The Choosing (27 page)

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Authors: Jeremy Laszlo,Ronnell Porter

BOOK: The Choosing
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Sasha led the two remaining boys up a flight of stairs to the second floor.  They topped the stairs and walked half way down the hall there and she paused and opened a door.  Glancing inside she held the door open for them allowing them to enter.  Once they were inside she closed the door behind them and placed the key to the room in the lock to the door and left it there for them to find when they exited.

Garret and Ashton entered the room they would be sharing and were amazed by the quality of the room.  The floor here was the same marble as the floors they had seen before, only this floor lacked the filigree.  The room was split in two by a long narrow rug that ran the length of the room between the beds.  The room was decorated as such that either side of the rug was a mirror reflection of the opposite side.  Two beds, two desks, two bedside tables, two upholstered chairs, and two wooden chests decorated the room.  All of the furniture looked heavy and crafted from quality materials.  The chairs red leather upholstery matched the bed’s red satin sheets and spread.  Across the room from the entry door, directly in the center of the opposite wall stood another door.  Behind the door was a privy where Garret quickly decided to test the plumbing.

After several long minutes enjoying their privacy Seth and Sara decided to go and wait for the others in the Dining hall.  It was just past mid day at this point and both of them agreed they were ready to eat. Leaving their room they found a key with a ribbon tied to it protruding from their door and so they locked the door, and Seth pocketed the key before walking down the hall.  Arriving at the dining hall Seth and Sara noticed it was completely vacant and so chose a large table in the center of the room.  They waited patiently exchanging smiles and looks of adoration as they did. They did not have to wait excessively long for after a while they could hear the voices of Garret and Ashton coming loudly down the hall.

Spying their friends, Garret and Ashton quickly joined them at the table and seated themselves.  Each of the four spoke excitedly about their rented accommodations and the luxurious details of each of the rooms.  It surprised them all, it seemed, that a little money could grant a generous amount of luxury, at least temporarily.  As they spoke a young woman, younger than Sara, walked through the dining hall carrying some packages.  She smiled at the group seated there and continued on through the room and disappeared down the hall.  The group watched her go and their eyes lingered on the hall when she returned, this time without the packages.  She approached their table and came to stand near them before speaking.

“Hello gentlemen and Miss Sara, if you would care for something to drink I would be delighted to fetch it for you.  Also someone will be with you shortly to take your food choices if you wish to eat.”  The small girl, perhaps fifteen, said it with the same practiced perfection of Sasha.

The group each stated that they would like some cold ale, and did intend to eat and the girl turned on her heel and strode back into the hall.  Moments later she returned carrying a tray with four mugs and a large pitcher.  She placed a mug expertly in front of each of the guests and placed the pitcher in the center of the table.  The companions all thanked her before she once again walked off, and as she left a short lean man came from the hall wearing a white smock and a funny looking fluffy hat of the same material.  The man sauntered up to their table with a noticeable limp.  The group watched him approach and each smiled to the man as he did so.  Coming to stand beside their table, easily in sight of everyone the man first looked to Sara as he spoke.

“What will you be having to eat this afternoon M’lady?”  The man asked his voice coated in a strange accent.

Sara unable to comprehend the question, was unsure if she had not noticed a list of their food choices somewhere and so quickly glanced around the table at her companions.  Seeing her look mirrored on their faces, she returned her gaze to the man.

“I’m so sorry sir.  I am unaware of the meal choices.”  She stated with a meek grin playing across her lips.

“Ah, this is your first stay with us then.”  The man said, and without waiting for a response he continued.  “We have no meal choices here M’lady, whatever delicious food your heart desires we will prepare fresh for you if the ingredients are available to us and the recipe known.”  This the man stated with a look of pride and wide toothed smile.

Sara was a bit taken aback, she hadn’t prepared for this, but also did not want to make the man, or her companions wait excessively so she spoke the first food that came to mind, the last meal her mother had prepared for her before her death.

