The Billionaire's Final Stand (12 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Final Stand
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              “I need some healthy snacks. Since I’m practically living in the hospital, I’m gaining too much weight,” Kinsey said as they neared the fruit section.

              “You could stand to gain a bit of weight, not that you don’t look great no matter what,” Austin quickly told her. Ah, he was a smart man. She actually smiled at him, her first real smile in a long time. He was easy to be around – which was why she fell for his charm in the first place. She tried to remind herself of that fact, but gave up and decided to just go with the flow. It wasn’t like anything could happen in a huge store.

              “I’d say for our first real date, this isn’t too bad,” Austin said with a wink.

              Kinsey stopped and looked at him like he was insane.

              “This isn’t a date.”

              “I carried you inside, helped undress you, and am now shopping. I choose to believe it’s a date,” he countered.

              “Fine, but then you’re a cheap date. I didn’t even get flowers.”

              “You want flowers? I’ll buy you a room full,” he said with a gleam in his eyes that worried her. She knew he would indeed buy them if she didn’t put a stop to it.

              “I was just kidding. I have no room for flowers,” she warned.

              “There’s always room for flowers.”

              She quickly changed the subject, hoping to distract him.

              “Why aren’t you married like the rest of your family?” That stopped him in his tracks.

              “I don’t know. I just never found someone I could see myself spending the rest of my life with,” he hedged.

              “What about kids? You do so great with your nieces and nephews.”

              “I love those little rugrats. I can’t believe how amazing they are. A few years ago I would’ve been convinced I wasn’t father material, but now…” he trailed off.

              Kinsey was shocked by his answer. She’d been trying to make him uncomfortable so he’d drop the whole dating thing, not find more reasons to like him. She could easily picture him with a baby girl in his arms, his face beaming with pride. Her imagination took over and she could see herself beside him.


She couldn’t afford to go there. He already told her he wasn’t planning on getting married, that he hadn’t found anyone worth making that commitment. He wanted to sleep with her, sure, but he didn’t want to put a ring on her finger. Besides, she didn’t want that, either. Right? Oh, she was so confused. She just needed a good night’s rest. That was all.

              Their gazes locked. She could practically feel the steam rising from their damp bodies. One word, that’s all it would take for her to have the most fantastic night of her life, but she didn’t want that… She really didn’t, she reminded herself.

              Finally, she managed to tear her gaze away. She took a step forward, grabbing random items as she tried distracting herself. Without realizing what she was doing, she grabbed a box of condoms, tossing it in the cart.

              I’m stronger than this. A way-too-sexy-for-his-own-good guy isn’t what I need right now. He’s the brother-in-law of my best friend. An affair with him would be awkward. I can’t even go there. She repeated those sentences over and over in her head. She couldn’t fight him, and herself, too. She’d cave – she knew she would.

              Austin had stopped and was staring at her with fire burning in his eyes. She looked at him, wondering what was going on. Then he reached into the cart and pulled out the condoms, a confident grin on his face.

              “Thank you,” he practically purred. Then, he laughed, pleasure obvious as he went on and on.

              Kinsey looked at the box of extra-large condoms and her face flamed. She quickly pushed ahead, too mortified to comment. She was hoping the floor would just go ahead and swallow her up right there.

              He quickly caught up to her, and they were silent as they strolled through the store over the next twenty minutes. She grabbed a few more items, but she wanted to be done. Once she had everything she needed, they started making their way to the checkout stands. The sooner the trip was over, the faster she could regain her sanity. She knew once she was away from him, she’d remember all the reasons not to date – or sleep with – the very confident and gorgeous Austin.

              Austin insisted on loading the belt, then paid for the entire purchase. She wasn’t going to argue with him in front of the cashier, but she’d have words for him once they got inside his car. It wasn’t a lot of money, but still…

              They were nearing the front door when they were interrupted.

              “Austin?” An annoying female voice called.

              She seemed surprised to see him in a discount store. Kinsey was surprised anyone he knew would be in the store. She didn’t picture the kind of ladies he normally associated with, shopping in a discount warehouse, especially late at night.

              They both turned and saw a stunning woman, wearing a tight skirt, a shirt with her cleavage on display, and her hair and make-up done to perfection.

              She squealed before rushing to them and throwing her arms around Austin’s neck, smashing her huge breasts against his chest.

They have
to be fake
, Kinsey thought.

              Austin pushed the woman away, but he didn’t look to be in too big a hurry to do it, Kinsey thought snidely.

              She had to catch her errant thoughts. He wasn’t hers and he could do what he wanted. She’d told him several times that she didn’t want anything to do with him. She knew he wasn’t a monk, and had plenty women at his disposal, but it was awkward standing next to him while another woman clung on tight. Kinsey felt like scratching
the Barbie’s eyes

              “It’s good to see you, Candy,” Austin said.

              Kinsey was surprised by the stiffness in his voice. He didn’t sound pleased to see her. She decided to give them privacy, because three was definitely a crowd.

              She turned and took a step, trying to move away, when Austin’s arm snaked out and gripped her around the waste. He pulled her snugly against his body, and the woman turned, seeming to notice her for the first time. Her eyes narrowed slightly before she returned her full attention to Austin.

              “I can’t believe you’re shopping. You used to always complain that there was never a reason to grocery shop with all the available restaurants around town,” she said with a pout.

