Authors: John Barrowman,Carole E. Barrowman
‘Then a powerful demon, a prowler through the dark, nursed a hard grievance.’
Seamus Heaney,
First published in Great Britain in 2013 by Buster Books,
an imprint of Michael O’Mara Books Limited,
9 Lion Yard, Tremadoc Road, London SW4 7NQ
Text copyright © John Barrowman and Carole E. Barrowman 2013
The moral right of the author has been asserted
Illustration copyright © Buster Books 2013
Illustrations by Andrew Pinder
Cover design by Nicola Theobald
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ISBN: 978-1-78055-031-2 in paperback print format
ISBN: 978-1-78055-182-1 in Epub format
ISBN: 978-1-78055-183-8 in Mobipocket format
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With love
Bud and Lois
John Barrowman is a presenter, a singer, a dancer and an actor, best known for playing Captain Jack in the television series
Doctor Who
Carole E. Barrowman teaches English and creative writing at Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She also writes for newspapers and regularly appears on television to talk about books. Carole and her brother have already written several books together.
Bone Quill
is the sequel to
Hollow Earth,
their first novel for children.
Present Day
events of the last couple of months for twins Matt and Emily Calder have been life-changing. Fleeing London with their mother for their grandfather Renard’s protection on the Scottish isle of Auchinmurn, they learn that their mother Sandie is an Animare and their father Malcolm a Guardian, giving the twins an explosive combination of talents. Malcolm, increasingly obsessed by his ambition to free the beasts of Hollow Earth, was bound into a painting when the twins were young, but villains have already tried to use the twins’ powers to free him. Thanks to the intervention of the white peryton – a magical creature tied to the history of Auchinmurn – the plot failed. But now the twins’ mother has disappeared ...
The Middle Ages
novice monk Solon has helped the old Animare Brother Renard to free the magical white peryton from the sacred cave paintings on the small island of Era Mina. They strive to protect the monastery on Auchinmurn Isle and defeat Rurik the Red – a Viking leader in pursuit of a sacred relic he claims was stolen from his people. But the animation of the peryton has come at a cost, and Brother Renard’s imagination is fractured. And now, as the stonemasons are building a tower to keep Brother Renard safe, there are mutterings of rebellion among the other monks ...
Turn to the Glossary
for further information.