The Border: The Complete Series (6 page)

BOOK: The Border: The Complete Series
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“Hello?” a tired female voice said suddenly, answering the call. She sounded like a teenager.

“Hey,” he replied. “It's me.”

“Oh my God,” she continued, “I told you to stop calling!”

“Caitlin,” he whispered. “Put Caitlin on.”

“My name is
Caitlin,” she said firmly. “Jesus Christ, okay, this number has obviously been reassigned from your friend Caitlin to me. You need to
calling, creep, or I'll go to the police, do you understand? I will have you fucking arrested for harassment!”

“I just want to talk to Caitlin,” he replied. “Where is she?”

“Go to hell, loser!”

As the call ended, he sighed and tossed the phone onto the cushions. He'd been using burner phones for a while now, since the person with Caitlin's number always ignored his calls if she knew it was him. Glancing at the latest phone, he knew deep down that he was making a mistake, but at the same time he felt he had to keep trying. After a moment, he heard another creak, this time from out in the hall, and a few seconds later he realized that a figure had appeared in the doorway, watching him.

“Hey,” he whispered.


“Hey,” Caitlin replied finally.

Turning, he saw her standing there, as beautiful as ever and still the young girl she'd been on that fateful night nine years ago. There were no cuts on her body, and there was no blood on her shirt. Her neck was straight and normal, and she was smiling.

“I went out,” he told her, trying not to slur his words too much. “I was thinking about you the whole time.”

“I know,” she replied with a smile. “You think about me a lot, don't you?”

“It's been nine years,” he whispered, thinking back to that night when he'd followed her through the darkness and then found her in the nook of the oak tree.

“Nine long years,” she replied.

“I thought maybe...” Pausing, he looked down at his belly and then pulled his t-shirt up to expose the thick scars that criss-crossed his flesh. “They're still there,” he continued, squinting again as he tried to make them out properly in the darkness. Running his hands over the skin, he felt the thick, rumbled grooves of scar tissue. “Fuck. Sometimes I think they're ugly, but sometimes I think they're pretty. Tonight I think they're pretty.”

“I think they're pretty too.”

“You do?”

“Of course. They're part of you.”

After a moment, he heard her stepping closer, and finally she sat on the sofa next to him. He turned and saw that she was looking down at the scars.

“They're beautiful,” she told him.

“Do you wanna touch them?” he asked.

“Can I?”

“Please. Please, Caitlin, I want you to, more than anything. More than anything in the whole world.”

He watched in breathless anticipation as she reached out. Her hand seemed to carry its own light, just a faint hint of a glow, as it moved closer to his belly. Finally, when she placed her cold fingertips against his scars, he felt a shiver burst through his skin and up to his head, and he leaned back as he let out a faint gasp. He hadn't expected to be able to feel her touch.

“I hope no-one's ever told you that these are ugly,” Caitlin whispered. “They're not. They're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of things.”

He let out another gasp as he felt her freezing fingertips move slowly across his belly, tracing the lines of the scars as if they were things of wonder, as if they were worthy of her attention. Finally, he opened his eyes and stared at her for a moment, and he saw true wonder in her eyes, as if she was mesmerized by the sight of his body.

“I love you,” he whimpered, close to tears.

“I love you too,” she replied, still examining his scars. “I always have, and I always will.”

Leaning over, he tried to kiss her, but at that moment the light from a passing car briefly filled the room, and when it was gone there was no sign of Caitlin next to him on the sofa, so he started sobbing instead.


A few miles out of town, near the twisted old oak tree, a dark figure stood watching the distant lights. Arranged around the crown of his head were several sharp little sticks, like broken antlers.


“He's your brother,” Jane replied, following Jack across the kitchen. She watched as he opened the fridge and took out a carton of milk. “Can't you just put up with him for a week or two?”

“You'd think,” he muttered, taking a swig.

“I swear,” she continued, “sometimes you and Beth act like Ben's the devil. It's been ages since you last saw him, maybe he's changed in that time, maybe he's mellowed just a little.” She paused for a moment, hoping against hope that he'd agree with her. “I know
changed over the past nine years.”

“I'm sexier and smarter,” he replied, offering her some milk before setting the carton back in the fridge. “A little slimmer too.”

“You're older and wiser,” she told him, “and more emotionally mature. You're better at dealing with things, so if he's better too, the pair of you could actually have a better relationship. Hell, maybe you could sit down and have a conversation with the guy instead of questioning him and acting like you think he's up to something. Stop treating him like he's a suspect in a story you're writing for the paper, and start treating him like he's your brother.”

“You really think it's that easy?”

“I think it could be, if you work at it.”

He paused. “Well he'll most likely be staying here,” he told her finally. “Better get the spare room ready.”


