The Burning (4 page)

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Authors: Jonas Saul

Tags: #Horror, #thriller

BOOK: The Burning
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“What are you doing now?” he asked.


“Going inside to
what I saw.”


Arthur snarled on the word
and Clayton knew what that meant. Clayton had heard that some people in the area didn’t think he did his job well enough.


“Hold up, just one sec.”


He set the purse down on the passenger seat and walked to the front door. Arthur stepped in ahead and Clayton followed.


It was dark and dismal with a nasty smell of burnt flesh. Sitting on the floor by the door was a small pile of luggage. On top of two suitcases sat a VHS videocamera.


Clayton examined it as Arthur stepped farther into the house.


“Hey, Arthur, hold up. Don’t go too far. We shouldn’t even be in here.”


“I’ll do what I want,” Arthur said.


Clayton hit the eject button and popped the cassette tape out.


More evidence.


“Hey Arthur, look at your shoes.” Smoke came off of Arthur’s feet.


The old man leaned on the wall to lift his foot. Half of the sole was missing.


“What the hell—”


Clayton felt heat in his boots too. Smoke also came out from under his feet.


“Arthur, we need to leave. Now!”


At his age, Arthur could still move fast. He skipped across the living room and together, they walked out the front door and down the steps to the gravel drive.


“What was in the floor?” Arthur asked.


“I have no idea,” Clayton said. “But I’ve got a VHS tape to watch. Maybe there’ll be something on here.”


Both men walked away with half their footwear still intact, but Clayton’s confidence wavering.


Chapter 5


Friday, May 18, 2012…


Tessa finished the first coat of paint in their bedroom. While washing her hands, she heard Eric pulling up to the front of the house.


Eager to hear what Eric had found out in town, she ran down the stairs, gave the kitchen a wide berth, and opened the front door.


Right away she could see the anger on his face.


“What happened in town?” she asked.


“Nothing,” he said, his voice confirming her suspicions of ire.


He had gotten out of the car and fiddled with something in the trunk.


“What do you mean,
? Wasn’t the real estate agent in? Did you get to the library?”


He popped his head out from behind the open lid of the trunk. “No, and no.”


He doesn’t have to be so bitchy to me.


“What happened then? Tell me. You sound pissed.”


“I am pissed.”


He slammed the trunk and she jumped at what he held in his hands.


A silver hand gun.


“What are you doing?” she asked, her voice weak and feminine. “We don’t believe in guns. We’ve talked about this.”


“Yeah, and look how many kilometers we are from town.” He walked around the car. “Someone came into our house and burned a rat in our oven. We’re so far out of town that the local sheriff offers us his personal services if we need a cop. Tell me that doesn’t spook you just a little.”


“There are two things that have me spooked. One was the rat in the oven. And the other is you, right now.”


He walked up beside her and slid the top of the gun until it clicked. “Well, Tessa, I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to get used to it. I will protect you and this house, and I won’t allow you or anyone else to dictate to me
I choose to do that protection.”


He walked past her and disappeared inside.


What the hell has happened to my Eric?


She found him in the kitchen checking to see if the window over the sink was secure.


“Where did you get the gun?” she asked.


“Officer Clayton had an extra in his trunk.”


“What?” she asked and then slapped her forehead. “Are you serious? That was smart, real smart.”


He stopped sliding his hands along the frame and turned to her. “What does that mean?”


“Tell me what happened in town.” She crossed her arms. “Everything.”


“Okay. The real estate agency was closed by the time I got downtown. With all the tourists in town for the long weekend, it took forever to get to the library. It, too, was closed. I missed it by five minutes.”


“Then what?”


“Officer Clayton pulled up in his cruiser and asked me to get in. I did.”


“Why? Did he have an issue with you or is this his way of making friends?”


Eric raised both hands and said, “I have no idea. He said I looked scared, so I told him about the rat. He offered the weapon and I took it. Coming from a cop, I thought it was safe.”


“This is insane. You didn’t consider my feelings—”


Something snapped upstairs, and the house shuddered with the bang.


Her eyes wide, Tessa whispered, “What was that?”


“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”


Eric ran past her, the gun held high. Tessa was still scared about the cop’s gift of a gun. If Eric shot someone and ended up in court, there was no way a member of the RCMP would take the fall by admitting he offered a weapon to someone as untrained as Eric. Something was wrong with Clayton. Had to be.


Why would he give Eric a gun?


She ran into the back storage room and opened three different boxes until she found her old video recorder.


She could hear Eric calling for her to come upstairs.


“In a minute,” she shouted.


” he yelled back down.


What the fuck?


She opened the tape drawer and saw it held a VHS tape.


Whatever is on this tape is about to be erased.


She grabbed the cord and plugged it into the back of the recorder as she ran for the stairs. When she got to the top of the stairs, she saw why Eric had called her.


She gasped and almost dropped the recorder.


“Who did this?” Eric asked. “Did you?”


She shook her head in an exaggerated twist back and forth. “Never,” she whispered.


“How did it happen?” Eric asked, his words coming out in tight, short beats.


“What? You don’t think I had anything to do with this, do you?”


