The Captive Series (27 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: The Captive Series
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Chapter 2

They arrived at the hotel in Greece, and Niko thought it was best to move them to a hotel. A villa was for romance, and after the morning shove and the fake handholding, he didn’t even know if he could deal with her dismissal.

“I thought we were going to a villa.”

“Change of plans. This seems like a better fit. We don’t need the villa,” he answered before checking them into the hotel. Their men had the only other hotel room on the floor.

Silence permeated the air, and even the guards felt the tension. It wasn’t the usual sexual tension of two months ago. No, it was full out explosive tempers ready to break free. The couple parted ways with their security. The suite that he got looked out to the Mediterranean. The view was spectacular, but Niko saw none of it as he stared absently out the sliding doors leading to the balcony.

He’d been so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear her say that she was going down to the pool.

“Bianca,” he called out. “We need to talk.” He turned around and didn’t see her in the room. He ran through the three rooms and couldn’t find her. He rushed out of the suite and called one of his men.

“Hey, have you seen Bianca?”

“No, the last time was when we walked everything up.”

“She’s missing. Look for her.” Niko hustled down the stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator. He got to the main floor lobby and didn’t see her. He looked in the restaurant, but she wasn’t there either. Niko looked outside and still no sight of her. Panic grew with every second.


When she saw him come down the pool, she thought he came to see her, but instead he started to talking to the pool girl who had the towels. Like every woman around Nikolai, she was smiling at him like he was a God. Before he could see her, she dove into the deep end and held her breath. When she couldn’t hold her breath any longer, she rose to the surface. Looking around, she saw that the pool girl was holding a card in her hand and Niko was no longer in sight. Bianca looked at her replacement, or maybe just one of her replacements, and rage boiled over. She jumped out of the water in her bikini, which caught the attention of all the men in the room.

Bianca walked right up to the bimbo and snatched the card from her hand. It was Niko’s, flipping it over, she saw their room number. “You stay the fuck away from him or I’ll rip your heart out,” Bianca snapped at the young woman.

She grabbed her towel, dried herself off, and put on the sundress she brought with her. Bianca slipped her sandals on and grabbed her bag that she hid under her towel. She stepped out the pool area and hit up the hotel bar. Within seconds of being there, three men approached, each trying to get her attention. Two of them had wedding rings on and she told them to go fuck themselves. She had a scummy husband. The last guy was about her age and Italian, on vacation with his family.

“Amore, you are one beautiful woman.”


“You speak Italian?” he asked, his Italian accent very strong.

“Si, I’m Italian,” Bianca said with a smile.

“So, you’re an Italian beauty.”

“Yes, my Italian beauty,” Nikolai snarled, stepping in between Bianca and the man she was talking to. “If you wish to see another day, I suggest you get the fuck gone before I put a bullet in your head.”

“Nikolai, don’t threaten him.”

“Bianca, don’t push me. I’m on my last bit of self-control.”

The guy backed off in the quickest fashion, and Niko turned to his wife with a deadly glare.

“I want a divorce.”


Niko tried not to grovel and beg her to take back those words. He couldn’t just let her forget all they were to each other. He could have sworn things weren’t falling apart until the baby was born. That had only been six weeks ago, and now their years of marriage were nothing to her. That wasn’t going to stop him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up from her chair. “No,” he answered with deadly calm. Like the caveman he was feeling inside, he flipped her over his shoulder and carried her back to their room.

“Put me down, asshole.”

“Asshole?!” He slammed the door behind her then pinned her to the door. “I’m the asshole? I catch you down at the bar with another man, and I’m the asshole? You want a divorce, and I’m the asshole.”

With tears in her eyes, she leaned forward trying to get in his face. “What’s the big deal? You gave that little pool slut your number. And you think that I’d stay married to a sleaze?”

“I’ve never cheated on you ever. I wouldn’t have given that woman my number if…”

“If what? I wasn’t fat or old?”