“Where else do you think he's gonna stay? With my mother? With Beth?” He smiled. “With my delightful father?”

“Well, he...” She paused, clearly caught off-guard. “I don't know if him staying here is the best thing -”

“Because of the kids?”

“Because of...” Another pause, and it was clear she was struggling to come up with an answer that wouldn't demolish her little speech about the importance of family. “Your mother could clear out her office and let him crash there,” she pointed out. “It might be more fun for her, she's the one who really looks forward to his visits.”

“Ha,” Jack replied, stepping past her and heading to the door. “You were fine with him coming until you realized he'd be around the house, and now suddenly you're worried.”

“I'm not worried, I just...”

He turned to her. “You don't want him here.”

“I -”

“Good. 'Cause neither do I.”

“Are you going to tell him that?”

“He's not coming 'til Monday. I've got time to figure something out.”

“An excuse?”

He nodded.

“And you think he won't see through it?”

“All that matters is that he doesn't stick around. It's better for everyone that way. It's better for the whole goddamn town.”

She stared at him for a moment, seeing the sense of deep unease in his eyes. “Jack, you don't still think...” She paused. “I mean, you and Beth, I know you don't talk about it much, but you don't still think...” Her voice trailed off. “You
, Jack.”

He sighed.


“I don't know. I honestly don't know.”

“He's not a monster.”

“You know the facts, Jane. You know how it all fits together.”

“I've also met Ben. A few times. He might be a little odd, but some people just
odd. It doesn't mean he's capable of doing something terrible.”

“Of course not. It's just a coincidence. Or rather, lots and lots of coincidences, all piling up.” He stared at her for a moment. “Seventeen years ago, my brother left home abruptly just after a woman was found strangled on the edge of town. Fifteen years ago, he came back for a little while, and while he was here two
women were murdered. And then nine years ago, he showed up for a short visit and, hey, what do you know? Caitlin Somers was killed and Joe O'Brien spent a month in intensive care. And then -”

“Jack -”

“And then,” he continued, “no more murders, not since then. Not while Ben has been out of town. And yet those four murders that
happen were conclusively linked to one another through forensic tests. That's an awfully specific serial killer, don't you think? And one whose activities just happen to coincide with Ben's visits.”

“He's your brother,” she reminded him. “You can't say things like that about your brother.”

“So I should just think them and keep everything to myself?” he asked. “You're always telling me to be more open about my feelings. Well, here I am. This is something I think about every day. Is my brother...”

She shook her head.

“You don't know that for sure,” he pointed out.

“I've met him, he -”

“But you don't know him!”

“So tell me what I'm missing!”

“You didn't know him when we were kids.” He took a sip from his glass. “There's always been something a little off with him.”

“Is there something you're not telling me?” she asked.

“It's complicated.”

“You're in danger of doing the same thing your father did,” she replied, trying to keep a lid on her frustration. “Whatever else you think about Ben, he's not a murderer.”

“Then who is?” he asked. “Who killed those four women?”

“I don't know, but Alex and I keep the file open. We talk about it.”

“You talk about it? Great, cops of the year, right there.”

She sighed.

“And what if someone dies
time?” he continued. “What if, after Ben comes to town, there's another murder?”

“There won't be.”

“But what if there is?”

“Then we'd investigate it, the way the others were investigated.”

“Badly and without any hope of catching the killer?”

“That's not fair,” she replied. “You know Alex is good at his job.”

“He's getting old,” Jack pointed out. “You've said it yourself often enough. He makes mistakes now, you have to carry his screw-ups half the time.”

“Ben isn't a killer,” she said, stepping over to him. “I know you don't have a great history with him, I know stuff happened when you were kids that you won't or can't tell me about, but you and Beth are taking your demonization of your brother too far.”

“We're just recognizing a pattern.”

“There's no pattern,” she replied, putting her arms around him. “Let it go. Try to appreciate the fact that your brother is coming home for a visit, and...” She paused. “And I think it's great if he stays here in our spare room. It'd give you two a chance to hang out, and it'd be good for the whole family. I
him to stay.”

“You don't mean that.”

“I do,” she said, checking her watch, “and now it's almost three in the morning. I don't know about you, but I have a job to get to later and unfortunately, unlike you, I'm not the boss where I work, so I'd appreciate a few hours' shut-eye. Alex won't be happy with me if I'm falling asleep on my shift.” She waited for a response, for him to say something, anything, that might show he was finally listening to her. She could see, however, that he was already lost in though. “Don't,” she said finally.

“Don't what?”

“Don't wind yourself up over this.” She patted his chest before slipping past him. “I'm a good judge of these things, remember? I'm a cop, for God's sake. Trust me, your brother is harmless.” She made her way into the bedroom, before leaning back through the doorway to look at him again. “
harmless,” she added, before going inside for the night.