“If it is possible, could you prepare a chicken soup with noodles?”  Sara asked hopefully.

“It would be my pleasure M’lady.”  The man stated honestly with a smile.  “And what might you be having young master?”  This time the man looked to Seth as he spoke.

Seth had been dreaming about the possibilities while Sara decided what she was going to order.  Several ideas crossed his mind, and he had nearly decided upon a meat pie like the one he had eaten at the inn in Stone Haven, but hearing Sara’s choice he changed his mind.  Seth had never had a chicken soup with noodles before and the thought intrigued him.

“I will take the same as she ordered.”  Seth said to the man smiling first to him and then to Sara.

“Well that will be two soups then.”  The man said making a note of it.  “What will you be having sire?”  The man asked, his gaze meeting Garret’s.

“I would like a meat pie.”  Garret stated immediately.

“Ah, it’s a hardy meal indeed.”  The man replied and then added.  “Would you like chicken, beef, or pork sire?  Also would you like it with a cream sauce or a cheese sauce?”  He asked as if sorting through different recipes in his memory.

Garret thought deeply a moment, his face twisting into compositions that looked incredibly uncomfortable, and then he answered the man’s question.

“Seems you will already be preparing chicken for two meals I’ll take chicken as well.”  Garret stated now smiling at the man.  “I hope it lightens your burden a bit, also I would like to try a cream sauce if it isn’t too much trouble.”

The man in the outlandish white garb smiled broadly at Garret knowing as he did that the boy had indeed saved him much effort.

“No trouble at all young sire.”  Was the man’s simple reply.  “What shall you be having young master?”  The man now spoke to Ashton.

“If you have it available, I would like an assortment of fresh fruit.”  Ashton responded politely.

“Indeed you shall have a wide variety young master.  Is that all you require?”  He asked the group now as a whole.

Accepting their nods in response the short man spun on his good leg and sauntered back out of the room the way he had come.

Sara turned to Seth with a disarming smile on her lips.

“Chicken soup huh?”  She asked him mockingly.

“Why not?”  Seth asked rhetorically.  “Oh and what is a noodle?”  Seth added unsure if he had ever had one before.  “Do you think I will like it?  I have only had chicken soup with potatoes in the past.”  He stated honestly.

“Well my love a noodle is warm, moist, and tender.  I think you will like it.”  She said her smile fading slightly as she continued.  “It was the last meal my mother made me before she died.”

Seth had not expected the revelation and so reached under the table to take her hand and hold it tightly.

“I’m sorry angel.”  Seth said not knowing what else to say.

“It is ok my love, she is gone, but I do like to remember her.”  Sara said her eyes and expression blank, as if she looked into the distance to see something just out of sight.

Seth, wanting to change the mood of the conversation, but not wanting to take away time from Sara’s memories decided to ask a question.

“Do you think your mother would have liked me?”  Seth asked.  His question born out of honest curiosity, however Garret and Ashton also looked on curious of her response themselves.

“Well love, you are young, strong, intelligent, handsome, and have several silver at your disposal.  My mother more than liked several men who were either: young, strong, intelligent, or handsome.  So I would say yes she would most defiantly like you, if not try to bed you.”  This last part she added with a wink to Seth.

Garret and Ashton burst into laughter.  They had both been unsure as to how Seth’s question would affect the girl, but did not expect her almost sarcastic response.  It was true, Sara’s mother had been a prostitute, and so would indeed probably try to bed any man who might have coins to pay for it.  Seth’s jaw had dropped open at her reply, and Sara beamed at him, smiling as brightly as her face was able in response to his reaction.  Sara couldn’t help herself, and despite her attempt to control it she giggled angelically at the man she loved.  Laughter being contagious, consumed even Seth after he was able to somewhat recover from the shock of Sara’s answer.  So they all laughed heartily, the mood dramatically changed for the better.