“Are you fucking nuts?”

“So, I’m nuts now?”

“I don’t get what the fuck would make you think I thought you were anything but perfect.” Her face tightened further as she got angrier. “I gave her the number just in case she spotted you. I gave that card to several of the employees. I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

“Bullshit, I told you I was going to go swimming before I walked out of the room.”

“I didn’t hear you say a word to me. I turned around and you were gone. I looked everywhere for the woman who wants nothing to do with me—the woman who cringes from my touch. Panicking and freaking out only to find you talking to some young punk. What went wrong? Are you no longer attracted to me?”

“Let me go, Nikolai.”

“No. Damn it. I want to know why. Are you sick of us? Is there someone else?”

“Now you’re the one who’s nuts. I’m surrounded by your minions. If you hadn’t asked for your privacy, they would have followed me down to the pool. I wouldn’t have a chance to cheat on you. Is this a property thing? No one does the great Nikolai Rykov wrong? I want a divorce because my husband looks at me with disgust and tells people that he’s glad I sleep in the rocker with the baby.” Bianca started to shove him, which did nothing but make her tired. Gripping her hands, he held them at her sides. Nikolai had to think about what she was even talking about. Then it hit him. He remembered talking to Sergei about the long six weeks that was making him go insane.

“Please get off from me, Nikolai. I can’t do this anymore. I hate you.”

“No, you don’t, Bianca. I pray you don’t ever mean that, but I wish you would have said something about this before. I would have corrected your ass on the spot.”

Relief flooding through him, he bent down with a smile and slammed his mouth to hers. Her resistance was fleeting. The moment she surrendered, he pulled away, but not letting go of her hands.

“My love, you need to know that I find you to be the most enchanting being ever. I think about you and your body all day long. Didn’t you think that maybe I was joking?”

“Joking with someone about our intimacy?”

“I don’t know how to put this, but I wasn’t joking about us. I was joking about how long six weeks is. I told him that I was happy that you slept in the rocker because then I wouldn’t have your sexy ass wrapped around me and pressed against my cock. He told me I was full of shit because I’d rather have you in my arms and suffer through the six weeks than to be without you.”

She started crying hard. “Bianca, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I promise I never tell details. Your body, moans, sighs, and orgasms belong to me.” He wiped his wife’s tears; his strong hand held her face with a worshipping love he truly felt. “Please, tell me, Bianca. Please, tell me you don’t want a divorce. I can’t live without you.”

“I don’t want a divorce. I just didn’t know how to deal with the idea that I wasn’t the one you wanted anymore. I lost weight, trying to make you want me. I hated myself for that. Every time you tried to steal a kiss, I found a way to get away. It hurt for you to hold me in public and in private you left me alone.”

“I wanted to hold you all the time. I’ve never stopped loving or wanting you. I thought your distance was because of the baby. Then you got sick, and I was worried that you were too tired to let me kiss you.”

“I thought you didn’t want…” he stopped her mid-sentence, kissing her hard. There was no need for talking. He had to show her how much she meant to him. He lifted her arms and slipped the dress off her body. It was still damp from the bikini underneath, but it didn’t hinder the disrobing. He was on that shit, stopping to admire and grumble about her pink bikini that left nothing but the color of her nipples to the imagination.

“Not wearing this again,” he ordered before tearing the top off her and pulling her nipple between his teeth. Sucking her nipple did a world of good for both of them. Moans echoed from their throats.

Her body felt wonderful against him. He’d waited so long to touch her freely. “Perfect, Bianca. You’re perfect to me.”

Dropping her onto the center of the bed, he stood above her and began to take off his clothes. He watched his wife for the first time stare at him with pure unabashed desire. Nikolai thought that once they finally got to make love again, he’d be a beast, but the look in her eyes turned him into a gentleman.

“Bianca,” he whispered, climbing on the bed. Niko decided to lay next to her and lean over her. “I love you.”

