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The Book of Even More Awesome
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Neil Pasricha
The Book of Even More Awesome
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Table of Contents
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So what's this all about?
Coming back to your own bed after a long trip
Sneaking cheaper candy into the movie theater
Stomping dry crunchy leaves on the sidewalk
Finally getting that tiny piece of popcorn out of your teeth
Peeling that sticky glue off the back of your new credit card
The Kids Table
When batteries are included
When it feels like the lyrics to the song you're listening to were written just ...
Correctly guessing if the door is push or pull
When a cop finally passes you after driving behind you for a while
When you learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere
When the dog's really excited you're back home
Dancing when you're home alone
Getting tucked in
The sound of a solid crack from a good break in billiards
When a baby falls asleep on you
Giant morning stretches accompanied by stupid noises
Glue movies
Watching cream go into coffee
When the hiccups stop
Finding something you lost a long time ago after you already gave up looking ...
Riding home with a box of pizza on your lap
Picking the fastest â moving line at the grocery store checkout
Getting a hug from someone you didn't know you were in a hug relationship with
That one person who laughs when you tell a really bad joke
Letting go of the gas pump perfectly so you end on a round number
Finding a parking spot right at the front of the mall just before Christmas
Getting through right away when you call a big company
Eating the last piece of anything
Slowing down
Taking your high heels off at the end of the night and walking home in bare feet
When you suddenly remember it's a long weekend
When two cookies melt together in the oven
Elementary school science fairs
The moment after you wake up from a nightmare and suddenly realize it was all ...
The smell of an old hardware store
Putting on your most flattering pair of pants
That guy who helps you parallel park
Peeling your socks off under the sheets
Napping with somebody else
Getting a stuck ball out of somewhere by using another ball
Seeing a license plate from home when you're somewhere really far away
The moment on vacation when you forget what day of the week it is
Hanging out with your mom
When the person you're meeting is even later than you are
Riding your bike really late at night when the streets are completely empty
Dropping your cell phone on the sidewalk and then realizing it's totally fine
When a big chunk of earwax randomly falls out of your ear
Finally realizing where you know someone from after staring at them forever
When the houseguest leaves
Placing the last piece of the puzzle
When you know someone well enough to go in their fridge without asking
When you finish your milkshake and then remember there's more in that stainless ...
Emptying the recycling bin on your computer
Waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon
Jumping as many stairs as possible
Screaming at characters in movies to do things
When your friends working in fast-food restaurants give you a little extra
Wearing what you just bought out of the store
Finally peeing after holding it forever
The night before a really big day
Finding the perfect patch of grass to sit on at the park
When you hit the point where you're comfortable farting around each other
Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher
Fully justifying whatever terrible thing you're eating
When you get the scissors at that perfect angle where it slices through ...
Becoming a regular somewhere
When a friend starts randomly giving you a massage
Walking around naked when you're home alone
Anything on tap
When you sneeze and a stranger says bless you
Rubbing someone's newly shaved head
Looking at how much dirt came off something you just cleaned
Changing the channel during a commercial break and then flipping back just as ...
When you meet up with a group of friends and they stop talking to celebrate ...
Typing in your username and password at the speed of light
Finding hidden compartments in things you already own
Getting your guests to help you move something really heavy
When the plane suddenly speeds up on the runway
The sound of barely frozen puddles cracking when you step on them
When someone compliments your new haircut
Using any item within reach to help grab the remote control so you don't have ...
The first couple hours of the road trip
When the phone rings and it's somebody you were just thinking about
Moving indoor furniture outdoors
When your fries order has a few onion rings stashed in the mix
The Big Night Nap
Hilarious last-minute Halloween costumes
When company events are scheduled on company time
Good escalator etiquette
Kicking those clumps of frozen slush off the back of your car's mud flaps
Your Almost Name
Getting the keys to your first apartment
The sound of airplane toilet flushes
Actually pointing out a constellation in outer space
Whipping down the hill really fast on your bike after pedaling hard all the way up
Watching a movie in the basement with a group of friends
Your tongue
When your friend makes sure you get into the house safe after dropping you off ...
Accidentally doing something really good in sports
Tuning the radio station perfectly so there's absolutely no static
Waking up really thirsty in the morning and finding a glass of water within reach
The sound of steaks hitting a hot grill
Eating the crusts of the sandwich first to save the middle part for last
Sneezing three or more times in a row
The smell of Play â Doh
Junk drawers
Hot cream and a straight razor on your neck at the barbershop
Stumbling on an elusive rerun of your favorite TV show
When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for
Catching food in your mouth
Making it halfway
Realizing you still remember your childhood friend's phone number
Laughing so hard you start crying
Wearing your favorite pair of underwear and nobody knows
Any food that requires Wet-Naps and a stack of napkins to eat
When your windshield wipers match the beat of the song you're listening to
Sitting on your freshly made bed and admiring your work after cleaning your room
Eating cookies like Cookie Monster
When a work friend becomes an outside-of-work friend
Running to the door when your mom or dad comes home from work
Wearing a sweatshirt that hasn't been washed yet
Experiencing déjà vu
Tossing garbage in the trash can from far away
Experiencing déjà vu
Taking your ponytail out
Learning a new keyboard shortcut
Figuring out a tricky plot twist just before they reveal it
Getting shotgun on a long car ride
That smooth feeling on your teeth after you get your braces off
That one email account you use for all your spam
Drawing on steamy mirrors with your fingers
Eating anything from your own garden
Seeing shapes in the clouds
Long, comfortable silences between really close friends
Going on a field trip in elementary school
The moment on a roller coaster when you get to the top of the big hill and ...
When that social event you didn't want to go to gets canceled
Rocking out on air instruments
Doing anything that makes you feel like a caveman
That teacher
When somebody holds the elevator door for you
Setting the new high score on a video game
Taking a spin on a shopping cart
Slurping hot soup on a cold night
Turning off all the lights during a thunderstorm
The Perfect Egg Crack
Curling up into the fetal position
Old, classic board games
When the bubbles in your drink go right to the top but not over
When your ears pop back to normal after swimming
That old Take a Penny, Leave a Penny bowl on the store counter
When someone saves you a seat
The sound of water lapping against a dock
When the delivery food you ordered somehow arrives really early
Acrobatic snoozing
Eating foods you loved as a kid
Calling a mulligan on the day
Finally getting the perfect picture
Fat baseball players
Watching something download really fast
A really cold drink on a really hot day
Seeing old people holding hands
Seeing a really happy dog out for a walk
Eating the ice cream stuck to the lid of the carton
Getting the armrest at the movie theater
When you actually manage to split the group restaurant bill to everyone's satisfaction
A perfect squeegee job at the gas station
Fitting every last thing in the dishwasher
When the guy at the deli counter gives you a free taste
When you went to the gym yesterday
Riding on someone's shoulders when you were a kid
That clicking sound of winding anything up
Picking up something that turns out to be a lot lighter than you expected
The last couple hours before the weekend
Correctly guessing the actor voicing the animated movie character
Dropping a glass and then sticking your foot out so it hits your foot and ...
Running for the bus or train and actually catching it
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