The Breakaway (25 page)

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Authors: Michelle D. Argyle

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Law & Crime

BOOK: The Breakaway
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“You hurt her?”

He looked up, his jaw clenched. “
didn’t hurt her. It was that damned idiot I hired to steal her keys who stabbed her. I told him not to threaten her. I mean, hell, she was my boss’s wife. It was supposed to look like a random purse snatch. He was going to knock her out, steal her wallet, and replace her existing store keys with a matching fake set, but she was stronger than he’d planned. When he pulled her into an alley on her way to her car, she fought back and he threatened her with a knife. I guess she still fought back, and that’s when he stabbed her in the chest, took her purse and ran. Complete idiot. He gave me the purse and told me what happened, but I had no idea it was so serious until I stopped by Steve’s firm a few hours later. I had to do the job that same night, because I knew as soon as Evelyn reported her stolen keys, the locks and other security devices would probably be changed the next morning—if they hadn’t already been changed. I was willing to take the risk, but then I ran into Steve. I’d left some stuff I needed in my workspace, and I passed him on my way out of the building.”

He shook his head. “That’s when I said the dumbest thing I’ve ever said in my life. He told me his wife was in the hospital. He’d been with her all day, but had come into the office to grab some things. He was beside himself, saying he had to get to her as fast as he could because she’d taken a turn for the worse. So, not even thinking, I looked him in the eyes and told him I couldn’t believe she’d been stabbed. I knew what I’d done the second the words came out of my mouth. How the hell could I have known she had been stabbed? He hadn’t said a word about that to anyone—only that she had been mugged and injured and was in the hospital.”

Naomi sat up. “He couldn’t have known what you were up to, though. He couldn’t have known it was you who—”

“No, but it sure got him thinking. You know Steve. Well, maybe you don’t; even I hardly know him. He’s so quiet, always thinking and scheming in the back of his head. He knew something was going on and that it had to do with me. I could see he was suspicious, but I didn’t have time to think about it right then. I had work to do, and it couldn’t wait. Everything was planned and ready, so I left as fast as I could.”

“Did you do it? Did you get into the store?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“You mean Steve called the police on you?”

“No, he didn’t call the police. I think he made sure Eric was with Evelyn, and then he followed me. I still can’t believe I never noticed him. He waited until he saw what I was doing, and stepped around the corner to tell me if I made one more move he’d turn me in.”

“Why would he do that? Why wouldn’t he call the police right away?”

“Because he wanted to see what I was doing before landing me in jail. He’s always liked me. I’m sure deep down he didn’t want to have to turn me in.”

He glared in her direction, but she was sure it wasn’t intended for her. “He’s like me, always looking for a way to get ahead. I think that’s why we’ve always gotten along. He made me get into his car and tell him everything. He was mad as hell that I’d hurt Evelyn, and told me I was in for it, that Eric might kill me. I didn’t even know who Eric was, but I found out soon enough.”

Naomi stared at him in shock. The whole story was crazy. “That’s how you met Eric?”

“Yes. Steve made me stay here at the house until Evelyn was stable and Eric came back from the hospital. That’s when we struck a deal.”

“Because you hurt Evelyn?”

“Mostly, yes. You see, I didn’t realize at the time how much I had actually hurt them, what with Eric and Evelyn’s past—knives, you know, and losing their family. Eric wanted to kill me, but Steve brought him to his senses. Then they started asking me about my past and my special skills, and that’s when they got it in their heads to use me.”

“You actually agreed?”

“Yes, I mean, what did I have to lose? We never robbed Evelyn’s store, of course, but Eric works as a broker and has access to information about other stores that are easy to take down. You know, whenever a property is built or sells in the jewelry market, security systems are always put in or redone, and he knows exactly which brands and how to ... well, you get the idea. They said I could live here with them and I could keep a percentage of what we made. Eric was even willing to help me pull off the jobs. I thought they were crazy at first, but everything fell into place. It was meant to be. I felt so guilty for what I’d done to Evelyn, especially after I met her. I still do. I mean, she almost died. It would have been completely my fault.”