“Yeah,” he muttered, looking over at the window and seeing that there was a small crack in one corner. “Well, you didn't know him when we were kids. You didn't see what Beth and I saw.”


She didn't say anything when the front door opened. She just sat in the darkness and waited, listening to the sound of Bob dropping his briefcase on the chair in the hallway, and then to the sound of him sighing as he hung his coat on a hook, and then to the sound of him making his way through to the kitchen. As he headed to the sink, he even didn't notice her, until some sixth sense seemed to flick the back of his ear and he spun around.

“Beth? Jesus, what the hell are you doing up?”

“I couldn't sleep,” she replied, keeping her eyes fixed on him. “How was work?”

He hit the light-switch. “Is Lucy okay?”

“She's fine. I've got to get her up in a minute for school.” She watched as he hit the button on the side of the kettle. “You didn't answer my question.”

“Um, what question was that?” He grabbed a teabag and dropped it into a clean cup.

“How was work?”

He glanced at her, and for a moment he seemed a little wary of the question, as if he was worried it might be a trap. “Fine.”


He nodded. “Yeah, fine. Why?”

“So what did you do all night?”

“What did I
?” He paused. “The same thing I do on every night-shift. Talked to the guys, filed some paperwork, watched a few cameras and made sure I was ready in case the phone rang. Which it didn't, by the way. It was a really dead night, but I guess that's how things go sometimes when you're just keeping things ticking over for the man upstairs.”

She watched as he took a box of cereal from one of the cupboards.

“Oh,” he added with a smile, turning to her, “but you'll never guess what happened.” He chuckled to himself. “You know Aaron? Aaron Giles? I think you met him once, he's kinda new to the place.”

“I know who you mean.”

“The poor guy spilled coffee all over his trousers. I mean,
over. He had to put 'em up to dry, so he spent most of the night working in just his shirt and a pair of boxers. At least the coffee wasn't hot, eh?”

“That's a funny story,” she said calmly.

“Yeah, we all got a kick out of it.”

“Almost hard to believe it really happened.”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

She paused. Every morning, Bob had one 'funny' story from his night-shift. Just one. It was almost as if he thought them up on his way home. “How was Candy?” she asked finally.


“Candy. The younger woman who joined the office recently. Woman, girl, whatever.”

“Oh, her.” He poured some cereal into a bowl, and then he sniffed. “She wasn't there.”

“Not her shift?”

“Not her shift.”

“Maybe she'll be on tonight. You
working tonight, aren't you?”

“Um...” He grabbed some milk from the fridge as the kettle finished boiling. “Yes,” he said after a moment, as if he'd had to take a moment to get his story straight. “Yes, yes I am. Working tonight. Another long slog. I swear, Lanegan must have shares in the company that makes those little espresso pods in the office, 'cause we go through those fucking things like there's no tomorrow. It's the only thing that keeps us from turning into total zombies by around four each morning.” He turned to her. “So how come you couldn't sleep?”

“I guess I was just running through things in my head,” she told him.

“Like what?” He waited for a reply, before filling his cup with hot water and carrying it over the table. “I need to crash, babe, I'm exhausted, but if something's on your mind...”

She stared at him for a moment. “What could possibly be on my mind, Bob?”

“I don't know,” he said cautiously, “but... Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I feel like you're digging at something. Is there a problem here, something I don't know about?”

She opened her mouth to tell him that, yes, there was a problem, and that, no, his lies weren't fooling her at all. Something, however, held her back, and after a moment she realized it was Lucy. She needed to think about her daughter, and to plan everything a little better. For one thing, she'd need to make sure she was financially independent; for another, she figured she needed evidence for the inevitable divorce. Bob was the kind of guy who'd deny everything.

“My...” Another pause. “My brother's coming for Christmas,” she told him finally. “That's all.”

“Jack?” He paused, before raising his eyebrows in shock as he realized what she meant. “Ben?”


“Are you serious? How long has it been?”

“Nine wonderful years.”

“So he hasn't even met Lucy?”

She shook her head.

“And he's coming back to town
? Why?”

She shrugged.

“You haven't asked him?”

“I haven't spoken to him since the last time he was here. I don't know where he's been, what he's been doing, why he's finally decided to come back to town... I'm completely in the dark when it comes to his activities.”

“Huh.” He tried to take a sip of tea, before finding that it was too hot. “Well that's a turn-up for the books. Wonder what he wants, eh? Maybe he's in trouble, or he's being chased by someone. Maybe the cops are after him. Or maybe he just wants money, in which case, there's no way we can give him more. You know that, right, Beth? Just to be clear, another loan is completely out of the question.”

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