The Black Room (5 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: The Black Room
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She studied him thoughtfully for a moment, her gaze lingering on the bulge in his trousers. ‘Should we find out how much you like what you see?’ she asked calmly. Not waiting for his response, Vanessa put a hand on the waistband of his trousers and slowly unfastened Russel’s leather belt. She removed it from the hoops and placed it neatly on the floor, before returning to his trousers.

Russel could feel his cock stiffening as Vanessa’s fingers popped the button on his waistband. His rigid member was straining against his boxer shorts as she slowly pulled the zip downwards. Before she had finished unzipping him, he saw the fabric of his underwear bursting determinedly out through his trousers. Because of his excitement, he saw his dick had already started to leak pre-come and a small dark circle of moisture soiled the otherwise brilliant white of his shorts. The circle rested immediately above the swollen purple head of his cock and he could see the organ glistening hungrily beneath the material.

Vanessa circled her fingers around his prick whilst it was still encased in the thin cotton fabric of his boxers. She smiled indulgently up at Russel as she squeezed his erection firmly in her palm. ‘You really do like what you see, don’t you?’ she said kindly. She rubbed her finger over the damp spot on the boxers, caressing the huge purple end with the deft care of an adept tease. ‘You seem so excited too.’ She rubbed the tip of his erection with one finger as she spoke. ‘Do you think that’s because your hands are tied, and you’re enjoying it?’

Russel did not know what to say. He had never been in a situation like this before and his excitement went beyond anything he had ever encountered. At least, he realised, with his hands tied he did not have to trouble himself with the worry of touching the wrong place, or ignoring a part of Vanessa’s delightful body. In this situation he saw that the onus was on her to extract what pleasure she could from his securely bound body.

‘Well?’ Vanessa prompted, still stroking his cock playfully through the material of his shorts. ‘Do you think it’s nice, having your hands tied?’

‘Fantastic,’ he said breathlessly.

She smiled and shifted position. ‘In that case, you’ll love what I have planned for you next,’ Vanessa told him. She tugged his trousers from underneath him and pulled them firmly down so that they pooled at the top of his boots. With an uncharacteristic show of strength, she lifted his chair and neatly dropped the legs into the legs of his pants. She grinned happily at her handiwork as she stood back to admire him. ‘There you go, Russel,’ she said cheerfully. ‘Now you’re bound hand and foot to the chair. Mine to do with as I please. How does that sound?’

Russel warily tested his feet against their restraints and realised Vanessa was correct. He was securely bound and the realisation of this fact thrilled him more than he would have believed. His shaft twitched furiously inside his shorts.

‘Should we set that darling cock of yours free?’ Vanessa asked tenderly. She reached into the tidy on her desk and produced a pair of office scissors.

Russel felt a moment’s disquiet as she approached him, poignantly aware of his own vulnerability. He tried to shrink away from her as she approached but Vanessa was proficient at bondage and he had no real chance of escaping. Annoyingly, he realised his dick was showing further signs of arousal as the scissors neared him. ‘Wait,’ he gasped uncertainly. ‘I don’t…What are you doing?’

‘Freeing your cock,’ Vanessa whispered sweetly. She placed one end of the scissors under the hem of his boxers and quickly cut the garment from one leg, right up to the waistband.

His penis burst from its restraints and stood proudly above his flat stomach. Russel sighed heavily, not daring to contemplate what Vanessa could have done to him.

Vanessa placed the scissors down on the floor next to Russel’s belt and moved gracefully above him. She stood with a leg either side of the chair, her pussy poised inches from his face. ‘Kiss me,’ she commanded sternly.

Russel obeyed wordlessly. His tongue worked furiously on her lips, relishing the sweetness of her heated wetness. He could taste her excitement and realised triumphantly she was enjoying this game as much as he was. Her fragrant juices began to pour over his lips and into his mouth as her delight manifested itself in a shuddering orgasm.

‘Now tongue my arse again,’ she gasped tersely. ‘You do that so well,’ she added, bucking her pelvis forward so Russel could do as she bade. She squealed with excitement as his tongue entered her behind, and then began to writhe her lower half on his face as he probed ever deeper into the darkness of her hole.

Almost smothered by the labia pressing into his nose, Russel continued to force his tongue into Vanessa’s bumhole, aware that his stiff member was standing to attention with an eager rigidity that bordered on climax.