His shoulders dropped as he stepped closer to the bed and looked down at her with teary eyes. It was the first time she had ever seen him come close to crying.

“She’s part of the reason you’re alive, Naomi. Eric was going to kill you while you were still unconscious. First he wanted to kill you in the parking lot. He thought it would be easiest to end it right then and there in case you’d seen something.”

“Why didn’t he do it, then?” She imagined Eric aiming that silver gun at her head and pulling the trigger. She wondered if her parents would have cried when she was found.

“He didn’t want to. He was scared senseless, but he honestly believed it was the only way out. I finally picked you up and put you in the back seat. I had delayed the store alarm, so we only had a few minutes before it went off. We said we’d figure out what to do with you later, and we fought back and forth from the moment I put you in the car until I finally told him to call Steve and Evelyn and let them decide what to do.”

“What happened?”

“Evelyn begged him to keep you alive, and I mean
She was bawling. Screaming.”

“Why?” She shook her head and looked down at the floor. “I mean, I know why Evelyn wouldn’t want Eric to kill me—kill anyone—but why did you take me in the first place? You really thought I’d seen you?”

“We had no idea. It was so foggy. We had no clue what you might have seen or how long you had been there. Maybe you’d memorized our license plate, our faces, our car, who knows? Either way, Naomi, I never leave evidence behind, and you were evidence. I told Eric we couldn’t shoot you right there. Even a bullet is evidence. So we took you. It was spur of the moment. It was stupid.”

“Then why didn’t you just kill me later? Evelyn couldn’t have swayed Eric that much—to change your entire lives just because of me. It would have been easier to get rid of me.”

He sighed. “That’s what I’ve been trying to explain. You must know by now that we’re not like that. Not really. Eric might have considered it, but deep down he doesn’t want to hurt anyone.”

“But you steal.”

He stepped closer. “Murder is a lot different from stealing, isn’t it?”

Yeah, that was an understatement. “I guess so,” she muttered.

Shaking his head, he turned back to the window. “I’m not happy with who I’ve become. I decided to help them because I wanted to fix what I’d done to Evelyn. I know they’ve played on my guilt this whole time, but I always figured it was my own fault. The plan to help them didn’t sound bad at the time. The only drawback I could see was the risk, of course, and all four of us had to keep out of relationships until I finished helping them. That way no women Eric or I dated could ever have the chance to get nosy or suspicious. It keeps things simpler.”

Goosebumps prickled her skin. She cleared her throat. “So is that why you’ve always wanted me? Because you couldn’t get laid somewhere else?”

She regretted it the second it came out of her mouth, but she did wonder if it was true. She cringed at her own stupid cruelty.

“What!” He spun around to face her. “How could you possibly ... how could you ...?” He gritted his teeth and turned away. “It doesn’t matter now. My car’s packed. I have to end this.”

“End what? Us?” Heat built up in her chest. She felt dizzy. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. I don’t really think that’s why you want to be with me. I just—”

“Don’t worry about it. That has nothing to do with my decision.”

“What decision?”

His eyes widened. “Haven’t you figured out I’m leaving for good?” He looked at her again, wiped away a tear on his cheek, and sat down next to her on the bed. He was close enough to take her into his arms, but he didn’t. She almost backed away from him.

“Wouldn’t Eric eventually let you leave, anyway? Aren’t you almost finished helping them? They have what they want now.”

“Yes, but that’s not the point, is it? You’ve changed everything.”

“You can’t leave,” she pleaded. “None of what you’ve told me changes how I feel about you.”

He leaned forward and took her face into his hands. “I was hoping it wouldn’t, but this can’t work. I want to change, but I’m not sure how. I mean, stealing property is one thing, but stealing you—that’s completely different. I was okay with it for a long time, but I can’t live the rest of my life with someone I’m responsible for kidnapping. We would never be free, Naomi.”

