The Chosen (37 page)

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Authors: K. J. Nessly

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Chosen
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“Since I don’t have time to create these dresses from scratch, we’re going to have to alter some of mine.” Without looking up Natalie asked, “Who here is really handy with a needle?”

Since all the girls were moderately handy with a needle and thread, except for Kathryn, Natalie simply placed them into three groups.

“Wonderful. Leia, Amy, and Lindsey when I finish this you can start altering,” she pointed to a green day dress hanging in the front of her closet, “that dress there. Cass, Rachel, and Elizabeth can work on the second dress,” she nodded towards a light blue dress, “and Jenna, Kathryn, and I can work on the third…whichever that will be.”

“I don’t need three new dresses!” Kathryn protested as Natalie handed her first altered design to Amy.

“Yes you do!” Natalie countered. “While at court, you have to play the part of a noble lady and you can’t do that in three dresses. My goal is to get at least six done.”

“Six?” Kathryn looked like she was ready to run. “It’s only three nights!”

“What about slippers?” Elizabeth asked.

Natalie paused. “Slippers are easy,” she finally said. “I’ll just buy them in the capitol.”

Seconds later she tore a page from her book and handed it to Leia who immediately shared it with the others in her group.

“It’s only three nights,” Kathryn muttered again, but no one paid her any attention. Sighing she gazed at the drawing; it was far more elegant and lavish than anything she’d ever worn. “Can you at least make them less ornate?” she asked, knowing she could never talk Natalie down in number, but perhaps in style.

Natalie looked at her, and then shrugged, “Okay.” She turned to her sewing book and began to make a few corrections.

“Just out of curiosity,” Kathryn said. “Do you have enough fabric to complete these dresses?”

Natalie nodded towards her closet, just as Lindsey opened the door. Inside were bolts upon bolts upon bolts of fabric and trimming.

“Where did you get all this?” Kathryn asked, forcing her jaw to remain upright.

“I love to sew and design. My mother collects fabric. She gave me some of her collection, and I’ve done some collecting of my own since we’ve settled here,” Natalie explained, handing a second design to Cassandra who returned to her group for color choice.

Kathryn glanced at her. “I notice that there’s not much pink or red colored fabric in here,” she said casually.

Natalie laughed. “What did you do with that stuff anyway?”

Kathryn hesitated before answering. “I got rid of it.”

The older girl looked up. “I’m guessing that I’ll never get it back.”

Thinking of the piles of ash in the woods, Kathryn nodded. “Probably not,” she agreed.

For the rest of the day the girls stayed in Natalie’s room, sewing furiously. Kathryn had very little expertise sewing so she mainly hemmed the garments. Natalie oversaw all the work and worked on most of the detail herself. Natalie reluctantly complied with Kathryn’s request for simplicity, but in the end she realized that heavily elaborate gowns would overwhelm the small raven-haired girl.

At one point during the afternoon, Natalie had Kathryn try on the half-finished dresses so that Natalie could fit them more accurately. While Kathryn had been slipping on one of the dresses, Natalie had caught sight of her bare back.

“Kathryn?” She whispered hoarsely as she dragged one finger gently along the crest of one scar.

Kathryn let out a heavy sigh. “I was abused, Natalie. I already told you that.”

Natalie wanted to throw up.

The scars…

The overwhelming number of scars…

Kathryn hadn’t been abused, she’d been tortured.

“I am so sorry,” she whispered, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks.

“It was years ago,” her lieutenant said briskly. “Let’s get this over with so I can get out of these dresses.”

Natalie took the hint. Kathryn did not want to talk about it. She forced herself to go back to the job at hand.

At sunset, Matt and Daniel graciously brought up a large platter mounded with various meats, a tray filled with fruits, two large loaves of freshly baked bread, as well as an ewer freshly filled with spring water. They took one look at the whirlwind state of Natalie’s room, handed Jenna the platter and had quickly retreated, their eyes wide in disbelief. With her mouth half full Natalie continued to bark out the plans for several more dresses.  The girls quickly ate and returned to the task at hand.