Vanessa enjoyed a second orgasm, shrieking noisily as the waves of pleasure cascaded throughout her body. A splash of pussy juice squirted from Vanessa’s excited hole as she came. The spray filled Russel’s mouth and covered his face with its honey-like texture. Greedily, he licked himself clean as though he were drinking nectar.

She moved lithely away from his reach and turned her attention to his dick. ‘You’re quite a big boy, aren’t you?’ she observed lasciviously.

Russel shrugged, an unaccountable feeling of embarrassment tempering his response.

‘And it looks like you’re enjoying this little game,’ Vanessa added.

Russel nodded. ‘Yes,’ he panted excitedly, ‘Yes I am.’ The word ‘enjoyment’ did not begin to hint at the euphoric pleasure he was experiencing at Vanessa’s hands but he supposed it was sufficient for the moment. He watched as she unfastened the buttons on his shirt and wondered exactly what she had planned for him.

Wordlessly, Vanessa pulled his shirt open and casually teased his nipples with her fingers. When both nubs were standing proudly on his smooth chest, she reached for her handbag and produced a small lipstick. As Russel watched, she applied a smear of scarlet to her lips. The sight of the phallus shaped make-up being drawn slowly around her mouth was intrinsically erotic and Russel felt himself bordering on climax just watching her.

Aware of the effect she was having on him, Vanessa smiled happily at Russel. She leant over him and placed her lips around one nipple, pressing down firmly. Her tongue deftly teased the erectile tissue until Russel felt his arousal increasing to a point that was beyond his control. As though she had sensed his excitement, Vanessa chose that moment to move away. She gracefully moved to his other side and did the same thing on his right nipple, pressing her mouth firmly over him and teasing the gland until his enjoyment was almost too much. ‘There,’ she said, standing back to admire him. Both his nipples were now circled with the lipstick imprints of her lips. ‘Now you’re beginning to look like a slave,’ she told him. She leant forward and, before Russel could raise a word of protest, she had painted his lips scarlet with the stick.

Russel shuddered with excitement. The scent of Vanessa’s sex was still on his face, filling his nostrils, but now the heady aroma of her lipstick was there, increasing his urgent longing. He tensed every muscle in his body, struggling to overcome the imminent climax that threatened to explode from him.

Vanessa stepped back, watching him struggle. A tight smile crossed her face as she found herself enjoying his dilemma. She reached over his body and wrote the word ‘slave’ across his chest with the bright-red lipstick. The word stood out garishly against his pale flesh and she smiled at the result. Without a word to Russel she went to her desk and produced a small camera.

The flashbulb had exploded three times before he dizzily realised what was happening. Even then, he could not quite believe Vanessa was photographing him. ‘No!’ he exclaimed hastily, struggling against the restraints that held him to the chair. ‘We didn’t agree to that! No!’

The flashbulb exploded again, blinding him for half a second.

‘Take it easy,’ Vanessa urged him. ‘You’re my slave. I just want a few pictures for my private collection.’

Russel tried to take solace from this news but he sincerely doubted Vanessa was telling the truth. Infuriatingly, he noticed his cock was still standing rigid in spite of his heightened feelings of vulnerability and unease.

Vanessa put the camera down and turned her attention back to Russel. She smiled fondly at him, stroking her own nipples as she spoke. ‘I enjoy having slaves, Russel,’ she told him earnestly. ‘And you’re one of the best I’ve had in a long time. I bet you didn’t know how much you could enjoy being submissive, did you?’

‘I don’t suppose I did,’ Russel said tersely.

‘There’s a certain type of person who enjoys the dominance of others,’ Vanessa said knowledgeably. ‘And I’d say you were one of those people, wouldn’t you?’

‘I suppose so,’ Russel said uneasily, wary of where the conversation might be leading. He wanted to say something more but his stiff dick was burning with the desire to come and this urgency seemed to override every other thought in his mind.

Vanessa reached to the floor and grabbed the discarded belt she had placed there earlier. She held the buckle in her hand and tied a length of the leather strap around her fist, leaving a two-foot strip of leather free. ‘In that case,’ Vanessa said, positioning herself carefully in front of him, ‘I think you ought to be thanking me for helping you to discover that fact, don’t you, Russel?’

