The Breeder (5 page)

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Authors: Eden Bradley

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Breeder
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Once more, Meidra smeared Nitara’s skin with mud, just below her navel, over her red tattoo. Meidra nodded to the Breeders, and the four surrounded Nitara. They were naked now, as she was. With their hands on her arms, they drew her into the pool, breaking the serene surface.

The water was so cold it made Nitara gasp. She forgot for a moment the prayers she’d been taught. Leilin gave her hand a small pinch, and Nitara spoke softly.

“Great Goddess, I purify myself for You. I offer You this vessel, my body, to do Your work on the earth. I pray that You find me worthy of Your love, that I am fertile and willing and pure.”

Four sets of hands came to rest on her head, pushing her beneath the surface. The cold was numbing, and she came up sputtering. Her sisters held her up while Meidra prayed over her. Her legs were cold, growing number by the moment, and in her head she prayed only that this day would be over. That she might know what her future held. If she would have one.

Finally she was led, naked and freezing in the early air, up and up, until they reached the highest point of the Temple. They went through a high, arched doorway and onto the flat terrace that was open to the dawning sun, so that the Angry God may look down upon their offering and be soothed. Her sisters laid her out on the smooth ground. It was cool on her bare back, but the sun was beginning to heat already, drying her skin.

The Breeders placed spiraled lengths of copper wire on her naked belly and breasts, at the vee between her thighs, along with bits of sun-glass and dried flowers, all things precious, while Meidra continued her murmured prayers. She watched the sun rise overhead, the sky turning from black to orange, and finally, a hazy golden yellow.

Her sisters stroked her skin with their soft hands, but she wasn’t gentled by their touch as she should be. She was shivering, her muscles tense and aching, her mind whirling, unable to concentrate on the prayers being spoken above her. Unable to think of the Goddess she would betray today. She focused instead on Akaash, taken from his home, his people. She knew in her heart what she was doing was right. Her only option in light of her love for him, and in the stark clarity of the evil truth about what the Temple demanded.

Her sisters helped her to her feet, and took her down once more, into the chamber behind the Temple’s altar. Her hair, still damp, swung behind her, making her shiver in the cooler air of the subterranean Temple.

She was led to the small holding chamber at the foot of the nave, the long center aisle that ran the length of the Temple. Meidra followed, praying constantly, her whispered words like some foreign language to Nitara. She knew she must concentrate on playing her part. She must make her body respond in the way it should, or it would surely be noticed.

It was easier as her sisters began her preparation. They surrounded her, their gentle hands stroking her skin once more: her shoulders, her breasts, making her nipples hard and ready. Her belly, her thighs, and then between them. She closed her eyes, imagined it was Akaash’s hands on her.

Her body heated, her sex going damp.


Seti’s fingers slipped over her damp cleft, joined by Fareen’s, pressing onto her clitoris. And she let her body respond as it had been trained to. Pleasure rose, spiraled, and she grew dizzy with it. The heat was a steady drumbeat between her thighs, and when she was on that keen edge, they pulled away.

“It is time,” Meidra said, stepping forward and fastening around Nitara’s hips a narrow cord that held the sacred dagger in its sheath. “Go to the Goddess, and make your Sacrifice.”

Nitara nodded, her heart racing. She was dizzy with nerves and a sensual excitement she couldn’t help. This was the purpose she had been bred for, and her body seemed to have a mind of its own. Desire poured through her, even as her mind argued with it, tried to suppress her yearning.

Do what you must.

Her sisters slipped her cowled tunic over her head, pulling the cowl over her hair, then tied the blue sash around her waist.

Leilin leaned in and whispered to her, “I will love you always, Little Sister. No matter what happens today.”

Nitara didn’t dare to look at her. She knew Leilin would understand. She moved through the curtained doorway and into the Temple.

