The Bull Rider's Collection (26 page)

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Authors: Lynn Cahoon

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Bull Rider's Collection
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Hunter ate quietly before he spoke again. Finally, he picked up the beer bottle and held it out to Barb in a fake cheer. He nodded at her bottle and she raised it. “To honesty. May we always be truthful with each other, no matter where we are or who we’re with.”

“I’m afraid you don’t know what you’re asking for. That’s kind of a monkey paw type of vow, isn’t it?”

“Bring on the troubles. I’m celebrating tonight. I’ve finally found a woman who promises to be honest with me. I’m a lucky man.”

To honor and obey, if she remembered the vows correctly. Too bad this marriage was just pretend. She believed she could like being married to Hunter Martin. Really. Like.

She ducked her head down and concentrated on her meal. Food never disappointed. Not if it was prepared with skill and love.

Chapter 5

“We’ve been waiting for you two.” The perky blonde at the hotel check in desk smiled. “Our last room, then we’re all booked. Doesn’t happen often, but when it does, boy, do the managers celebrate.”

Barb leaned on the counter, exhausted. “You mean the last two rooms, right?”

The blonde — Amy, according to her nametag — frowned and tapped some keys on her computer. “Nope, just one more reservation for the airline — a Mr. Hunter Martin?”

“What about my room? Barb Carico?” Barb groaned. This couldn’t be happening. She was tired. Too tired to find another hotel.

Amy typed faster. “No, sorry, no reservation.” She leaned into the screen and ran a perfectly polished purple nail down what appeared to be a list. “Wait, a Barbara Caruso checked in a few hours ago. The clerk had two reservations listed for her and canceled one. I guess we goofed.”

Barb took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “You gave away my room and all you can say is you goofed? What am I supposed to do now? Sleep in the lobby?”

Hunter put his hand on her arm. “Give me the key to my room. We’ll share.”

Barb shrugged out of his grasp. “I don’t want to share. I want the room I was promised.”

At the desk, Amy checked the computer again. “I’m so sorry, but there isn’t another room available. I can call other hotels to see if they have an opening.”

“That won’t be necessary. Are our bags in the room?” Hunter took the key card that Amy had placed on the desk.

Amy nodded. “When we had two sets of luggage left, we just assumed you two were the couple that had gotten married in Vegas. My friend is a flight attendant and she said there were newlyweds scheduled on the flight.”

Barb had seen that couple. A guy with a middle age paunch and receding hairline and a bottle blonde half his age. They’d slipped into the family restroom during the wait at the airport, coming out just a little messed. Heck, the two probably hadn’t even waited for dinner, just checked in and were bopping like bunnies. All Barb wanted was a bed to sleep in. “Does the room have two beds?”

Amy glanced back at the computer screen. She grimaced and Barb knew her answer. “We put you in the honeymoon suite. No extra charge to the airline. We thought it would be a nice surprise.”

“Well, since we did get married in Vegas, your instincts were correct. Come on, honey, we’ll deal with your snoring tonight.” Hunter pulled Barb toward the elevator.

“My snoring?” Barb tilted her head at Hunter.

“Well, there had to be some reason you didn’t want to sleep with your very attractive husband in the same room.” Hunter grinned at her as the elevator doors closed on them. “Besides, I’ve never been in a honeymoon suite. I hope they have a hot tub in the room.”

“I just hope they have a bed.”

“Why, Mrs. Martin, are you trying to seduce me?” Hunter growled.

“In your dreams, buddy.” Barb couldn’t help it — she laughed. And kept laughing until the elevator reached the top floor.

“Are you all right?” Hunter put his hand on Barb’s back, leading her down the hallway.

Barb’s laughter died down after a few deep breaths, and she wiped away the tears. “You have to admit, this has been the weirdest weekend.”

But when Hunter swung open the door to the suite, her laughter bubbled up all over again. There in the middle of the room was a heart-shaped bed, rose petals strewn across the white linens, a bottle of champagne chilling, a basket of strawberries, and what appeared to be bowls of whipped cream and chocolate. The in-suite Jacuzzi bubbled water gently, with a head of suds looking more like a snow bank cresting the water.

They looked at each other.

“Well, it has a bed.” Hunter smiled.

