The Chosen (8 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Chosen
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She stood there naked, his eyes roaming over her naked form. He breathed out, and she stared in horror at the two fangs that touched his lower lip. They were long and sharp, and she involuntarily brought her fingers to the tender spot on the side of her throat. Blood still slowly dripped down her neck, and her heart pounded wildly in her chest.

The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed



She held up her hands in front of her as his distorted, deep voice said that one word with so much possession she thought she would pass out.


Jenika Snow

Chapter Seven

Luca held the female’s hands above her head and pounded into her willing body. His balls slapped at her ass cheeks, making the sound of wet skin against wet skin bounce off his bedroom walls. His release was so close he could taste it. The female Blood Breed whimpered beneath him as she tilted her neck to the side in offering.

He couldn’t resist the sight, the temptation driving a nail in his throat.

Striking fast, he bit through her skin and pierced her jugular. The sweet warmth of her blood filled his mouth and sated his hunger. The female screamed beneath him, reaching her own climax and triggering his own.

He continued to suck, the pleasure from a Blood Breed’s bite making sex much more intense. She bucked beneath him, thrusting her pussy on his dick and driving him wild. Taking one last pull from her neck, he rolled off of her and threw his arm over his face.

“Fuck, that was good.”

Irena was a good fuck, always willing and never needy. That was why he always chose her over the other females. When they first started their affair, she sometimes wanted to cuddle afterward, but he put a stop to that. He wanted a fast fuck, a warm vein to tap, and he was ready to move on to the next thing.

He lay there, his arm still thrown over his face as he let her blood give him strength. Maybe if he remained quiet enough, she would just leave. Yeah, he was a bastard, but that’s why Irena was a good lay.

They fucked, and then she left.

The bed shifted beside him, making his half-erect dick move on his thigh. It was wet from their combined juices, and in about an hour
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


he would be raring to go another round—with another female. She never spoke to him afterward, always just got up and left. Guilt with him came and went, but right now he felt like a real asshole. He sat up and watched as she bent down to pick up her clothes. Her ass was two smooth, round globes, and his hands itched to grab them. She shimmied into her jeans, making his cock grow hard again.

“Do you need to feed?” He spoke to her in their native tongue, Russian. Surprise flickered in her eyes as she turned around with only her jeans on.


“Do you need to feed? I took from you, and you must be hungry.”

“Oh.” She slipped her shirt on, her large breasts swaying with her movements. “I fed earlier. I know how you prefer to keep it physical, without any feeding on my part.”

She was right. He didn’t really like the females going at his vein.

Like he said, he could be a real bastard, but his reasons were his own.

Irena was different, though. They had been going at it for a while now, and even though she never had taken his blood, that didn’t mean he couldn’t offer it. His cell rang, breaking the awkward silence that had descended.

“I have to take this. I’ll look you up later.” He felt like a huge prick for the way he acted, but he knew she had other guys, human and Blood Breed alike. “Hey, Aleksei, what’s doin’?”

“I need you and Milo at my apartment,
No time to drive—

your asses over here.”

His voice was guttural and distorted. Aleksei was always the calm brother, the level-headed one. He never asked Luca to
anywhere and never with someone else. There had to be a major problem.

“What’s wrong?”

“I. Can’t. Control. Myself. Much. Longer.” The words were broken, and then the line went dead.

He got dressed quickly and threw open his bedroom door, shouting Milo’s name. One second he was pulling a black tee over his

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head, and the next Milo was in front of him, no shirt on and the fly undone on his jeans.


Luca could smell sex and blood all over his brother. “Aleksei needs us now. He wants me to
us to his apartment. Says he can’t control himself for much longer or some shit like that.”

Milo whistled under his breath and buttoned his fly before grabbing the white T-shirt Luca threw at him.

“Where’s Aniya?” They walked side by side as they made their way down the stairs.

“She’s at the club.”

Good. Luca didn’t want their little sister to be alone, and since she was at the club there would be plenty of Breeds to watch over her.

“What about the female?”

“She’s not my female. She’s just some Breed that has been after me for a while now. She’ll be asleep for as long as I want her to be.”

Luca sometimes wished he had his brother’s
—the ability to control any being’s consciousness. He could make someone stay asleep for days—weeks, even. Although, his
came in handy. He could teleport anywhere he wanted as long as he had already been there. Needless to say, he made sure to travel all over the world. Unfortunately, he could only
himself and one other person at a time.

At the bottom of the stairs, they walked over to the fireplace. Luca tapped on a brick, and a section of the wall opened up to reveal knives and guns of various sizes. They strapped as many weapons on themselves as they could and closed the hidden compartment. They didn’t go anywhere without being strapped. Luca placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder and closed his eyes, picturing Aleksei’s home. The room around them became fuzzy, the image changing into their brother’s apartment. The living room was empty, but he heard two heartbeats through the wall.

The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


They stood outside Aleksei’s closed bedroom door and looked at each other before nodding in unison and opening the door in. Aleksei stood in the corner, naked and fully changed into his primal self. His fists clenched and unclenched as his eyesight was trained on the bathroom door. The fast, erratic human heartbeat came from behind the bathroom door, clearly full of fear. Luca inhaled deeply, catching the scent of aroused female and male lust coating the air. His eyes went back to Aleksei as he took in his brother’s form again.

His brother’s eyes were completely black, and his body was primed and lethal. He could see the sharp tips of his fangs pressed against his bottom lip. Aleksei’s lips curled back in a snarl as he braced himself for an attack. Luca turned his head to where Aleksei’s gaze was. Milo made his way toward the bathroom door.

