The Breed Casstiel's Vow (20 page)

Read The Breed Casstiel's Vow Online

Authors: Alice K. Wayne

BOOK: The Breed Casstiel's Vow
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“So what happened?” she asked, looking down at her

“I brought you here, and Remy took care of you with her
gift. You’re perfectly fine and healthy, there’s not even a scar,” he was happy
he could at least offer her this relief.

“She healed me?” she looked down at her limbs,

Everything was in perfect working order, the only
difference being that she felt physically amazing. She wanted to get up and run
a marathon, or start bench pressing.

 “God I was so stupid…. Why didn’t I just listen to
you?” she moaned, dropping her face in her hands.

“No I was stupid. I’m so used to being the boss, never
having an order questioned or disobeyed, it never even occurred to me that you
would react the way you did. I dismissed your feelings without even considering
them,” he jumped at the opportunity to apologize.

“Cass, I got shot. You were right, you won the argument
by a land slide,” gave him a flat stare.

“I like it so much better when you call me Casstiel,” he
firmly changed the subject.

“You keep saying that,” she laughed, and for a moment a
smile broke across her face.

He couldn’t help but smile in return.

“So I guess we survived our first fight?” she joked off
some of the stress of the situation.

“You survived,” he scoffed, “I’m still in the burn ward
because of how badly you lit my ass up.”

With every laugh from her he felt his breathing getting
easier, the vice that had been clamped tightly around his heart loosening.

This is what love is…
he thought quietly to himself,
she is happy and so I am happy. Even
though a war is on the brink of exploding, and she’s still covered in bloody
clothes; when she laughs, I laugh.






“Did you find Quinn?” Tessa finally asked the million
dollar question.

All joy immediately left his eyes.

“We did find your brother, but he’s not with us,” his
voice was heavy, as if the last thing in the world he wanted to do was tell her
what he was about to say, “he refused to come back with us, wanting us to tell
you and your family that he had died, and for you to move on with your lives.”

She sat in stunned silence for what felt like centuries,
unable to begin processing what he was trying to tell her.

“He… no… there’s got to be a reason,” she swallowed back
the tears that she refused to let out, “the hunters were there to kill him, he…
he thinks he’s helping us… he wouldn’t…”

Casstiel reached out to place his hand over hers, but
she ripped it away as though he’d burned her.

“Don’t you do that, don’t you dare console me right
now,” a storm of emotions flashed through her eyes, “you don’t know him. He’s
doing this for
it’ll all make sense once I find

Her mind immediately began racing, coming up with a
thousand plans on how to find Quinn again; where he could be, how she would
tell her parents, where she would have to go to next.

Her head was aching with the sudden influx of
information and emotions.

“I think you should give it a rest for a moment,” he
said as gently as he could, “I think there’s a much bigger picture in play
here, and we just can’t see it.”

“You don’t believe me do you? You don’t think the
hunters are after him at all, you think he’s working for them,” hurt and
betrayal shone in her eyes.

He didn’t have to answer her for her to see the truth.
His eyes told her everything she needed to know, and if she was really honest
with herself, part of her agreed with him.

“None of us know what to think, no one’s accusing him of
anything,” he tried to calm the storm that was threatening to irrupt.

“I’ve got to get out of this place, I need to get some
air, I’m suffocating,” she was panicked, looking wildly around the room.


“No. I don’t give a damn anymore, I don’t want to talk or
think anymore, I just need to get the fuck out of here,” she snapped, her hands
shook as her temples throbbed.

So much had happened in the last twenty four hours, that
she found herself beyond numb. She forced herself to let go of all the feelings
swirling inside of her. She had been more confused and scared in the last day
than in the last two years, and she was over it.

She needed to start focusing more on the moment, and
less about
the what

Climbing off of the hospital bed she headed for the door
with Casstiel keeping pace behind her. They walked in an uncomfortable silence
to the elevator and got on.

“Why are we going up?” she asked, noticing the buttons
he was pushing.

 “There’s a nasty storm outside, so we’ll take the
glass ‘cross walks’ up top instead of having you go out in the rain,” he
replied, and she smiled in spite of herself at his over protectiveness.

