The Blind King (2 page)

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Authors: Lana Axe

BOOK: The Blind King
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Chapter 3


our decorated
carriages prepared to escort Princess Aubriana to her new home in Na’zora. Her
nerves had not left her, but she had accepted the situation and held her head
proudly as she descended the castle steps. Shala, her most trusted handmaiden,
would accompany her, giving her some sense of her former life. Starting over
with no familiar face to look upon would have been devastating.

Gannon, Efren, and Ryshel waited beside the
carriages to wish farewell to the young princess. There was no sign of the king
or queen. Aubriana slowly approached her brothers, making every effort to smile
despite the absence of her parents. She may never have the chance to see them
again. Any visit to Ra’jhou would have to be approved by her husband, and she
had no way of knowing whether he would allow such a thing. The two kingdoms
were hardly friends, and she knew nothing of the man she was to marry.

Gannon took both of her hands and said, “My dear
sister, your marriage will ensure peace with our neighbor to the south. May
your husband treat you well.” He kissed her cheek before departing for his
morning sparring session. He wasn’t a fan of long goodbyes. Though he would
miss his young sister dearly, he was accepting of her fate. Perhaps they would
see each other again someday.

Aubriana’s eyes filled with tears as she watched
her brother walk away. She dabbed at the corners of her eyes with a
handkerchief before feigning a smile for Efren and Ryshel. “May your marriage
be a fruitful one,” she said. “I regret I must leave before this afternoon’s

Efren wrapped his arms around her and said, “Be
well, Sister. May all your days be happy ones.”

Ryshel said, “I regret I did not arrive sooner. I
would love to know you better.”

Her words cheered Aubriana a little. “I shall
write to you, if you like.” She sniffled quietly, her eyes glistening from
uncried tears.

“I would like that very much,” Ryshel replied. She
kissed Aubriana on both cheeks and hugged her tightly. Ryshel was fully aware
of the pain involved in leaving one’s family. It was the duty of many
noblewomen to be sent away to husbands they did not know. Her marriage had
taken her halfway across the kingdom, but her husband’s plan of country living
would place her closer to her own family. She considered herself among the
luckiest women in Ra’jhou.

Aubriana turned to take one last look upon the
castle where she had grown up. Backing up to the Wrathful Mountains, the castle
appeared as a fairytale land to her eyes. Fond memories of playing with her
brothers and learning how to dance filled her mind. She wished with all her
heart she did not have to leave. Surely Na’zora’s palace would be a thing of
beauty, but her heart would ever lie here among the mountains.

Finally, she stepped inside the carriage, followed
by her servant. As the door closed, she stared out of the window, hoping to
catch a glimpse of her parents. They were not near the entrance, nor were they
present on the balcony leading from their chambers. They had not spared a
moment to say goodbye to their only daughter. Regretfully, she looked again upon
Ryshel and Efren as they stood arm in arm. They appeared genuinely happy, and
she hoped only good things for them. For herself, she hoped her husband would
be as kind as her brothers had always been to her.

Efren and Ryshel lifted their hands in farewell to
the princess as the carriages began to roll away. Aubriana waved back, her
tears spilling over. Would she ever see either of them again? Only time would

“My lady, you should not weep,” Shala said. Tucking
in a loose strand of hair on the princess’s head, she said, “You are too
beautiful for tears. A smile suits you better.”

Aubriana managed a weak smile. “Thank you, Shala.
I’m all right.” In truth, she was far from all right. Too much was uncertain, and
the reality of leaving home had not set in until she was inside the carriage.
She made up her mind to sleep as much as possible during the journey. The hours
she was awake would no doubt be filled with worry, so sleep would help pass the
time. Tucked in her bodice was a small pouch of herbs that would ensure a calm
mind and dreamless sleep.

Ryshel waited for the carriage to move out of
sight before escorting her betrothed back inside the castle. “I hope she will
find happiness as I have,” she said.

Efren kissed her cheek. “She will,” he said with
confidence. “Now, it’s time we were dressed for our wedding.”

“I suppose it is,” she agreed. Their marriage
would take place in a matter of hours, and the king would expect it to happen
without delay. He was a man who hated to be kept waiting, and this was an
occasion for celebration, not a king’s anger.

A manservant in a dark red tunic approached them
in the hallway. Bowing, he said, “I’ve come to escort Prince Efren to his
chambers for dressing.”

Efren turned and smiled at his bride-to-be. “I
shall be with you again soon,” he said, kissing her on the forehead.

“I leave him to your care,” she said to the
servant, who bowed a second time. Ryshel returned to her own room to find
several servants buzzing about.

“There you are, my lady,” one of them said. “We
must get you ready.”

