The Billionaire's Final Stand (22 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Final Stand
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              “What?” She took a step back.

              “As a matter of fact, I’m feeling pretty good now that you’re here in those sexy scrubs,” he added as he reached her and quickly pulled her into his arms.

              “Austin, this isn’t the time or place,” she warned.

              “This is the perfect time and place. I see many possibilities. I’ve missed you the past week,” he said before his mouth descended on hers and he kissed her.

              She was only stiff for a second before her body melted into his. Austin felt his stress drain the second she was in his arms. His dad could wait. The entire hospital could wait. He needed her.

              “I have to work,” she breathlessly protested, though her arms lifted as she ran her fingers through his hair.

              “Then I better not take too long.”

              He backed her up against the small hospital bed, then removed one hand long enough to pull the privacy curtain into place. He’d always wanted to make-love in a hospital room. Chalk one fantasy off his list. He saw the moment her eyes darkened, desire overriding her fear.

              Austin pulled away long enough to slip her top and bottoms off, then he ripped his own clothes away. He picked her up, cherishing the feel of her in his arms and the way her breath caressed his neck. He gently laid her on the table, then stood for a moment, his breath taken away by her sheer beauty.

              She was lying in nothing but two small pieces of lace, barely covering her most sacred assets. He watched her stomach quiver as he touched her with nothing but his eyes.

              “You’re so beautiful,” he reverently murmured as he took his hand and touched her face, then slid his palm down her throat, over the mounds of full breasts, across the flat plane of her trembling stomach, and then across her toned thighs.

              She groaned when he caressed his way back up her legs, stopping at the juncture between her thighs. He slowly pushed them open, then slipped his finger inside the bright pink lace panties, his own breath hitching when he felt how hot and wet she already was.

              She was so responsive, it was taking great effort for him to go slow enough to pleasure her. He ached with a driving hunger only she could fill.

              “Oh,” she moaned when he inserted his finger deeper, then rubbed his thumb in slow circles across her womanhood. Her hips lifted off the bed, begging him to continue. He felt his own legs grow shaky as he stood before her nearly naked body.

              “I want you all the time, night and day. I wake up with my body hard, sweat dripping off me because I need you so badly,” he whispered as he bent down and ran his tongue from the hollow of her throat to the corner of her lip.

              His arousal grew to the point of pain when a low groan rumbled out of her chest, and her core became even slicker as his finger gently pushed in and out. He pulled out, then pushed two inside, causing her back to arch even more.

              She gripped the table, her head turning as he continued to stroke her body with his hands and mouth. Her skin warmed beneath his hot breath as he pulled his fingers out, then straddled the table, and kissed her, his tongue exploring her mouth.

              She reached her arms up and rubbed his back, causing sweat to bead on his skin. It was taking all his concentration not to sink inside her, relieving the ache of his pulsing erection.

              He moved his mouth down, determined to explore every curve of her body. He lifted her back, quickly unhooking her delicate pink bra so he could take her luscious nipples into his mouth.

              Her strawberry fragrance was intoxicating, causing his stomach to clench as he ran his tongue over the perfect mounds of her breasts, lavishing equal attention to both.

              His teeth scrapped the sensitive peaks, her back arching into him, her hands lifting to pull him tighter against her skin. He sucked her deep into his mouth, drawing her very essence into him. He wanted her full surrender, and he was getting it, as she clung to him, her body shaking with its need for release.

              Every groan she uttered sent fire to his groin, creating a volcanic size eruption building inside him. He moved down her body, his mouth scraping along the satin skin of her stomach, dipping inside the delicate circle of her belly button.

              Every inch of her turned him on. He moved off the table and slowly pulled the triangle of lace away from her core, his eyes taking in the luscious sight of her spread before him.

              “You’re mine, Kinsey. Stop fighting me – us. This is too good,” he whispered before his mouth descended and he ran his tongue along the inside of her thighs.

              “Yes,” she cried, shifting on the small table.

              Austin spotted the stir-ups and quickly pulled them out, placing her feet in the holders. She tried to say no, but he continued trailing his lips up her thighs, and all protests vanished.

              When he reached the junction of her thighs and kissed her intimately, her back arched again. He nearly lost control at her first taste, how sweet and moist she was, how ready, how turned on.

              He slid his tongue along her heated folds, kissing her deeply. Then he drew her swollen womanhood into his mouth and sucked, making her scream out as her body shattered beneath his mouth. He slowly caressed the area, drawing out her pleasure until she finally collapsed against the table, her legs still spread wide.

              He lifted his head and gazed at the incredible sight of her. Her body was flushed, a slight sheen of sweat sparkled off her torso, her nipples red and swollen from his mouth.

              She was spectacular.

              He stood on shaking legs and pressed the head of his arousal against her quivering opening, then watched as he slowly sank inside her. He could barely breathe at the sight of her body taking him fully inside her.

              “Oh, Austin, so good,” she slurred, her breathing coming in gasps. “So, so good.”

              “Yes, baby, you’re so perfect,” he groaned as he pulled all the way out just so he could see himself spreading and entering her again.

              He started moving faster, still watching as he pumped inside her. She was so ready, so eager to take him in. The sheen of her desire coated his throbbing staff. He moved quicker, gripping her butt in his hands and pulling her against him, pushing hard against her.

              “Yes, more,” she demanded.