The air was warm, stifling, and acrid with the scent of too many bodies. A low rumble vibrated in the air as the men muttered among themselves, the citizens of the city of Kroy Wen. All of them come to the Temple to witness this: sacred sex, sacred death.

Her stomach churned.

She caught sight of Nikkan waiting in the north transept, next to one of the iron cauldrons that held a bundle of burning sage. He nodded, acknowledging her.

Leilin was on her right, holding her arm. When they reached the high stone altar and Nitara caught sight of Akaash, his naked body held down by the hemp ropes that were traditional in the Sacrifice ritual, she gasped.

“Shh, Nitara,” Leilin whispered. “Be brave. Be strong.”

Nitara blinked back the tears stinging her eyes, and focused only on Akaash.

He was beautiful, his long, lean muscles straining against the ropes. His cock was as golden as the rest of him, hard and proud between his strong thighs. He was watching her, that dark familiar gaze. There was hunger in his eyes.

She would know his body, finally. Would feel his cock between her thighs, driving deep inside her.

Her body heated, her sex clenching hard.

Meidra raised her voice in prayer. She was joined by the stronger voices of the priestesses. Nitara looked to the platform behind the altar and saw her beloved Xian there. Would she ever understand what Nitara would do today?

But she must not think about that. She must think only of Akaash.

She was several feet from the altar itself, and could see now the rich darkness of his long hair, the smooth texture of his skin, his tattoo in stark, black relief against his gold skin. Closer, and her Breeder sisters left her side as she moved up the stairs, until she stood on the stone slab itself, covered in furs and linens.

Akaash watched her, his eyes gleaming with meaning. With hope. With love.

She melted, going weak all over.

Need him…

She straddled his body and removed her blue sash, laid it over his stomach. The crowd surged, and the Priestess’s chanting grew louder. When she drew her tunic over her head, the crowd cheered. She cared nothing for their approval. All she knew was the desire in Akaash’s eyes, in the arching of his body toward hers.


She formed his name silently with her lips, and he did the same in return, whispering, “Nitara,” soundlessly.

She was wet, needy, desire pounding through her like a storm, fed by the importance of what lay ahead. Sharpened by the possible finality of this one act.

She held perfectly still, waiting, wanting this moment to last as long as possible, no matter her hunger for him. She smiled to Akaash, and it was as though he was drinking her in with his eyes. She could read so much emotion there, pouring out of him and into her heart.

The crowd was going wild. And still she did not move, but only stared into Akaash’s eyes.

She loved him.

He tried to lift his hand, to reach for her, but the ropes allowed him only a few inches of movement. But it was enough, that effort. To see his need.

He wanted her. And she was going to have him, inside her body.

Her sex went tight and wet. She went down on her knees, her sex open to him. The tip of his erect cock grazed her opening, and she sighed. Tilting her hips, she ground down, impaling her body on his.

Chapter Five

Nitara moaned as Akaash began to pump, his hips thrusting, his cock driving into her. There was pleasure, then pain. But it was gone in moments, dimmed by the other sensations—his skin against hers, his body, which was hard and strong. And his scent, stronger now and mixing with hers, now that he was a part of her.

She was only vaguely aware of the chanting of the priestesses, the dim roar of the crowd. All she knew was Akaash, the pleasure surging through her body as she rocked against him.

His gaze was on hers, glittering in the light of the torches and candles. She saw his pleasure, an exquisite agony on his face. His cock was solid muscle, driving deep. She bowed over him, taking him deeper, her sex holding him inside her. And his hands…he had only enough slack in the ropes to raise them to her thighs, to grip her there. They were rough, the skin hardened, but impossibly warm. She wanted them everywhere: on her face, her breasts, pulling on her swollen nipples. And in her soaking wet cleft, pushing inside her, pinching her hard clitoris…

If they lived through this, she would feel his hands on her, his arms around her.

He whispered through gritted teeth, “No matter what, this is worth it, Nitara.”

