The Buchanan's Baby (Billionaire Romance) (Bought By The Billionaire Brothers) (2 page)

BOOK: The Buchanan's Baby (Billionaire Romance) (Bought By The Billionaire Brothers)
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Tomorrow was Friday. Aside from a full day at work, her plans were pretty static. Later that night, after tucking Aubrey into bed, she poured herself a glass of wine and slowly savored the first sip. She loved her life but there were times when she wished things had happened a little differently. She certainly hadn't expected to become a mother so young and so early in her career. But even as she lamented her quiet nights from time to time, she knew she wouldn't trade Aubrey for anything in the world. The child was her everything.

She carried her wine glass to the living room and sank into the sofa. Her friend Georgia had suggested that she put up an online dating profile so she could get some, "adult time" but even as Shannon desperately wanted a little companionship now and then, she couldn't fathom introducing someone into Aubrey's life that was simply transient. So, for now, Shannon's needs were met by her trusty and ever faithful vibrator.

Shannon took another healthy sip and leaned back against the sofa cushion, feeling that familiar yearning as she closed her eyes, picturing a scene from the past that always managed to warm her engine nicely.

It'd been a purposefully chance encounter — she'd been looking for someone to scratch an itch as a reward for all her hard work and studying to graduate at the top of her class in order to land a coveted position with the Juggernaut and she'd known the minute he'd walked into the club that she was going to have him.

He'd oozed charm and easy-going grace but beneath that laid-back exterior, she'd seen the carnal hunger in his eyes that spoke to the hunger curling itself around her bones. She hadn't played coy or hard-to-get; she'd played to win.

"Like what you see?" she'd asked boldly when he'd openly assessed what she had on display with the tight, form-fitting short dress. She knew she had a great body — years of competitive swimming had carved away any extra fat, leaving behind lean muscle — and judging by his slow grin, he agreed. "Attached?" she'd asked, getting straight to the point.

"No. You?"

"Would it matter?"

"Not really," he admitted, moving a little closer, his gaze caressing her body as if he already had the right. "I don't pity any fool who would leave someone like you unattended in a place like this. His loss would definitely be my gain if you were attached." There was something arrogant yet plainly sexy about the way he'd perused her body and it'd sparked a fire inside of Shannon that had begun to heat her body with a flame she hadn't felt in a long time. College had been long and filled with hours of study and tests and she was feeling reckless. He had just the kind of build she enjoyed —
 tall but not overly so, with lean muscle, similar to her own, his posture emanating strength and virility. "Shall we?" he asked solicitously and she accepted his hand as he lead her out of the loud, throbbing din of the club. The cool night air had kissed her exposed skin and goosebumps had rioted but he'd immediately warmed her by rubbing her skin while they awaited the valet to return with his vehicle. "What's your name?"

She slanted her gaze up at him, noting with delight his beautiful, soulful eyes, and said, "Does it really matter? We both know this isn't for anything but sex." She looped her arms around his neck and murmured, right before lifting her mouth to his, "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Not at all," he answered, plunging his tongue into the shelter of her warm and ready mouth, eager to taste and touch. She melted against him, as his expert tongue plundered and conquered as she willingly surrendered. "But I want you to know my name," he said.

"And why is that?"

"Because I want to hear you cry out my name when I'm making you cum, over and over again until you're too weak to stand and when you leave in the morning, you'll know exactly whose cock fucked you within an inch of your life."

Shannon graced him with a smile, impressed. "All right, I'll bite. What's the name I will be crying out in sheer ecstasy?" she asked with light humor but the wolfish smile he returned, sent more goosebumps tripping down her body as he pulled her tightly against him.

"The name's Nolan Buchanan, love; remember it because I'm going to make you forget all other men after tonight."

"Tall order," she challenged
breathlessly. "But I like your confidence — hopefully, it's not misplaced or overblown."

At that, he'd laughed and she'd known, even then, that she was never going to forget that night.

Shannon sighed in longing at the scorching memory.

