The Black Door (6 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: The Black Door
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“Me too; I’m exhausted.” He stretched his long arms and yawned.

She put her hand between his legs, found his limp manhood, and began a gentle massage. “Not too exhausted, I hope.”

Preston felt a charge of electricity, but pulled away. “Stop before Michele comes back.”

Ariel didn’t stop; instead, she increased the pressure until she felt him grow under her touch. She clicked the automatic locks on the car door in the event Michele returned sooner than expected. She then unzipped Preston’s pants, unleashing his erect penis.

“What are you doing?” Preston asked, trying in vain to protest, even though her touch felt good.

She didn’t say a word, just leaned over and covered his rod with her mouth. Ariel sucked hard, while teasing the tip of his penis with her tongue.

Preston gasped, “Oh, yeah, baby.” He quickly gave in to the pleasure and rotated his hips so that she could get his entire dick down her throat.

Ariel increased the pace until her head was bobbing up and down like a chicken. Just as she was close to bringing Preston to climax, Michele pulled the door handle, trying to get back into the car.

“Oh shit!” Preston jerked his cock out of Ariel’s mouth. “Stop before she sees us.”

“She can’t see into the car; the windows are tinted, remember?” Ariel said, reaching for his still erect member. “Let her wait; I’m not finished.”

Preston moved farther away and quickly tucked his dick back into his pants, straightened his tie, and unlocked the door.

Michele poked her head into the backseat and looked at them strangely, wondering why they had locked her out. She noticed that Preston looked nervous and Ariel looked frustrated, but didn’t comment on whatever was going on and just said, “You’re all set.” She handed Preston a key card. “You’re in room 25C,” she told them before walking ahead.

“Thanks, Michele. See you in the morning.” Preston got out of the car and then helped Ariel out.

Once they were in the room, Preston went directly over to the oak desk, opened his briefcase, and began to take out various papers. “I need to fax this over to the senator’s office so he can preview it before our meeting,” he explained.

“Can’t Michele do that?” Ariel asked in a low tone as she unbuttoned her blouse.

“I forgot to give it to her; besides, since I have the information here I might as well do it myself,” he said, inserting the first of many papers into the fax machine.

Ariel took off her blouse and slipped out of her skirt. Clad only in a thong and see-through bra she sauntered over to Preston. “Come on, baby, can’t that wait for a few minutes?” She unhooked her bra, allowing her boobs to spill out. She caressed both breasts. “You haven’t nibbled on these in such a long time, and they’re starting to feel neglected.”

Preston looked at her stiff nipples and felt his erection returning. He reached out, pulled her close, and began sucking on her nipples. He sat the sack of papers on the desk and unzipped his pants. It had been weeks since they made love and he longed to be inside of her. But the phone rang, interrupting their groove.

“Let it ring; whoever it is will call back,” Ariel said into his ear.

He was tempted to let the answering service pick up the call, but he just couldn’t. “I need to answer it, it might be the senator.”

“Calling this late?” Ariel asked, wrinkling her brow.

“I’m sorry, honey, but I need to pick it up just in case,” he said, pushing her slightly away. “Hello? Yes, I have them right here,” he said, turning around and picking up the document. “No . . . that’s okay, I’ll fax them myself. Okay, see you in the morning.” He turned back to Ariel, who was standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest. “That was Michelle, she—”

“I heard,” she said, cutting him off.

“Don’t get mad, honey, but I really do need to fax this document over. The senator needs it for our meeting in the morning,” he said, returning his attention to the task at hand.

Ariel was trying to be patient, but the document was at least twenty-five pages long, and it was taking forever, and the fact that the fax machine was outdated didn’t help either. After fifteen minutes, he was finally done, and Ariel assumed that they were going to pick up where they had left off, but Preston reached for the phone and began dialing.

“Who are you calling, now?”

“Michele, to ask her how to print out a confirmation receipt. I want to make sure the document was received on the other end.”

Ariel walked over to the machine and looked at the various buttons. This fax machine was different from the one in her office, and she had no idea how to get the report. She began pressing one button after the other, but nothing happened, then suddenly the thing began beeping loudly.

“What did you do?” Preston asked, seemingly annoyed.

“I was trying to get the confirmation report, but I must have hit the wrong button,” she said, still jabbing at the machine.

“Michele, can you come up here? We have a problem,” he yelled into the receiver over the noise.

“We don’t need her, I’ll just turn the thing off,” Ariel said, looking for the power switch. The last person she wanted to see was Preston’s new assistant.

“You better put some clothes on, she’ll be here in a few minutes,” he said, hanging up the phone and zipping up his pants.

