The Bride Raffle (23 page)

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Authors: Lisa Plumley

BOOK: The Bride Raffle
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“First one to catch her kisses her nose!” Daisy said.

“I’m first!” Owen vowed. “I’m bigger and stronger!”

Élodie yelped. Squealing with laughter, she ran across the green—with her new mama and her papa in headlong pursuit. As Daisy chased after her, she could have sworn she heard the trio of Mrs. Archer, Miss Reardon and Mrs. Sunley laugh, too.

“That’s one more successful scheme!” Mrs. Archer declared.

“Hurrah to us!” Mrs. Sunley cheered. “We triumph again!”

“Whoever,” Miss Reardon asked, “shall be next?”

But Daisy didn’t have time to linger over their gossip. She had a wonderful new life to catch up with…the sooner the better, and forever after, just as she’d always hoped for.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8941-7


Copyright © 2011 by Lisa G. Plumley

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