The Blood Bundle, Books 1-2: Blood Singers and Blood Song (New Adult Paranormal Vampire/Shifter Romance) (65 page)

Read The Blood Bundle, Books 1-2: Blood Singers and Blood Song (New Adult Paranormal Vampire/Shifter Romance) Online

Authors: Tamara Rose Blodgett

Tags: #vampire, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #dark fantasy, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #fae, #new adult, #tamara rose blodgett

BOOK: The Blood Bundle, Books 1-2: Blood Singers and Blood Song (New Adult Paranormal Vampire/Shifter Romance)
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Slash didn't get distracted by females. In
fact, as unions between packs were not allowed, the one female that
he wanted was untouchable anyway.

Adrianna could never be his.

He had watched her from afar since she was a
whelpling, assured of her protection in part because of her
brother, Joseph. But now that he'd died (under mysterious
circumstances in Slash's opinion) she was vulnerable. Very. An
alpha female Were was highly sought after. Fought over.

Slash knew that he'd have to suffer as one
claimed her. And it wouldn't be him, that was for damn sure.

He looked around casually for the Singer,
scoping for her, unconsciously looking for the pale hair. It was
generally easy if he let his eyes bleed to wolf. Which he did. It
would show as the palest grey, almost white to his limited spectrum
of colors.

A slow panic formed as he saw no hair that
came close to that almost platinum color she held.

What deepened his disquiet to a true panic
was Adi being gone as well.

He began to run, dropping his clothes as he
went when he noticed the one Were missing that caused his chest to
constrict painfully.

Anthony Laurent was MIA.

That could mean one thing and one thing
only. He was making some fucking power play. Like he had once

With Lacey Greene.

Slash gave a low growl as he burst his skin
and became fully wolf. No half-wolf for him. He needed the moon to
guide him as the night gave way to day. Finding his ward was

Finding Adi would ease his heart.

If that pervert Were harmed a hair on her
coat he'd kill him.

Slow, like Slash liked. Torture a familiar
pastime to those who deserved it.

He came by his nickname honestly. So many
thought it was because of his face.

Some knew it was his skill.

He ran toward the scent of the women, Adi's
fear filling his sensitive nostrils, his wolf's spirit cringing in
natural response to a female Were in peril.

He became a streak of deep chestnut, his
coat having a vague red hue as the early dawn speared the forest. A
streak of his red lineage calling for vengeance.

The Red Wolves were the natural warriors of
the Were.

It only took a drop or two to tilt the
scales in his favor.





Lawrence stopped suddenly, a spray of dirt
spreading around the claws of his feet, his chest heaving.

What is that?” he

Alan lifted his nose. “Singer... Were.”

Lawrence shifted his golden gaze to the
First of another. “Which Were?”

I don't know,” Alan said
back. “One female... ah, maybe two males.”

A female? One of ours?”
Lawrence asked, eyebrows gone in his partially turned face, his
snout bunching in a look of consternation.

Alan nodded once, his snout going in the
direction of the former cop.

He lifted his snout at him in question and
the Red wolf that had been human a few hours before growled then
responded, knowing that the three would gang up on him.

That was the new order,
Truman realized,
all reason set aside for kicking
each other's asses.

Interestingly enough, he was down with that.
God knew, he'd had to hold back a temperament that was ill-suited
in some respects for leading the life of cop.

When these wackjobs had changed him forever
he'd felt like he was coming home.

Karl Truman also found how much he detested
being told what to do.

But now a scent filled his nose that he

He'd been scenting it for months.

Cynthia Adams is the Singer,”
he said in a voice that sounded so deep it was a low roar of gravel
to the others. Recognizable but unique. Primitive.

Lawrence's wolf eyes became slits. “You know
this how?”

Remember, he was after her?”
Alan asked.

Lawrence gave a sharp bark of

Alright, so we have the
Singer we're after and a female Were and two other males.” Lawrence
looked at the other males for confirmation.

Cynthia Adams is there,”
Truman said, pointing a muscular arm covered in a light coating of
red fur in the direction Alan had just scented.

Alan gave a mighty shrug, his coat
undulating with the movement. “They are there.”

It must be Adrianna,”
Lawrence guessed, an unguarded female Were nearly out of the
question in the woods.

The two wolves became troubled by the

Truman interrupted, begging for reprimand
and not giving a tin shit, “So what? What's the big damn deal?”

Lawrence was just suddenly there. “My first
is unpredictable. A thing of beauty in battle, a problem with...
certain circumstances.”

Karl Truman's excellent mind spun with
thoughts, slowly putting together what the leader had said.
Finally, unbelievably, he touched upon it. “Don't tell me that
Anthony Laurent is out there, with one of your females?” He stepped
closer to the pair of Weres, looking from one to the other. “That
Cynthia Adams is near that... goddamned rapist?”

Alan flinched and Truman caught it. He

Damn, he was loving this wolf thing.
Karl felt like a new man. Or whatever the hell he
was now.

Slash is guarding Cynthia,”
Alan said defensively and Karl laughed. It came out sounding like a
harsh cough out of his changed body.

Yeah, this guy's been allowed
a long leash... for years,” Karl emphasized, pacing.

