The Bull Rider's Collection (49 page)

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Authors: Lynn Cahoon

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Bull Rider's Collection
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Brit absent-mindedly played with the fashionable chains hanging around her neck. Taylor narrowed her eyes as she watched her friend. “Why would you think that?”

Brit threw her head back and laughed. Finally, she looked at Taylor. “Seriously? I could see that guy had you twisted in knots since the night he showed up at the opening.” Brit leaned forward. “So, you two doing the nasty?”

Taylor smiled in spite of herself. Brit could make her laugh at anything. “It’s not any of your business.”

Brit’s eyes widened. “Oh. My. God. I was teasing, but you are so jumping his bones, aren’t you?”

Heat ran to Taylor’s face as she thought about the previous night. How gentle Jesse had been touching her, caressing her body, as if she were his piece of clay and he was molding her into a masterpiece.

“Earth to Taylor.” Brit snapped her fingers. “Seriously, the boy is a player. You need to keep your heart protected this time. I don’t want to be picking you up off the floor when he gets bored with playing fancy pants art dealer.”

“I know. I don’t know what he wants, or what I want, for that matter. And it was only once. So no talking about this.” Taylor frowned, thinking about the call. “He wants me to meet him out of town this weekend so we can talk.”

Brit pursed her lips. “Road booty call?”

“I don’t think so. He seemed sincere.” Taylor wondered if last night had surprised him as much as it had her. And if her memory was clear, she’d started the physical contact. She’d been the aggressor. He probably thought she was playing up to the new boss. The heat on her cheeks felt like fire now.

“You’re going to go. Fly out and be his road toy.”

Taylor started searching for a flight. “I’m not having sex with him. I’m getting this whole thing cleared up and past us, for the good of the gallery.” She looked at her assistant. “You have Angie to help out this afternoon and all day Saturday, right?”

Brit shook her head. “Tomorrow, yes. But Angie just called. She’s got an appointment or something today. This is the third one in the last week.”

“From what I’ve learned, Angie has a habit of being a flake. Maybe I shouldn’t go.” Taylor leaned back in her chair, turning her attention from the computer to Brit.

“You think I can’t handle the gallery by myself for,” she glanced at her watch, “four hours? I used to open and close on your days off by myself. What, you think I’ve become needy in the last day or so??”

“It’s not that I don’t think you can deal,” Taylor said. “Hell, I’m probably just trying to catch a lifeline here and talk myself out of going.”

“Then don’t go. You’re a smart, intelligent woman. You don’t need to be running off because Mr. Handsome Cowboy snaps his fingers.”

Taylor laughed. “I’m not going because Jesse snapped his fingers. I need to know more about him, especially if I’m going to stop my folks from selling to him before I can get the funding package set. Mike says he just needs a few weeks.”

A bell on the front door announced a new customer. Brit slipped out of her chair and went to greet the new arrival. Standing in the office door, she hesitated and waited until Taylor acknowledged her.


Brit cocked her head and met Taylor’s eyes. “Go ahead, play secret agent. Just remember what I told you. Keep your heart locked up. I worry about you.”

Taylor watched her friend leave the office. Her fingers paused over the keyboard, wondering if this was totally stupid. Then she hit enter and picked up her purse. She had a plane to catch and she needed to pack an overnight bag.

She glanced at Marvin’s contract. No use messing with it today. She’d get it over to Mike first thing on Monday. Besides, as it was Jesse’s first contract, there were probably some legal things that they needed to set up.

• • •

Jesse paced in front of the arrival gate, waiting for her plane to land. Calling her had been stupid, impulsive, and ill-considered. Yet, he’d never been so sure of anything in his life. For years, he’d looked for the kind of love that James had with Lizzie. To love someone so much, well, he would give up anything to be with that person. He smiled as the thought came to him; he was more his mother’s son than he would like to admit.

Inviting Taylor down to Casper without taking the time to think through what had happened had been impulsive. It’s not like he hadn’t had drunken sex before. Or even a one-night stand. But he’d never woken up early and watched the angel sleeping next to him breathe. His fingers had itched to pick up a pencil and draw the curve of her arm as it had draped over her chest, her hand curling up toward her face. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. Man, he had it bad. An announcement came over the loud speaker that the Salt Lake flight had just landed. He felt bad for her having to fly to SLC then out to Casper, but the airlines liked to route their planes through regional hubs rather than send direct flights. Taylor’s flight had taken four hours, but she almost could have driven the distance faster. Brit had been curt when he’d called the gallery to see what time Taylor’s flight would be landing. Brit had been hesitant to give him the details, even after he’d explained he wanted to pick Taylor up since his interviews were over.