The girls sewed through the night, sewing in shifts so they might get a few radians sleep, and in the end their diligence paid off. By the next morning Kathryn had eight new gowns in almost every color and style. None were exactly alike.

Suddenly realizing the significance of the morning light, Natalie stood up from the chair she had taken a brief respite in to ease her aching muscles.  Quickly she gathered up Kathryn’s dresses and handed them to her. 

“Here,” she yawned.  “A wardrobe fit for a lady of the court.  Now, get out so that I can pack”

The girls scattered to their own rooms, throwing clothing into their travel satchels.

Since fourteen was a defining number for the Guardians, David opted to split his family into smaller traveling groups so that their identities could be preserved. The Guardian Council, through whom the invitations to the ball had been forwarded, provided several copies of the invitation and David made sure each group had one. The next morning the Dragons departed over a series of three days.  Daniel, Elizabeth, Lindsey, Tyler, and Natalie left first, after the sun had risen. Luke, Rachel, Matt, and Cassandra followed the next morning a few radians after breakfast. David, Kathryn, Amy, Jenna, and Leia left on the last day around mid-afternoon.



Finally, after a fortnight of travel, the capitol city appeared on the horizon, the palace standing like a guardian over the city.

Upon their first glance at the city Leia and Amy became anxious with excitement and could barely contain themselves as they rode through the gates. David led the way to the palace gates and showed the guards their invitation. A radian later after their horses were stabled they were being shown to their quarters by several servants.

Kathryn and David’s rooms were last.

“Sir Darian you are here and Lady Kathryn you are directly across the hall.” The servant opened both doors and then departed.
, Kathryn quickly memorized David’s court name so that she wouldn’t be caught off guard with it later. With her warning to Natalie about preserving their anonymity as Guardians, it would be humiliating if she was the one who slipped up.

When Kathryn entered her room she found a wonderful surprise waiting for her. “Jasmine!” she cried in surprise as she closed the door and crossed the room to stand before her mentor.

Jasmine smiled at her and pulled the girl into a hug. “Oh, Kathryn you’ve grown up so much,” she whispered into her hair. Then holding her at arm’s length said, “let me get a good look at you.”

“How did you know I was here?” Kathryn asked as she spun slowly for Jasmine to see.

“Lord Jasse let me know when you arrived. Come, why don’t you change out of your riding habit and walk with me in the gardens?” Jasmine suggested eagerly.

At that moment Arianna stepped forward and Kathryn noticed her. She greeted the servant with just as much pleasure as she had Jasmine. Arianna helped her change, selecting a blue day gown that Natalie had miraculously conjured for her.

Half a radian later, Kathryn had been washed down, put into the new dress, had her hair arranged, and was ready to walk with Jasmine.

“I never took you to court did I?” Jasmine asked as they exited the palace and entered the first garden.

Kathryn shook her head remembering snippets of visits during which she had dug in her heels at the idea of having to wear a fancy gown. Despite the failed attempts at begging, cajoling, and outright bribery at times, they had never worked. Kathryn had dug in her stubborn heels every time. Jasmine had finally just given up and left without her. “You tried, but it never worked out.”

“As I recall you were as obstinate as a mule whenever I tried to get you to come,” Jasmine replied dryly.

“I still am,” Kathryn replied with a laugh. “It took a summons directly from the king to get me here.”

Jasmine laughed. Kathryn had changed so much in the last six years Jasmine could hardly reconcile the small, terrified girl with the woman walking next to her.

Kathryn spotted Amy a few yards ahead and called to her.  She introduced Jasmine to her friend.

Amy curtsied. “I’ve always wanted to meet the woman who rescued Kathryn.”