Watching Preston regain his composure, Ariel suddenly felt dirty, standing there looking like a naked hooker, like Eve trying to entice Adam with the forbidden apple. She covered her exposed breasts with both arms. “Maybe I should just go back home, and let you concentrate on your work. I feel like I’m in the way.”

“You’re not in the way, honey. I just need to focus on the meetings Michele has set up for this weekend. I know I promised you a romantic getaway, and initially I was only meeting with the senator, but Michele was able to set up a few lunch meetings,” he said apologetically.

“Had I known you were going to be busy twenty-four/seven I would have stayed home.” This was new territory for Ariel. Throughout their relationship Preston had treated her like a princess, doting on her and giving her his undivided attention. Now his “princess” seemed to be impeding his work. Even though she knew how important sitting on the bench was to Preston, she was still a little envious of all the attention he was giving to the process.

A feeling of neglect washed over Ariel, and suddenly she felt like a little girl again. She would get this same feeling whenever her foster mother spent more time with the latest addition to the family instead of her. Ariel picked her clothes off of the floor and went into the bedroom. She decided to go back to New York and scheduled a flight for the following morning. Part of her—the mature professional—understood Preston’s ambition, but another part of her—the insecure kid—wanted his undivided attention. Since she couldn’t have it both ways, she thought it best to leave so that he could concentrate on the true reason for his visit.

ringing as Ariel stepped through her front door back in New York. Thinking that it was Preston, she quickly snatched the receiver off of its base.


“Where’s the fire?” Meri asked, picking up on her overanxious tone.

“Oh, hi, Meri,” she said despondently, disappointed that it wasn’t Preston.

“Oh, hi, Meri? Is that any way to greet your old friend? What’s wrong?” Meri asked, instinctively detecting trouble in paradise.

“Nothing much,” she responded lamely.

“Oh, don’t give me that. Something’s wrong. I can hear it in your voice.”

“It’s just that Preston is so busy that he doesn’t have much time for me anymore.” Ariel went on the tell Meri the details of the previous day and about his new assistant.”

“Darling, you need to release the sexual pressure that’s been building up for months and join The Black Door. That way you’ll give Preston the space he wants, while satisfying your needs at the same time.”

Ariel thought about it for a moment. “I can’t cheat on Preston, it’s just not right.”

“Well, at least go and see a little eye candy. Sounds like Preston is getting an eyeful with his sex-kitten assistant strutting around.”

“You have a point, but I can’t go through that rigorous screening process, especially now that Preston is trying to get on the Supreme Court. The last thing I need is for the investigators to uncover my membership in a sex club. First there was Nanny-Gate, and I would hate for there to be a Sex-Gate because of me. That little discovery would surely destroy his chances.”

“Hmmm,” Meri said while thinking. “I have the perfect idea. Since all of the members wear masks to conceal their faces, why don’t you borrow mine and go to the club disguised as me?”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. That’s the perfect solution. Right now, you need the services of the club more than I do. I’m going to have my mask messengered over to you today, along with my password and the address of the club. All you have to do is give the password at the door and you’re in like Flynn.”

Ariel was a bit reluctant, but too horny to decline her friend’s generous offer. Seeing a room full of sexy men was probably all she needed to cool her jets until Preston returned his focus to her. “Thanks, Meri.”

“Don’t thank me now. Thank me after your first visit.”

Ariel was filled with nervous energy and began to pace the floor as she waited for her special delivery.


believe she was standing in the dimly lit foyer of The Black Door. She had crossed the infamous threshold and was on the verge of entering the main parlor. Meri had tucked a note inside the box along with her patent leather, scarlet mask, explaining the club’s layout. She wrote that the entry to the second floor, where carnal festivities took place, was located in the parlor on the left, behind a pair of ruby-colored velvet drapes.

Her nerves were racing a mile a minute, and the beefy doorman, sensing her trepidation, tried to relax her with a little digital stimulation before she entered the main room. He walked up close from behind and gently ran his hand up and down her exposed thigh. At first Ariel flinched from his unexpected touch, but the more he rubbed the more she began to enjoy the feel of his warm hand on her skin. Once she was totally comfortable with his stroking, he moved his hand from her thigh to her thong, but he didn’t stop there. Before she could protest his thick fingers were inside of her underwear, playing with her clit. She wanted to yell
but his touch felt too good—it wasn’t too rough or too gentle, it was just right. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. Once she was near orgasm, he whispered in her ear, “Now you’re ready for The Black Door.”

