The Choosing (42 page)

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Authors: Jeremy Laszlo,Ronnell Porter

BOOK: The Choosing
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The first and foremost of those in the procession was a large man wearing the polished armor of a knight of Valdadore.  Beside him walked another armored man, though this man’s armor had a different crest upon it.  Behind them walked a woman in a white robe with golden blonde hair falling down her back and shoulders.  With the woman walked two men who too each wore robes.  The first was in a deep red color, his face obscured by a deep cowl.  The second man wore a grey robe the color of ash, his face likewise obscured.  Behind these three, another man walked a short distance behind.  He wore green leggings, the color of springtime grass and a tunic of the same deep color.  His were graceful movements, his strides long and elegant as if he weighed nothing at all.  Behind the man in green eight more people followed.  Each of these were dressed in normal if not luxurious clothing and none of them stood out in the small crowd except for one man who carried with him a large tome, its pages open, and in his opposite hand he held a quill ready to write.

As the small procession neared the first person in the line they each shifted their positions.  The majority of the group remaining back a short distance.  Only the knight, the woman in white, and the two men in robes of red and gray actually approached those waiting to be chosen.  The other armored man falling back to join the rest of those who had come with the procession.  This is how the group remained as they made their slow progress from person to person working their way ever slowly down the line.  After talking to each of those waiting to be chosen they would send the person to the man with the tome who would then scribe something quickly in his book before sending them to stand in the middle of the large open courtyard.  As the group worked their way down the line those who had already been chosen had began to form small groups at various locations having been chosen for different roles.  The four companions watched the progress with a mix of interest and anxiety as one peculiar person caught their interest, particularly that of Garret.  The procession had stopped at a short man for a particularly long time and appeared to be discussing something with the man.  That was not what had gained Garret’s attention as it had already happened several times since the procession had started.  What had grabbed Garret’s attention was the point when the three in robes had fallen back a step to allow the knight to speak to the small man alone.  This had not previously occurred.  The knight conversed with the man shortly, and apparently having come to a decision they shook hands and the short man left his place in line to speak to the man holding the tome.  Having taken the short man’s information the apparent record keeper pointed the short man in the direction of the companions.  This is what caught Seth, Sara, and Ashton’s attention.  As the man approached all four watched him come to stand alone, apparently forming a new group for which no one else had been chosen.  That however was not what was remarkable.  As the man walked over halfway the distance toward the companions they were better able to discern his features.  He appeared much older than they for he already had a thick beard braided down his chest and long hair cropped at his shoulders.  His eyes were deep set and he was squinting as if the dim evening sun hurt his eyes.  He had a large bulbous nose that compromised the majority of his wide rounded face.  As it turned out however he was not a short man as they had each presumed.  He was indeed short with thick muscled limbs, his torso looked entirely too large above his squat legs and his arms were a little longer than they should have been.  The problem with the companions' early classification of the man was not that he had been short.  In fact he was quite tall, for a dwarf.  Though none of them had ever actually seen a dwarf each had heard descriptions or seen paintings of the dwarves.  Dwarves rarely if ever ventured out of their cavernous mountain homes however, and so it was that none of them had expected to see one at the choosing ceremony.  Yet here one stood.  He appeared to be tall enough that his head would nearly reach Garret’s chest, though he had much more muscle mass than Garret, and Garret was relatively big for human standards.  The four companions examined the dwarf independently each deciding in due time that it was rude to stare and each on their own eventually turned their gazes back to the procession that grew ever nearer.

The procession had made quick progress as the four had been inspecting the dwarf, and now there were only about a dozen and a half people remaining between the procession and Ashton, the first of the four companions to be chosen.  The procession was close enough that their conversations could now be heard, and each of the four companions watched and listened to prepare themselves for what they too would soon face.

Seth tried in vain to remain hopeful.  After the battle today he would likely be chosen for something he did not want.  He knew it was possible that he and Garret both be chosen for the army in some capacity, which eased his fear of being separated from his brother, something he had never in his whole life fathomed possible.  However if he was chosen for the army it was likely Sara would be chosen for something so different that they would be forced to flee the Kingdom in hopes of starting a life somewhere outside the realm where they wouldn't be branded as traitors.  All this Seth thought as the procession neared.

They watched as another boy was sent to join the largest group in the courtyard which they now knew to be those joining the regular soldiers of Valdadore’s armies.  They too were paying attention when a young girl was sent to join a group near that of the chosen soldiers as she was picked to be a servant in the castle proper.  As those that stood between Ashton and the procession dwindled, the four companions were able to establish the purpose of nearly every group of those who had already been chosen’s purpose.  So it was with much anxiety that Ashton stood before the knight and his three robed companions when his turn to be chosen had arrived.

The three men and the woman formed a tight semicircle in front of Ashton.  None of them spoke for a moment, each scrutinizing him independently.  The man in the grey robes was the first to speak.

“He has the gift.”  The man stated coolly in an even tone.

“I can confirm it.”  Stated the blonde woman in white as the man in red nodded his agreement.

“Do you have any talents or have you sworn yourself to a god?”  This time it was the knight who spoke, his voice deep and commanding.

“Yes M’lord, I follow the path of Lorentia as a healer.  I follow in the footsteps of my mother and my brother before me.”  Ashton replied smoothly having rehearsed the lines in his head.

The blond woman inched nearer and smiled to Ashton before speaking again.

“What is your name then young healer, and if you have already performed healing miracles tell us now of the worst wound you have healed.”  She stated with calming words.

“My name is Ashton Rayne.”  Ashton stated pausing briefly to take a breath.