God, that man had made fucking an art. Shannon had never realized the many and varied ways one could completely dissolve into the most earth-shattering orgasm but
Nolan had delighted in teaching her many things, including the unparalleled pleasure of being penetrated in both places at once. Even just thinking about it made her blush furiously but her legs scissored as she squeezed her thighs together, her core heating with slippery need.

"Have you ever taken a cock up your ass," he'd whispered against the shell of her ear as he held her tightly against the hard ridge of his abdomen, his rock-solid cock, pressing insistently against the cleft of her behind. Her breathing was harsh as she tried to recover from their last round and she nodded as she swallowed, squeezing her eyes shut as the last waves of her orgasm slowly faded. "How about two cocks at once?" his silky tone caused her to groan as she shook her head. "Well, you're in luck. I have something you're going to love." He whirled her around and he produced a large, silicone cock that looked suspiciously like his own. Her gaze widened in question and he laughed without a hint of modesty, saying, "Yes, I had it molded using my own cock. It
’s amazing what you can discover on the Internet. Now," he advanced toward her with the dildo. "Come here, love. I want to stuff you full of Buchanan cock."

She gasped, intensely aroused by the idea and when he told her to lay down with her legs up, she laughed shakily and did as he instructed but covered her eyes with embarrassment as he threw her legs over his shoulder and insert the dildo between her folds.
She sucked in a tight breath as the dildo stretched her passage but it bumped up nicely against her G-spot, abrading the sensitive patch with precision, just as Nolan’s flesh and blood cock had done. “And now for my favorite part…” he smeared a dollop of cool lube on her tightly closed bud and then eased the thick, fleshy head of his cock at her entrance. “Come on, baby, let me in,” he coaxed, gently pushing his staff past the sphincter, inch by inch, until the muscle stopped resisting and he slid in. Her stomach muscles trembled, overwhelmed by the sensation of being completely filled in both private places and her nipples hardened as intense arousal washed over her. It was so dirty and bad — God, she loved it. A groan escaped her, in spite of biting her lip to hold back her cries. Nolan grunted with pleasure as her tight hole squeezed his cock and he began to flex his hips against her. The dildo pressed unerringly against her sensitive pleasure spot deep inside while Nolan’s cock began to tease the wildly arcing nerve endings within her ass and she began to lose control quickly.

“Holy Jesus,” she cried, shaking all over, sweat breaking out across her body as she thundered toward another orgasm, only this one threatened to break her in half when it came and the idea frightened
and excited her. “Oh God,” she said, trembling. “N-Nolan!”

“That’s right, baby, say my name,” he commanded, gripping her legs tightly as he pushed himse
lf deeper inside her, the sound of their skin slapping together carnal music to her ears. “Say it!”

“N-Nolan! Oh God, that’s it,” she cried, unable to hold back. It was coming —
 and it was going to be big. Everything clenched and exploded in a wondrous cacophony of sensational pleasure and she might’ve blacked out for a moment because for a second, she lost all sense of time and space. When she came to, Nolan was jerking against her, his hips flexing in wild abandon as he lost himself inside her quivering body. He cried out and withdrew, collapsing beside her and for a long moment, neither spoke. She couldn’t have if she’d tried. Stars were still exploding behind her eyes and her body rocked with small avalanches of pleasure, clenching around the embedded dildo as if desperately trying to milk the silicone for its essence. Nolan slowly withdrew the dildo and she felt utterly bereft and empty without the pressure of both the dildo and Nolan’s cock inside her. Good God — so fucking fantastic and what a way to celebrate.

Shannon finished her wine in a quick swallow and headed for her bedroom. Moments later, the muffled
vibration of her trusty vibrator was the only sound in the apartment — until she cried out his name, lost in the memory of that one night with the hot stranger.




