The Carrot and the Stick (5 page)

Read The Carrot and the Stick Online

Authors: C. P. Vanner

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: The Carrot and the Stick
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But eventually the insistent ringing did penetrate their concentration, shrieking, squealing and panting. Beth left the gasping Celeste on the bed, stomped down the short hall, and threw open the front door. Richard Cross stood on the step, an uneasy smile on his face.

‘I thought I would catch you unawares,' he said. ‘I imagined we could have part two here in privacy, but judging by the noise I could hear just now I've come at the wrong time.'

‘Oh no, on the contrary, Richard,' Beth said, still trying to get her breath back and reaching for his arm. ‘You've turned up exactly at the right moment. Come in.'

Leaving Celeste in the bedroom in ignorance about their visitor, Beth led Richard into the sitting room. She was in no mood to beat about the bush.

‘Richard, perhaps we could postpone my part two for a while. But I could offer you a part one and a half instead. I have another very suitable candidate for the Richard Cross school of discipline.'

He cocked an interested eyebrow. ‘Then I'm at your service.'

‘It's Celeste, my flatmate,' Beth went on to explain. ‘I was trying to spank her just now but she's a deceptively slippery little madam. She needs to be taught a lesson for being such a lazy little bitch, and I certainly learned a lot yesterday, Richard.'

‘Indeed,' he mused. ‘So you want me to spank her, or to help you spank her? Is that the idea?'

‘I want you to teach her a lesson,' Beth qualified.

a lesson?' Celeste stalked into the sitting room. She had thrown a dressing gown over her brief nightie but was still barefoot.

Beth introduced them. ‘So you're Richard Cross,' Celeste said. There was no polite warmth in her voice but she looked a little less defiant.

‘Richard has agreed to help me discipline you,' Beth announced.

‘You touch me and I'll sue you for assault,' Celeste warned, but her rebelliousness was clearly ebbing by the second.

‘Then we'll have to give you something to sue about,' said Richard, in a tone that invited no argument. He turned to Beth. ‘I think she should be completely naked.'

‘Don't you dare,' Celeste advised insolently.

‘Either you take your clothes off, or we do it for you,' Richard said, and the last spark of Celeste's insubordination was doused. She looked beseechingly at each of them in turn, and then shrugged and slowly took off the dressing gown. She looked up hopefully but Beth saw Richard shake his head, so she lifted her nightdress off completely and stood naked before them, her hands to her sides.

She was as beautiful as any model, even with ruffled hair and without make-up. Her legs were long and slim and her breasts, although on the small side, were beautifully shaped with pink nipples that invited kisses.

But the attention of Richard was between her thighs. She was devoid of hair, looking even more naked than the rest of her as a result. Her labia were clearly visible, pink and private and lusciously inviting. Celeste noticed his eyes, for she looked down at herself.

‘I shaved there,' she said with a nervous giggle. ‘I wanted to see what it would be like.'

‘Clearly not enough to do to occupy herself,' Beth said shortly, but was suddenly surprised to feel jealous. Celeste was so beautiful, Richard was gazing at the gorgeous creature, and she, Beth, had invited him in and was now feeling jealous of the attention he was paying her cheeky flatmate.

Richard Cross looked around the room. ‘I think we'll have you over the arm of the sofa,' he said to Celeste, and she now looked distinctly nervous.

‘Will you adopt the position yourself?' Richard asked, with exaggerated courtesy. ‘Or do we have to make you?'

Celeste shook her head and walked with a seductive naturalness to the sofa. She lay down over one end, the raised and padded arm beneath her hips. Her bottom was thrust into the air, an irresistible invitation. The cheeks were round and firm, the flesh the colour of ivory touched by the pink of a sunset.

‘A cushion, I think,' Richard said to Beth. ‘Added comfort for her and added exposure for us.' Beth took one from the sofa and, as Celeste lifted herself, squeezed it between her pelvis and the sofa arm.

‘Now open your legs,' Richard said, and Celeste obeyed. ‘Perfect.'

