The Buckhorn Brothers Box Set: Sawyer\Morgan\Gabe\Jordan (45 page)

BOOK: The Buckhorn Brothers Box Set: Sawyer\Morgan\Gabe\Jordan
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“Should I turn on some lights?”

Misty laughed. How she could recognize humor while burning up with need was amazing. Morgan made her hungry, and he amused her, and he made her feel special and cherished in so many ways.

But then, he did that for a lot of people.

“With no curtains on the windows?” she asked. “Don’t you think that might be unwise? What if someone is out there and they see you prancing around in the buff?”

He chuckled, but the sound was strained as he stared at her breasts. “I don’t prance, Malone. And there’s no one out there on a night like this.”

She pretended to consider his offer, then said, “No, let’s leave the lights off.” She’d definitely be more daring without too much illumination. She needed the shadows to enjoy herself fully. At least this first time.

Morgan shrugged. “Whatever you want.”

“That’s the spirit.” Her laugh ended on a gasp when he came to his knees and carefully pulled down his zipper, easing it around a rather large, hard erection. She didn’t want to laugh now. No, she just wanted to watch. And touch.

And taste.

Without any signs of modesty, Morgan slowly shucked his jeans and underwear down his hips, then sat back and pulled them the rest of the way off. “Now you,” he rumbled, and leaned forward to do the job himself.

Misty stared at his naked body and felt the warmth build beneath her skin, felt her womb tighten, her breasts ache. His hips were a shade lighter than the rest of his sun-darkened skin, the flesh looking smooth and hard, taut with muscle. Crisp curling hair covered his chest and tapered into a downy line on his abdomen. She felt a little lecherous eyeing his swollen erection and wondered how it would feel to touch him there.

Belatedly, Misty remembered that she wanted to be a full participant, not a passive one. She toed off her sneakers, then came up onto her elbows as Morgan worked the button of her pants loose and started on her zipper. “Would you rather I strip? It’ll be easier.”

Morgan froze for a heartbeat, then shook his head. “I’d never live through it. The fact you’re not wearing a bra is already more than any man should have to deal with.”

me to wear a bra.”

His hand opened over her belly and caressed her lightly, smoothing over her skin, dipping quickly into her belly button, then sliding beneath her open jeans to palm her buttocks. She reached for his erection and wrapped her hand around him.

He was hard and hot and silky. He flexed in her hand, and she tightened her hold.

With a groan, Morgan hooked his fingers into the waistband of her jeans. His voice was gravelly and low when he spoke. “Unveiling you slowly would have been better for my system. Saving me the shock, you know?”

Misty ignored his words, enthralled with the velvety feel of him. “Do you like this, Morgan?” She squeezed him carefully, heard his rough gasp. “You’ll have to give me some direction, okay?”

He had her jeans as far as her knees and he paused to tilt his head back and suck in deep breaths. “Harder.”

Misty’s heartbeat drummed at his growled command. She tightened her hand and stroked him again. “Like this?” she whispered.

Morgan suddenly caught her wrist and pulled her hand away. “I’m sorry, but I can’t take it.” He kissed her knuckles and placed her hand next to her head on the floor. “You need to do some catching up, sweetheart, so keep those soft little hands to yourself for a few minutes, okay?”

Nodding, Misty lifted her hips so he could pull her jeans the rest of the way off. Morgan pushed them aside, and immediately bent down to kiss the top of her right thigh. “Damn, you smell good,” he muttered as he nuzzled her hipbone, her belly, leaving warm damp kisses on her skin.

Misty shifted, not sure if she should protest or not. He’d taken the lead, but she loved how he looked at her, the husky timbre of his voice.

“Open your legs.”


“Shh. Trust me, okay?”

It seemed as though her heartbeat shook her entire body. Around her nervousness, her excitement, she whispered, “I do trust you. I always have.”

Morgan looked down at her, making her feel exposed and agitated and eager. He wedged her thighs apart and settled between them. He stared into her eyes and cupped her breasts. His solid abdomen pressed warmly against her mound, making her arch the tiniest bit. Her thighs were opened wide around his waist.