“Aleksei, what’s going on? Are you okay?” He held his hands in front of him and walked slowly forward. The only time he’d seen a Blood Breed like this was in a time of bloodlust. Was this what was happening to his brother? He didn’t know why Aleksei was acting this way over the female in the bathroom. His brother was letting off some serious possessive scents and saturating the air.

“My brother, are you level? Talk to me. Milo, don’t move.” Luca held a hand up and sensed his brother stop.

Aleksei closed his eyes and shook his head as if trying to clear his mind. “Get her out of here. Now!” Aleksei shook his head again before sinking to his knees. “Luca, you’re going to need to hold me. I won’t be able to control myself once the bathroom door is open.”

Luca had no idea what the hell was going on. He could smell lust and possessiveness in the air mixed with female fear. Had he hurt the female? He could smell the smallest hint of blood, but nothing that would have alerted him to a harmed human. He waved for Milo to go toward the bathroom door as he slowly walked toward Aleksei. His brother didn’t resist when he wrapped his arms around him.

* * * *


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Milo didn’t know what was going on. Aleksei acted crazy, and he could sense the female in the bathroom was scared out of her mind.

He walked toward the bathroom. His instincts were to go to the frightened human and see how he could help. Before he even made it five steps, a very possessive and territorial growl erupted from Aleksei.

The room became saturated in a strong scent, a scent that a male let off when he claimed something as his own. He needed to get to the female and get her out because something was definitely wrong with his brother. It was clear Aleksei was going through bloodlust, but there was also something else happening to him. He watched as Luca wrapped his arms around Aleksei and nodded his head. He eased his way slowly toward the bathroom door, trying the handle. He wasn’t surprised to find it locked. Aleksei growled again, like a rabid dog, and that strong possession scent blasted through the air.

“Take her to the house and leave her in my room.”

He knocked on the door and waited for the female to answer. She whimpered, and a fresh dose of fear shot through the door.

“Can you open the door so I can get you out of here? I won’t hurt you. I’m security for the club.” He closed his eyes and searched with his
until he sensed the female’s mind. She was strong, maybe one of the strongest he had ever come up against. It was going to be a challenge to make her immobile. He concentrated hard and sent waves of calmness to her. Her mind was strong, but it wasn’t strong enough to resist him completely. Growls from his brother still came as well as Luca telling him to hurry up. He sent wave after wave of thought into her brain that would make her unconscious. She finally broke down and obeyed his sleep command, her heart rate slowing down as well as her breathing.

“I’m going to open the door now. Can you handle yourself, Alek?” If his brother reacted to the female this strongly with the bathroom door closed, when he opened it and caught her scent full on,
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


he would go crazy. “Can you hold him long enough for me to get her out and
us back to the house?” His brother nodded once, still straining heavily to keep their brother down.

He took a deep breath and kicked the door open, wood splintering in all directions. He ignored the grunt and growls that came from behind him and walked inside. Her small body was huddled against the bathtub, a black silk sheet covering her body. Her hair was brushed over her shoulder, and he saw the fresh twin puncture marks that marred her neck. He inhaled. Aleksei’s scent covered her and warned him to back off. His brother marked her, letting all others know she was his. Something very strange was going on here, but he would worry about it later once the female was safe and Aleksei had calmed.

“Milo, shit man, get her the fuck out of here. I’m not going to be able to hold him for much longer.”

Luca’s strained voice was loud, and Milo went into action. He picked the small female up and carried her to the entryway of the bedroom.

“Get your fucking hands off her! She’s mine! I’ll rip your fucking arms off!”

Aleksei’s words were distorted and furious. He had never seen his brother act this way before, not even during battle. His bottomless black stare was fixed on the female, and his lips were peeled back, showing his wicked fangs. The sounds coming from him sounded animalistic, and the scent he let off would let any Blood Breed know she was his. “Alek, what the fuck man?”

“Milo, put her on the bed and come over here to hold him while I
her out of here.”

They switched places quickly, Aleksei going crazy when Milo wrapped his arms around Aleksei’s body.

“Her scent is all over you. I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“Listen to yourself. You’re so fucking gone right now. It’s me, your brother, Milo.” Aleksei’s head snapped toward Luca, menace

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pouring off of him. In the next second, Luca and the female were gone, their bodies becoming distorted before disappearing. Aleksei roared in outrage, struggling against his bonds. The last thing Milo heard before his body became nothing was his brother’s agonized roar.

The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


Chapter Eight

Aleksei lay on his bedroom floor, naked and shivering. After his brothers took Lana away, he went crazy. His room was destroyed.

Everything that had been in his reach was torn and shredded. He wanted to rush over to the mansion and tear their limbs off for daring to take what was his. He willed himself to calm down and quickly got dressed. He took one more look around his room, his sight straying toward the bed where he could still picture Lana lying naked. He shook his head and made his way out of the club and to the garage.

He sat in his Hummer for a moment and took a deep breath, closing his eyes and immediately regretting how he acted. Even though the bloodlust ran strong in his veins, he wasn’t worried about turning
—an enemy among all his kind. These rogue males lived off of their bloodlust, killing anything that got in their way.

They had once been loved members of the Breed—friends, family, even lovers to members of the Blood Breed. Their lust for blood ruled them, taking what had once been brilliant minds and turning them uncontrollable.

No, Aleksei’s bloodlust ran deeper than that. His was for what he just found, or better yet, who he just found. His
, his soul mate—the one woman who was born for him alone. The only one who could bring eternal love and happiness to him. When a Blood Breed found their
their life was complete and their soul finally found its match. He kept thinking back to when he tasted her sweet blood and found out the truth that would forever change his life.

* * * *


Jenika Snow

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