“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Brit wavered.

He wondered if she’d been talking about giving him the information or the whole idea of him and Taylor together. Had Taylor told her best friend about last night? He snorted. Of course she had. Women. They couldn’t keep a secret to save their lives.

Then again, he hadn’t kept their night together a secret, either. After all, he had told his mother. He had wanted some sort of approval, or at the very least, support that he wasn’t jumping off a cliff. Of course, that was exactly what he was doing.

He glanced at the approaching crowd from the airplane. Would she see him if he took off and ran? He could hire her a driver, set her up in a hotel room, maybe even send Barb over to explain he was too busy to see her. He should be down at the barns checking out his tack and staring down the bulls. He briefly wondered which one he would be riding later that night. Lost in his escape plan, he didn’t notice her until she put a hand on his arm.

“Jesse, what are you doing here?” Taylor looked up at him, confusion evident in her face.

He pushed aside his fears and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I invited you down. What, you thought I’d just send a car? Or let you take a taxi? What kind of jerk does that?”

“I just didn’t expect …” Taylor trailed off.

Jesse reached for her carry-on bag slung over her shoulder, ignoring her pause. “You have checked baggage?”

When she shook her head, he was surprised. Taylor didn’t seem like the kind of girl who only traveled with one bag, even for a short weekend getaway. He’d expected two, maybe even three more bags.
See, you don’t know her at all.
He brushed away the thought. They had time to learn about each other. As long as she felt the same way, there would be plenty of time.

He put his hand on the small of her back and maneuvered her toward the exit. “Let’s get you set up at the hotel; then, I’ll take you to the barn and introduce you to the bulls who want to crush me tonight.”

Taylor laughed. “Sounds like fun. Is one of them named Amanda?”

“Jeez, you’re never going to let me live that one down, are you? I swear,” Jesse held up a hand in a three-finger Boy Scout salute, “there was never anything between Amanda and me. I was nice to her because she is Maggie’s daughter.”

They stepped out into the bright Wyoming sunshine. “I believe you, I’m just not sure Amanda does.”

He let that comment slide. Driving through the edge of town, the two remained quiet in the rental car Jesse had picked up when he arrived that morning. He typically rented, even if the car stayed parked at the hotel the entire weekend. He liked having options.

They reached the hotel about twenty minutes later. Jesse waited in the lobby while Taylor ran up to the room to drop off her bag and freshen up. He watched the elevator door close behind her, kicking himself for not escorting her.
Slow down,
he thought.
You don’t even know if she likes you.
At least she’d confirmed last night that she wasn’t dating anyone. He thought about her kiss last night, and slid down into one of the lobby couches.

“Jesse Sullivan,” a man’s voice boomed. Jesse turned and looked into Hunter Martin’s face. “Shouldn’t you be hanging around the rodeo grounds looking for tonight’s after-show party girl?”

Jesse stood, shaking Hunter’s hand. He liked the guy. Barb had done well for herself. “I figured you’d be staying back in Boise this weekend. Doesn’t Kadi have a competition?”

The men sank down into the couches, Hunter taking the couch that mirrored the one Jesse was sitting in. “When doesn’t Kadi have a competition? I swear that niece of mine is horse crazy. My dad’s doing cheerleading duty this weekend. Barb and I decided to take a weekend for ourselves.”

“Mixing business with pleasure.”

“Summer keeps Barb busy, so I have to grab her time when I can.” Hunter smiled. “She loves her job. Although, I don’t get why, having to corral the likes of you all the time.”

“Well, soon I won’t be the one she’s chasing around.” Jesse slung his arm over the top of the couch.

Hunter leaned forward. “I hear; congrats. If you need a good accountant or lawyer, let me know. I can give Barb a few names of people that worked with the dairy before we got so big we hired a full-time staff.”

Jesse groaned. “I’m pretty sure I’ll need referrals. I know Barb’s having George look over the contract, but I don’t think he wants to be involved in all the day-to-day stuff. I’d rather not use the current gallery lawyer. I’d just feel better knowing I hired the guy and he has my back, you know?”