As soon as the elevator doors opened she got a bird’s
eye view of just how bad the rain really was.

“You like storms?” he slowed his pace so she could gaze
through the glass a little longer.

“I love them. My whole family does. When I was little my
dad built an enclosed porch and whenever it would thunder storm we would all
pile out there and watch it,” she reminisced, then immediately felt a stab of

Quinn was the one who loved storms the most; Quinn who
was running from them, who wanted them to leave him
who would rather them think he was dead than come home.

She closed her eyes and forced herself to stop thinking
about it.

“You see? You always surprise me. I thought for sure you
would have been afraid of them,” he chuckled.

“What? Why? You think I’m just scared of everything
huh?” she forced herself to laugh along with him; she would do anything to keep
her mind off of facing the truth of what was happening with Quinn.

The weight of his actions bore down on her, trying to
swallow her into a black hole.

“No I actually think you’re very brave. I mean you did go
into central park in the middle of the night with a vampire, not a lot of
people would have done that,” he winked at her.

Tessa felt heat flood down into her toes at the thought
of what had happened in the park.

“Well you weren’t exactly going to take no for an
answer. I think you’re more stubborn than I am,” she sighed, heading towards
the defense buildings door.

“I’m just not used to hearing the word ‘no’.
Unfortunately for you I’m used to getting what I
and I’m going to fight hard to keep it that way,” he gave her a hard stare. She
knew he was conveying a message to her, but she didn’t want to think about it,
not right now.

As much as the memory of Central park brought back heat
and desire and distraction, she didn’t want to talk about it. Things had gotten
heavy quickly with Cass and she didn’t want to start thinking about all
the what
if’s with him either.

When they entered the defense building they got onto
another elevator and he pushed the button for her floor.

Panic overwhelmed her as she realized she didn’t want to
go home. She didn’t want to face Nora, or the awful task of calling her

She needed to get away from her own thoughts. She
couldn’t deal with all the emotions she was barely holding back and the moment
she found herself alone, all she would do was worry, analyze and regret. If
only for this one night she wanted to get out of her own head.

“It’s going to be ok,” he reached over and grabbed her

Heat blazed up her arm from his touch, and she knew
instantly what it was she needed.

As the doors to the elevator closed she used all the
courage she possessed to pull him down to her level and kiss him as hard as she




Shock raced through Casstiel’s blood as she hungrily
took his mouth.

He tried to cradle her face with his hands to slow her
down, but she didn’t want romance, she wanted
and dirty. If they slowed down, reality would catch up with her, and no matter
what, she was determined to outrun every emotion besides desire tonight.

She was never bold or sexual, but she was going to be
today. She had no idea how to please a man, but she was damn sure going to try.

Casstiel, sensing her emotions, caught on to her plan

Easily he lifted her up, pressing her back against the
elevator wall as her legs wrapped around his waist.

His kiss was intoxicating, and everything she needed. He
pulled every bit of breath from her lungs, leaving her mind and body numb.

She let the moan go freely from her lips as he slid his
hands up her breasts,
yanked at the zipper
holding her hoodie together, tugging it apart.

Somewhere behind them, she heard the elevator ding and
the doors slide open.

With his lips still hotly locked onto hers, he carried
her over to a control panel and punched in the code for his penthouse.

One hand kneaded her ass as the other helped her pull
off her hoodie,
rip her t-shirt over her head.

He fumbled with the door knob for a second then threw
her clothing down an empty hallway, and carried her inside.

His tongue was hot velvet as it parted her lips and
scorched its way inside her, causing her fingers to dig through his hair and
hold on for dear life.

Tessa didn’t bother looking around, she hadn’t come home
with him to admire his furniture,
had come purely
for the distraction of his sex. The deeper they entered his house, the more
desperate and frenzied she became, perspiration covered her brow as she clung
to him and fought for breath.

He kicked open the door to his bedroom and carried her
inside, dropping her roughly onto the middle of his enormous bed.

The moment her body hit the sheets she was stripping.

