The Calendar Brides (22 page)

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Authors: Ginny Baird

BOOK: The Calendar Brides
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The marvel of the calendar had attracted attention worldwide, thanks largely to a blog Rachel had started chronicling their adventures. She’d begun contributing columns when Zoe set up the preorders, then had loaded posts on the whole event, starting with how they’d first come upon the idea, followed by a romantic sketch of each couple. She’d spoken with her sisters and cousins and received information from them on how they’d met their fellows or something memorable they wanted to share. She’d even asked Lucia and Luigi for their input. In the end, these entries combined had comprised Rachel’s book. Before it was even done, a literary agent had approached her from New York. The advance money combined with the calendar proceeds—which had boomed in conjunction with the blog—had been enough to bring everyone here. A wonderful and welcome surprise, as Luigi could no longer travel.

Later this week, Rachel planned to sit with Nona and record all those things she’d intended to ask initially: about her early life in Italy, coming to America, and then her full-circle return to her homeland. Although, to Nona, it seemed her most important story had already been written. She and Luigi had unwrapped their advance copy of the book,
The Calendar Brides,
the month before and had toasted it with prosecco. It was a beautiful testament to
. Not just to theirs, but to the love between all the D’Amatos and the others they had welcomed into their fold. For Lucia’s story now belonged to all of them, and this
was their tale.



The End





The Calendar Brides


Emma, Claire, Angie, Haley, Bev, Jane

Tiny, Zoe, Lena, Trish, Susan, Rachel





We met in History but had good Chemistry.


You know what they say about love and hate being very closely connected emotions? I guess that’s how it was with Donny and me. I mean, I probably wouldn’t have hated him as much in high school unless I was destined to love him. And just look at us now! Married five years and we already have a baby! Well, okay… Misty’s a puppy. But someday soon we might have kids. Donny says things like that in families are catching and Angie and Tiny have started setting the example. I’m just glad I ran into Donny again. I guess sports bars aren’t all bad. And
the Dairy Queen, thank you very much.






When we met, I saw stars.


Some people don’t believe in love at first sight. Maybe Brad and I are two of the exceptions. When I first met Brad, he took my breath away. Not just because he’d knocked the wind out of me. That part was a happy accident of fate. We had the most romantic courtship ever, and Brad continues to be my hero to this day. We still go stargazing like we did in the early days. I bring a thermos of coffee. Brad brings the apple-cinnamon doughnuts. Always fresh and hot, like my man. Oh! He’s a sweetheart, too. And, not so hard on the eyes. I love you, Brad! Thanks for being mine.






He ran into me and sparks flew.


When I first met Jason, I found him pretty annoying. Hot, but annoying. It seemed he’d made a wreck of things. Little did I know he’d have so many ways to fix them, starting with my car…and ending with my heart. I’d never known anyone like Jason before: steady as a rock, kind, and caring. He’s a really great daddy, too. So great, I wouldn’t mind making three more babies with him! But I won’t. I’ve got to save some time for exercise. I bought a brand new series Zoe recommended: meditative yoga. And hey! I’m doing it already. Kisses, Jason! You’re the builder of my dreams.






Love, Set, Match.


I love that Peter and I go together so well. It’s great to have a lover who’s also a friend, and a daredevil playmate, too! He’s so buff on the outside, you’d never guess that he’s really sentimental. But he is, way down deep, just like me. I’m so excited by all the things we’ve planned, from hiking in the Ozarks to skydiving next summer! But I’m going to do something very important first: resize that ring.






Two tickets to paradise.


My name is Bev and I like to travel, and I don’t mind doing it alone. But sometimes traveling with someone else is twice as much fun. My ideal match is someone adventuresome, intelligent, and witty. Somebody dashing yet caring, who can see his whole world in my eyes. If this sounds like you, maybe we should do lunch? Did I mention I’m partial to accents?






The dance goes on.


What can I say about a man who waltzed into my world and left my heart reeling? My pulse still races around Richard. All he has to do is look at me with those incredible hazel eyes. I’d like to thank him for making me feel like the most desirable woman on earth, and—
—also for being my guy. I wouldn’t have anyone else, Richard. You’re as sharp as a pencil. That’s how you know I’m tough. And, yours.