Jasmine laughed. “And I’ve always wanted to meet the woman who befriended such a,” she turned towards Kathryn with a smile in her eyes, “obstinate, strong-willed, and most lovely girl. Come, walk with us,” she invited.

Amy gladly agreed and the two girls told Jasmine stories from their school days that had the princess laughing.

Suddenly David, accompanied by another man, approached them from the side. Kathryn estimated the second man’s age in the late twenties. “Hello what’s this?” David’s companion asked as he stood before the ladies. “Who has enough wit and humor to make my aunt laugh?”

It took a few moments for the meaning of his words to sink in

Kathryn and Amy glanced at each other, unsure how to respond. Finally Amy responded, “I guess we do, Lord Prince,” she curtsied.

The prince turned to Jasmine. “Tell me, Aunt Jasmine, would you be willing to introduce your companions to me?”

Jasmine smiled at her nephew. “Of course Derek. This is Lady Kathryn and this is Lady Amira. Girls, allow me to introduce Crown Prince Derek.”

Kathryn was taken completely by surprise
was the Crown Prince? As she studied him she had to admit that he definitely looked a lot like the Princess Roseanna. They shared the same black hair and tall stature but the prince’s behavior was—well, not what she would have expected from their heir to the throne.

Derek’s ears perked up. “Lady Kathryn as in my aunt’s ward Lady Kathryn?” he asked quickly.

Kathryn felt a blush spread across her cheeks. “Yes, Lord Prince.” She stole a glance at David who looked like someone had hit him with a satchel of rocks. Great, the last thing she needed was for him to learn that she was the ward of royalty. Now she would probably face a million questions about what living in a palace was like. She just hoped that he wouldn’t tell Natalie. She’d never hear the end of it from the older girl.

“Well I am honored to meet the young woman my aunt raised,” Derek continued. “She has told my family very little about you.”

Kathryn found that information very relieving. She glanced back at David, curious to see how he was taking this. To her shock he winked at her. Of course he would have to find this amusing. Setting her face she turned her attention back to the Crown Prince.

“Is this your first time at court ladies?” Derek was asking.

Both girls nodded. “Splendid!” he cried. “Tell me, do either of you have escorts for the balls?”

Kathryn nodded. “I have been claimed for the first and last nights, Lord Prince.”

“Then I shall claim the second! The prince exclaimed. He turned to Amy, “And what of you, milady?”

“I have been claimed for the third night, Lord Prince,” Amy replied.

“Then may I have the privilege of claiming the first?” Derek asked.

Mute in surprise, Amy nodded a yes.

“Splendid!” Derek exclaimed exuberantly. “For two nights I shall have the two most beautiful women in the realm on my arm.”

Both Kathryn and Amy blushed deeply but smiled and curtsied.

However the Crown Prince was not done. “Tell me ladies,” Derek continued in a friendly fashion. “Will you be present at the tournament later today?”

“Yes, Lord Prince,” Amy replied for both of them.

“Wonderful!” Derek clapped his hands together, “I shall leave orders that the Lady Kathryn and the Lady Amira are to be seated in the royal box along with the royal family.”

At his announcement even Princess Jasmine looked startled. “Is that wise my nephew?” she asked cautiously.

“Where else should two beautiful ladies of the court reside?” Derek asked. “Besides, I plan to dedicate a couple jousts to these ladies.”

By now both Kathryn and Amy were flushing furiously. David was fighting hard to keep from laughing. He had never seen Kathryn look so uncomfortable and, after all that he had put up with, he found it decidedly satisfying.

“In fact,” Derek continued. “I wish for both of you to be seated in the royal box whenever you watch a tournament.”

“If it pleases, Your Highness,” Amy murmured, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. Kathryn remained silent, but her normally pale complexion was colored soft pink.

“Wonderful. I shall speak to the Captain of the Guard immediately.” He paused then appeared to think of something. “Another thing ladies, I wish you to address me not as Your Highness or Lord Prince but as Derek, nothing more.”

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