The Bravo (25 page)

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Authors: James Fenimore Cooper

BOOK: The Bravo
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"Wert thou of the party, Alessandro, that went in a fit of gaiety from
country to country till it numbered ten courts at which it appeared in
as many weeks?"

"Was I not its mover? What a memory art thou getting! 'Twas for a
hundred golden louis, and it was bravely won by an hour. A postponement
of the reception by the elector of Bavaria went near to defeat us; but
we bribed the groom of the chambers, as thou mayest remember, and got
into the presence as it were by accident."

"Was that held to be sufficient?"

"That was it—for our terms mentioned the condition of holding discourse
with ten sovereigns in as many weeks, in their own palaces. Oh! it was
fairly won, and I believe I may say that it was as gaily expended!"

"For the latter will I vouch, since I never quitted thee while a piece
of it all remained. There are divers means of dispensing gold in those
northern capitals, and the task was quickly accomplished. They are
pleasant countries for a few years of youth and idleness!"

"It is a pity that their climates are so rude."

A slight and general shudder expressed their Italian sympathy, but the
discourse did not the less proceed.

"They might have a better sun and a clearer sky, but there is excellent
cheer, and no want of hospitality," observed the Signor Gradenigo, who
maintained his full share of the dialogue, though we have not found it
necessary to separate sentiments that were so common among the different
speakers. "I have seen pleasant hours even with the Genoese, though
their town hath a cast of reflection and sobriety that is not always
suited to the dispositions of youth."

"Nay, Stockholm and Copenhagen have their pleasures too, I do assure
thee. I passed a season between them. Your Dane is a good joker and a
hearty bottle companion."

"In that the Englishman surpasseth all! If I were to relate their powers
of living in this manner, dear friends, ye would discredit me. That
which I have seen often, seemeth impossible even to myself. 'Tis a
gloomy abode, and one that we of Italy little like, in common."

"Name it not in comparison with Holland—wert ever in Holland, friends?
didst ever enjoy the fashion of Amsterdam and the Hague? I remember to
have heard a young Roman urge a friend to pass a winter there; for the
witty rogue termed it the beau-ideal of the land of petticoats!"

The three old Italians, in whom this sally excited a multitude of absurd
recollections and pleasant fancies, broke out into a general and hearty
fit of laughter. The sound of their cracked merriment, echoing in that
gloomy and solemn room, suddenly recalled them to the recollection of
their duties. Each listened an instant, as if in expectation that some
extraordinary consequence was to follow so extraordinary an interruption
of the usual silence of the place, like a child whose truant
propensities were about to draw detection on his offence, and then the
principal of the council furtively wiped the tears from his eyes, and
resumed his gravity.

"Signori," he said, fumbling in a bundle of papers, "we must take up the
matter of the fisherman—but we will first inquire into the circumstance
of the signet left the past night in the lion's mouth. Signor Gradenigo,
you were charged with the examination."

"The duty hath been executed, noble Sirs, and with a success I had not
hoped to meet with. Haste at our last meeting prevented a perusal of the
paper to which it was attached, but it will now be seen that the two
have a connexion. Here is an accusation which charges Don Camillo
Monforte with a design to bear away, beyond the power of the Senate, the
Donna Violetta, my ward, in order to possess her person and riches. It
speaketh of proofs in possession of the accuser, as if he were an agent
intrusted by the Neapolitan. As a pledge of his truth, I suppose, for
there is no mention made of any other use, he sends the signet of Don
Camillo himself, which cannot have been obtained without that noble's

"Is it certain that he owns the ring?"

"Of that I am well assured. You know I am especially charged with
conducting his personal demand with the Senate, and frequent interviews
have given me opportunity to note that he was wont to wear a signet,
which is now wanting. My jeweller of the Rialto hath sufficiently
identified this, as the missing ring."

"Thus far it is clear, though there is an obscurity in the circumstance
that the signet of the accused should be found with the accusation,
which, being unexplained, renders the charge vague and uncertain. Have
you any clue to the writing, or any means of knowing whence it comes?"