Better than a barbecue.


Most people who know me understand I love two things: Jimmy, and food. Definitely in that order. He’s seen me go from pigtails to short hair, and now a round belly, and I’m still his favorite girl. I’m so excited about our future and all the happy things it will bring. Maybe even another kid or two, somewhere down the line. For now, I’m pretty chill with having one child. I hope it has Jimmy’s really dark eyes and his smile. I plan to take lots of pictures. Hey, maybe someday, Zoe and my cousins and I can make a new project: The Calendar Babies!






Made for each other.


It’s pretty cool I found a guy who likes to do what I do. I mean, not specifically. Dillon’s into furniture and I make jewelry. Still, we’re both artists in a way. We also find the same things important, and don’t care about minor inconveniences like not having money, leaky roofs, or the rain. I think we’ll probably make it because we both have ambition, at least to eke out a living from our work. It seems we’re on our way. What’s more, we’re journeying together. Dillon totally rocked it with that ring. I’m gonna love him
forever and ever
right back.






You’re music to my ears.


When I first met Ryan, he acted kind of crazy,
but not in a dark way
—his words, not mine. He always makes me laugh and is one great-looking guy. He supported my music from the start and still does today. I suppose that’s why I find it so easy to write. New songs just pop out of me, from nowhere it seems. Or maybe they come from my heart. The anniversary song I wrote? The one called “Hobo Love”? Guess what? It was purchased by a producer! That’s right, someone who records songs in Nashville! Too cool. Now I’m going to be famous. Well, just a little bit. Recognition will really go to whichever singer they choose to record it. Meanwhile, I’m sure singing in my soul. Love you, Ryan! I absolutely couldn’t have done it without you.






My hot Italian dish.


I never thought I’d fall in love with a chef. Actually, I never believed I’d fall in love at all. Who needs it, really? Most days, it seems like a pain. That is, when you’re looking at other couples from the outside. Sure, my mom and dad love each other. I’ve got aunts and uncles who claim to be “in love”; hoards of cousins, too. Secretly, though, I always thought they were making those emotions up. Then, I met Leo. Oh…my…God…
I met Leo.
And suddenly, I didn’t know which way was up—or down. Or anything at all, when he gave me that crazy smile. With Leo, it’s like… I don’t know. He thinks I’m pretty. Gorgeous even, and sexy, too. Yeah, me! Can you imagine? I couldn’t used to. But now? Well, let’s just say, my Leo doesn’t do all his cooking at the restaurant.
Ti amo, Leo!
was Italian.






Be my baby.


Hi, I’m Susan, and I like to knit. I guess that’s kind of obvious if you know me, but I’m writing this for others who don’t. I began knitting in middle school when other girls started getting boyfriends. At first, I did scarves and hats, then moved on to baby things a few years ago. There’s something just so
about imagining a tiny, warm bundle that’s precious to hold. After a while, someone suggested I try selling my creations at the hospital gift shop. That made sense since I worked there anyway and was running out of neighbors to give things to. You know how they say,
do what you love and your life will follow
? Looks like that one might be working for me, too. I’ve just received my first official commission. We’ll see how it all turns out!






I reached for the stars and you gave me the moon.


In truth, it was a bottle of Chianti—the thing that I reached for. It broke in a million pieces, but that was just the beginning for a new kind of love. I’d had
so many boyfriends
in high school... Okay, I’ll stop. I’m sounding like my Nona. What I meant to say was, no amount of experience could have prepared me for Tom. It’s like whatever my dreams—large or small—he supports me. Tom doesn’t judge me or scold me, like some people do. He adores me for who I am. That’s pretty fantastic. What’s even more amazing? I feel the same about him. As different as we are, we’re the perfect pair. I’m so thrilled we’re getting married! I’m going to love him for the rest of my life. And, if Nona’s any indication, it’s going to be a long one. Are you listening, Tom? I hope you’re ready!




A Note from the Author


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If you enjoy sweet wedding stories, you might like the Holiday Brides Series and my Summer Grooms Series. Keep reading for excerpts from Book 1 in each series here.



THE CHRISTMAS CATCH (Holiday Brides Book 1)

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