Beth, watching him and watching Celeste, had a good idea of the thoughts going through his head. Ten minutes ago he had not even met the teenager and already he was looking at her exposed charms. He could not fail to be greatly aroused, to want to thrust his rampant penis deep inside the willing supplicant, to thrash the beautiful naked bottom offered so sweetly for chastisement. Beth too was moved and more than a little excited by the tableau. She could feel the moistness of her own sex, and wished it was her lying over the arm of the sofa with Richard standing above her.

Without thinking about it, she began to undress, and Richard waited patiently as she stripped down to her pink bra and panties. She was not coming second in any competition, she told herself as she reached back to unhook her bra. Her breasts spilled out, free of their lacy constraints.

Beth knew she had Richard's attention. He had never seen her breasts before and she hoped he was not going to forget them. They were firm and full, jutting proudly.

‘Perhaps you would be good enough to hold Celeste's hands,' Richard said, and Beth sat on the sofa and took Celeste's wrists, clamping them firmly together on her thighs. Celeste's fingers burrowed for security between them and pressed against her sex, protected only by the thin panties. Beth gazed longingly at the younger girl's back, her vision ending at the twin mounds of her unprotected buttocks awaiting their punishment.

‘Now, I am going to spank you hard,' Richard told Celeste. ‘Beth can give me a list of your offences.'

‘She's a slattern,' Beth accused. ‘She never...'

‘Slattern will do for a start.' His right hand swept down and landed with a crack on Celeste's left buttock, lifted again, and struck with equal force on the girl's right cheek.

Celeste squirmed and squealed. ‘You brute,' she mumbled into the padded seat of the sofa, her meek protestations muffled by it.

‘Oh yes, I'm a brute all right. And you're a slattern.' And again he smacked both cheeks, one after the other. Celeste rocked her hips from side to side, and Beth tightened her grip on the girl's wrists while Richard beat a fierce tattoo on each unprotected, quivering cheek.

When he paused for breath and to rub the palm of his right hand, Beth could see Celeste's bottom was turning a deep, alluring red.

‘She hasn't paid her share of the rent,' she told Richard, and as he renewed the punishment she found she was tensing her thighs and rubbing the damp front of her panties against Celeste's twitching fingers in time with the strokes. Celeste ground her hips to the same rhythm, raising her bottom after each strike, inviting the next. With intensifying excitement Beth marvelled at the music and rhythm of Richard's spanking technique. The sounds of a hand striking a bottom and Celeste's yelps were the music, the gentle tensing of her own thighs and movement of her sex, and Celeste's clenching and unclenching buttocks were the beat. Beth wished the music and the beat would last forever.

‘No job,' she gasped, speaking while she still had sufficient self-control.

Celeste's bottom was by now a bright scarlet.

Richard changed his position so that he stood between the girl's parted legs. ‘You will look for work,' he said. ‘And keep looking until you find a job. Won't you,' he barked, sweeping his hand down again.

Celeste shrieked and started rocking her bottom from side to side, rubbing her sex against the cushion on which she lay, and Richard maintained his rain of blows with unerring accuracy until the entire target was the same mottled colour.

When finally he stopped, out of breath and rubbing his palm, all three remained silent for a while, the atmosphere in the room electric.

Beth was the first to move. She stood up and looked down at her flatmate's bottom. She was so moved by what she saw that she dropped to her knees beside the girl and pressed her cheek against a crimson buttock, feeling the searing heat on her own skin. Delicately she licked with a cool tongue over the crests of the twin hills, leaving a glistening trail in her wake.

With her cheek still resting on the warm flesh, she looked up at Richard. ‘Now the little minx should thank us in a special way,' she said. She reached out with both hands and undid Richard's trousers and let them fall to the floor. With some difficulty she peeled the stretched waistband of his underpants over his erection, and pulled them down. At the same time Richard stripped off his shirt.

He stood naked before them, his erection rigid and long.