Misty nearly choked on a deep breath when he lowered his head and sucked one nipple deep into his mouth. Her back arched involuntarily, but Morgan took advantage of the movement to slip his arm beneath her, keeping her raised for his mouth. He shifted to her other breast, making her moan with the sharp tingle of a gentle bite.

“I could spend an hour,” he whispered, “just on your breasts.”

Misty tangled her fingers in his hair. “I told you I wanted to do some things.”

“We’ll take turns.”

He went back to her nipple, and true to his word, he seemed insatiable, tasting her, licking her, sucking her deep. Each gentle tug of his mouth was felt in her entire body. His tongue was both rough and incredibly soft on her aroused flesh. When he finally lifted himself away from her, she could barely keep still. Her nipples were swollen and wet, and she covered them with her own hands, trying to appease the throbbing ache.

Morgan growled at the sight of her touching herself and began kissing his way down her abdomen. When he reached her belly, he paused, then rested his cheek there. “I can’t believe there’s a baby in here,” he whispered. “You’re so slim.”

Misty choked on an explosion of emotion, so touched by the way he accepted her and her condition. “I…I’m bigger than I used to be. I’ve gained seven pounds.” It amazed her that he didn’t seem the least put off by her pregnancy. Kent had been disgusted and repulsed by the idea, but Morgan seemed more intrigued and concerned than anything else.

He placed a gentle kiss on her navel, then slipped his hands under her thighs and opened her legs wide. “Bend your knees for me, sweetheart. That’s it. A little wider.”

She felt horribly exposed with her legs sprawled so wide, his warm breath touching her most sensitive flesh. He was looking at her, studying her, and it embarrassed her even as it excited her almost unbearably.

Knowing what would happen, overcome with curiosity and carnal need, Misty dropped her head on the carpet and stared at the heavily shadowed ceiling.

The first damp stroke of his hot tongue felt like live lightning. She jerked, but he held her still and licked again. She groaned. Morgan used his thumbs to open her completely and tasted her deeply, without reserve.

“Oh God.”

“So sweet,” he murmured, and anything else he said was lost behind her moans.

She couldn’t hold still, couldn’t think straight. His fingers glided over her wet swollen tissues, dipping inside every now and again, but not enough to make the building ache go away. His tongue did the same, lapping softly, then stabbing into her.

“Morgan, please…”

“Tell me if I hurt you,” he murmured hotly, and even his breath made her wild.

But then she gasped as he began working two fingers deep into her. Moving against him, she tried to make him hurry, tried to make him go deeper.

“You’re so tight,” he murmured and she heard the repressed tension in his voice.


His mouth closed over her throbbing clitoris, sucking gently while his fingers stroked in and out, and she was lost. She cried out, thankful that they were alone, that he’d had the sense to insure their privacy, because she wanted to yell, needed to yell. Nothing had ever felt like this, so powerful and sweet and so much pleasure it was nearly too much to bear.

Morgan moved up over her, settling his hips gently against hers. His hands cupped her face until her eyes opened. “I’m going to come into you now.”


“Tell me if I—”

“You won’t hurt me.” If he didn’t get on with it, she might be forced to rape him. A gentle pulsing from her recent climax still shook her, but she wanted more, she wanted it all, she wanted Morgan.

“Put your legs around me.”

As soon as she’d gotten her shaky limbs to work, he smothered her mouth with his own and pushed cautiously into her. Her body bowed, trying to accommodate him, then wilted as he sank deep, entering her completely. His raw groan echoed her own.

A moment of suspended pleasure and building anticipation held them both, then he began moving in deep, gentle thrusts. He stayed slightly propped up on his elbows rather than giving her his weight. Misty tried to protest, wrapping her arms tight around him and doing her best to bring him to her.

“No, sweetheart. I’m too heavy,” he panted, his jaw tight, his shoulders bunched. His eyes blazed at her and he kept kissing her, as if he couldn’t get enough; deep, hungry kisses and gentle, tender kisses.

Even now, he was being so careful with her. Her heart swelled painfully. “Please, Morgan.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, his jaw clenched, and the sight of him, so strong, so powerful, and so gentle, added to the physical pleasure and made her climax again with a suddenness that took her breath away. She strained against him, her thighs tightening, her fingers digging into his powerful shoulders. The second her muscles tightened around his erection, Morgan cursed, then gave up the struggle.