“Smart man.” Hunter grinned. “Next time I see you, you’ll probably be stuffed into a suit with a Bluetooth stuck in your ear. Jesse Sullivan, art dealer.”

“Now, don’t go crazy on me. I’m pretty sure art dealers don’t wear the monkey suit. Aren’t we supposed to dress like creative types?” Jesse thought about the one, lone suit hanging in his closet back home.

“I think those are the artists, not the gallery owners.” Hunter stood and greeted his wife as Barb joined them.

“I didn’t think I’d see the two of you chatting it up.” Barb kissed Hunter and then turned her attention to Jesse. “Don’t you have bull rider duties to perform?”

“Just waiting for Taylor, then I’ll go down and play the role,” Jesse drawled.

Barb, who had been drawing circles on her husband’s leg with her French-tipped fingernail, stopped and frowned. “Taylor’s here?”

“Don’t look like that. I invited her.”

Barb leaned forward. “I don’t think that’s the best idea you’ve ever had.”

Hunter put his hand on Barb’s back. Jesse saw the movement. Was he supporting her? Or warning her?

“Look, I’m not known for great ideas. But I think this girl may be the one.”

Barb’s eyes widened. “Jesse, slow down. You need to think about this. Taylor is your gallery manager. Having fun is one thing, but when you have to see that person daily, well, relationships like that can get complicated.”

“I’m not a kid, Barb.” Jesse’s words came out harsher than he’d wanted. “I like the girl. Maybe more. But I’m not an idiot. If she’s not interested she’ll tell me, and we can go back to whatever friendly relationship we had before. I need to know where I stand.”

“I think you’re treading on thin ice, here,” Barb warned.

“Now that doesn’t sound like the Jesse I’m beginning to know at all.”

Jesse turned his head to see Taylor standing in front of them. He took in the sight of her. Skintight stretch jeans, a silk tank in brilliant blue, her hair loose around her shoulders. He stopped at her feet and grinned—she had on cowboy boots. He was in love.

Barb stood and Hunter followed her lead. “Taylor, so nice to see you.” She made the introductions between Hunter and Taylor. “We were about to grab some dinner before the event. Do you two want to join us?”

Jesse shook his head. “You know I can’t eat before I ride.” He grinned at Taylor. “I swear the bulls can smell a cheeseburger or a T-bone steak on your breath. Riders get killed that way.”

“So most riders are vegetarians? At least on days they compete?” Taylor sat down on the sofa next to Jesse. “That’s fascinating, I’ve never heard that before.”

“Because it’s just Jesse’s theory, not reality.” Barb laughed. “Believe me, the more you hang around the guy, the easier it will be to figure out his bullcrap.”

“Ouch, that’s harsh.” Jesse pretended to be shot to the stomach.

“I have to be honest with you, it’s in our contract.” Barb gave him a sweet smile, which didn’t fool him in the least.

“Hunter, you should have run when you had the chance.” Jesse glanced over at Barb’s husband, who was listening to the verbal bantering like it was Wimbledon, each insult another ball over the net.

The man held up his hands in mock surrender. “Don’t get me in the middle of this. Taylor, sometimes the most prudent path is the one where you step aside and let the children play through.”

Jesse watched as Taylor bit back a smile. The girl would hold her own with the Shawnee group, that was for sure. He focused on her. “Do you want to go eat with Barb and Hunter?”

Taylor frowned. “I thought you were taking me to the barn?”

“I can. But if you’d rather grab some food?” He knew they were being polite with each other. After last night he didn’t want to push the girl. They needed some time alone to talk.

Taylor glanced at Barb. “Thanks for the offer, but we’ve got some things to talk about.” Taylor flushed red. “About the gallery, I mean.”

Barb and Hunter exchanged a look Jesse couldn’t read. That was the thing about couples, they all had their own secret looks. Moments where they knew what the other person was saying without using a single word. He’d like that kind of relationship someday. “Taylor flew down to hammer some things out about the sale, so I guess we shouldn’t waste her time.”

“Invitation’s always open. Maybe the four of us can get together for breakfast tomorrow before Hunter and I fly home.” Barb stood and pulled Hunter to his feet. “Take me and feed me.”

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