She raised herself over him, came plunging down, trying to take him even deeper. Her climax was like a swarm of pleasure, waiting, waiting. And as his body tensed beneath her, his cock seemed to swell, to pulse inside her, sending her over that keen edge. She came, shattering, pleasure a brilliant, blinding light. She moaned. He groaned, writhed. She felt his hot come shooting inside her. And when she opened her eyes, still trembling, his dark gaze was hard on hers, as always, as though he looked inside her very soul.

She pulled the dagger from its sheath, raised it over her head. The crowd roared for blood. And through that noise she whispered, desperation like a hot tide, threatening to drown her, “Akaash, know that I love you.”

“As I love you,” he said, his voice low. “Whether we live or die. Even if I must die by your hand.”

She was shaking all over. She whispered to the Goddess, but not for a child, as was the custom. But for mercy.

She glanced up at Nikkan, who nodded, and she watched as he spilled the brazier of burning sage onto the trail of oil he’d spread throughout the Temple earlier. Flames shot into the air, bursting from every side, from between the feet of the watching citizens, even as far as the altar itself. A priestess screamed. And Nitara brought the dagger down in one hard stroke.


Akaash rolled to the side as the blade cut his ropes. He grabbed the dagger from Nitara, pulling her into his arms as he leapt to his feet. He saw Nikkan pushing his way through the frantic crowd, saw the High Priestess Xian being pulled to safety behind the altar by her Sun Guard, Hel. Then Nikkan was at their side, grabbing Nitara’s arm and guiding them into the crowd of panicked men.

“Stay with me,” Nikkan yelled.

Nitara was trembling in his arms, but her feet were steady as they moved through the sea of flames and bodies pressing toward the doors at the back of the temple. It seemed to take forever, but finally they reached the north transept, where Nikkan had been stationed earlier. The two men lifted Nitara over the burning brazier, the flames hot, the air full of smoke. Behind it was a small doorway. Nikkan pulled them both through.

Standing in the dim light of a torch was a man, dressed in leather pants and vest, his dark skin beautiful, lustrous, his hazel eyes gleaming. He wore the mark of the Mutairi on his left forearm.

“Dhatri. You came.”

His lover pulled him into a brief embrace, and his heart lifted.

“I came for you, Akaash. I would not abandon you. I started on my way here as soon as I realized you’d been taken. I was already in the city when your message came to the trader.”

“Dhatri, there is much to explain… This is Nitara.”

“Nikkan has told me everything. We’ll talk more later.”

“Yes.” He turned to Nikkan. “What is this place? We will be trapped.”

“The Temple is full of passageways and tunnels,” Nikkan said. “This one branches into the eunuchs quarters to the right, and deep into the earth to the left. It will take you to the sea.” Nikkan pulled a leather bag from a niche in the wall and shoved it into Akaash’s hands. “Take this. It is clothing and food, a cask of water, a piece of flint. And take the torch from the wall where the passage splits. Hurry!”

“Come with us,” Nitara pleaded.

“There is no life for me, Little Sister. I will stay and lead the guards in another direction, if I can.”

“And die if they discover your part in this, Nikkan. Come with us.”

“No, Nitara. For our mother’s sake, go!”

Akaash gripped her shoulder. “We must go quickly.” She looked up at him. He’d never realized how tiny she was before, never having had the chance to stand beside her. Her green eyes were enormous, filled with tears. “Will you come with me?”

She nodded. “Anywhere you go, I will go with you.”

They ran.


They had been walking for hours. Nitara had been quiet, uncomplaining. Akaash knew she must be tired. She was unused to physical activity. But she never said a word. She just held onto his hand tightly.

The tunnel had been quiet behind them, but they hadn’t stopped, other than for several brief moments to dress in the clothing Nikkan had given them—a white, hooded tunic for Nitara and a loincloth for Akaash. He wanted to be certain Nitara would be safe. The only sound had been their footsteps on the smooth floor, the occasional skittering of rats moving in the dark and their own harsh breathing.

