The Carousel Painter (45 page)

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Authors: Judith Miller

Tags: #FIC042030

BOOK: The Carousel Painter
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I didn’t fail to note Josef’s look of surprise, but he remained silent until we were waiting for the streetcar. “So this wedding of ours, when will it take place,
Miss Brouwer
?” His eyes twinkled with amusement.

“I didn’t . . . There isn’t . . . She only meant . . .”

Josef tilted his head back and laughed. “To Augusta, you said you want to marry me, ja?”

My cheeks blazed with embarrassment. “I told her
. . .”

In broad daylight, in front of the strangers who stood waiting for the streetcar, Josef boldly pulled me into an embrace and kissed me. When he lifted his head, he smiled and said, “For sure we will marry someday. Someday very soon.”


. . . My editor, Sharon Asmus, for her generous spirit and excellent eye for detail.

. . . My acquisitions editor, Charlene Patterson, for encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and write this story in the first person.

. . . The entire staff of Bethany House Publishers, for their devotion to making each book they publish the best—it is a privilege to work with all of you.

. . . Rae Proefrock, Trustee, Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum in North Tonawanda, New York, for a tour of the factory, a behind-the-scenes look at repairs and painting of carousel animals, sharing her painting expertise, and reading my manuscript for technical accuracy.

. . . Jerry Reinhardt, Director, C. W. Parker Carousel Museum, Leavenworth, Kansas, for sharing his carving and painting expertise.

. . . Mary Greb-Hall for her ongoing encouragement and expertise.

. . . Lori Seilstad, Michelle Cox, and Kim Vogel Sawyer for their honest critiques.

. . . Mary Kay Woodford, my sister, my prayer warrior, my friend.

. . . My husband, Jim, my constant encourager, supporter, and advocate, and the love of my life.

. . . And, above all, thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for this miraculous opportunity to live my dream and share the wonder of His love through story.

JUDITH MILLER is an award-winning author whose avid research and love for history are reflected in her novels, many of which have appeared on the CBA bestseller lists. Judy and her husband make their home in Topeka, Kansas.

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