Beth helped Celeste get up from the sofa and to kneel before Richard. ‘Now you must thank him,' she decreed, and Celeste obediently leaned forward and took one and then both of Richard's balls into her mouth. She sucked gently on their sack, running her tongue around its creases, while against her tearstained cheek his rigid penis quivered with expectation. Releasing his balls, she ran her tongue up its full length from the sack to the head, sucking it in like a plum and pushing the tip of her tongue into the small hole at its peak. With both of her hands cupping his balls, she began to move her head up and down on his erection, taking into her mouth and throat as much as she could manage, while Richard groaned softly.

As Beth watched, she stripped off her knickers. Finally she could wait no longer. ‘Now you must thank me,' she said, gently lifting Celeste's head and steering her back to the way she had been over the arm of the sofa. Beth then positioned herself, lying on her back on the sofa, her legs apart, one foot on its back and the other on the floor.

‘No more spanking, please,' said Celeste, before slipping her tongue between the glistening labia in front of her and finding the throbbing nub of flesh they concealed.

Beth, her head propped up against the opposite arm of the sofa, watched Richard, standing between Celeste's parted legs, lay his penis in the valley between the girl's red buttocks. With his hands he pushed the mounds together so that only the head was visible pointing at Beth like the muzzle of a rifle.

Celeste moaned and ground her tongue against Beth's clitoris, lapping at it like a kitten with the cream. Through misty eyes Beth watched Richard. Letting go of Celeste's bottom, he guided the florid tip of his penis to her tiny anus, so exposed and inviting beneath him, and nudged against it, as if seeking entry. Celeste moaned again, lifted her bottom and thrust her tongue deep into Beth's vagina, rolling it around the soft muscular walls.

For the first time Richard touched Celeste's hairless and very naked sex, running his penis up and down the wet lips until, with one dramatic thrust of his hips, he penetrated the girl to the hilt.

For Beth time stood still. Nothing mattered but the giving or the receiving of pleasure. Their movements were syncopated - eyelids closing, buttocks and hips grinding, and tongue and cock thrusting in and out. Three as one, reaching for a pinnacle that would not be denied.

So in tune were they that they climbed the mountain and crested its peak together, exploding in and on each other with groans and gasps, then tensed muscles relaxed in replete warmth, and racing blood slowly resumed its more sedate pace.


Chapter 4



Beth enjoyed herself the next morning, getting ready for her meeting with T. J. Kearns. Bathed and powdered, she stood naked before her full length mirror in her bedroom, inspecting herself closely.

‘Don't worry, you'll do perfectly.' Celeste was sitting up in the bed they had shared, leaning against a pillow but still sleepy-eyed.

Beth turned around and craned her head back, trying to see the reflection of her bottom. ‘Do I still have obvious marks?' she asked, backing up to the bed so the girl could get a closer look.

Celeste stretched out a languid hand and trailed it over Beth's buttocks, sending a shiver up her spine. ‘Not too bad at all,' she said. ‘Just enough left to make it that bit more interesting.'

‘What is it about bottoms that so turns men on?' Beth mused, really enjoying the touch of the younger girl. ‘I always thought they were for sitting on.'

‘Oh, I can understand,' Celeste said dreamily. ‘And yours is really beautiful... beautiful and rude.' As she spoke she cheekily pressed a finger between the lovely cheeks and eased it down and forward to Beth's soft labia. ‘How about it?' she whispered, letting her fingertip tease.

Trying not to show her reluctance, Beth tore herself away. ‘Oh no, I'm saving myself for whatever is expected of me today,' she said, her voice almost giving away her degree of arousal, and then she took so long trying on clothes and discarding them that Celeste lost interest, got sulkily out of bed, and wandered off to make coffee.

Feeling provocative and incredibly mischievous, Beth chose carefully before finally deciding. Over her white suspender belt, panties and bra, she put on a white blouse that encased her breasts snugly, and a short, dark blue pleated skirt that cinched her waist enticingly. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she then smoothed on a pair of silk stockings and slipped her feet into elegant black shoes.

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