The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast (54 page)

Read The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast Online

Authors: Mark Hyman

Tags: #Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Diets, #Health & Fitness / Body Cleansing & Detoxification

BOOK: The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast
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The gift of ten days dedicated to yourself is like no other you can ever give or receive. Yes, you detoxed from sugar and junk and addictive habits. But you also gave yourself the chance to connect with yourself—to examine your thoughts and beliefs, and the ways in which you live that don’t support the greatest expression of who you are. Ten days may not seem like a lot, but I hope it gave you a taste of what is possible.

The reason I created this program was to give you a profound experience of how quickly you can feel better, to show you how health, energy, weight loss, and, yes, even happiness are available to you when you use food as medicine and make a few simple changes in your day. Once you have experienced what it feels like to feel good, to get rid of brain fog, cravings, joint pain, fatigue, excess weight, and a myriad of other chronic health problems, then you know there is a path forward. I encourage you to see this as the first step on a new path of caring for
yourself, of eating and living in a way that helps you thrive for the rest of your life.

You now have the knowledge and skills you need to recharge your life, and this program can be a touchstone that you can return to whenever you need to reset. I still need it, just like everyone else. In fact, I do this program myself four times a year—not to lose weight, but to reboot my life. It’s like a vacation without going anywhere. For me it’s a form of self-created paradise. I hope it is for you, too!

After the Detox

I feel like my body has just come out of the dentist office after a cleaning. You know that feeling of never wanting to eat or drink anything to disturb that sense of CLEAN? Well, the clean is now on the whole inside, and I don’t want to lose this feeling! The meals were and will be a special gift that I will be giving myself, hopefully every day of my life. Actually, now there is no choice. Even my dog is trimming down from eating healthy treats!


Congratulations! You have completed what I hope are the first ten days of an entirely new way of living—an introduction to a much higher level of wellness and sense of control over your food choices. This program is really my sneaky way of getting you to see for yourself how little is truly separating you from health and happiness. It’s really not complicated! Your body is a biological organism, and you only have to understand its basic operation to get it to function optimally. You now have the experiential knowledge of how to create health and lose weight safely and easily, and that kind of wisdom is priceless.

So what now?

This program has given you a small taste of what is possible, and now it’s up to you to decide the path you want to follow to take your health and weight loss to even greater levels. In this chapter, I’m going to give you three different transitional paths you can choose from: the Super Advanced Plan, the Advanced Plan, and the Basic Plan. Each of these is designed for specific goals, but all are guaranteed to keep the
success going. After that, I’ll give you the Blood Sugar Solution for Life, your template for staying slim and healthy forever.

But first, before you head into your transition, it’s good to do a little mental debriefing and take some final tests and measurements. This will help you to preserve what’s fresh in your mind about your experience, as well as to see the full scope of your results.


Right now, you are in a great, clear space in both mind and body. I want you to capture that clarity in writing as a reminder of what’s possible, and what you—and your body—are capable of. I encourage you not to skip over this valuable step. You have gained a wealth of insight and knowledge through your ten-day experience. Now’s the time to commit your key takeaways to paper so you can come back to them whenever you need fresh inspiration and motivation.

Open to a blank page in your Detox Journal and clear some time to write your answers to the following questions:

What have I learned about my body over the past ten days?

What did I notice or discover about my relationship to food?

What did I notice about my energy levels?

What did I notice about how my sleep (amount and quality) affected me the following day?

How did I effectively handle difficult or challenging moments?

Which practices did I enjoy the most, and why?

Which practices do I want to continue, and how will I implement that?

What benefits did I get from the community support?

What do I want for myself going forward?


That final question is all about looking ahead. With a vision of your chosen future and goals clearly in mind, you can decide which of the following transition plans is right for you.

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