Finally Nitara asked him, “Are we safe yet?”

He heard the fear trembling in her voice.

“We’re away from the temple. I don’t think they know where we went. We’re safe from them, anyway.”

“But there are other challenges ahead…”

Dhatri said, “Your brother made sure to supply us, and we’re hunters, Akaash and I. We won’t go hungry. And we have nothing to fear from the road raiders—they know to leave the clan’s warriors alone. But once we reach the surface it’ll be hot. You’re not used to it, and the sun will burn your fair skin. We must find a way to cover you. It won’t be an easy journey back to our clan, and will take several weeks on foot. But we’ll take care of you, Nitara.”

“You don’t have to care for me,” she said, her voice soft.

“You are Akaash’s, and therefore you are mine, as well.”

Akaash looked at Dhatri. Reached out to stroke one long, soft dreadlock. His mate smiled.

“I didn’t think I’d find you alive,” Dhatri told him, his voice rough.

Dhatri was not a man of many words, but he didn’t have to say more. Akaash felt his love in the few he spoke, felt his acceptance, despite his own sense of shame. He nodded, smiled.

They walked on.


Nitara wasn’t afraid of the darkness, only of the unknown. The only certainty she had at the moment was her love for Akaash, her trust in him. And his love for her. But Dhatri seemed kind and strong, and if Akaash trusted him so utterly, then she could too. She knew they would care for her. Still, there was so much about the world that would be new. Her mind was spinning with every step.

The tunnel narrowed as they progressed, until they had to walk close together, and when she stumbled Dhatri took her free hand and didn’t let go. The last hour they walked side by side, the two men holding her up when she would have faltered, her bare feet torn by the rough surface, littered with rock and other debris.

Finally there was light ahead, just a small pinpoint. Akaash’s grip tightened on hers.

“We’re almost out of this dank place,” Dhatri said, picking up his pace.

Soon they were approaching a small opening, and Nitara could smell the sharp scent of salt. It was strange. Wonderful. When they got there Dhatri went first, having to bend almost in two to slip through. He held his hand out for Nitara, and she bent her head and went into the sunlight.

She blinked, dazed by the brilliance of the sun, something she had been exposed to only rarely. She could feel the warmth on her skin. There was a strange roaring, a heavy white sound, and fear was a rumble deep in her body, her heart fluttering.

Akaash stepped through, pulled her close to his side, and she felt for the first time the full impact of his embrace. It chased away her fears, her doubts. She pressed her face to his bare chest, inhaling the scent of his skin.

“Don’t be afraid, Nitara. The ocean is vast, powerful. Beautiful. Open your eyes and see.”

She did so slowly, keeping her head close to the safety of his beating heart.

The sight astonished her. Overwhelmed her.

She’d heard of the ocean, certainly, but had never hoped to see it. It seemed as endless as the night sky. Gray and blue and green, a moving, glorious entity. She felt its power, saw it in the waves that crashed on the shore.

“It’s so…enormous.”

Dhatri laughed. “Yes, it is. It’s the home of the pirates and fishermen. Not for the people of the Wasteland. But we can use it as a guide to tell us where we are, by measuring the sun’s position on the horizon.”

Akaash nodded. “We head north. There’s a rocky incline farther up the beach. We can find a place to make camp for the night. Our day has been long enough already.” He bent and laid a kiss on the top of Nitara’s head before pulling up the hood on her tunic. “Keep this on always during the day, Nitara.”

“I will.”

Akaash took her hand, and they moved over the sandy beach. She’d never felt anything like the fine graininess sifting between her toes. It was a wonderful sensation, sensual.


“Are you all right?”

“Yes. But…I want to touch it. The ocean.”