They spoke merrily of the days ahead, making presumptions about the festivities that would be held within the city in the days to come.  Garret once mentioned The Choosing ceremony at which point Seth and Sara shared a knowing look, having already prepared an escape plan in case they would need it.  They had been talking for some time when the man in the strange white attire sauntered once again into the room.  This time the man was followed by Sasha and each of them carried a tray.

The man placed before Sara and Seth large, shallow, steaming bowls.  The scent of the food enticed their nostrils and Seth’s mouth began to water.  The bowls were filled nearly to the brim with large chunks of meat, small diced vegetables, and pale white strands of twisted soft noodles.  All of this was submerged within a golden yellow broth that steamed and smelled of herbs and spices.  It looked and smelled delicious.

Sasha walked around the table and placed before Garret a large round plate.  At its center sat a flaky pie crust with several slits in the top.  From the slits bubbled a creamy white sauce releasing the scents of mushroom and pepper.  The crust was baked golden brown and was trimmed into a perfect circle.  It too looked and smelled delicious.

Sasha then walked around to Ashton who smiled as she approached.  In front of him she placed a large bowl identical to the ones Seth and Sara were given.  Within the bowl sat a small melon with its top carved out in the likeness of a swan.  Within the recesses created by the carving, grapes and cherries and other small fruits filled the hollowed center of the melon.  Around the melon, ringing the entire bowl were cut strawberries, orange slices, and wedges cut from various types of apples.  The bowl appeared more as a work of art then a meal.  It was a fantastic display of the creator’s culinary skill, and Ashton stated as much.  His compliment brought a huge smile to the man’s face and Sasha nodded to the man her approval.  Wishing them an enjoyable meal Sasha and the man left the group to eat in peace.

The four companions enjoyed their meals almost without speaking, but an occasional sound of delight penetrated the room as someone was overwhelmed by some succulent morsel or another.

They finished their meals more quickly than they thought possible, obviously more hungry than any of them had presumed.  Talking quietly around the table, they each graciously complimented the chef and waited patiently for one of the inn’s employees to return.  Before long they could hear voices from somewhere down the hall but none of them were able to make out the words.  Shortly thereafter, the muted conversation had come to an end and footsteps sounded on the stone floors growing increasingly louder with each step.  Sasha’s heeled shoes clicked and clacked as she appeared from the hallway.  Sasha’s face lit up as she responded to their intent gazes.

“I hope your meal was enjoyable.”  Sasha said in greeting.

The boys each nodded their approval, but Sara turned to speak to their host.

“It was perfect Sasha.  Please send my thanks to whomever prepared the soup.”  She said in earnest.

“Oh I shall darling, is there anything else we can get for you?  If not is there anywhere you should like to visit?  There are still a few hours of light remaining within the city walls if you would like for me to direct you to some place of interest.”  Sasha asked the questions as always with practiced perfection.

“Didn’t you want to visit the knight’s training grounds Garret?”  Sara asked turning to face him as she did so.

Sara’s question was followed by a gasp from Sasha, and Sara quickly returned her gaze to the woman to see what had transpired that she must have missed.  Sasha stood with a stunned look on her face, unable to believe something, though what it was no one knew.  The woman’s lips moved a couple of times as if to speak.  She inhaled deeply, regaining her composure and looked to them once more, this time pausing to inspect each one of them as if looking for something.

“I’m sorry.”  Sasha stated.  “How rude of me to stand here staring at you all, it’s just that I had heard the name Garret recently, and I now presume that the two are the same.”  Sasha stated, explaining her reaction only a moment ago.  “I realize it isn’t any of my business, but could I ask you a few questions?”  Sasha asked them as a group, looking to each of them hopefully.

“Sure.”  Garret answered, intrigued by the woman’s previous statement about his name.

“Well then I must ask if you are the same Garret that met three Kingdom knights upon the road between Raven’s Hold and Stone Haven?”  Sasha asked, eyeing Garret intently.

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