“You’ll have to earn that kind of
attention from now on.”

Earn it?
What does he mean?

to move along now, Kate.
been appropriately punished and I believe we are now on the same page.”

Sir,” she said.
“We are.”

have some things to talk about.
First, what are you going to do with that pile of clothes?”

glanced across at the mess she’d made.

them back to my father’s room, tidy them up and put them back where I found
them,” she replied, demurely.

he reminded her.

I found them, Sir,” she repeated.

I’m glad we got that settled.”

reached out and stroked her hair for a moment then took a deep breath.

I’ve known you since you were a little girl.
I watched you grow up, spoiled and bratty with no-one
prepared to set you straight.
turned into a wild teenager, you were caught shoplifting more than once I
believe, and came home at all hours.
You have been wearing slutty clothes and outlandish makeup for years
You smashed up the brand new
car your parents bought you for your 16th birthday just months after getting
it. You dropped out of college and now you can’t keep a job.
Have I left anything out?”

It sounded dreadful the
way he put it.

Sir,” she said quietly, staring at the floor, a new flush crossing her
“But I’ve never done
anything really bad,” she added.
“I mean, I’ve never really done serious drugs, or - or - “

what?” Dante pressed, amused at her defense.

- you know - other things.
bad things.
I mean, that
shoplifting was just make-up and CD’s.
Stupid stuff.”

after the strong punishment, after having just been lectured, she could still
feel the impatience - the testiness.

you saying you think what you did was acceptable?
That you didn’t deserve consequences for all that bad behavior,
and probably more that I don’t know about?” he asked, pressing her to admit the

wriggled again.
The question made
her uncomfortable and she was distracted by the sting he had so deftly
It was still keen but it
was also warm and oddly reassuring.

can leave you right now, Kate, and have nothing more to do with you if that’s
what you want.
But if you want me
to stay you’ll have to accept what I offer, all of it, and admit certain

knew she was struggling with the spoiled bratty girl that lived inside
He knew she was desperate for
his special brand of attention, but that would mean for the first time in her
life she would actually have to behave.
Kate squirmed and let out a strange sound.

don’t know what that means,” he said, sternly.
“Do you want to spend more time with me or not?
Do you want to learn about the things
in life that really matter or don’t you?
Do you want me to help you actually get a grip?”

remained silent, staring up at him, challenge in her eyes.
The minutes slowly ticked by, the
subdued quiet laying heavy in the air.

well,” he sighed, refusing to give her any more time. “If you can’t give me an
answer - or won’t give me an answer - then clearly you need a little
uninterrupted time to think.
your tights exactly as they are, stand up and go over to that corner by the
I want you to put your
hands behind your back, stare at the floor and stand there and think.”

jaw dropped.

she exclaimed.

heard me.
You need some quiet
corner time.
Go over there and
stand as I’ve told you.
You need
to think about everything I’ve said.”

actually sending me to the corner?
You can’t be serious!”

she was still in awe of him and what he’d just done, the instruction was
stirring her temper.

crossed his arms.

goodness, you’re difficult!” he stated quietly.
“Just spanked and look at you.
Already being fractious.”

took a deep breath.
Sending her to
the corner indeed!
The fact that
he had dared to spank her was bad enough.
She understood about her father’s clothes and even his point about her
turbulent adolescence, but to be told to stand in the corner like some five
year old!
Defiantly she grabbed
the top of her tights and yanked them up.

I won’t.
And I don’t care if I ever see you again,” she exclaimed,
jumping to her feet.

stood there, staring at him, challenging him.
Dante sat very calmly, apparently nonplused at her outburst.

you going to say anything?” she demanded.

really isn’t much to say.
made your choice.”

stared at him, hating that he was so gorgeous.
Hating that his sapphire blue eyes seemed to look right
through her.
Hating that his hands
on her body made her feel things she’d only dreamed of.
Hating that she loved his quiet
control, and yes, hating that she loved that he had dared put her over his
She stamped her foot, spun
around and stomped to the door.

Dante called.

stopped but did not turn around.

you forgetting something?”

voice was infuriatingly steady.

she spat, spinning around.


she barked, her temper now in complete control.
“I don’t want you to have them anymore anyway.
I’ll take these stupid clothes but I’m
no putting them away. That’s what Lois is paid to do!”

around she reached down and gathered up the strewn clothes, bundling them
haphazardly in her arms and strode to the door.
It was however, locked, and she had great difficulty holding
the load of unfolded clothes while trying to turn the small knob above the door

began cursing, furious that her grand exit was being marred.
She heard Dante chuckling which
exasperated her even more.
She fiddled with the small brass knob but it refused to budge. It was
impossible with all the clothes bunched up in her arms.
She turned her head to look at
The huge smile on his face
was too much to bear.

she cried, hurling the clothes at him.
“You want them back in my father’s room, you put them there!”

garments landed short of their mark and fell on the floor in front of him.

hope you know what you’re doing,” he said, shaking his head.
“I think you just might end up a very
sorry girl for this.”

only thing I’m sorry about is getting into the bath with you,” she yelled,
finally able to open the door.

slammed it behind her and bolted up the stairs to her room.
She burst in, ran straight to her
bathroom, and finding the deepest, darkest red lipstick she had hastily applied
it to her lips.

she cried.
“Damn you Dante
Damn you,
damn you!”

into the bedroom she threw herself on her bed and grabbed a pillow.
Hugging it tightly she let out a loud,
exasperated shriek.
Never had she
been so enraged.









did he think he was?
Maybe some of
the things he had said were true.
It was just her frustration and temper that would get the best of her.
She didn’t mean any harm.

whole job thing was stupid.
had lots of money in her trust fund waiting for her and in just a few years she
could do as she pleased so why did her father insist on her working
When it came right down to
it all she really wanted to do was ride her horses and indulge in her other
favorite pastime.

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