Russel stared at her nervously, a look of horror etching his features. Before he could say a word, the belt had whistled through the air and he felt the tip bite sharply at his nipple. He gasped shortly, bewildered by the sudden, excruciating pain. She had achieved her target with incredible accuracy and the agonised sting it left behind was nothing short of debilitating. It felt as though his nipple were on fire and he panted back exclamations of rebuke. Bizarrely, he realised that the blow had made his erection stiffen and Vanessa’s words echoed through his head with new meaning: ‘There’s a certain type of person who enjoys the dominance of others,’ she had said. Realising he was closer to the point of climax than he had been all evening, Russel guessed she was right. He was dragged rudely from his musings as the leather strap bit accurately against his other nipple. He bit back a squeal of pain and stared helplessly up at her.

‘You haven’t thanked me yet,’ Vanessa pointed out coolly.

‘Thank you,’ Russel gasped quickly.

‘You really are enjoying this,’ Vanessa remarked, seeming not to have heard him. She had her gaze fixed on his cock and was watching the trickle of pre-come glistening at the head. Moving with a swiftness Russel would not have believed, she brought the belt down sharply on his inner thigh. The pain was not as severe as it had been on his chest but the belt cut the air close enough to his balls to thoroughly unsettle him.

‘Thank me again,’ Vanessa snapped.

‘Thank you,’ Russel cried desperately. He could feel his climax nearing and found himself watching his cock as though it were not a part of his body. It certainly did not seem to be responding the way he believed it should. ‘Thank you,’ he cried again as another blow from the belt struck his inner thigh.

‘Call me by my name,’ Vanessa instructed curtly, aiming a blow at his stomach.

The tip of the strap was a whisper away from the head of his cock and Russel found himself struggling to avoid climax once again. ‘Thank you, Vanessa,’ he hissed between clenched teeth. ‘Thank –’

She cut his words off with two short blows: one for each nipple. Speaking above Russel’s howl of pain she told him, ‘You will refer to me as Miss Byrne from now on, do you understand?’

‘Thank you, Miss Byrne,’ Russel whispered quickly. ‘Thank you, Miss Byrne.’

She knelt down and pressed her mouth tenderly against his. Moving her mouth away from his face, she began to deliver soft kisses to his neck, then his chest. As she moved down his body with her lips, she deliberately rubbed her bare breasts lightly over his cock. It was a carefully calculated move and Vanessa was not surprised by the rhythmic pulse of Russel’s ejaculation. His seed shot forcefully from the tip of his cock, spraying her tits and chest with a creamy white shower.

Russel heard himself groan, unsure whether it was a sound caused by pleasure or shame. His eyes had squeezed tightly closed when he climaxed and when he opened them he found himself staring at Vanessa’s tits.

White rivulets of his jism daubed her breasts and even covered one nipple. In spite of having just climaxed, Russel still felt excited by the image.

‘Lick me clean,’ she instructed him sharply.

He obeyed instantly, moving his mouth and tongue adroitly over one glistening orb, then the other. The taste of his own fluid was not as satisfying as Vanessa’s sex juice had been but he was enjoying the contact with her body and he swallowed the semen greedily.

‘Good boy,’ Vanessa said slowly. ‘Good slave,’ she added, with a wry smile. She reached behind Russel and unfastened his hands. ‘I suppose this will come as a bit of a blow after that little experience,’ she said softly. ‘But, as of five o’clock today, you no longer work for this company.’

Russel stared at her, uncomprehending. ‘I’m fired?’ he asked in disbelief.

Vanessa smiled and shook her head. ‘Consider this as a career move,’ she said carefully. She went to her desk and, as she retrieved a handful of clothes, she picked up a business card and passed it to Russel.

‘The Pentagon Agency?’ he said, curiously, reading the company’s name from the card. ‘Who are they? How do they fit in with things?’

Vanessa smiled at him as she began to fasten her blouse. ‘Give them a call on Monday morning and say I recommended you. They recruit temps,’ she added blithely, ‘and you’re just the sort of person they can make best use of.’

‘What if I don’t call them?’ Russel asked, releasing his trousers from beneath the chair.

She leant over him and traced a finger down his chest, towards his groin. ‘If you don’t call them,’ she explained, ‘then you’ll never again know the pleasure of being my slave.’ She smiled at his frown of disapproval. ‘If you do call them,’ she continued, ‘then, once they’ve trained you properly, I will happily re-employ you.’

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