He allowed her to pull him down and pressed his face into her throat, hugging her closer still, his big body straining and shuddering as he came.

For long moments he rested against her, dragging in air, his body gradually relaxing. She felt him kiss her throat…and she felt his smile.

Misty squeezed him again. She didn’t know what she had expected, but the contentment, the happiness, the peace nearly overwhelmed her. “That was wonderful,” she whispered to him, needing to say the words. “You were wonderful.”

As though it took a great effort, Morgan slowly struggled up onto his elbows and smiled down at her. “So you’re satisfied?”

She bit her lip, then slowly shook her head. “No, never.”

Morgan blinked at her, then threw his head back and laughed. “Damn, Malone, I never thought I’d like hearing those two words leave your lips.”

She touched his mouth with a finger. She no longer vibrated with need, but the curiosity was still there, and the love. “What you did to me, Morgan? I want to do that to you, too.”

Morgan jerked. He breathed deep and he cursed and he shuddered. Finally he just laughed again, the sound low and rough. “From the moment I met you I knew on a gut level exactly how things would be with you.”

“Did you?” When Morgan smiled, he made her want to smile, too.

“Yeah. Why do you think I’ve been going so crazy? I’m glad to see I wasn’t wrong.”

He rolled onto his back so that she was perched above him. His grin was so wicked and so lecherous, she almost blushed. “Now,” he said.

And before she could ask him, “Now what?” his cell phone rang.


two in the morning by the time he got home, and he felt exhausted down to his soul. A three-car mishap had dragged him out of Misty’s arms. Luckily no one was seriously hurt, but he was still pissed off. A few idiots from the next county over drank too much and tried joyriding over their deeper roads. They’d taken out not only a length of fence along Carl Webb’s property, but they’d also knocked over a telephone pole. Cows had wandered loose in the road and into the neighboring field, Carl had been infuriated—and rightfully so—and many people had been without phone service.

In the pouring rain, it was damn inconvenient trying to sort everything out. One of the fools had a concussion, the other a broken nose. Morgan thought they deserved at least that much, though they’d both whined and complained endlessly.

He hadn’t had a chance to say anything to Misty. He’d made love to her, and he’d made her laugh, but he hadn’t told her that he wanted her to stick around as a permanent member of the family. He hadn’t told her that he wanted her to be with him forever.

And she hadn’t said a thing about how she felt, other than that she’d enjoyed making love with him. That was just dandy, but it wasn’t enough. Not even close.

He kicked off his muddy boots just inside the kitchen doorway and made his way through the silent house to his room. His wet clothes went into a hamper and a warm shower helped to relieve his aching muscles, but not his aching head. He needed some sleep, but as he threw back the top sheet, the thought of climbing into his big bed all alone didn’t appeal to him one bit. He glanced at the door, thought of Misty all warm and snuggled up in her own bed, and it felt like that fat elephant was on his chest again.

He stood there undecided, at the side of the bed for a full three minutes before cursing and pulling on underwear. Grumbling all the way down the hall, he got to Misty’s room and started to knock, then changed his mind. The doorknob turned easily and the door swung open on silent hinges. He could barely see Misty curled on top of the mattress, her room nothing but shifting moon shadows as the trees swayed outside with the wind. But he could hear her soft, even breathing. She was likely exhausted and he promised himself he wouldn’t keep her awake, but he wanted to hold her and there was no longer any reason to deny himself.

When he stood next to her bed she shifted and yawned, then opened her eyes to look at him. Immediately she sat up, shoving her silky hair out of her face. “Morgan? What’s wrong? Did you just get in?”

Her normally deep voice was even rougher with sleep, and sexy as hell. “Yeah.” He bent and scooped her out of the bed, lifted her up against his bare chest, and started out of the room. She had on a thin knee-length cotton gown, and her warm, sweet scent clung to her skin, making him regret his resolve to let her rest.

She tucked her face under his chin. “Where are we going?”

“To my room. I want to hold you while I sleep.”

She made a soft, humming sound of pleasure and curled closer. As he toed her door closed from the hallway, he heard another door open. He turned, Misty held tight in his arms, to see Casey leaving the bathroom.

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