The Chesapeake Diaries Series (148 page)

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“Sounds mysterious,” Brooke said.

“I’ll tell you about it sometime.” Jesse paused. “Actually, if you wanted to come over right now, I could tell you tonight.”

“Are you trying to lure me over with the promise of revealing family secrets just to get me into your lair?”

“Yeah. Is it working?”

“Not tonight, I’m afraid. I have an exam tomorrow and another one on Thursday.”

“Damn. That pretty much takes care of the week.” Jesse sounded genuinely disappointed. “And I had such plans for us this week.”

“Good plans?”

“You betcha.”

“Will they still be good next week?”

“I have a trial that’s supposed to begin next Monday,” he said thoughtfully. “The prep might tie me up most of the weekend. But if there’s a break, or if the trial is postponed, I’ll let you know.” He paused. “If nothing else, we can at least get together for dinner one night, okay?”

“Sure. After Thursday, though.” Brooke thought of all she had to do this week. She could barely keep up with her cupcake orders. “Maybe Friday night.”

“I’m writing you in for dinner at … where do you want to go?”

She thought it over. Maybe someplace out of town, away from the prying eyes of her neighbors. That Steffie had figured out that there was something going on between her and Jesse didn’t bother Brooke. Stef was a friend, as were Vanessa and Dallas, and she probably would have ended up telling them on Sunday night anyway. But not everyone in St. Dennis needed to know.

“How about Stop Four over in Ballard? It’s a beautiful old place with lots of fireplaces and everyone says it has wonderful food.”

“I’ll make reservations first thing in the morning. Is seven good for you?”

“Seven is perfect.”

“I’ll see you then.”

“I can’t wait,” Jesse said.

She wanted to say,
Neither can I
, but she couldn’t get the words out. Instead, she said, “Good night, Jesse,” and hung up.

She tried to concentrate on the notes she’d taken all semester, but her mind insisted on wandering back to Saturday night and Sunday morning. She sighed and forced the images from her mind. Thinking too hard about Jesse right now would be a little like staring too long into the sun. She’d be blinded and unable to see anything else, unable to think about anything else. Best to focus on the task at hand, which was doing well on her exams this week, getting her degree, and all the cupcakes she’d have to bake between now and tomorrow morning. Of course, if he should slip into her dreams again tonight, the way he had the night before, well, she wasn’t responsible if her subconscious wanted to replay their night together over and over. And if that same subconscious insisted on looking forward to other nights and other mornings, she had no control over that either, right?

And yet, as much as she tried to keep focused on her notes, she found her mind wandering to things he said and things they did, and she couldn’t deny the longing that stirred inside her. Jesse had awakened emotions she’d stopped feeling, had come to believe she’d never feel again. She was painfully aware of the promises she’d made to herself, that she’d never let herself be devastated by love again. But for the first time, she wasn’t sure it was a promise she’d be able to keep.

It wasn’t just lust, she insisted. It wasn’t just about sex, though that had been outstanding. It was more about heart—and the fact that Jesse had more than any man she knew. And wasn’t that what every woman was looking for?

Brooke sighed. It certainly worked for her.

Chapter 18

“Wow.” Jesse was standing in the living room of the Madison farm talking to Brooke’s mother when Brooke came into the room. “Like the dress.”

“Thanks. Ready?” Brooke flashed a smile she hoped would knock him out. It appeared to work.

“Sure. Yes.” He turned to her mother. “Good talking to you, Mrs. Madison.”

“It’s Hannah, and it was nice talking to you as well, Jesse.” Hannah nodded and went into the kitchen.

“Well, that was awkward,” Brooke told Jesse after they’d gotten into the car. “I haven’t had a guy come to pick me up at my parents’ house since I was in high school.”

“Tell me about it. How long do you think it’s been since I had to make nice with my date’s mother?” Jesse laughed. “You said you’re moving into your house when?”

“Hopefully sooner rather than later.” She fastened her seat belt. “Clay said Cam’s coming out on Tuesday with his carpenters to start replacing the windows before it gets too cold, then they’re going to move on to remodeling the kitchen and building the
new first-floor powder room and the laundry room. Then they’ll work on the new bath upstairs and they’re going to build some closets. He’s going to have the roofers working at the same time. Cam says the entire project won’t take too long because his guys need the work right now and if he can keep them all busy for a while it’s good for everyone.”