“And a hot tub,” Barb added. They didn’t move from the doorway, like they were afraid of the room. Afraid of what might happen if they entered. Like the anticipation of sex the room presented would be overwhelming to their rational minds.

Hunter turned and lifted her into his arms.

“What in the hell are you doing?”

“I may only get one night with you.” He stared into her eyes. “We are married. Let’s act like it. Just for tonight.”

He was waiting for her answer, Barb realized. She sat in the driver’s seat here. All she had to do was say “put me down,” and he would. The night would go on like they were the strangers they’d been on Thursday. Polite, friendly strangers — Hunter would be a potential sponsor again.

His hair curled over his ears and Barb’s fingers brushed it back into place. She wanted this night. One night and then she’d go back to dealing with the reality of her life. Of the decision she would be making for her mother when she returned home. One night when she wasn’t a babysitter for a bunch of bull riders or a businesswoman. She wanted to say yes.

And so she did.

Hunter carried her into the room, kicking the door shut with his foot. He laid her on the bed, the smell from the rose petals overwhelming her senses. Roses and him. He was salty, musky, and sweet all at the same time. He kissed her, soft and gentle. “Mrs. Martin, I love the way you kiss.”

Smiling, Barb pulled him down into a second kiss. When he finished, he rose, asking again, “You sure?”

Barb started unbuttoning his shirt, the feel of the soft cotton against her fingers teasing her. She reached under the shirt with both hands, feeling his muscular chest with just enough hair to tickle her fingertips, but not so much she thought she was petting a bear in the zoo. She groaned. “I’ve never been this sure in my life about anything.”

With that, he smiled and lifted up her shirt. “Then honey, I’m home.” He reached out for her large breasts still in her black lace bra, pushed the two together, and licked the cleavage. As he thumbed her nipples, she arched her back in response.

He leaned up and slipped off his shirt, then pulled her forward, enabling him to unhook her bra straps. He laid her back on the bed and returned his mouth to her chest, this time seeking out her large nipples with his mouth. Teasing, licking at first, then sucking and gently biting the tips. Her mouth dried as she cried out in pleasure, again and again.

She felt his mouth leave her breasts and move down to her jeans. She arched as he unbuttoned the jeans and slid them off her hips. Then she gasped again when he breathed on her mound. His tongue explored, tasting, bringing her to a quick climax. When she’d finished, he lifted his head up and smiled.

“Wipe that grin off your face buster, it’s my turn.” With that she pushed him over onto his back and slipped off his jeans. He was fully erect, his shaft glistening in the dim light from the fake candles scattered around the room. She started to climb on top but he held her back.

“Time to sheath. Unless you want to really be my wife and bear my children. The men in my family are very lucky with procreation. Or unlucky, depending on your viewpoint.” He grinned and grabbed his jeans. He pulled out a foil packet and ripped it open, quickly covering his erection with the thin glistening plastic.

She climbed over him, easing on top of him. Rocking slowly at first, he reached up and gently covered her breasts with his hands, rocking her a little faster. As the pace quickened, she cried out as he reached her spot. Then she only remembered the feeling. And the release. She swore when she went over, he pulled her close to him and fell with her. Something she’d never experienced before, to climax at exactly the same time. To feel his explosion as she tightened and fell.

Afterwards, spent, she lay next to Hunter on the bed. He traced her jawline with his fingers, then her lips. He leaned forward, quickly kissed her, then got out of the bed. “Want a glass of champagne and strawberries while we recover in the hot tub?”

“You are just full of good ideas, Mr. Martin.” Barb followed him, slipping into the steaming water.

“You haven’t seen anything yet, Mrs. Martin.” Hunter flashed her a wicked smile as he filled their champagne flutes.

And as the night passed, he kept that promise.

• • •

Hunter woke the next morning to the five
wakeup call from the front desk. Barb was nestled against him — spooning, they called it. He hung up the phone and fingered her wild red curls away from her face. She was magnificent. In bed, in life. He would be honored to have Barb Carico as his wife. Real or fake. Too bad she’d never go for it. Besides, he had Kati to watch after. Who wanted a man with baggage? Barb deserved more than a confirmed bachelor raising his orphaned niece. She deserved everything.

He kissed the top of her head and reluctantly slipped out of the heart shaped bed. Fantasy time was over. Real life was calling. And they had a plane to catch in two hours.

