The Billionaire's Favourite Mistake: Billionaires and Bridesmaids 4 (19 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Favourite Mistake: Billionaires and Bridesmaids 4
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She broke the kiss and then nipped at his mouth, imitating his actions from earlier. “You’re quite a bit taller than me, you know.”

“Want me to get you a stool?”

She chuckled, the sound throaty. It made his cock throb with need. “Very funny.” She jerked at his jacket, sliding it down his shoulders, and then turned around him, slowly tugging it off. She studied him, and he knew there was no hiding the erection that strained at the front of his pants. Hell, he didn’t want to hide it. In his fevered fantasies, he wanted her to get curious about it and explore him like he had her.

But she moved back to his front and began to undo the buttons on his dress shirt, her body close enough to his that his erection brushed against her with every movement. When she pulled his shirt open, it revealed his white undershirt and she gave him a teasing look. “So many layers. You dress quite demurely, Mr. Sutton.”

“I don’t like to flash cleavage during board meetings.”

Laughter pealed out of her, and he was utterly enchanted. Had he thought she was beautiful before? She took his breath away, especially when she smiled and shook her head, clearly amused by his joke. “Just makes it a bit more effort for me.”

“Let me know if you get tired and I can take over.”

She snorted and tugged his undershirt free of his belt. “If I get tired, you will be the first one I let know.” Her hands pushed his undershirt up, and he knelt so she could pull it over his head, leaving him bare from the waist up.

He rubbed a hand over his chest, scratching at a bit of dark chest hair dusting his pectorals. “Want to pause and admire the scenery?”

“Do be quiet.” Her hands moved to his chest and she trailed a finger over one nipple and then down the center of his chest to his happy trail. “I’m concentrating.”

“Am I distracting you? I’m sorry. Actually, I’m not sorry about any of this. I like you putting your hands on me. Feels like I’ve been waiting forever for this moment.”

She gave him another quieting look.

Asher chuckled. He tended to ramble when he grew nervous around her. She was just too damn distracting, with all that gorgeous skin and luscious hair.

And those tits. He couldn’t forget those tits. Hell, he wanted to reach out and caress one right now, but he was pretty sure she’d smack him down with another quelling look.

Plus, she was getting a lot closer to his dick, and he wanted her to touch him there. He couldn’t help it; he was a guy and they thought with the little head downstairs. Nothing wrong with that, especially when her fingers were stroking his happy trail and playing along his stomach muscles. She was heading in the right direction.

She peeked up at him through dark lashes, and then a wicked smile curved her mouth. “You’re just dying for me to do this, aren’t you?” And her hand grazed along his cock.

Fuuuuck. “You know me too well.”

“I do,” she said thoughtfully. “I’ve always known you well.” And her hand stroked up and down his groin once more.

That sobered him. Not her touch—though that was fucking amazing—but her quiet statement. While he’d been wrapped up in his own little world for the last few years, she’d been watching him from afar and loving him. And he’d thrown it all away.

Never again
, he promised Greer silently.
I never will hurt you again.
“Am I an ass if I say I’m glad?” His fingers stroked down her arm, ever so lightly.

“I suppose not.” She bit her lip and then began undoing his belt. A moment later, her hands went to the fastenings of his slacks and then she pushed his zipper down. His cock was jutting out from his boxers, the head leaking so much precum that the fabric was sticking to his skin. He was aching for her to touch him. His entire body was tense with need. Hell, if she didn’t touch him again, he didn’t trust himself not to pin her to the bed and start dry humping her, slacks and all.

When she looked up at him again, uncertain, he closed his eyes and groaned out a single word. “Please.”

“All right.”

A moment later, her small, soft hands pushed his pants down, tugging his boxers with them. His cock sprang free, and then she was caressing his aching cock with her fingers, letting them dance lightly over his skin.

He nearly came right then and there.

“Your skin is so hot right here,” she murmured. “Is . . . is it okay if I touch you like this?”

“I think I’d fall to pieces if you didn’t.”

Her warm chuckle made his entire body jerk. He wanted those smiling lips and that breath on his cock, against his skin. His mind went to dark, erotic imaginings, of her getting to her knees and dragging her tongue along the vein on the underside of his shaft—

“Can I . . . can I taste you?”

Oh god, she was killing him. Asher’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. It didn’t matter that he was standing in front of her with his pants around his ankles, dick in the air. He just knew he would die if she didn’t do as she’d asked in the next moment. “You can put your mouth anywhere on me you want, Greer.”

But he was sure as shit going to open his eyes for this next part.