“I love you, Nikolai,” she said, tears welling in her eyes.

“I want to make love to you. Can I?”

“Please,” Bianca whimpered.

Niko bent his head to meet her lips. Bianca’s hands brushed against his face, caressing the scar that had always fascinated her. Slowly he moved his body over hers, their flesh meeting and sending ripples of desire down his spine and straight to her core. His cock pressed on her belly, and all he could think of was how he never wanted to lose her. Between their heated bodies and the warmth of the room, the couple felt drops of perspiration wet their flesh.

Moaning, Bianca tilted her hips, begging Niko for him to sink home. “Niko, I need you.” Feeling her body tremble with need, he pulled back and rubbed his tip on her wet clit. She sighed and whimpered, grinding her hips up against his cock. Satisfying both of their desires, Nikolai pushed his way into his wife.

“No divorce, ever,” he grunted.

“Never, Niko,” she declared.

Her hands grabbed onto his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. “Ah,” she moaned, causing him to thrust deeper into her heat. Each cry brought him closer to coming. He knew that she wasn’t on any birth control, and somehow he didn’t care. She wasn’t upset because of the baby; she thought he didn’t want her anymore. When they arrived, he asked his men to pick up condoms for him.

“Love, I don’t know if I can hold on much longer,” he warned her.

“Neither can I,” she panted. “I’m coming,” she screamed. Her walls sucking up his cock and massaging him into orgasm.

“Fuck, Bianca. I’m coming, too,” he roared, his seed coated his wife’s womb. He had a feeling that she was going to get pregnant again while they were on vacation. He emptied a month’s long worth of cum into her.

He tucked her in his arms and rolled her to the side. They rested in each other’s embrace in complete silence.

"Love, why didn't come to me in the first place?"

"I was scared you'd tell me that I didn't do anything for you."

"Did I not fuck you into labor? I swear I did. You were crying out my name coming hard. Then that pretty face of yours scrunched up in pain. You shouted at me ‘the baby's coming,’" he reenacted in her voice.

"You've made a habit of sending me into labor."

"See, I fucked your beautiful round body until you popped. What would it matter that you hadn't lost all the weight? I find you sexy, and I'll fuck you anyway I can have you." He bear hugged her, kissing her cheek. "You never need to doubt my need. It's ever present."

"That's just it. You had been so loving and wonderful that it hit me hard to hear you say those things."

Nikolai looked deep into her eyes and let her know that he was sorry. "My beloved, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to see you in pain. When I felt you distancing yourself from me, I thought the baby and the twins were too much for you, so I didn't push."

His mouth moved to hers, kissing her softly. Bianca immediately pushed him onto his back without breaking their kiss.

"Ride me, my Italian beauty," he commanded, helping her down on his length.

“Ah,” she sighed, grinding around in circles as he held onto her hips.

Chapter 3

The next two days were spent in pure, lovemaking bliss. They stayed in their room, having sex, eating, and talking. The trip had been a great idea, and Bianca called her parents to thank them for giving them the time away they needed to make everything right between each other.

“Cara, simple discussions can solve most problems. You’ve been married so long without any concerns that you didn’t even know what to do, but those years your husband has never given you reason to feel that way. Don’t let little things to take away the joy. You are one of the fortunate women. Treasure your husband because it’s clear to everyone that you’re his queen.”

“Grazie, Mama. I love him so much; I worry that I’ll lose him.”

“I know. We all feel that way. Just love every day you have together.”

“Thank you, Mama. How are the boys?”

“Wonderful, but we need to expand the playroom. With all these babies coming left and right, it’s too small.”

“How’s the babe?”

“He’s an angel. Don’t worry, amore. Your papa and I have done this before. Enjoy your time with your handsome man and be happy.”

“Love you, Mama.”

“I love you, too.”

She said hello to the twins, who didn’t really care to stop playing with their train set to talk, then she hung up. Stepping into the empty shower, she washed off their last round of sex. Nikolai went downstairs to make plans for the day for them.