He grinned, and Dhatri, coming to stand beside him, grinned, as well. She had a moment now to see how beautifully made Dhatri was. A few inches taller than Akaash, his skin was a gorgeous, smooth brown, as dark as the earth. His hair hung in long, flowing dreadlocks. It was woven through with metal wires, studded here and there with beads made of clay and bone, some of them intricately carved. His smile was lush and wide, a short goatee surrounding his mouth. And his eyes…they were a stunning hazel. Silver and gold and green all mixed together, framed by long, curling lashes. His smooth chest was crossed with long scars that ran down over his ribs, but did nothing to lessen his masculine beauty.

“You should touch the ocean,” Akaash said to her. “You should experience everything you’ve been denied.”

Dhatri tugged on her hand. “Come on, girl. Let’s touch the ocean together.”

The two men led her to the water’s edge, and her pulse sped as they neared it. They stood at that point where the water reached its foaming fingers onto the sand, and it was surprisingly warm as it flowed over her toes, even as it stung the cuts on the soles of her feet. The next wave splashed her ankles, making her smile.

Dhatri reached out, stroked one finger across her cheek. “You’re beautiful, girl. Too sweet for a pair of old warriors.”

“Never too sweet,” Akaash protested, smiling at her, his dark eyes gleaming in the yellow sunlight.

She felt safe with them. Cherished. Desired.

Heat seeped between her thighs, despite the long journey, the terror and excitement of the day.

She wanted them both.


He leaned in and kissed her, pressing his lips to hers. They were soft. Lovely. And when he opened her lips with his tongue, she went soaking wet all at once, her legs trembling.

He pulled away. “I want you even now.”

“Yes,” she murmured, tilting her chin to be kissed again.

“Dhatri wants you too,” he murmured.

“Yes. I want him.”

She felt another pair of hands settle on her waist, then slip around her. Turning in their arms, Dhatri pulled her close, his gaze on hers, those beautiful eyes watching her closely. “Only if you say yes, Nitara.”

“Oh, yes. Please.”

He smiled, then lowered his face to hers and kissed her.

His lips were fuller, more plush, his kiss a little rougher than Akaash’s. Another rush of heat between her thighs. She was filled with the sound of the rushing waves. The scents of the two men. And an overwhelming desire.

Akaash’s voice was a low growl behind her. “We must find a camp.

Dhatri laughed, stroked her hair. “Yes. Now.”

They took her hands once more and pulled her up the beach, so fast she was breathless. In minutes they reached the rocky outcropping at the northern end of the beach.

“I’ll scout ahead,” Dhatri said, running ahead to climb over the rocks, disappearing behind them.

Nitara and Akaash waited, and he looped his arm around her waist, his hand wandering over the curve of her thigh.

“I can’t wait to have you, Nitara. To really have you. And for Dhatri to be with us…”

Dhatri’s face appeared at the crest of the rocks. “There’s a small cave here. Come.”

Akaash helped her climb. They found a narrow path up into the hill overlooking the sea. Dhatri waited at the opening to the cave. It was small, as he’d said, but would shade them from the harsh rays of the day’s sun, and roomy enough for the three to stand in together. To lie in together. Nitara shivered.

Akaash took her immediately into his arms, his mouth coming down on hers. He kissed her hard, his tongue slipping into her mouth. His hands were on her shoulders, then moved down to her waist, her hips. She felt Dhatri come up behind her, his hands joining Akaash’s, their fingers twining at her sides. Their bodies were burning, as hot as Akaash’s tongue in her mouth. And she was melting with desire that rose higher and higher.

Akaash pulled back, smiling at her, then he leaned over her shoulder. She felt Dhatri moving in, turned her head and saw the two men kiss, their mouths coming together.

Her blood sang, her sex going damp all over again. She had never seen anything like it. Had never expected to respond this way, with a torturous, sharp need that overpowered her. She wanted to see the two of them together, every bit as much as she wanted their touch herself.

“Ah…” she moaned, pressing her breasts against Akaash’s chest, feeling the gentle scrape of her tunic against her nipples.

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