“Like how long?”

“I guess a few months at the most.”

“Can’t you live there while the work is being done?”

Brooke laughed. “Maybe I should have picked you up at your place.”

“We’ll try that next time.”

“Did you mind so terribly?” she asked. “My mother’s really harmless.”

“I didn’t. Especially when you look like that.”

Brooke smiled to herself. She’d realized last night that she didn’t have anything to wear. Everything in her closet was either too dressy or too casual. She put the matter aside until after she finished her exam, then fled straight to Vanessa’s shop.

“Something I can help you with?” Vanessa asked politely while writing up the sales for another customer, then winked at Brooke. “Anything in particular you’re looking for today?”

“I need a dress,” Brooke told her. “Something terrific, but not too dressy. Easy lines, but nothing too casual. A little bit low, a little fitted, but not slutty.”

Vanessa had continued talking to her customers but pulled the black knit dress with the low cowl neckline off the rack and handed it to Brooke.

“I have it in green as well, but I think the black is what you’re looking for.”

Brooke went into the fitting room to try it on. A few moments later, she stepped out into the shop and peered around the corner.

“Let’s see you. Oh, I love it, do you?” Vanessa was walking her customer to the door.

“I do.” Brooke turned around in front of the mirror and caught Vanessa frowning. “What?”

“Stay there.” Vanessa disappeared to the front of the store, then returned, a mustard-colored belt in her hands. She wrapped the belt loosely around Brooke’s hips. “There you go. You needed a bit of color.”

“Thanks.” Brooke took a quick glance around the shop. “Your customers are all gone?”

Vanessa nodded.

“So how are you feeling?” Brooke asked.

“Good. Great. Everything’s fine,” Vanessa assured her.

“What does that mean, exactly?”

“It means that Grady and I will tie the knot very quietly so as not to draw attention from the other two happy brides in town.” Vanessa unbelted the belt and slung it lower on Brooke’s hips. “I think you want to wear it lower, like this.”

“What does that mean?” Brooke frowned.

“It means you don’t want to belt it so tightly.”

“Not that. The part about you and Grady tying the knot quietly. What’s quietly? And why?”

“I don’t want to take even a second of the spotlight from anyone. Not that anyone could ever compete with Dallas, but there is Steffie to consider. You know she’s waited for Wade her whole entire life … well, since she was something like thirteen, so I want her to
have her day.” Vanessa paused, but before Brooke could get a word in, she went on. “Of course, she’s sharing that day with her brother and Dallas, but that’s a little different because Dallas has been married before, so it isn’t her first trip down the aisle. Not that it’s any less special, but—”

“Vanessa.” Brooke took her by the shoulders. “Stop. You’re babbling.”

“Sorry. Anyway, don’t tell Steffie, okay?”

“You haven’t told her yet? She’s going to be so excited and happy for you,” Brooke told her.

“She can be happy for me when it’s over.”

“You mean, you’re not going to tell her before …?”

Vanessa shook her head, no.

“Are you crazy? Steffie will kill you if you get married behind her back.”

“I’m not getting married behind her back. I’m just not going to tell her until later.”

“Ness, she’s your very best friend.”

“I know that. That’s why I don’t want to take anything from her big day.”

“I repeat. She’s going to kill you.”

“She’ll get over it.” Vanessa tried to make light.

“No, she won’t. She loves you like a … like a sister.”

“I love her like a sister, too.” Vanessa bit her bottom lip and Brooke was pretty sure she was close to tears.

“So let her be part of your day. She’s going to be absolutely crushed if she isn’t.”

“She’s just so focused on herself right now—and should be,” Vanessa added quickly. “I thought it would be better for everyone if Grady and I just went to the
courthouse and got married there and told everyone after Wade and Steffie get back from their honeymoon.”

“That idea stinks, Ness, and you know it.”

“Oh, maybe.” Vanessa plunked down in one of the velvet club chairs she had placed near the dressing rooms. “Grady didn’t think it was so hot either.”