I say we euthanize him,”
Truman said then gave another sharp barking laugh. “Yeah, I like
the sound of that guys,” he said and Lawrence gave a growl of

No Packmaster. I won't keep
my yap shut. You chose this criminal as your right hand man. A
proven female hater. This mess ultimately falls on your

Lawrence wasn't used to having his flaws
laid out before him so handily and went for the throat of his
newest wolf.

It took every bit of strength to subdue this

Lawrence recognized the mistake he'd made as
he bit down on the slightly bigger Were.

Don't bite off more than you can chew.

Karl Truman was going to be a problem. As
Jason Caldwell would most likely be.

Now he had females to secure
and a rogue Were that had probably,
, lost sight of his

The mistakes were piling up and as Lawrence
let go of the cop's throat and those pale orbs of green landed on
his face as he saw what lay in them.

The new Packmaster.

And ultimately, his own death.

Brought on by his complacency and

They began to walk toward the scent of the
Singers and mixed Were; the walk became a trot, then the wolves
pressed into the speed of the true wolf, like mixed colored bullets
of fur, speeding toward war.



Julia & Scott


Julia opened her eyes and was met by Scott's
black ones and her insides shifted in tune to his, the rhythm of
their heartbeats matching in synchronicity.

He pressed his palm against her cheek and
she leaned into the strength there. “I didn't know,” she

Me either,” Scott said in a
laugh. He pulled her into a small ball on his lap and pushed her
head against his chest, his heartbeat reverberating against her
face. Scott held her there for a long moment then Julia pulled

They laced their hands together and she
briefly touched his forehead with her own.

You had to fully Awaken for
us to complete the soul-meld,” Scott said, briefly pulling away and
gazing into Julia's eyes. “I thought I was gonna kill

Julia burst out laughing. “I don't think it
was meant to be...”

No. And your husband,” Scott
growled and Julia put a finger to his lips. “Shh... nothing is the
same now,” Julia said, looking down at their knotted hands.
“Everything is different now. I mean... I can't help what's
happened here.”

Or how effed up my family
is,” Scott said, thinking of his mother trying to poison the woman
that was meant for him. The bitch.

Julia unhooked one hand and stroked his
cheek, the heat of the contact driving through both of them like a
warm sweet fire without end. Scott groaned when the fragile tie
that bound them tightened inside his body, chasing his emotions
into the depths of Julia, and her eyes widened, his feelings for
her laid bare, nothing hidden.

Don't worry about your
mother, or Jason or... whatever else. For the first time, I feel

Scott wrapped his arms around her. He would
protect her with everything he had, everything he was.

Scott would cherish her.

Julia felt the promise flow from him to her,
no words were necessary.

Julia decided that it wasn't time to ruin
her newfound joy and security with talking about the dream she'd
just had.

William and Jason had stepped down, Cynthia
had found her and Julia's bond with her new soulmate was
solidifying as they sat in each other's arms.

Her dreams didn't come true anyway.
Jacqueline's plan of taking over the Regions had failed. Jason and
William had saved Julia and given her up. She didn't have to live
in fear anymore now that the Circle of the Combatant had closed.
Leaving her with Scott.

Julia sunk into the warm comfort of Scott's
strong arms, thinking how weird it was that this male she'd fought
since the day she met him was the one she now recognized she
couldn't live without. Her Awakening had taken care of her
lingering doubts. Being with Scott was as natural as drawing

Scott felt Julia relax against him and
gathered her small body against his massive one, a warrior's body.
Now a king.

Julia shooed away the unease of her dream
easily, lulled into a false respite by the proximity of her
soulmate. His protection of her formidable.

Yet, not absolute.

As the precognitive warning was ignored and
the war closed around the Singer compound with a surety that would
have taken her breath away had Julia looked deeply enough, they
stayed where they were.

Together and unaware of the danger that



Blood Singers/talent:


Julia- Queen of the Singers;

Scott- Royal Singer Blood;

Brendan- Tracker/pyro

Michael- Illusionist

Jen- Telekinetic

Cyrus- Healer

Paul- Negator/amplifier

Angela- Feeler

Marcus- Region One

Jacqueline- Royal Singer Blood; Region Two

Victor- Region Two/Combatant- Boiler


Cynthia Adams/rogue- Healer


Northwestern Were Pack:


Lawrence- Packmaster

Emmanuel “Manny” - Beta to Lawrence

Anthony “Tony” Daniel Laurent- Second to

Adrianna “Adi”- Alpha female


Southeastern Were Pack:


David- Packmaster

Alan Greene- Alpha male

Lacey Greene- sister and female Were to

Buck “Slash”- Alpha male

Karl Truman- former Homer detective

Ford- Alpha male/ FBI agent



Southeastern Vampire Kiss:


Merlin- Coven leader


Northwestern Vampire Kiss:


Gabriel- Coven Leader

Claire- Cousin to William

William- Runner/shifter/Singer blood

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New York Times
written under my pen name, Marata


Read on for the exciting
first chapter of
book three of The Blood

Blood Chosen

Book Three of The Blood


by Tamara Rose

Blood Chosen

Book Three of The Blood

Copyright 2013 Tamara Rose




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