Ryshel allowed herself to be undressed and sat
patiently in her undergarments as two servants fussed over her hair. She
preferred something simple, but the maidservants wouldn’t hear of it. After
nearly two hours, they had finished an intricate style that stood several
inches off the top of her head. There were braids and loops and long tresses
dangling on each side of her face. She had never seen any hairstyle so

A silver wedding gown was brought out for her to
wear. It was a lovely dress with sparkling threads arranged throughout. All of
the dresses she brought from home paled in comparison. Her life as a princess
was about to begin, and she made a mental note to hire a tailor. If she was to
attend court functions, she would need better clothes than the ones she owned.
Her family had been far from poor, but a princess was expected to outshine
everyone else in the room.

On the opposite side of the castle, Efren was
dressed in a blue-and-gold satin tunic. A circlet of silver was placed upon his
head. The servants complimented him on his looks, and he smiled politely in
return. He felt slightly nervous at becoming a husband, as he had not had any
prior experience with women. Gannon roamed freely about the castle and
encountered many young maidens, but Efren was given little opportunity to be
alone. There was not a moment he could remember when no one was at his side.
The king had demanded that a servant sleep in the corner of his bedroom, should
he require any assistance in the night. This left little opportunity to
experiment with women.

After today, Efren would make his own rules. With
a loving wife at his side, he would preside over his own household and have
children of his own. He looked forward to being a father and hoped he would
make a good one.

The servants accompanied him to the castle
courtyard, where the king and queen were seated. Gannon had also cleaned up
from his morning activities, and he stood at attention near his father, dressed
in a dashing red doublet. A crowd of citizens had gathered to witness the
ceremony, and the noise of hundreds of voices filled Efren’s ears. He was led
first before his parents, to whom he bowed before being taken to the altar.

As Ryshel appeared before the crowd, the citizens cheered
to welcome this new member to the royal household. The shining threads of her
gown caught the afternoon sunlight, giving her a radiant glow. She dipped her
head shyly, being unaccustomed to receiving so much attention. Curtsying before
her future in-laws, she proceeded to the altar next to Efren.

His heart raced at her approach, the rustle of her
gown announcing her nearness. Extending his hand, he closed his eyes as her
small fingers interlaced with his. Her grip was delicate yet strong, and he
savored this moment.

Lifting a golden chalice from the altar, Ryshel
declared, “I take you, Efren, as my husband. I shall love only you for the rest
of my days.” Taking a small sip of purple wine, she passed the goblet to her

Grasping the goblet and holding it high, he said,
“I take you, Ryshel, as my wife. I shall love none but you for the rest of my
days.” He took a long sip of the wine before placing the cup back on the altar.
Taking his wife in his arms, he kissed her long and full upon her lips. Before
releasing her, he nestled his face in her dark hair, inhaling its pleasing
fragrance. The crowd erupted in cheers, many of them throwing flower petals as
the couple made their way back to the castle.

The king and queen rose and applauded the young
pair, before following them inside. The occasion had gone smoothly, and the
king was pleased with himself. The young couple would undoubtedly come to love
each other.

“Once the marriage is consummated, you may leave
for your own house,” the king said to his son. “Everything has been prepared.
You will have the funds you need, and you will no longer be a burden to me.”

Efren said nothing as the king walked away. Ryshel
felt anger rise in her, but she also remained silent, not daring to insult the
king. His footsteps grew fainter as he walked away, leaving the young couple in

“Don’t worry about him,” Efren said, sensing
Ryshel’s displeasure. “He has never come to terms with having a less-than-perfect
child. I am happy to be leaving his care.”

“You are your own master now,” Ryshel replied.

Chapter 4


fter spending
several days cramped in a carriage, Aubriana’s body ached. The wooden wheels
were not forgiving when they encountered a bump, and the longer she sat in her
seat, the more bruised she became. Finally, they reached Na’zora’s palace
district near the sea, where King Tyrol dwelt. Aubriana’s first glimpse of the
ocean took her breath away as she stared out the tiny window of her carriage.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

Shala nodded, her eyes staring off into the blue.

Stepping out of the carriage, Aubriana took a
moment to stretch her back. “I’ll need a bath immediately,” she said. “We must
take care to avoid Prince Ivor at all costs. He mustn’t see me before I’m
prepared.” Lightly touching her hair, she knew it was a mess. Her future
husband would certainly be displeased if he saw her in her current state. She
planned to shine when he first laid eyes on her.

Five servants appeared out of nowhere to assist
with her luggage and escort her to her rooms. The princess smiled nervously,
wondering what they must think of her. She was probably the first Ra’jhouan
they had seen, and she looked dreadful after her travels.

“This way, my lady,” a servant said. “Your rooms
are in the east wing.” The servant turned immediately and proceeded up the
palace steps.

Aubriana hoped that being in the east wing meant
her rooms would look to the ocean. It would be a welcome sight to see such
beauty each morning. She followed the servant up two flights of stairs and
across a polished marble hallway before arriving at her chambers. To her
delight, the spacious rooms included a balcony, where she could stand and
admire the sea beneath her. There were velvet drapes and cushioned chairs all
around, providing a suitable area to entertain her ladies in waiting. A large
fireplace graced the far wall, and gold candelabrums would provide light in the
evening. A tub had already been prepared in anticipation of her needs, and the
servants hurried away to fetch warm water.