Kidnapping. She moved away from him. “No, that’s not the way it is now. I want to be here. I’m old enough to decide for myself. I can stay with you if I want.”

She looked him directly in the eyes as the words formed on her tongue—those sweet, delectable words she had never said to anyone. “I love you, Jesse.”

He looked at her with tenderness, but gave no response. The dizziness worsened. Why wouldn’t he tell her he loved her? He had never said it, not once. “I want to stay with you,” she whimpered. “It’s my decision.”

He looked away. “No, it’s not your decision. It’s never been your decision.” Standing, he tensed the muscles in his arms. “I was looking at you a while ago, lying in bed. The only thing I want to do is protect you because I ... I ....” He glanced at the clock. “I’m getting you out of here.”

The air around Naomi turned to stone. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. “Wh-what did you say?”

“I’m taking you with me. I wasn’t going to at first. I was just going to move out in order to remove myself from the temptation of staying with you, but I can’t.” He looked at her bedroom door as if Eric might burst in any second. “I’m not abandoning you. This is for you more than anything.”

She found air again as she processed what was happening. “But what will happen?” She could hardly force the words out of her mouth as she thought about everything leaving would involve. “How long will we hide?”

“Hide?” His eyes widened. “Haven’t you been listening to me? I’m letting you go, not running away with you.” He stood from the bed and looked around. “You probably can’t take much. The police will confiscate it anyway, so get dressed and grab your shoes and we’ll—”

“I don’t have any shoes.”

He turned to her, surprise on his face. She realized he knew very well she didn’t have any shoes, but he must have forgotten. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Or did you keep my shoes from when you took me?” She still couldn’t say the word “kidnap.”

“I’m pretty sure they’re in Eric’s room, or maybe Evelyn’s, I don’t know.

“My camera?”


Her heart pounded. The whole plan was insane. “Are you really serious about this? Eric will come after you—after me. He’ll be furious.”

He looked hard into her eyes, his face cold. “That’s why I’m turning them in.”

“What!” She lowered her voice to a whisper, keenly aware that Steve and Evelyn were asleep in the next room over. Throwing her covers aside, she stood and faced him. He towered over her. “You can’t turn them in,” she whispered.

“Do you want Eric coming after you? Think about it.”

“Do you really think he would?” she asked, double-guessing herself. “Maybe he wouldn’t. Evelyn would stop him.” Her throat constricted again at the thought of Evelyn in a prison cell. “She loves me.”

“She wouldn’t stop him from coming after me, the one who started all this shit.” He grabbed her shoulders. “No, this is what I’ve decided, and you’re coming with me. Get dressed and let’s go.”

“Jesse, I—”

“I said get dressed. Now.” His grip hardened, and she knew there was no choice but to go with him. For once, he was forcing her.

She dressed quickly, her mind spinning. What would happen to the others? Would the police break down the door? How would Jesse turn them in without incriminating himself? He couldn’t possibly be thinking about turning himself in! She looked up at him as she pulled on her jeans. “So you’re going to run?”

He nodded. His face wasn’t exactly panicked, but she did see fear in his eyes. Somehow, she knew it wasn’t for him, but for her.

“I know I should turn myself in,” he said with a crack in his voice, “but they are the ones who deserve to be locked up.” He motioned toward Evelyn and Steve’s room. “I’ve only tried to do the right thing from the beginning with them, but I’d stand no chance in any case against me. It all looks so bad. I need to get my head in the right place. I need ... it doesn’t matter. You need to hurry. I want to get out of here fast.”

“I know. I’m trying.” She pulled on her pink sweatshirt and grabbed her earrings from the dresser and her journal from the nightstand.
The Awakening
was missing.


“Don’t worry about it, come on.” He grabbed her hand and they left the room, creeping down the hallway like a pair of thieves. Except Jesse didn’t creep. He was more like a silent shadow, no noise at all, and for the first time she caught a real glimpse of the dark side of him she had feared to see for so long. Now she desperately wanted to see more of it. She wanted to be a part of it, a part of him, but everything was crumbling around her.

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