The Bridge of Peace (47 page)

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Authors: Cindy Woodsmall

BOOK: The Bridge of Peace
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—running around. The true purpose of the rumschpringe is threefold: give freedom for an Amish young person to find an Amish mate; to give extra freedoms during the young adult years so each person can decide whether to join the faith; to provide a bridge between childhood and adulthood.

Pennsylvania Dutch phrases used in
The Bridge of Peace

Bischt hungerich?
—Are you hungry?
Der Gaule kann nimmi schteh
.—The horse cannot stand.
draus in da Welt
—out in the world
Du bischt daheem
.—You’re home.
Duh net schtobbe
.—Do not stop.
Frehlich Zwedde Grischtdaag
—Merry Second Christmas
Geh, ess
.—Go, eat.
Gern gschehne
.—You’re welcome.
Guder Marye
.—Good morning.
Gut is was ich bescht duh
.—Good is what I do best.
Haldscht Schul fer die Handikap?
—Do you teach at a school for the handicapped?
Heem geh
?—Go home?
Ich geh in die Handikap Schul
.—I’m going to the handicap school.
Ich hab
.—I did.
Kummet rei
.—Come in.
Kumm mol, loss uns geh
.—Come on, let’s go.
Kumm uff
.—Come on.
Loss uns fische geh
.—Let’s go fishing.
Loss uns Heemet geh
.—Let’s go home.
Mir esse un no gehne mir
.—We’ll eat and then we’ll go.
Net im Haus. Is sell so hatt zu verschteh?
—Not in the house. Is that so hard to understand?
Was iss es?
—What is it?
Wie bischt du Heit?
—How are you today?
Witt du ans Allen’s geh?
—Do you want to go to Allen’s?
Witt fische geh?
—You want to go fishing?
Ya, en verhuddelder Hund
.—Yes, a confused dog.
Ya, in paar Minudde
.—Yes, in a minute.
Glossary taken from Eugene S. Stine,
Pennsylvania German Dictionary
(Birdsboro, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1996), and the usage confirmed by an instructor of the Pennsylvania Dutch language.


To my family, co-workers, and friends—If life tempts me to doubt God’s faithfulness, I remember you.

Our teen broke a toe in the spring of 2010, and because of that, my husband and son came in contact with a wonderful physician—John A. Alsobrook, MD, Northeast Georgia Physicians Group, Sports Medicine, Buford, Georgia. As an author writing a trauma scene, I couldn’t let such a great resource go untapped. I’m very grateful to say that the doctor was willing to return a call from someone looking for help with fictional characters in trauma. Each time I needed advice, Dr. Alsobrook was truly informative, focused, and fun to work with, which means he will be called upon again

To my Old Order Amish friends, who provide insight and direction before I begin to write each story, correction on any inaccuracies in the manuscript once it’s complete, and our own hiddy where we can chat, as well as good food, fun fellowship, and a cozy bed to sleep in—Thank you!

To my expert in the Pennsylvania Dutch language, who wishes to remain anonymous—Your input is invaluable. It may not feel like it to you, but authenticity gives great pleasure to readers.

To those who work so diligently on every aspect of making each book a success, my team, WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group—It’d take a nonfiction book to express how honored I am to know and work with each of you! From marketing to sales to production to the editorial department, you are so much more to me than time allows me to express. From the president to the newest savvy person added to the house, you’re all making a difference in the lives of authors and readers.

To Shannon Marchese, my editor—I believe that if I were to write for you until I’m a hundred years old, I’d still be soaking up your knowledge and learning how to craft a better and stronger story.

To Carol Bartley, my line editor—I always look forward to the amazing polishing job you do. Your expertise, open-mindedness, gentleness, and humor strengthen so much more than the story. I trust you, and I take pleasure in working with you.

To Steve Laube, my agent—My time and creativity would be buried under the work load of business if it weren’t for you. I shove things onto your plate and return to what I love doing, writing. Thank you for being so knowledgeable, trustworthy, and understanding of an author’s dream—to

To Marci Burke, my good friend and critique partner—In our seven years of working together, you have yet to let me down even once.

To my sons—When I’m in isolation mode during writing, it is your taps on my office door, early-morning phone calls, and spur-of-the-moment visits to whisk me away for a meal or a game that remind me I’m loved. And to my two daughters-in-law—You are help when I need it, laughter when I don’t expect it, and strength when I have none of my own.

And lastly, to my husband—Every year and decade we celebrate together, I understand more that it’ll never be enough. I’m content with many things but never when it comes to having time with you.

About the Author

is a
New York Times
best-selling author whose connection with the Amish community has been featured on
ABC Nightline
and on the front page of the
Wall Street Journal
. She is the author of the Sisters of the Quilt series as well as
The Bridge of Peace, The Hope of Refuge
, and
The Sound of Sleigh Bells
. Her ability to authentically capture the heart of her characters comes from her real-life connections with Amish Mennonite and Old Order Amish families. Cindy lives in Georgia with her husband, their three sons, and two amazing daughters-in-law.

To keep up with new releases, book signings, and other news, visit Cindy at

12265 Oracle Boulevard, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921

The characters and events in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental.

Copyright © 2010 by Cindy Woodsmall

Copyright © 2010 Excerpt from The Harvest of Grace by Cindy Woodsmall

Copyright © 2010 by Cindy Woodsmall. Excerpted by permission of WaterBrook Press, a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Published in the United States by WaterBrook Multnomah, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House Inc., New York.

and its deer colophon are registered trademarks of Random House Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Woodsmall, Cindy.
  The bridge of peace : an Ada’s House novel / Cindy Woodsmall.— 1st ed.
      p. cm.
  eISBN: 978-0-307-45946-6
  1. Amish women—Fiction. 2. Women teachers—Fiction. 3. Amish—Pennsylvania— Fiction. I. Title.
  PS3623.O678B75 2010



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