Nolan couldn't believe what he was seeing. The entire drive to San Jose, he kept telling himself, this was all likely a ruse, some game to shake cash from his wallet. But as his gut tightened with instant recognition of the long-legged strawberry blonde, he remembered the night they’d spent together with frightening clarity. When she’d said names hadn’t been necessary, truthfully, he hadn't believed her. He’d figured after a little pillow time, she’d give up her identity — mystery solved. Girls always wanted a second round with a Buchanan. And given how many times he'd made her squeal, he had arrogantly assumed she’d return begging for more. But that wasn't how the next morning had gone down at all.

"Where you going?" h
e asked sleepily when he realized she was no longer in the bed. He found her fully dressed and trying to find her shoes. "It's so early."

She smiled and
, having found her shoes under the bed, slipped them on her feet and grabbed her purse. "I had fun but it's time to go. I have a full day on the schedule.” She stopped to add, “You are great, by the way. I confess, I might have thought you were overstating your skills but I was wrong. You have reason to be arrogant."

It was then Nolan realized she was actually leaving. He sat up straighter. "You're really leaving? How about some breakf
ast?" he asked, throwing the sheets from his naked body. "Don't leave just yet. We were just getting to know each other."

"I don't want to get to know you beyond what I already know," she answered sweetly. "Besides,
why ruin a beautiful memory?”

He advanced toward her, his grin growing as surely as his cock
. He felt fairly confident that if he could get her into his arms one more time, she wasn't going anywhere. But she must've realized that too because she danced out of his reach with a knowing laugh even as her gaze registered regret. "Sorry. Tempting as it is, this was a one-shot deal." She blew him a kiss and quickly let herself out of the penthouse.

Nolan couldn't believe it.
Women didn’t willingly leave his bed. Most times he had to push them out when they became tediously attached. Here he was with a rock hard cock, ready for round two and his partner had just tapped out. Damn. So this was what rejection felt like. Not very appealing. Should he chase after her? A voice in his head countered, why? He didn't want commitment and neither did she. This was really the best of both worlds, so why did he feel so abandoned, as if he’d been used? He forced a rueful laugh. Hell, he was becoming a woman. They’d both enjoyed the night. Leave it at that.

And if the nagging sense that he should have followed her dog
ged his steps days after she'd left, he ignored it.

Now, as
he watched her from a distance, laughing and joking, seeming perfectly at home among the rough and brawny hockey players of the Juggernaut, he realized he should have listened to his gut. His gaze strayed to the little girl perched upon the shoulders of one of the large players and her delighted squeal ricocheted through his heart. Was that his child? Was that little girl, with the soft strawberry blond curls, a Buchanan? There was only one way to find out. And yet, his feet refused to move.

If that kid was his, what would that mean for his life? He could walk away from this right now and pretend he
’d never received an anonymous note. Whoever had sent it hadn't asked for any money and thus hadn’t given any contact information. There was no need to chase after this, right? The kid looked happy, well taken care of. And he really didn't know if the kid was his. Plus, he recalled, they’d used protection. In fact, they went through half a box of condoms. There was no way that cute little kid was his. Someone had played a very unfortunate joke and they were going to pay.

Nolan watched as the woman
and the toddler separated from the players as the men headed for the ice rink and she headed for a backdoor into the building. He broke away from the shadows and quickly followed. The musty smell of a high school locker room assaulted his senses and he grimaced at the unpleasant scent. That was one thing he did not miss about high school or college. He’d played enough sports to remember that distinct odor of sweat, burnt muscles, and pure exhaustion to last him a lifetime. As the sport trainer, he supposed it was appropriate for her office to be near the lockers but he was shaken by the pinch of something too close to possessiveness for his comfort as he rounded the corner. He could hear her talking to the toddler with softly animated tones and he remembered the sound of her cries as he rode her lean body all those many nights ago. Not helpful, he reminded himself as he crossed the threshold into her office. When she saw him, she actually yelped and nearly dropped the toddler in surprise. "Nolan…" The strangled whisper told volumes. She tightened her hold on the child
, who turned to stare at him with her finger in her mouth. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her eyes darting past him. "You shouldn't be here.”

BOOK: The Buchanan's Baby (Billionaire Romance) (Bought By The Billionaire Brothers)
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