“This is his first marriage, right? And he’s from a big family?”

Vanessa nodded. “Very big family.”

“They’ll never forgive you either.” Brooke took off the belt and placed it on the counter. “You will not only alienate your new in-laws, but you’ll lose your best friend at the same time. Good thinking, Ness. Way to go.”

“What would you do if you were me?” Vanessa asked. “Obviously I don’t want to wait too long. Everyone will know …” She patted her abdomen.

“That’s not quite as much of a scandal as it used to be.” It was the only thing Brooke could think of to say.

“It isn’t just that. My mother was pregnant with me when she left the man who fathered me. I was raised by stepfathers.” Vanessa looked up. “Notice I said
. A whole slew of them. I don’t want to be like my mother.”

“You will never be like your mother, Ness.” Brooke smiled and pushed the hair back from her friend’s face. “You forget, I’ve met your mother.”

“So what would you do?” Vanessa repeated.

“I would wait until Steffie calms down a bit, then I’d tell her. I’d plan the wedding for two weeks after Stef’s
if you really want to give her the undivided spotlight, which is already divided because of Dallas.”

“That’s my point. Stef would have to share it two ways.”

“She’s not a four-year-old who demands that all the attention be on her, you know.”

“That’s why, this time, she should have it. She’s waited a long time for this.”

“So have you, sweetie,” Brooke reminded her as she went back into the dressing room.

The dress and belt had come home with Brooke, who’d known the dress was just right the minute she tried it on. The look on Jesse’s face was exactly what she’d wanted it to be. She was aware that she turned more than a few heads when she and Jesse were led through the restaurant to their table.

“One of our most requested tables,” the fawning maître d’ told them. “A lovely view of the Bay, and close enough to the fireplace to feel its glow. Enjoy.”

“I should take you to dinner more often,” Jesse said, “if only to get the best tables.”

Brooke smiled at the waiter when he brought their menus and took their drink orders.

“So, have you had many responses to the invitations to the surprise party?” she asked.

“I have. People who had other plans have canceled them or are trying to cancel them. It seems everyone wants to be there to honor Pop. I think it will make him very happy if everyone shows up.” His eyes clouded with doubt. “At least, I’m hoping he will be.”

“You said that the other night on the phone. If you
thought there was someone he wouldn’t be happy to see, why would you invite that person?”

Jesse appeared to be mulling that over when the waiter brought their drinks and offered to give them more time to look over their menus, which lay untouched on the table.

“It isn’t that I think he won’t be happy … it’s just that I don’t know for sure.” He opened the menu, and began to scan it. “Did you say you’d been here before? Do you know what’s good?”

“I’m sure the waiter will be more than happy to rattle off the specials when he comes back.” Brooke looked up. “And here he comes …”

They both decided on an entrée of fried Chesapeake oysters and beef tenderloin. Jesse looked over the wine list and ordered a bottle of Merlot from a local vineyard.

“How many people do you think you’ll have?” Brooke redirected the conversation. “I’ll need to know for the cupcakes and Steffie will need to know for the ice cream. And of course, Lola’s will have to know as well.”

“Right now, I’m going to guess maybe eighty-five people.”

“Does that upstairs room at Lola’s even hold that many people?”

“I guess so.” Jesse frowned. “They didn’t give me a limit.”

“Didn’t they ask you?”

“I told Jimmy I’d get back to him. I guess he was thinking there wouldn’t be that many who’d want to come. Frankly, I hadn’t given it much thought at all.”

“Give Jimmy a call in the morning and tell him how many have confirmed so far and how many more you’re waiting to hear from,” Brooke suggested.

“What if he says they don’t have the room?”

“Then I guess you’ll be calling around for a caterer who can throw together something fabulous at the last minute and sending out another email changing the venue from Lola’s to your place.”

He looked so pathetic that Brooke couldn’t help but reach across the table to pat his hand. He curled his fingers around hers.

“I’ll help you, don’t worry,” she assured him. “Mr. Enright deserves to have a happy eighty-fifth and he will. Regardless of where you have it, he’ll be happy that you thought to do this for him and that so many people wanted to mark the occasion with him. You’ll see.”

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