There was a small but nearly imperceptible red spot on the cheek of the
Signor Gradenigo, that did not escape the keen distrust of his
companions; but he concealed his alarm, answering distinctly that he had

"We must then defer a decision for further proof. The justice of St.
Mark hath been too much vaunted to endanger its reputation by a hasty
decree, in a question which so closely touches the interest of a
powerful noble of Italy. Don Camillo Monforte hath a name of
distinction, and counteth too many of note among his kindred, to be
dealt with as we might dispose of a gondolier, or the messenger of some
foreign state."

"As respects him, Signore, you are undoubtedly right. But may we not
endanger our heiress by too much tenderness?"

"There are many convents in Venice, Signore."

"The monastic life is ill suited to the temper of my ward," the Signor
Gradenigo drily observed, "and I fear to hazard the experiment; gold is
a key to unlock the strongest cell; besides, we cannot, with due
observance of propriety, place a child of the state in durance."

"Signor Gradenigo, we have had this matter under long and grave
consideration, and agreeably to our laws, when one of our number hath a
palpable interest in the affair, we have taken counsel of his highness,
who is of accord with as in sentiment. Your personal interest in the
lady might have warped your usually excellent judgment, else, be
assured, we should have summoned you to the conference."

The old senator, who thus unexpectedly found himself excluded from
consultation on the very matter that of all others made him most value
his temporary authority, stood abashed and silent; reading in his
countenance, however, a desire to know more, his associates proceeded to
communicate all it was their intention he should hear.

"It hath been determined to remove the lady to a suitable retirement,
and for this purpose care hath been already had to provide the means.
Thou wilt be temporarily relieved of a most grievous charge, which
cannot but have weighed heavily on thy spirits, and in other particulars
have lessened thy much-valued usefulness to the Republic."

This unexpected communication was made with marked courtesy of manner,
but with an emphasis and tone that sufficiently acquainted the Signor
Gradenigo with the nature of the suspicions that beset him. He had too
long been familiar with the sinuous policy of the council, in which, at
intervals, he had so often sat, not to understand that he would run the
risk of a more serious accusation were he to hesitate in acknowledging
its justice. Teaching his features, therefore, to wear a smile as
treacherous as that of his wily companion, he answered with seeming

"His highness and you, my excellent colleagues, have taken counsel of
your good wishes and kindness of heart, rather than of the duty of a
poor subject of St. Mark, to toil on in his service while he hath
strength and reason for the task," he said. "The management of a
capricious female mind is a concern of no light moment; and while I
thank you for this consideration of my case, you will permit me to
express my readiness to resume the charge whenever it shall please the
state again to confer it."

"Of this none are more persuaded than we, nor are any better satisfied
of your ability to discharge the trust faithfully. But you enter,
Signore, into all our motives, and will join us in the opinion that it
is equally unbecoming the Republic, and one of its most illustrious
citizens, to leave a ward of the former in a position that shall subject
the latter to unmerited censure. Believe me, we have thought less of
Venice in this matter than of the honor and the interests of the house
of Gradenigo; for, should this Neapolitan thwart our views, you of us
all would be most liable to be disapproved of."

"A thousand thanks, excellent Sir," returned the deposed guardian. "You
have taken a load from my mind, and restored some of the freshness and
elasticity of youth! The claim of Don Camillo now is no longer urgent,
since it is your pleasure to remove the lady for a season from the

"'Twere better to hold it in deeper suspense, if it were only to occupy
his mind. Keep up thy communications as of wont, and withhold not hope,
which is a powerful exciter in minds that are not deadened by
experience. We shall not conceal from one of our number, that a
negotiation is already near a termination, which will relieve the state
from the care of the damsel, and at some benefit to the Republic. Her
estates lying without our limits greatly facilitate the treaty, which
hath only been withheld from your knowledge by the consideration, that
of late we have rather too much overloaded thee with affairs."