              He willingly obliged as he thrust his hips faster, her body cushioning him as he hit against her. Finally, he tore his gaze away, his eyes traveling up her body, taking in the soft motion of her breasts swaying as his body hit against hers.

              Then he reached her face, her head thrown back in pleasure, her eyes shut. Her mouth open, panting breaths and moans escaping each time he rocked into her, harder with each thrust.

              “I can’t…last…much…longer,” he grunted between thrusts as he continued loving her.

              “Take me…hard,” she cried, and he felt her body tensing, getting ready to erupt with him.

              He leaned forward, changing the angle, making her eyes snap open in delight. His body covered hers and his mouth captured her lips in a possessive kiss so intense, he nearly passed out.

              She moved beneath him, her hips thrusting up to meet his every stroke, her breasts pressed against his chest, their torso’s sliding together. All of it intensifying the sensations washing through him.

              He pressed tightly into her body, rocking his hips, pushing up, caressing her swollen bud, while his chest teased her nipples.

              “Please,” she cried in a broken whisper, her body shaking beneath him as she edged toward the cliff of her pleasure.

              “Yes,” he cried as he pulled back, then sank to the limit inside her tight body. She arched up, pressing herself into him as she exploded, her heat gripping him – pumping him repeatedly.

              Austin exploded in a wash of sensation, his body tensing as he pulsed inside her, the pleasure going on and on, draining him of everything he had. He shook from the power of his release, exhausted and satisfied beyond anything he’d ever felt.

              When the shudders finally ceased, he collapsed against her, cradled in the safety of her thighs. He turned his head and gently kissed her neck, sliding his tongue out to taste the sweet, salty flavor of her skin.

              When their breathing was under control, Kinsey started struggling beneath him, obviously being crushed by his dead weight.

              “That was worth getting an I.V. stuck in my arm,” he said with a chuckle as he propped himself up on his arms and looked into her sleepy eyes.

              “I… Well… um, thank you,” she said, her cheeks flushing.

              “Pleasure was all mine,” he replied as he bent down and softly caressed her lips with his own. His body, still enclosed in hers, jumped back to life at the slight touch of her mouth.

              Her eyes widened in surprise when she felt him growing inside her. He grinned with confidence, loving how much she affected him.

              “As much as I’d love to immediately begin round two, I don’t want you to get in trouble,” he said with reluctance as he softly moved within her folds a few times. He couldn’t resist. It just felt so incredible being inside her warmth.

              “Oh,” she called as her eyes widened. It was obvious she’d forgotten where they were, let alone that she was on shift. As he moved, her eyes began misting over, work once again forgotten.

              Austin pushed inside her one last time before he reluctantly pulled out, surprised at the feeling of loss with the separation. She uttered a protest as he moved away.

              “I’m picking you up Friday night at seven. We have a family dinner, and you’re my date.” He didn’t ask. He wouldn’t give her the chance to run and hide again. He decided the best way to pursue her was full-on, in her face.

              “I… well, I don’t know,” she said.

              He gripped her face in his hands as he made her look at him. He waited a couple heartbeats before speaking.

              “Kinsey, I’ll be here at seven. Friday,” he commanded.

              “Okay,” she finally whispered as she nodded. He was enjoying the sated look on her face.

              “Good, now let’s take a quick shower,” he said, feeling lighter than he had since meeting her.

              Kinsey said nothing as he led her into the small bathroom and turned the spray on. As he soaped up her body, he couldn’t help but take her one more time. He was only human, after all. His father ended up waiting another hour.

Chapter Twelve



              “Is there something you want to tell us, Kinsey?”

              Kinsey looked around the nurses’ station with confusion. Several of the staff were standing around with huge grins on their faces, all directed at her.

              “Uh, not that I can think of,” she slowly answered.

              “Really? Are you sure about that?” one of the women asked.

              “Did I miss something? I know I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately, but you’re all acting a bit stranger than normal,” she said as she came around the counter to access the computer, her eyebrows furrowed.

              She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw twelve vases lined up with a dozen roses in each one, all different colors, all beautiful. She got a really bad feeling, especially since she’d been finding single roses on her pillow for the past week. There’d been no notes, nothing, but she had no doubt they were from Austin. How could she continue to resist him when he acted so romantic? Her heart picked up as she stared at the myriad of colors before her.

              “Come on. Spill,” one nurse demanded.

              “I…” Kinsey hesitated, at a complete loss for words.

              “It looks like there may be a good reason you aren’t getting enough sleep,” another nurse commented, then giggled.

              “I’ve just been working long shifts,” Kinsey defended.

              “That’s not all I’ve heard. We heard there was some late night activity in your on-call room,” Kathy said. She’d been hired the same time as Kinsey, and the two had become close the past year.

              “What?” Kinsey gasped, feeling her cheeks heat up, hating that she was signing her guilty papers without saying anything.

              “Yeah, Michelle said she walked by and heard a moan, and that it certainly wasn’t pain filled, if you know what I mean.”

              “I…I don’t know what you guys are talking about. You know how rumors spread in the hospital,” Kinsey said, knowing she was wasting her breath. She would’ve been right there with them, teasing whoever had gotten lucky, if she weren’t the one on the receiving end. There was no privacy in the hospital. She knew that – but when she was with Austin, she forgot everything.

              “Well, we might have been convinced that you were only having a really,
great dream, if not for the dozens of thank-you-for-the-best-sex-of-my-life-roses,” Kathy said with a laugh.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Final Stand
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