Read The Care and Handling of Roses With Thorns Online
Authors: Margaret Dilloway
Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women
This book would not have been possible without my sister-in-law, Deborah Dilloway, a three-time kidney transplant recipient. If you don’t think a dialysis patient can do as much as Gal does in this book, then you should have met Deborah. She who held down a full-time job, ushered for the Royals baseball team, and earned a master’s, all while undergoing dialysis. Deborah patiently explained (and re-explained) every detail of her experiences with dialysis, IVP dye allergy, and transplants. Unfortunately, Deborah lost her battle just before Christmas 2011. Please consider becoming an organ donor to help people like her.
Thanks must also go to Jim Sproul of Sproul Roses by Design, for introducing me to Hulthemia roses, and answering myriad questions about rose breeding. Any errors made are mine alone. If you’re interested in hybridization, Sproul’s website is a good place to start; he provides many essays on the subject.
I am appreciative of the San Diego Rose Society and its president, Bob Martin, for letting me attend and bend the ears of its members. Member Linda Clark came up with the Queen of Show soil mix, made by Hanson A-1 soils.
Thanks also to Fara Shimbo, who told me about her roses with spotting and striping. I am also indebted to the Rose Hybridizers Association, whose online forum allowed me to get in touch with Jim Sproul and Shimbo. The “rose tea” recipe is a variation of the one created by famed rosarian Howard Walters.
My editor, Marysue Rucci, thrilled me with small suggestions that made huge differences. Thanks for making me a better writer. Diana Lulek, your invaluable assistance made everything easier. Thanks also to Dan Lazar, for looking out for me. I am also grateful to Elaine Markson and Gary Johnson.
Last but not least, thank you to my children, for making everything worthwhile; and to Keith, for your bottomless patience and pep talks. A writer (or anyone else, for that matter) couldn’t ask for a better family.
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