Once he released her, Ariel felt lightheaded from the surprise greeting and staggered toward the door to the inner sanctum. Realizing that she was about to enter a world she knew nothing about, her nerves returned. Ariel put her trembling hand on the handsomely carved mahogany pocket door, exhaled, and slowly slid it open. She was stunned by the opulence of the room. She had expected to see a modern decadent decor, but there were plush sofas upholstered in scarlet and gold raw silk, with an assortment of decorative throw pillows lining the perimeter of the room. A six-tiered crystal chandelier with faint ocher lighting hung overhead, casting a sexy glow throughout the room. There was a group of masked, scantily dressed women milling around an ornate fountain in the center of the parlor, drinking and socializing with a few hot male servers. She could only see the bottom half of their faces, but based on the cellulite thighs, sagging breasts, and curved spine of one woman, Ariel assumed that she was probably close to sixty. The woman seemed comfortable in her see-through negligee as she sipped champagne and flirted shamelessly with a tall, muscular masked man, dressed only in a half-mask and a pair of tight black leather shorts that emphasized the outline of his penis. Ariel’s face registered a shocked expression underneath her mask as she watched the woman brazenly reach inside the man’s waistband and massage his manhood. After bringing him close to an erection, the woman removed her hand, licked her fingertips, and then led her subject away by the hand.

bet they’re going upstairs to get it on,
Ariel thought, as she watched them disappear behind the heavy crimson drape.

She couldn’t believe the sexual energy flowing through the air; everyone seemed to be tweaked but her. Walking toward the fountain, she thought,
I need some liquid courage.
She picked up a glass from a silver tray and filled it from one of the spigots. She took a sip and was surprised to taste ice-cold vodka. She had assumed that it was a typical champagne fountain, but she should’ve known otherwise, because nothing in this club was typical. The moment she stepped through the club’s black door, everything was completely skewed. Though Meri had given her the inside scoop, she wasn’t prepared for this world of eroticism. Ariel hadn’t expected the doorman to get her moist without a simple hello—even though she enjoyed his touch—nor had she expected to witness an overt display of foreplay. She wasn’t a prude, but her standards were substandard in comparison to The Black Door’s.

Ariel let the clear, cool liquor slip past her lips and tickle her tongue; the smooth, imported, distilled Polish vodka slid down her throat and to her head. As she polished off the first drink, she felt a slight buzz, but was still nervous. She filled her glass again, hoping to drown the remaining butterflies in her belly.

“Relax. Just relax; no one knows who you are,” she whispered underneath the mask. Ariel was grateful for the decorative shield that concealed her identity. She kept reminding herself that her secret was safe, and it was okay to loosen up and enjoy the sights. After all, that’s why she was here. The second drink gave her the courage to venture behind the velvet curtain and up a flight of winding stairs to the second floor.

The sound of Miles Davis’s trumpet playing a hypnotic jazz rhythm greeted her as she reached the landing. This floor was much darker than the first level, causing her to blink twice, trying to adjust her eyes to the deep indigo lighting. The dense carpeting muffled Ariel’s heels as she slowly walked down the long, narrow corridor. Halfway down the hall, she stopped at a large picture

window. It struck her as odd that a window would be set inside an interior wall. Ariel’s jaw dropped as she peered through the glass. What she saw made her stare in disbelief; on the other side of the window was a naked woman spread eagle on a king-size bed. Her legs were wrapped around the back of a man with a shiny, tight ass, and he was humping and pumping deep into her pussy. Another man was kneeling over her swinging his dick back and forth across her mouth, as she flicked her tongue out, trying to catch the tip of his pendulum. The woman stretched her neck forward, catching his one-eyed snake in her mouth and sucked frantically like she was trying to extract venom. Ariel’s nose was pressed so close to the glass that she fogged it up with her hot breath. She had never seen a threesome before, and the two-on-one action was making her horny. She quickly wiped away the condensation with the sleeve of her dress before anyone noticed.

“Don’t worry. It’s a one-way mirror. You can see them, but they can’t see you,” said a deep baritone voice.

Not only could Ariel feel his steamy breath in her ear, but she could also feel his thick shaft in her rear. Whoever was standing behind her had cozied up so close that their bodies were locked in a vertical spoon position.

Then he whispered, “That’s the Voyeurism Room, but if you’re not into peep shows, we could have our own ménage à trois in private.” He pressed closer to her.

Ariel had never had a threesome, except in her dreams. Though the invitation was tempting, she wasn’t ready to live out her fantasies, at least not yet. She wanted to say no, but was enjoying the moment, and wasn’t ready for him to extract his firm body from hers.

He put his arms around her waist. “Come on. I promise you won’t be sorry”

“Not this time,” she finally said, pulling away from his grip.