“Barb, time to get ready. The shuttle will be leaving in thirty minutes,” he called out to her. “I’m jumping in the shower. You can join me if you’d like.”

Barb sat up, pulling the sheet over her ample breasts. “We’ll never make the shuttle if I do. Get showered. I want to get in there.”

Hunter turned back from the bathroom door. Barb’s voice was cool — not cold, but definitely not warm. Maybe she regretted last night, thought it was a mistake. He knew last night had been far from a mistake. It just was a reality that couldn’t be. Not now. He needed to lighten the mood since they had a two-hour flight to get through. “You sure — last chance?”

A pillow hit the wall next to him. “Stop stalling and get in there. I want in the shower too.” She paused then added, “By myself.”

“Your loss.” He stepped into the bathroom but left the door open just in case. He knew Barb wouldn’t join him. Hell, lightening had struck last night and he’d gotten lucky. Luck like that with a woman that special didn’t happen twice. Turning on the shower spray, he stepped under the steaming water hoping to clear his head.

Eight minutes later, he was out of the bathroom. With a towel wrapped around his waist, Hunter thought he caught Barb’s eyes drop to his abs. He sucked in automatically, even though his time at the gym had done the work he’d wanted. He knew he looked good, but for some stupid reason he wanted Barb to think that as well.

Barb sat at the edge of the bed in a long tee-shirt covering her amazing body, her clean clothes and a small toiletries bag on her lap. She waited for him to turn toward his suitcase, then the girl sprinted to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

Hunter smiled. He’d never seen Barb Carico flustered before. The woman was cool under pressure. The more pressure, the cooler she’d become. Right now she looked like a scared rabbit — and he was the hawk, circling the sky over her.

Humming, he got dressed and waited for his wife to get ready. When the front desk called to let them know the shuttle had arrived, he carried their luggage down to the lobby, Barb by his side. Just like any other married couple in the universe. Except this marriage would be annulled with a call to his lawyer tomorrow morning.

At least Barb would have the cheap ring he’d bought her as a souvenir. All he had was his memories. Memories that had convinced him, for a second, that he’d found his soul mate. And now he was letting her walk out of his life.

Chapter 6

Sitting on the back deck, drinking coffee with Lizzie, Barb watched the cottage where her mom slept. “Thanks again for taking us in for the week. I needed to get out of Boise. We won’t be a bother, I swear. I’ll do everything.”

Lizzie rubbed her swollen belly. “I didn’t want to close the cabins but James is convinced the babies are coming any day. The doctor just pushed out my due date, said he’d miscalculated at first, not knowing the boys were twins. Seriously? In this day and age?”

“You look great.” Barb smiled.

“I feel like an overstuffed teddy bear. But thanks.” Lizzie scanned her friend’s face. “So, you going to tell me?”

Barb’s gaze jerked from the quiet cabin to Lizzie’s face. “I did. I’m putting mom into Countryside. Cassie’s getting her bedroom set up this week and when we go home, she’s being admitted. What else did you want to know?”

“I want to know what happened between you and Hunter Martin. Don’t get me wrong, I know James is ecstatic you may have pulled in the Martin Dairy as one of Jesse’s sponsors. He’d been working on the older Martin for years with no luck.” Lizzie sipped a glass of ice water, waiting for Barb to respond.

Barb sat listening to the birds chirping in the tall pines surrounding the cabins. She could hear the river bubbling through the channel, splashing on rocks. When the forest got quiet from people sounds, the other sounds came to the forefront.

“Barb?” Lizzie’s gentle voice prodded.

“He’s a potential sponsor, what more is there to tell?”

“Bull crap. I know that look on your face. You had that look every time Ken Forest walked by your locker during sophomore year. Until Jesse started calling you Ken and Barbie.” Lizzie adjusted in her rocker. “So what happened? How did Hunter get your attention so quickly?”

“He’s just a nice guy.”

“And … ”

“And we kind of got married in Vegas.” Barb shook her head. “Now stop. Don’t even go there. It was a huge mistake and we were drunk.”

“Oh my God. Did you consummate?” Lizzie leaned forward, grinning.

“No. I mean, kind of, but no.” Barb’s face flushed, she could feel the heat. “After the wedding, I was drunk so Hunter tucked me in bed and went back to his room. When he came with coffee and aspirin the next morning, Jesse was in my shower.”

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