The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin

BOOK: The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin
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Evernight Publishing




Copyright© 2013 Doris O’Connor



ISBN: 978-1-77130-397-2


Artist: Sour Cherry Designs


Editor: Karyn







The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
No part of this book may be
used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a
work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.





As always, thanks to my
fabulous Editor and all the team at Evernight, my family for putting up with
the netbook being attached to my fingertips, and the fabulous Jo for her
'rediting' skills.  A special thank you to Sukhi, for those magic words...
You know that virgin selling herself... it would make an excellent story. It

And to Tony – I love you.





Doris O’Connor


© 2013



Chapter One


"Sir, we have a problem."

Lakota “Lance” Kemnay scowled at the sheets of rain
obscuring the impressive view of London's skyline his ridiculously expensive
roof top hotel suite usually afforded. Rivulets of water ran down the glass, as
though the sky was weeping with him. Not that one tear had left Lakota's dark
eyes. Tears were useless, and a ploy for women to get men wrapped round their
little fingers.

He turned around to face his right hand man and vastly over-paid
head of his legal team. Percy held a file in his hands, and his face looked as
grim as the summer storm raging outside.

"My mother, Lord rest her soul, would have said
your face will get stuck like that, Percy." Lakota twisted his lips into
the semblance of a smile, but Percy didn't respond. The only other time his
unflappable man had been that grim had been when he'd passed on the news of
Zeb's death. Surely there could be nothing else that warranted such

"Another problem?" Lakota shook his head and
forced himself to put the glass of whiskey in his hand down slowly. "Does
this have anything to do with my brother?"

At the other man's nod, Lakota pinched the bridge of his
nose with his thumb and forefinger. Even in death, Zeb caused trouble.

"How much will this cost me to fix?" he asked.

"I'm not sure your money will
help here, Sir. You see, it seems your brother made a rather unusual
acquisition before his death—in your name."

That got Lakota's attention.
Something about the inflection Percy put on unusual made the fine hair on his
neck stand to attention. He was not going to like this

"His latest acquisition killed
him. How terrible can this one be?"

Percy cleared his throat and shuffled
the papers in his hand.

"Well, Sir, you see, he bought
you a virgin."

Percy took a step back at Lakota's
not quite human growl in response, and put his hands up in a conciliatory

Lakota uncurled his clenched fists
and forced himself to breathe slowly.

"You mean there are still such
elusive things as virgins?" He spat the words out through gritted teeth.
"And my brother has somehow managed to find me one?"

"It would seem so, Sir. I have a
letter here from him that explains all the details of the transaction. He calls
it the perfect solution to your
. Which it may well be, if we can
keep this
out of the papers. That scandal would not work at
all, for what we have in mind, Sir."

No, it certainly wouldn't. Lakota's
heart gave a painful thud against his back bone. If this
indeed the solution he would grasp this opportunity with both hands, and
consequences be damned. There was just one problem.

"What sort of a woman would
auction off her virginity to the highest bidder?"

Percy shrugged his shoulders.

"As to that, I can't possibly
hazard a guess, Sir. I'm in the process of collecting all the necessary
background information for you. In the meantime, here's her picture taken from
the auction site.”

Lakota glanced at the image passed to
him and swore.


wake up. You
e got
to see this. I told you that other picture was too tame."

Alice groaned and woke up with a start. She hadn't meant
to fall asleep on her shift, but the all night café had been unusually quiet,
and she'd been on her feet non-stop for the previous twenty-four hours. Beth
had had a bad night the night before and mama had been exhausted, so Alice had
foregone sleep herself, until this latest crisis had passed. Little Beth's
episodes were getting closer together, and lasted for longer. If they didn't
find the cash for the experimental treatment soon… Alice shuddered, and rubbed
the sleep out of her eyes. No, she would get the money. This ridiculous plan
had to work.

Sara literally quivered with excitement. Her spiral red
curls bounced around her head, as she shook Alice by the shoulders again.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake. Stop trying to give me
whiplash. Where's the fire?"