              “Well, things change,” he said shortly.

              She giggled an annoying sound and Kinsey wondered if she’d sounded that terrible when she’d had her laughing fit earlier. She really hoped not. She tugged against Austin, really,
wanting to get away from them.

              “I’ve been trying to reach you for a couple of weeks. I heard about your father, and figured you’d need
,” she said in a husky tone. Kinsey knew exactly what kind of comforting the woman was offering.


              “Thanks for your concern, Candy, but Kinsey’s been with me the entire time. I wouldn’t have made it through without her.”

              Candy barely glanced in Kinsey’s direction, as if she wasn’t in the least concerned about the frumpy woman his arm was around.

              “Well, you know I’m here for you. Why don’t you come by my place on Saturday…”

              “I think we already have plans Saturday, don’t we, Darling?” he asked as he looked into her eyes. He was pleading with her to play along. She was so shocked by the turn of events, she really wasn’t capable of speaking right then. She just looked at him slightly wide-eyed.

              “Yes, yes we do.” He answered his own question. “We have to get going, Candy. It was good to see you. Tell your brother hello for me.”

              Austin didn’t give Candy time to say another word. With his arm still around Kinsey, he moved to the front of the store. At the doors, he grabbed her in his arms, then swung her around to his back. She was so shocked by the motion, she automatically tightened her arms around his neck. Pushing the cart, he quickly stepped outside.

              Luckily, the rain had eased up while they were in the store, so it was only a light drizzle. Austin rushed them to his car, opened the door, then set her inside in one smooth motion.

              He quickly placed their items in the back of his Benz, then jumped in the driver's seat. He turned toward her, his hair wet, his cheeks flushed from the cold, and a look in his eye that warmed her up about a hundred degrees.

              “What was that all about?” she asked. He didn’t try to insult her intelligence by playing dumb, at least.

              “She was a woman I went on one date with a while back. There was no reason to go on a second date, but she never quite figured that out. I’ve run into her a couple times, and she’s done all she can to throw herself at me. It was easier to let her think you and I are a couple. I plan on that happening anyway,” he answered as if it was no big deal.

              “You’re so damn presumptuous. Maybe I didn’t want to play in your little cat and mouse game, and for the last time, I’m not going out with you. I had sex with you - once. Big deal. It was forgettable, anyway,” she lied. She licked her lips, immediately knowing her words were a mistake, as she watched his eyes darken with desire.

              Before she could utter another word, he was dragging her across the seats, her body crushed between the steering wheel and his rock solid chest. His obvious arousal was pressing into her quickly heating core. Her eyes widened as he lifted his hand into her hair and tugged hard, bringing her mouth down to his.

              He wasn’t gentle or coaxing. He was outright demanding as he pressed his tongue against her lips, insisting she open for him. She gasped as sensations washed through her, giving him full access to her mouth.

              His tongue ran along the edge of her lips, making them tingle, before he drove inside her mouth, making her lose all thoughts. One hand gripped her head, holding it in place, while his other ran down the curve of her back, and pulled her even tighter against him.

              Without thought, she ground her hips against his, searching for relief. Pressure continued building inside her.

              Pushing into him only made her burning need worse.

              She groaned as multiple sensations washed over her, electricity sparking in the air.

              She reached around his neck, running her fingers through his damp hair, tugging on the strands, needing him to keep kissing her. She’d never been so consumed.

              Her heartbeat accelerated as she lost her breath. She slid her tongue in his mouth, and when he sucked on it, a shiver racked her from head to toe. He was turning her to jello with just a kiss.

              As Austin’s hand slid under the hem of her shirt and straight up to her straining nipples, Kinsey was quickly forgetting all her reasons why an affair with him was a bad idea.

Chapter Seven


              Austin was losing all semblance of control as he stroked Kinsey’s body. His hand moved under the hem of her shirt until finally he cupped her heavy breast in his hand, his thumb sliding across her tight nipple.

              His tongue delved deeper in her mouth, tasting her, enveloping her.

              Claiming her as his.

              Her body was made for him. The way her spread thighs cradled him perfectly, the fit of her soft breast spilling from his palm, even the feel of her lips devouring his own. If his jeans weren’t in the way, he’d easily slip inside her heat, her body gripping him, sending him to another existence. One where pleasure was all that mattered.

              He was losing it – forgetting he was in a store parking lot, forgetting anyone could pass by. He had one thought on his mind.

              Claim her.

              He reached down her sweats, his fingers gliding across the smooth, flat surface of her stomach, sliding inside the silk panties he’d just purchased for her.

              He slid under the thin elastic, and when he felt her wetness – her readiness for him – his body throbbed in pain. He had to take her, now. He’d pleasure her more later.

              He shifted to undo his pants, when there was a tapping on his window. Kinsey jerked from him, her eyes widened to the point that if he wasn’t in so much agony, it would’ve been comical.

              There was tapping again and he glanced at the driver’s side window, unable to see out because they were so fogged up.

              He couldn’t remember the last time he’d necked in a car. Not since he was a teenager, that’s for sure. He definitely couldn’t remember the last time someone had busted him in the middle of making love.

              He’d only meant to kiss her for a few moments, to prove to her that, yes, it really was that good. For her to blow him off hadn’t done wonders for his ego. He knew she was lying. She’d received just as much pleasure as him, but still, it had stung.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Final Stand
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