She got out of the shower just as Niko walked into the room.

“Hot damn, I…fuck…damn, Bianca…I don’t want to go out now,” He eyed her like he was ready to strike.

“No. You promised a day out on the beach and stuff.”

“Well, this is the stuff.”

“Then I’m going to have to shower again.”

“No, you’re not, I’ve no intentions of letting you wipe off my scent. I want everyone out there to know you’re mine because that big ass rock doesn’t seem to keep the dicks away.”

“That’s because the first few that approached me had their own rings,” Bianca let slip, forgetting how territorial Niko could be.

“A few? As in more than the punk kid I saw talking to you?” She closed her eyes, hoping that she could do a rewind. It wasn’t working. “Bianca, tell me.”

“It technically was only two others,” she admitted with still one eye closed. She knew Niko wouldn’t hurt her physically, but she didn’t put it past him not to go hunt those guys down.

He stalked toward her, his eyes trained to her breasts that were peeking through the top of the towel. With two fingers he grasped the edge of the towel and yanked it off. She watched as he took in her figure. The way he looked at her sent pangs of lust zooming straight to her pussy, which she was sure was soaked—and not from the shower.

“Mine. You belong to me. Don’t ever forget that again. You ever feel unloved, unwanted, I want you to tell me. Shout it out to the world. I’ll do everything in my power to show you that you couldn’t be more loved.”

He walked her backwards to the chair in the corner of the room, sitting her down. Using his legs, he parted her thighs, then dropped to his knees. “I want you to know how cherished you are.” He gripped her mid-thigh and bent down to take in her scent. Niko looked back up at her, his eyes wild with desire.  Smirking up at her, he gave Bianca a wink before he dove into her sweet center. The moment his tongue lashed along her heat, she bucked, moaned, and gripped his hair. Pushing her hips up, she shook on his face. Growling, Niko ate her harder, demanding she give him what he wanted. “Come for me, princess,” he demanded with his lips touching her clit.

“Ah,” she sighed, clawing her fingers through his hair and down to his shoulders. “Niko,” she cried, coming hard. He clutched her ass and lifted her higher so that he could take in all her juices.

Niko leaned back on his heels, but Bianca knew she wasn’t done yet. She turned around and bent over the back of the seat, parted her thighs, and stuck her ass up in the air. Her husband didn’t waste any time. Undoing his belt, he pulled out his cock that was already eager to be inside her. Mounting her from behind, he pushed his way into her core. They closed their eyes at the feel of her swollen pussy sucking up his thick, long cock.


He groaned as he filled her up. Even after two days of hot sex, he was still craving her. He gripped her hips, and drove into her, loving that she bent over for him. “Princess,” he moaned. Niko grasped hold onto her breast, tugging on her nipple, which sent a shiver down her body causing her to cry out for more. Taking her from behind always a treat. Her round ass hit him with each thrust sending pleasure through every part of him. Niko ran his hand up her back, slowly stroking her spine, making her shiver.

“You want to come again, love?”

“Yes, I’m so close, Niko,” she whimpered, tossing her head back. Her hair landed on his hand like it commanded to be pulled. Nikolai wrapped her hair around his fingers and tugged gently while bringing his lips down to her shoulder.

With little kisses on her pulse, he told her how much he loved her sweet pussy. He felt her heart throbbing in her pulse. He loved it. It made his possession all the sweeter when she loved his domination.

“Come for me, Bianca. Come on my cock. Give it to me before I change my mind and don’t let you come at all.”

“Oh, lord. Niko! I…I…ah,” she cried loudly, coming on his command.

It wasn't long before Nikolai was emptying his cum all up in her pussy. He knew from that moment that he managed to knock her up again. Damn visions of Bianca with a swollen belly sent Niko into a fucking frenzy. She thought she was fat, but all he saw was the woman who stole his heart carrying their baby made out of love.

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