When he opened his eyes, she was studying him with that intense expression on her serious face. Like she wanted to make sure she got things right. “Trust me, sweetheart. You can’t fuck this up,” Asher told her. “It’ll feel good no matter what you do.”

She nodded and then reached one finger out to graze the head of his cock.

He clenched hard in response to her touch, his balls drawing up tight. As he watched her finger moving on his skin, more precum beaded on the head. He was dangerously close to blowing his load, and that couldn’t happen. Not yet. Not before he pleasured the living daylights out of her.

She dragged her finger through the droplets of precum, spreading them on the head of his cock. Then, with a sly look at him, she put her finger to her mouth and sucked it.

And holy hell, he was going to remember the sight of that for the rest of his damn life. He’d never seen anything so erotic.

“Salty,” she murmured.

“So are you.” Hell, he sounded as raspy and rough as a chain smoker . . . and had about as much control.

“Can I . . .” Her cheeks flushed and she peeked up at him again. “Can I touch you like you did me? To make you come?”

Yes. Yes. Yes.
Ah god, where was his restraint? “If you do that, Greer, we’re gonna be done before we start, and I have far too many plans for that sweet body of yours.”

The soft smile curved her mouth again. “I keep forgetting that your stamina is terrible.”

Well, hearing that helped him come down from the ledge a little. Jesus. Time to stop playing and get to work pleasuring the fuck out of his woman. He shucked his pants and stepped out of them, then moved forward and pulled her against his naked frame. “I promised you foreplay, didn’t I? Get your fore ready to be played, woman.”

Chapter 10

Greer was rapidly having to reassess Asher’s sexual prowess as he pressed kisses to her neck and moved their twined bodies, ever so slowly, toward the bed.

He’d been playing her all along. It was clear that the man wasn’t unskilled in the slightest. It was also abundantly clear to her that she wasn’t mad about his little game. It had been done to get her back in his bed and prove to her that he could give her great sex, and okay, there wasn’t really a downside to that.

Actually, it wasn’t just great sex. It was mind-blowing so far, and he was just now mentioning foreplay. Heaven help her; they’d have to scrape her off the ceiling by the time he was done.

She’d already orgasmed fast and hard, and that one single orgasm had been better than endless years of self-pleasure, all combined. Masturbation felt good, of course, but having a man bite and lick at her neck while he stroked her clit? Dear God, she’d nearly melted into a puddle in his arms. The orgasm she’d had was on steroids—bigger, harder, and more powerful than any she’d ever had before.

His hands on her changed everything. And it was probably safe to say that he was going to ruin her for masturbation for the rest of her life. Her own hands couldn’t do nearly the things his could, and now she’d be craving him like an addict. She really should have told him to stop for her own peace of mind.

But she didn’t, because she wanted more of those intense, mind-shattering orgasms. She wanted the full package—the foreplay, the penetration, the home run at the end, everything.

The backs of her knees bumped against the edge of the bed and she nearly fell backward, wobbling against him for support and dragging her attention back to the moment. “Wh-what are you doing?”

“Pushing you back into the bed so I can have my wicked way with you?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her like a cartoon villain.

“You could just ask,” she said, her tone pert. Not that she was mad. She wanted him to have his wicked way with her, too. God, did she ever.

“I could. ‘Greer, could you please lie down for me so I can tongue your pussy for the next hour?’”

Her entire body shivered at his words. She dropped to the edge of the bed, her knees weak. She couldn’t seem too eager. “W-will it help you practice?”

The terrible man licked his lips as he gazed down at her. “Very much so.”

Oh, sweet lord have mercy. “I thought we were going to do foreplay?” she said faintly.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not forgetting about those pretty breasts of yours.” He tapped a hand on her shoulder. “Now, lie back for me.”

“Any particular way?” Even as she asked, she eased herself backward, feeling oddly self-conscious though she did her best not to show it. This couldn’t be the most flattering angle of her now-plumper pregnancy body. She swung her legs onto the bed and curled them slightly, resisting the urge to squeeze her arms together so her breasts would look fuller.

“You look beautiful just like that.” Asher gave her a saturnine smile and moved onto the bed next to her, then propped himself up on his side so he could gaze down at her body. “Now, let me have a moment just to admire things.”

“Take all the time you want.” She was rather proud of how confident she sounded just then. Not rattled at all at the thought of the man she’d been in love with for years staring down at her naked body when it wasn’t at its most attractive.

He propped up his chin on his hand for a long minute, gazing down at her face.

“What?” she asked when he didn’t move to do anything.

Asher shrugged. “I just like looking at you.”