Normally she would feel insecure about being naked in
front of him, but she couldn’t care about any of that right now.  She
needed his big body covering hers, needed to feel his hot skin erasing
everything that had happened today.

Once she heard him rip off his dress shirt, she stopped
trying to shimmy out of her jeans and watched him.

At the park he had kept his clothing on, hiding his body
from her eyes, but now, now she saw everything.

Lightning flashed outside, lighting the room and
illuminating him in the darkness.

His skin was a lightly tanned olive that stretched
tightly over every muscle he possessed. His shoulders were broad, twice the
size of her own, with rippling wash board abs running down the front of him.

She couldn’t believe how stunningly solid he looked
standing in front of her, his body like carved marble.

He slowed his movements down, letting her bask in the
sight of him stripping for her.

As his hands smoothly undid his pants, she saw the hard
bones of his hips, and loved the way they cut into a deep V.

He was earth shatteringly gorgeous, a Greek god in human
form, and she held her breath in anticipation as he lowered his pants and
boxers off his hips.

Glowing electric blue with lust his eyes found hers
through the lightning, and he watched her face as he showed her everything he
had to offer.

The air left her lungs while her eyes feasted on him. He
was more than twice the size of the only other man she had slept with, the
shaft of him thick and smooth, and for a moment she questioned her ability to
do what she had come here for.

Before her thoughts could wander off any father, he sunk
one knee onto the bed and spread her legs apart.

She couldn’t breathe as she looked into his face. He was
all hard angular lines and fire as he prowled over her body positioning
between her thighs.

Her jeans and panties were pulled off and flung
somewhere in the darkness of the room, causing her to shiver with anticipation
and excitement.

“Don’t be nervous,” he chuckled, while her heart beat
out of her chest.

His hands slid over the smooth expanse of her body,
making her tremble under him. She was on fire, her small breasts swelling
underneath his palms as he

She let out a gasping moan, as he dipped his head and
kissed her from knee to hip. There was no time for foreplay, she didn’t want to
walk slowly down this path with him, it was a race to get there and time was

Pulling him by the neck she forced his lips over her own
then fiercely kissed him, she had never been so hungry for anything before.

Wrapping her hands around his shoulders she scratched
her nails along his back, letting him feel her sense of urgency. His cock
jumped against her belly at the sensation.

For years Tessa had been meek and shy about her
sexuality, but each time she was with Casstiel she felt her old self melting
away, and a new woman emerging.

She was already achingly wet when his fingers slid
across her hot flesh. Her clit tingled and pulsed under his hands, making her
whole body shudder.

Moaning she threw her head back and ground her hips, she
didn’t have time to take things slowly, she needed it

As the head of his cock nudged against her, she felt a
flash of panic. He was big, maybe too big.

“I’ll be gentle,” he whispered against her lips, “I’ll
take care of you.”

She let out a tense breath,
closed her eyes, forcing her muscles to relax.

“Open your eyes, I want to see them when I enter you,”
he commanded softly.

Her eyes fluttered open and locked on his, her breath
hitched in her throat.

He rubbed the thick head of his cock against her swollen
flesh as the lightning flashed and the thunder roared, making her hotter and
wetter with anticipation.

Slowly he pressed himself inside her.

Her eyes bulged wide and she let out a moan that turned
into a scream as he stretched her, inch by inch pressing himself deeper.

She couldn’t help but dig her nails into his forearms as
the sweet intimate pain enveloped her.

Casstiel cradled the back of her head, holding her eye
contact as he pressed further. His eyes bore down into the very heart of her,
and an intimacy passed between them she could hardly comprehend.

When he had fit every inch of himself inside her, he
held still, letting her body adjust to his size.

“You ok?” his voice was thick and raspy above her.

Smiling she nodded, letting him caress her face before
he slowly began pulling himself out.

In and out he gently thrust himself into her body, and
with each time the pain lessened, and her desire grew.

She wanted more of him.

Looking up she saw his muscles straining, the veins in
his neck bulging, as he gently fit himself inside her again; he was holding
back so much to make sure she was comfortable.

“Don’t hold back anymore,” she gasped as he kept up his
slow torture, pushing and pulling his hips rhythmically.