“Look, Tessa, I drove into town and when I come back, the room you were painting is ruined. Unless we have company, you did this. And don’t suggest otherwise. Unless you really want to get crazy and say this house is haunted, but we both know that’s not the case.
don’t believe in that shit.”


She stood, stunned at what she saw and at Eric’s words. His tone hurt her. Eric had never talked like that before, and now he stood in their new home with a gun in his hand. For the first time in a long time, Tessa felt real fear.


“Eric, we should leave.”


He threw his head back and laughed. “You know, you’re a real fucking joke. How could you say
” Spittle flew from his mouth at the last word. His face reddened and the sclera of his eyes lost their white to a red hue. “Someone is fucking with us, and you want to leave. Give me a fucking break!”


“I’m sorry. Please stop shouting.”


“Don’t tell me what to do,” he screamed and stormed past her.


What’s happening to us? This morning when we arrived with the paint and set up, he was so happy.
were so happy. What has changed?


Tessa stepped into the master bedroom and looked at the first coat she had spent seven hours applying. It had bubbled up and flaked off like she’d tried to paint the side of a barbecue. Flakes of charred paint lay around the room at the bottom of every wall that had been covered.


The original wooden wall showed through in all its ugly brown and black surface. The room had lost the smell of paint too.


Only the faint odor of burnt hair remained.


Chapter 6


Friday, June 1, 2012…


Officer Clayton poured himself a glass of wine and sat on his couch. The purse had come up empty. He’d kept it sealed at the house so the volunteers would think it would be opened in a lab. Everyone watched CSI nowadays and were amateur scientists. When he got to the station, he’d walked into his office and opened the purse to see there was nothing in it.


He had fast forwarded and rewound the VHS tape to loosen it up. It took him more time to locate his old player in the garage than it took to get the tape ready.


With it hooked up and the tape ready to play, Officer Clayton sat back and sipped his wine. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to see the tape or not. Should he just let it go? How many more people would go missing before someone else noticed and raked him over the coals for not doing more?


Maybe it was time to deal with
The Burning House
. Ever since that fire in 1978, no one had ever done a thing about that house. Why did it have to fall on Clayton’s shoulders?


He pushed play on the remote and drank more wine.


The tape started with the man and woman who had bought the house, Eric and Tessa, playing at a beach somewhere. He leaned forward to speed the tape up. Then the scene changed.


As far as he could tell, Tessa held the camera. A man’s voice in the background was too far away to be holding the camera. The image on the screen was of one of the bedrooms. The room was quite sizable.


This is the master bedroom,” Tessa’s voice said. “I finished painting the first coat fifteen minutes ago and after cleaning up and going downstairs, this happened


The camera moved closer to the wall. The paint had chipped off the wood, leaving behind a mess on the floor. What didn’t surprise him was the way the paint had come off. It had burned off wherever it covered the wood.


The camera slowly panned down the wall to the floor. Littered around the baseboards were blackened chips of paint, their charred edges sending a chill down Clayton’s back. He shivered, jolting the wine glass in his hand.


The picture on his TV broke and went back to another time at the beach. Then it broke again and he was back in the house.


To protect his sanity, Officer Clayton almost turned off the tape. But he couldn’t. The rest of his life, he would wonder what came next. Halfway through the scene, his stomach gave way. Officer Clayton vomited into his wine glass and across his coffee table.


“I’m damned to hell,” he said to himself as he watched Tessa do the unthinkable.


Chapter 7


Friday, May 18, 2012…


Tessa finished filming the bedroom and headed downstairs to see what Eric was doing. If someone was in their house, she didn’t want to be too far from Eric.


Eric was in the kitchen with his head in the stove.


“What are you doing now?” she asked.


“I’m looking for holes. Anything to explain how the rat got in here.”


“Finding anything?”




She set the video recorder on the side counter and pulled one of the kitchen chairs out to sit.


“Are you still mad at me?” she asked.


“I’m not mad at you. I’m just mad.”


She nodded even though he wasn’t looking at her. “Do you think we made a mistake with this house?”




She started playing with her hair, rolling it in her fingers and then drawing it out to its full length.


“Me neither. Eric, are we going to be okay?”


“Why do you keep asking me questions? Can’t you see I’m busy?”




A sudden sadness fell on her like a rough blanket coated her soul.


For the next ten minutes, as the sun descended outside and evening rose in a cacophony of insect chorus, Tessa watched Eric work on the oven.


After inspecting the inside meticulously, he opened a box that sat on the counter beside the stove. With a small drill he punched two holes in the stove, one at the top of the door and one above where the door shut.


While she sat at the kitchen table, not saying a word, she watched her husband affix a lock on their new stove.


When he was done, she asked, “What is that for?”


“When the door closes it will lock automatically. You need to push these three small buttons in the order I tell you to so that it’ll open. Only you and I will know the code. That means, anything inside will never be able to get out and if a stranger is taunting us in any way, he or she won’t be able to get in.”


“Why did you say,
he or she
?” Tessa asked. “Are you alluding to me?”


He turned to look at her. “Feeling guilty about something? Want to come clean? Now’s the time.”


He waited, but she didn’t respond. She was too shocked at the way he was talking to her. He’d never been like this before. Ever.

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