Damn it. She felt a surge of pleasure at his words. She should have been mad at him, remembering that night in the gardens when he did her wrong—and did her wrong so badly. But all she could think about at the moment was the bright blue of his eyes, the way he gazed down at her so covetously. She loved that feeling. She wanted it to go on forever.

For a long time, he just gazed down at her, and the longer it went on, the more utterly aware of him Greer was. Her nipples prickled, aching and hard. Her skin felt intensely sensitive, even though he wasn’t touching her, and she felt her pulse surging, seemingly centered right between her legs, as if she could still feel the orgasm from earlier. He reached out and gently brushed locks of her hair outward from her face, spreading them like a halo around her head.

“You’re incredibly beautiful, do you know that?”

Her traitorous heart thumped. If this was just him practicing his seduction, she didn’t want to get too flattered. “I’m pretty sure every man tells a naked woman in his bed that she’s beautiful.”

“No, he doesn’t,” Asher said bluntly. “Just take the damn compliment, all right?”

“All right.”

His hand went from her hair and smoothed down her shoulder. He leaned in and kissed her skin, his lips moving over her in a tender way that gave her goose bumps. He gave her shoulder a second kiss, even as his hand skimmed lower and then brushed over one of her nipples.

Greer sucked in a breath. Just that small caress had sent a riot of pleasure through her body.

“I love your reactions,” he murmured, brushing his lips over her shoulder again. “Love the way that just the changes in your breathing tell me everything I need to know. Like when you start breathing faster, it tells me you want more.” His hand cupped her breast, his skin scorchingly hot against hers. “The gasp tells me that you’re surprised at how much you just felt, and that tells me you’re particularly sensitive right there.” His thumb rubbed on the underside of her nipple, and liquid heat surged through her body again, even as she arched into his touch. Oh god, that felt amazing. Such a small touch, but it felt ten times more intense when he did it than when she’d done it to herself.

“And when I scream your name, as you think I’m going to?”

He idly circled one of her nipples with his fingertips, teasing her with small, maddening circles. “That tells me I’ve done my job right. I won’t accept anything less, you know. I have a lot to make up for.”

“Hence the foreplay practice.” Oh god, he was lightly tugging at her nipples, making them stand taller. Surely that shouldn’t have felt as good as it did. Surely he’d put his mouth on her soon, and lick and nibble at all the places he was touching?
, she silently begged.

“I’m going to be honest,” Asher said, pressing another kiss to her shoulder before starting to slide down the bed, kissing his way ever so slowly toward her aching breasts. “Even if I didn’t need practice, I’d still want to touch you. Still want to make you scream with pleasure.”

And her traitor heart fluttered all over again.

She watched, holding her breath, as Asher got up on his elbows and continued to kiss further down her body, careful not to lean his weight on her. Greer’s hands went to the pillow behind her head and she dug her fingers into the pillowcase as he moved to her breasts, his mouth hovering over one taut peak.

Please. Please

Slowly, achingly slowly, his lips parted and she watched as he leaned in and gently took the tip into his mouth. A hint of teeth, a flick of tongue, and Greer whimpered. She watched, utterly fascinated and aroused as he rubbed his lips over one nipple, teasing it before sucking on the tip. He’d lavish attention on one breast, toying with the tip, caressing the globe of her breast and then nipping her before tonguing the sensitive skin. Then he’d move to the other breast and repeat the action, until her entire body was pulsing with need and her breath was coming in short, sharp little pants of arousal. She couldn’t help herself, any more than she could look away from his mouth moving over her skin.

Asher looked up, eyes sultry, his mouth wet from the attention he’d been lavishing on her breasts. “I bet your pussy’s wet for me again, isn’t it?”

She sucked in a breath, her mouth working silently. The
on her lips died in silence. She didn’t even have to say it. He
. The possessive way he grinned at her, then slowly dragged his tongue over one aching nipple? Oh, the terrible man knew how aroused she was. She was so wet she could feel it just by pressing her thighs together.

“Quiet?” he teased.

There was too much going on. She couldn’t coherently speak. Not without saying too much. She just bit her lip and gave him a challenging stare.

“Guess I’ll just have to find out for myself, won’t I?” And Asher began to kiss lower down her belly.

Her breathing sped up at that. Oh god, he was going to go down on her? She’d already orgasmed once and was primed and ready for the next one. She’d . . . well, she’d kind of thought that they’d just go straight to the sex now. She was fine with that, truly she was. Her body ached to be filled in places that she’d never even
before. She felt empty and wanted his body covering her. She wanted him pressing into her, and she wanted to see if she could have an orgasm from that.