As Ashton paused, the knight's head rose slightly in realization and he looked once again at Ashton with a look of knowing on his face.  Then as if seeking something he already knew to be there the knight turned to look at the next person in line, and registering Garret’s face the knight smiled.

“My most recent healings and the most complicated I have ever performed happened on the road here to Valdadore.”  Ashton continued not noticing the change in the knight, his eyes focused on the woman in white.  “My friends and I were attacked in the night by a goblin.  One of my companions sustained a mortal wound to both his heart and lung.  Healing him took me two attempts.  With the first attempt I was able to repair his heart and lung before I was too drained to continue and unsure of my limitations I lost consciousness.  Later when I regained some strength I managed to close the wound and free him of infection.”  Ashton related the story deciding to leave out any detail that did not pertain to the question.

“Is there anyone here who can confirm that you performed this miracle?”  The woman asked intrigued.

“Yes M’lady, my companions stand beside me now and if their word is not enough then I could point you to Sasha the proprietor of The King’s Herald, she too has witnessed a brief display.”  Ashton answered and watched as all three of the robed figures turned to stare at the knight beside them who stood smiling broadly at their questioning looks.

“What?”  Sirus asked his companions rhetorically.  “I did not want to ruin your surprise.  Indeed I knew of his ability, though I did not know his face, and I too can verify his tale.  It was he and his companions that killed the goblin that I myself tracked to the north.”  The knight Sirus stated boisterously.

“Indeed then young healer I should like to welcome you to the ranks of the clerics of Valdadore.”  The blonde woman stated smiling.  “My name is Karishtala, the head of the white robes here in the city and I will be instructing you and your peers in the days to come.  Please go see Heath with the ledger and give him your information and he will point you to your new peers.”  Karishtala told Ashton.

Sirus, Karishtala and the two other robed men stepped aside to let Ashton pass before coming to stand before Garret who still stood with a smile on his face.  Meeting Sirus’ eyes, Garret reached out to shake hands with the knight much to the amazement of those who accompanied the knight.

“Garret the hunter.”  Sirus stated his steel eyes alight.  “I am impressed with your actions today, Goblin slayer and the champion of the King’s test.  You do not cease to amaze me.  I am glad you are here, though I heard of your arrival to the city, and am happy to see you have come unscathed.  However this is a formal occasion and so I shall ask you the questions I am required.”  Sirus said still smiling.  “Do you have any skills and do you worship a god?”

“Yes Sire.”  Garret stated happily.  “I possess the gift to control magic, and I have just recently begun visiting the temple of Gorandor here in Valdadore.  I plan to swear myself to him sire.”  Garret stated hoping to improve his chances to join the knights.

“Is that so?”  Sirus asked turning to his robed companions for verification of Garret’s magical ability.

“He is strongly gifted Sirus perhaps he would be better suited wearing a robe than armor.”  The man in the red robe stated coldly.

“Trying to swell your ranks are you Vladmere?  You have already chosen seven to my one.  Let’s let Garret decide his future and loyalties shall we?”  Sirus stated more as an order than a request and he watched them as they nodded their agreement.  “So what of you Garret?  Would you like to continue your path and join the knights of Valdadore, or would you choose another path to become a powerful mage fighting your battles from afar?”  Sirus asked already knowing Garret’s answer having gleaned the information from his wife.

“I should like to join the knights of Valdadore if they would have me Lord Sirus.”  Garret replied trying his best to sound noble.

“We should indeed be happy to embrace you young master Garret.  Now if you will see Heath and then go stand with Zorbin Ironfist the dwarf there I will see you again shortly.”

Garret nodded with a smile and strode happily to meet with Heath glancing over his shoulder briefly to his brother.  Seth was next in line and composed himself as best as he was able, un-wanting to join with any portion of the army be it common soldier or knight, and as such coming to terms with his current situation.  Giving Sara’s hand one last squeeze he released it to face those coming before him alone.  As the four main members of the procession stopped in front of Seth he realized that Sirus was again smiling, this time at him.  Seth did not return the man’s smile.  Instead he waited patiently for someone to speak to him, trying as he waited to keep his composure.

“You must be Seth.”  Sirus stated mater-of-factly.  “My wife mentioned that Garret and you were twins.”

Seth nodded his understanding still unsure of his ability to speak through his nervousness.

“Seth I must ask, as is my duty, do you have any particular talents and do you yet worship any of the gods?”  Sirus asked in his mock ceremonious tone.

Mustering his courage Seth chose his words carefully before he spoke.

“I too have the talent to control magic, but I have yet to align my soul with a god.”  Seth stated coolly trying to emphasis his distaste on the religion subject.

“I see.”  Sirus stated understanding Seth’s tone.  “Have you put much thought into what station you had hoped to be chosen for?”  He asked seeking Seth’s intentions further.

“I have indeed sire, however I have only just recently learned of my ability to wield magic, and although I am not inclined to take another's life, it feels as if it is something I need to pursue.  Other than that M’lord I am afraid I am unsure what positions exactly that I might best be suited for.”  Seth answered trying to see if he might be offered options rather than being picked for a particular duty.

“Well young Seth let’s see if we can’t discern a couple possible paths for you shall we?”  Sirus again asked him waiting to continue until Seth nodded in agreement.  “With the ability to wield magic your options are several, and all of them lead to a path with possibilities of great power and great rewards.  Let’s see if we can dwindle down the choices a bit shall we?”  Sirus asked rhetorically before continuing.  “The druids seek those who are one with the land, those who would not harm plant nor animal unless there was no other option.  The path of the druid is one of patients, for their craft sometimes takes years to bear fruit.  Are you so inclined to live from the land and not harm the animals that live there?”  Sirus again asked.

“I enjoy hunting sire.”  Seth stated simply.

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