Again the Signor Gradenigo bowed submissively, and with apparent joy. He
saw that his secret designs had been penetrated, notwithstanding all his
practised duplicity and specious candor; and he submitted with that
species of desperate resignation, which becomes a habit, if not a
virtue, in men long accustomed to be governed despotically. When this
delicate subject, which required the utmost finesse of Venetian policy,
since it involved the interests of one who happened, at that moment, to
be in the dreaded council itself, was disposed of, the three turned
their attention to other matters, with that semblance of indifference to
personal feeling, which practice in tortuous paths of state-intrigue
enabled men to assume.

"Since we are so happily of opinion concerning the disposition of the
Donna Violetta," coolly observed the oldest senator, a rare specimen of
hackneyed and worldly morality, "we may look into our list of daily
duties—what say the lions' mouths to-night?"

"A few of the ordinary and unmeaning accusations that spring from
personal hatred," returned another. "One chargeth his neighbor with
oversight in religious duties, and with some carelessness of the fasts
of Holy Church—a. foolish scandal, fitted for the ears of a curate."

"Is there naught else?"

"Another complaineth of neglect in a husband. The scrawl is in a woman's
hand, and beareth on its face the evidence of woman's resentment."

"Sudden to rise and easy to be appeased. Let the neighborhood quiet the
household by its sneers.—What next?"

"A suitor in the courts maketh complaint of the tardiness of the

"This toucheth the reputation of St. Mark; it must be looked to!"

"Hold!" interrupted the Signor Gradenigo. "The tribunal acted
advisedly—'tis in the matter of a Hebrew, who is thought to have
secrets of importance. The affair hath need of deliberation, I do assure

"Destroy the charge.—Have we more?"

"Nothing of note. The usual number of pleasantries and hobbling verses
which tend to nothing. If we get some useful gleanings by these secret
accusations, we gain much nonsense. I would whip a youngster of ten who
could not mould our soft Italian into better rhyme than this?"

"'Tis the wantonness of security. Let it pass, for all that serveth to
amuse suppresseth turbulent thoughts. Shall we now see his highness,

"You forget the fisherman," gravely observed the Signor Gradenigo.

"Your honor sayeth true. What a head for business hath he! Nothing that
is useful escapeth his ready mind."

The old senator, while he was too experienced to be cajoled by such
language, saw the necessity of appearing flattered. Again he bowed, and
protested aloud and frequently against the justice of compliments that
he so little merited. When this little byplay was over, they proceeded
gravely to consider the matter before them.

As the decision of the Council of Three will be made apparent in the
course of the narrative, we shall not continue to detail the
conversation that accompanied their deliberations. The sitting was long,
so long indeed that when they arose, having completed their business,
the heavy clock of the square tolled the hour of midnight.

"The Doge will be impatient," said one of the two nameless members, as
they threw on their cloaks, before leaving the chamber. "I thought his
highness wore a more fatigued and feeble air to-day, than he is wont to
exhibit at the festivities of the city."

"His highness is no longer young, Signore. If I remember right, he
greatly outnumbers either of us in years. Our Lady of Loretto lend him
strength long to wear the ducal bonnet, and wisdom to wear it well!"

"He hath lately sent offerings to her shrine."

"Signore, he hath. His confessor hath gone in person with the offering,
as I know of certainty. 'Tis not a serious gift, but a mere remembrance
to keep himself in the odor of sanctity. I doubt that his reign will not
be long!"

"There are, truly, signs of decay in his system. He is a worthy prince,
and we shall lose a father when called to weep for his loss!"

"Most true, Signore: but the horned bonnet is not an invulnerable
shield against the arrows of death. Age and infirmities are more potent
than our wishes."

"Thou art moody to-night, Signor Gradenigo. Thou art not used to be so
silent with thy friends."

"I am not the less grateful, Signore, for their favors. If I have a
loaded countenance, I bear a lightened heart. One who hath a daughter of
his own so happily bestowed in wedlock as thine, may judge of the relief
I feel by this disposition of my ward. Joy affects the exterior,
frequently, like sorrow; aye, even to tears."

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