But the wicked, wicked man just flicked his tongue over her belly button and kept going south.

“Wait,” she blurted.

Asher lifted his head, brows furrowing. “What is it?”

“What are you doing?”

He tilted his head, giving her an odd look. “Well, I thought it was pretty obvious, but, okay. Right now I’m kissing your belly and I’m going to move lower and kiss your pussy until I have you screaming.”

“Ah, maybe we should, just . . . you know.”

His eyes narrowed. “What?”

“Get on with it?”

“Get on with it?” He sat back on his haunches, and his hands went to his hips. His cock thrust proudly from his lap and she wanted to stare at it—or, you know, touch it—but the look he was giving her was pure frustration. “Greer Chadha-Janssen, do you or do you not have an aversion to oral sex?”

“No aversion? I’ve never had it, so I can’t imagine that . . .” Her voice trailed off. “No aversion,” she said quickly.

“Do you or do you not like the thought of my tongue on that sweet pussy of yours? Or me licking that tasty little clit until you scream?”

She bit her lip. Her entire body was already quivering with need. She felt like she was going to come apart at the seams as it was. If he tongued her like he was saying . . . “It’s too much,” she whispered.

His angry expression softened. “Too much what, sweetheart?” His hand idly stroked her thigh, as if trying to comfort her.

For some reason, that made her relax a little more. “I just . . . everything’s so intense.”

The smile returned to his mouth. “Do you trust me, Greer?”

“I shouldn’t.”

His smile turned rueful. “You shouldn’t after our previous experience, but that wasn’t the question. Do you trust me?” He enunciated the last sentence, each word punctuated by a tiny thump of his finger against her thigh. “In bed, right now. Do you trust me to give you another orgasm?”

She felt breathless at the thought. “Exactly how many was the game plan tonight?”

He chuckled. “As many as I can give you before I lose my own control.” His hand went to his lap and he stroked his cock idly, and her mouth went dry at the sight of that. How did this feel for him, lavishing all this attention on her body without getting a single thing in return . . . yet? “I just don’t want you to waste your time if you don’t have to—”

His eyebrows went high. “Did you just call oral sex a waste of my time?”

“I just meant that I’m already—”

Asher leaned forward and his hands went to her thighs before she could even say the words. “I promised you foreplay and orgasms, and you’re going to get them, damn it. Waste of time, indeed,” he muttered.

And with one swift motion, he pushed her neatly clasped thighs apart.

Oh, she was wet. She could feel it the moment her legs came apart and the cool air brushed the tops of her thighs. She was soaked, actually, to an embarrassing degree. She’d never been so aroused. And it was clear he knew she was wet, because he groaned at the sight of her spread thighs and his lips curved in that mouthwatering little grin of his. “If you’ll excuse me, sweetheart, I’m about to dive in and waste my time for a bit.”


He leaned in, and then his mouth was on her flesh.

A sharp squeak erupted from her throat and then she fisted her hands in the pillow behind her head again. Oh god. Oh god. He wasn’t going slow like he had with her breasts. He’d delicately made love to those.

He was devouring her pussy.

His tongue stroked over her folds, brushing over her clit and sending shock waves through her body. She heard his groan of pleasure, and then felt him part her folds. “You are so fucking sweet, Greer. So delicious. I can tell right now I’m gonna be down here for hours, sweetheart.”

She whimpered. Her breasts ached, her nipples tight, but it was nothing compared to the sensations crashing through her from his mouth on her sex. He pushed one thigh up until her leg was bent, and then moved it over his shoulder. The other one quickly followed suit, and then, dear lord, she was straddling him as he buried his face between her legs and tongued her for all he was worth.

And oh god, it was incredible. Greer pulled the pillow out from under her head and bit down on a corner, because his mouth—oh god, oh god, oh god—was everywhere. He was licking every inch of her, and just when she thought he was slowing down, he’d stroke his tongue over her clit, making her entire body jerk in response.

Tension began to build in her body, and she moaned as he dragged his tongue over her clit again in the most deliciously frustrating movement ever.

His head jerked up. “Was that a moan?”

She shot him the finger, still biting down on the edge of the pillow.

Asher gave her a delighted look, utterly pleased with himself. “Clearly I must be doing something right to squeeze that out of my lovely but silent Greer. I’ll just have to redouble my efforts.”

Oh god, she was going to die of pleasure overload, she thought as she watched him lean in again, and then his mouth disappeared between her legs. She felt his tongue flick over her clit again, and couldn’t resist a second moan when she realized he was watching her as he licked her, as his tongue moved over her clit.

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