Shala began unlacing the princess’s dress, while
Aubriana pulled out the pins that once held her hair in place. She ran her
fingers through her disheveled locks in a feeble attempt to smooth them.

“I’ll fix them, my lady,” Shala said, moving
Aubriana’s hand away. “Don’t worry.”

Aubriana’s heart was pounding, and she wondered if
her maid could hear it. After a few moments, the servants returned with buckets
of warm water. Aubriana climbed inside the tub and felt immediate relief.

“My rosewater,” she said. “I can’t remember which
bag it’s in.”

“I know just where to find it,” Shala replied
calmly. “Relax.”

Aubriana settled into the tub and closed her eyes.
Focusing on her breathing, she tried to stop her mind from racing. If the
prince was displeased with her in any way, she feared for her future. She must
impress him with her beauty first and then let him get to know her. All her
life she had been taught to conform to her husband’s wishes. Now, it was time
for her to perform her duties and become a perfect wife. What if she failed?
The thought did nothing to ease her mind, and tears came to her eyes.

“Shala, what shall I do if he dislikes me?”

“Shhh,” the maid replied as she added rosewater to
the bath. “He will love you the moment he sees you. There could be no other as
beautiful as my lady.” She stroked Aubriana’s hair softly with a shell comb.

“I wish that might be true,” the princess replied.
But what if he doesn’t?
The warm water comforted her, allowing her to
drift off to sleep. As dreams of her wedding filled her mind, a disturbance at
her chamber door forced her back to reality.

“My lady,” Shala said. “A servant of the prince is
insisting you make yourself presentable. The prince is awaiting you. Your
wedding is to be immediate.”

Aubriana sat up in her tub. “Now?” She had yet to
meet her husband, and she was not expecting to be wed the moment she arrived.
Rising to her feet, she said, “Help me, Shala.”

Shala rushed to her side, wrapping her in a white
robe. “We’ll have you ready in no time,” she promised.

Aubriana’s heart was racing as she hurried to her
mirror. “Bring my finest gown,” she said. “It seems I won’t have time to choose
a wedding dress.” As she stared at her features in the mirror, she found it
impossible to smile. Behind her, a group of young girls had entered the room to
prepare her for her wedding.

Shala tied the princess into a long, champagne-colored
gown. Her fingers worked quickly at the lacings, and Aubriana took shallow
breaths to allow herself to be cinched tightly into the bodice. The young girls
began fussing over her hair, adding pearls and sparkling shells to her golden
locks. Her lips were painted soft pink, and her cheeks were given a rosy hue.

“How do I look?” she asked nervously.

“You’re the loveliest woman in the kingdom,” Shala
replied, beaming.

Aubriana said nothing as she followed her servants
out of the room and down the long palace corridor. She felt as if she might
faint but did her best to remain calm. Entering a small chamber adorned with
velvet tapestries, she finally glimpsed her future husband. He stood tall and
proud near the altar, his expression severe. He had sandy hair and dark eyes,
as well as a nicely groomed beard. Aubriana found him rather plain for a
prince, but she hoped his lack of beauty might be replaced by kindness.

Prince Ivor looked her over with contempt.
Marrying the daughter of his enemy was his father’s idea—one that he
reluctantly agreed to. As she approached, he grabbed the goblet from the altar
and thrust it at her without a word.

Aubriana was surprised by his gesture, but she
reached out for the goblet, her face remaining calm. Due to their common
ancestry, the two kingdoms performed the same marriage ritual, which meant
Aubriana knew exactly what to do. “I take you, Prince Ivor for my husband. I
shall love and honor you for the rest of my days,” she said before sipping the
wine. She handed the goblet back to the prince with a shy smile upon her lips.

Snatching the goblet from her hand, he said, “I
take you for my bride.” Rather than sip the wine, he threw the goblet to the
ground with a loud

The assembled nobles gasped and muttered among
themselves. Aubriana was startled but remained composed. This was not the time
to upset her husband.

“I have no desire for you,” he declared. “But you
are my wife now, and I shall do what I must, no matter how it disgusts me.”
With those words he stormed out of the room, leaving behind his new bride.

Shala, who had been watching from the back of the
room, rushed to the princess in time to prevent her from collapsing. Aubriana
wept, her face pressed against her maid’s shoulder as the nobles made their way
to the exit. No one spoke a word to the new Na’zoran princess.

“I fear I’m destined for unhappiness,” she said.

“Hush,” Shala said. “All will be well. You will

Her words did nothing to comfort Aubriana.
Determined not to live a life of misery, Aubriana resolved to conform to her
husband’s desires. If he preferred a wife who would keep to herself and leave
him to his own devices, she would gladly oblige.

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