"I'll let a fire under your ass in a minute, girl.
Come on! You need to see this on the boss's big screen. I've been following
this all day on my phone, but I must be seeing wrong, and the auction is almost
over, but
holy shit
, girl."

Alice allowed herself to be dragged to the office; not
at all sure she was going to like what they were going to see. Sara drummed her
long, fire engine red nails on the scuffed wood of the office desk and muttered
under her breath, as she waited for the ancient desk top to fire up.

"Come on, come

Alice shook her head and tried her best to get rid of
the last remnants of sleep clouding her consciousness.

"Finally!" Sara punched the desk, and Alice
suppressed a smile. She might have only known Sara for a few short months, but
they'd become fast friends. They'd bonded over the ridiculous hours they worked
at the café, and avoiding the lecherous hands of beer gut lorry drivers, who
were the mainstream clientele of the twenty-four seven café on the outskirts of
town. The occasional hot guy who walked through the door was immediately nabbed
by the bubbly Sara, who exuded confident sex appeal like the sirens of old
folklore. No man seemed able to resist her once she set her sights on them, and
Alice envied Sara and her easy way with men.

Alice's experience in that department went no further
than the odd fumble and sloppy kiss. At twenty-five her innocence was downright
embarrassing, and when she'd admitted as much to Sara one night when they'd
both been rather worse for wear, Sara had come up with this crazy plan.
Alice hadn't taken her too seriously at
first, but then Beth's health had taken a turn again, and she'd run out of

It was only sex, after all. How difficult could it be? And
she had to lose it sooner or later, so why not make some money out of it, and
help her niece in the process.

"Oh my
God! Looooook.
I told you this would
Sara's excited screech shook Alice out of her musings, and
she sat down on the wonky office chair with an inelegant thump. The auction
site had loaded, and her heart stopped. That couldn’t be her page. It just
couldn't. For starters the sultry seductress staring at the screen wasn't the
sedate picture Alice had put up. No, this one was one of her in last year's far
too slutty Halloween costume, and unless she was mistaken, it had been Photoshopped,
too, to show even more skin.

However, it wasn't the picture that caused her to
hyperventilate, and the room to go into a spin. It was the figure that showed
as her final bid, the auction having closed five minutes ago.

It seemed she
successfully sold her virginity for an obscene amount of money. Who in all that
was holy was Zeb2909high-life, and what on earth would she have to do for

Sara's hand on the back of head, forced it down between
her legs.

"Breathe. Don't pass out on me now. I told you this
would work. It just needed the right
You're not mad with me
are you? Alice? Alice, breathe, just breathe, okay? This is a good thing, a
really good thing. You can afford the treatment now, and your mum doesn't have
to sell her house."

Over the roaring in her ears, Alice registered the
desperate cadence to her friend's voice, and she shook her hand off and forced
herself to breathe slowly. In through her nose, out through her mouth, in-out.
She could do this. She straightened up slowly and forced a smile on her lips
for Sara.

"You're not gonna pass out on me, are you?"
Sara's worried face swam into her vision, and Alice blinked several times to
bring her friend into focus.

"No, I'm fine. It's just … it's so much money. Who
does that?" She blinked again and pushed herself closer to the screen to
make sure she hadn't imagined that figure, but, sure enough it still said the
same. "What have I let myself in for? What if he's some sort of

Sara pulled her in for an
unexpected hug.

"Well, then he's a very rich pervert." She
clicked on the bid history and whistled through her teeth. "Look at that.
The day I changed the picture, he put up a maximum bid. It doesn't say what
that was, but no one else stood a chance.
, whoever he is, he really

"That's what worries me," Alice said.
"Why all that money for
? What on earth does he expect me to do,
apart from the obvious?"

She worried her bottom lip with her teeth and tried to
ignore the butterflies taking up residence in her tummy. Sara just laughed.

"Hey, maybe he is like, you know the guy in
Too much money to know what to do with, and he liked what he saw.
What's not to like after all. I keep telling you, you're stunning, especially
when you don't hide that body in dirt cheap clothes."

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