Ariel was only there to “get her look on,” but as horny as she was feeling, she just might “get her freak on.” In any event she wanted to see more of what the club had to offer before she jumped at the first opportunity. She ventured farther down the darkened passage and could hear moans coming from behind the closed doors that dotted the hallway. The hedonistic sounds of lovemak-ing were making her hornier.

Maybe I should have taken him up on his offer,
she thought and looked behind her, but the masked man was long gone.

When Ariel turned around, she bumped smack into a curvaceous woman wearing a silver thong, matching mask, and little else. Her large breasts sat upright and firm, undoubtedly filled with saline. As they stood nipple to nipple, the woman looked down at the silhouette of Ariel’s breast through her sheer sheath and licked her lips.

“Nice titties. Who did them?” she asked shamelessly.

Ariel was caught totally off guard. “What?”

“Dr. Braxton, on Fifth, did mine,” she said, sensuously massaging her naked breasts with both hands. “They feel so good and natural.” She took Ariel’s hand and replaced it with hers. “Don’t they?”

Ariel didn’t know what to do; she had never touched another woman’s breasts before, so she just stood there, frozen in shock.

“Don’t be shy, touch them,” instructed the woman, as she took Ariel’s wrist and moved her hand in a circular motion around the circumference of her perfectly shaped nipple. “They feel real, don’t they?”

Ariel had to admit that the breast did feel natural, just a little firmer than her own. “Yes they do, but—”

Before she could say another word, the woman started caressing Ariel’s breasts with both hands. “Umm, your titties are so supple. I thought mine were natural, but yours feel like the real thing.”

Ariel pulled away. “They
the real thing.”

“I’m sure they are, honey.” She winked and stepped in closer to get another feel. “Let’s go in the Pink Room. I would love to taste you,” she said brazenly.

Ariel blushed underneath her mask; she was flattered by the compliment, but was by no means bisexual. “No, thanks.” She cleared her throat. “I’m straight.”

“So am I. But there’s nothing like ordering a little fresh fish from the menu every now and then.” The woman stroked Ariel’s forearm. “Trust me, I eat pussy better than any man. Hell, most of them don’t even know how to find the clit.” She flicked out her tongue from underneath her half-mask. “I’ll make you cum so hard, you’ll be begging for more,” she said, with an edge of cockiness in her voice.

Ariel had to admit that the invitation was making her wet, but a lesbian affair was not on her agenda. “Thanks, but no thanks,” she said sternly, and walked away.

She was experiencing sensory overload; there were sexual innuendoes everywhere she turned. It felt like feast or famine—here she could feast on a smorgasbord of sexual activities, but at home with Preston, sex had taken a holiday—and she was overwhelmed. Ariel had never made love to a stranger or indulged in a one-night stand. She was a relationship kind of girl, and didn’t know if she could fuck someone without getting to know him first.
Maybe I should just go home and masturbate to take the edge off,
she thought.

Ariel turned around before reaching the end of the long hallway and retreated toward the stairs. As she was walking down the narrow steps, a man wearing a black leather mask with glimmering onyx adorning the temples was slowly approaching her. There was something different about him. The first thing she noticed was his stealthlike presence. He moved quietly and deliberately, like a confident panther on the prowl. Second she noted his attire; he wore black jeans and a black wife-beater, unlike the other men who strutted around topless in tight shorts and G-strings. His pecs were well defined and she detected a six-pack beneath the cotton T-shirt. Her heart began to race as he approached. The steps were too narrow for two people moving in the opposite direction, so she tried to maneuver her body to allow him room to pass. Soon they were standing on the same step, looking mask to mask. It was too dark to see his eyes through the slits, but she felt his body heat as they stood within a quarter of an inch from one another. Though neither spoke a word, their body language was speaking volumes. Her nipples firmed as she noticed the bulge in his jeans. For a few seconds they stood in what seemed like suspended animation, lost in the moment. Then he firmly put his hands just below her waist right on the outline of her thong. The heat from his touch sent an electric charge shooting up her spine. “Here comes the proposition.” She held her breath in anticipation. This time she was ready to submit to her desires and throw caution down the stairs and out the door. But to her surprise and disappointment, he didn’t proposition her; he just gently moved her to the side and continued up the stairs.

As goose bumps covered her skin, Ariel shivered; she could still feel his touch. She contemplated going back upstairs to find him; his silent seduction intrigued her, and she wanted more.

“Maybe I’ll get to know him next time.” Now that she knew what The Black Door had to offer, she would definitely come back as a willing participant and not a frigid bystander.

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