His eyes snapped to hers.

“I want it,” her breath scorched as it mingled with his
heavy pants, “give it to me.”

To prove her point she rolled her hips hard, forcing his
cock deep inside her.

A growl sounded from the back of his throat, and he
plunged himself inside her harder.

Tessa’s breath came out in shocked gasps as he began to
pound his body against hers. She had never felt anything better than the sweet
stretching of her body around his cock as he filled her.

His lips covered hers as his tempo increased, she took
her breath from him as his strokes became harder and faster. Each pump of his
hips sent her spiraling towards an orgasm.

 “You’re so tight,” he grunted into her ear, his
rhythm increasing to an impossible speed.

She was panting, her body tightening for the release
that was rushing upon her. Her eyes fluttered and her muscles twitched as the
most intense orgasm she had ever experienced over came her body.

She screamed his name and dug her nails in deeply as her
body shuddered apart. The hard tight clenching of her orgasm around his cock
sent him into his own release.

His muscles bulged and clenched as he let go of all
control and pounded his orgasm into her.

He continued his rhythmic strokes until her body
softened, until he was sure she had gotten every ounce of pleasure out of her

Finally they were both spent, and keeping their bodies
connected, he collapsed on the bed and held her in the warm cage of his arms.

He kissed her sleepily closing eyes, and slowly slid
himself out of her. Every instinct in his body told him to roll back on top of
her and have another round, but one look at her face and he caged the beast
inside of himself.

She had been
in a way
she had never experienced before, and now she needed to rest.

Besides, he thought to himself, she was his now. He
would have all the time in the world to make love to her.






Quinn woke up thinking about her again, was sure he had
dreamt of her all night.

Who was this mystery woman?

he didn’t
dare say her name aloud.

Every time he closed his eyes he was tortured with the
sight of her, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he had had to walk
away from her.

Maybe they had sent her after him because they knew she
would haunt him, drive him insane with need for her. 

He shook his head hard, clearing his thoughts.

She was just another Breed solider doing her job, he
reminded himself forcefully. She had to be, no other woman in their right mind
would have gone after him like she did. The connection he was imagining between
them was just that, his imagination.

He wasn’t oblivious to what he looked
living on the streets had taken its toll on him. He had lost so much weight his
body sickened him, and any sense of personal hygiene was long since forgotten.

However, she certainly hadn’t minded being completely
exposed to him. She had encouraged him to look at her perfect body, flaunting
herself before him.

It was her job
he growled to himself.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t keep his mind
off her curvaceous form, desperately wanting to grab her by those rounded hips.
She had been kissed by the sun with her perfect tan complexion, her eyes a
whiskey brown, just a shade lighter than her hair.

She was poison to his mind, and a temptress to his body,
but here in the dark loading dock he had broken into, she was the only source
of beauty in his life.

He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone. To
feel the soft silk of her skin as he slid her underneath his body, to smother
her luscious lips with his and kiss her as passionately as she deserved, to
experience the triumph of her body surrendering to his, letting him fill her
deep and hard.

Quinn shut his eyes and let out a curse. He needed to
focus, needed to complete his mission, and thinking of her was only hindering

She was like a siren from Greek mythology sent to throw
him off course.

He stretched and flexed his muscles, feeling his wound.
Almost healed now.

Once he was back to one hundred percent he would finish
what he set out to do. He wouldn’t let this siren tempt
he didn’t know anything about the embassy, except that he didn’t need it or
her. He needed for his family to live their lives and find happiness without
him, and to finally finish things.

All that mattered anymore was doing this one thing
all that was left in his life was accomplishing this

Then he could finally end it all. 




… where are you going?”
Casstiel’s voice was thick with sleep.

“To take a shower,” she tried to untangle her naked
limbs from his.

 “You don’t need to shower,” he protested, wrapping
his arms around her waist and pulling her back to him.

“Oh trust me, I need to shower,” she laughed, trying in
vain to get out of his embrace.

“Then we can shower together,” he suggested, slowly
kissing his way up her arm and across her shoulder.

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