The Christmas Tree Guy (5 page)

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Authors: Railyn Stone

Tags: #Railyn Stone The Christmas Tree Guy Interracial

BOOK: The Christmas Tree Guy
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“Exactly why are you doing this?” JJ asked, as he and Quinn replaced lights around the lot.

“What are you talking about?” Quinn looked down from his perch on the ladder at his cousin who was steadily handing up the bulbs.

“You don’t have to do this at all. I mean it’s not like you even need to, and of all the places you could work to pick up extra money, you choose here?”

“JJ, it’s not about the money. I’ve always helped out since we were old enough to do this. And Uncle Jack asked me. What’s wrong with that?” Quinn had worked in the tree lot for as long as he could remember, especially after his parents split. He’d spent a lot of time with JJ, and his Uncle Jack was like a second dad. He’d do anything for the old man even though he rode both him and JJ hard. He knew it was only because Jack wanted to make sure they grew up responsible and without a sense of entitlement. They were from a well off family, but if it were up to Jack, it wouldn’t be something either of the boys would be able to just think they could fall back on. Jack definitely made them work and where it wasn’t a big deal for Quinn, JJ was a little more of a slacker.

“Yeah, he asked you to help out during the week after Thanksgiving because it’s one of the busiest weeks, but you keep coming back.”

“Is it a problem?” Quinn stopped what he was doing to look at JJ.

“No, man. I’m not saying that. I actually like when you are around because you take the pressure off he usually directs towards me. I’m just saying you have options. If I were you, I know I wouldn’t choose to be here. I’d be at the gym watching all those beautiful bodies in motion.” A devious smile curled on JJ’s lips and Quinn knew he was referring to Quinn’s regular job as a personal trainer, and the beautiful women that worked out at the gym. He’d caught JJ more than a few times staring through the window of the spinning classes when he came to work out with him. And he’d practically had to ban him from the pool area.

“JJ, if you could, you’d be anywhere but at work. Besides, I’m always at the gym and this gives me a chance to get some fresh air.” Quinn had to admit there were a ton of beautiful women at the gym, and he’d been hit on by a lot of them. Young and old, but he tried to remain as professional as possible. He was one of the more favored trainers, especially with the women just because of his natural charm. It was another one of the traits he’d gotten from his father. It wasn’t something he intentionally did, but an innate personality trait that served him well in his profession.

“Yeah, whatever. Hey, on a different subject. I need a favor.”

“Uh, oh, what is it?” Quinn asked as he climbed down from his spot.

“I finally got Kate to go out with me, but she won’t go without McKenzie going with us. Kind of a double date situation.” JJ grinned and Quinn started to shake his head.

“And what does this have to do with me?”

“Oh come on, Q. You gotta do this for me. It’s one date.”

“You’re seriously trying to pimp me out?” He really had no interest in going out with McKenzie. She was a nice girl. Great to look at, but she talked non-stop and Quinn couldn’t imagine spending a few hours with her on a date on purpose.

“I really need this. I like Kate, and this is my only chance.”

“JJ, seriously, McKenzie is not my type.” Quinn couldn’t understand how someone could be as woman crazy as his cousin. It was one thing to want to date a certain special someone, but JJ seemed to run into a ‘certain special someone’ on a weekly basis. He’d always ribbed Quinn about the fact that while he was out sowing his oats, Quinn was usually ‘wasting’ his time in long-term relationships.

“Look, I know, you like old women, but come on, just this once.”

, old-
women, are the kind I like. And that’s what you said last time. What was her name, uh, oh yeah, Nicole.” Quinn reminded JJ how he had used him before for these types of things and they never ended well.

“Come on. I’ll owe you.”

“JJ, you already owe me your first born.” Quinn laughed, thinking of the numerous favors he’d done for Jack Jr. during their lifetime.

“All right, okay, please, just do this for me?”

“Fine. When is this double date?” Figuring he might as well go since he had nothing else to do, Quinn relented. He’d much rather go out with the woman he’d met at the lot and seen at the hospital when he cut his hand, but since he hadn’t made much progress with her, he might as well do something.

“Great. It’s Saturday. I’ll call and let her know. I owe you big.” JJ smiled at Quinn as his cousin exhaled, knowing this date would more than likely be just as bad as the ones before. JJ had a way of floating from one girl to another and he was always ‘in love’ with someone new. Quinn knew this wasn’t the first time he’d roped him into a double date and it definitely wouldn’t be the last he would try. “You won’t be sorry.”

“Yeah, right.” Quinn snorted before Jack’s thunderous voice echoed across the lot ordering them to get a move on.

“And there’s the warden. Have I told you just how much I appreciate you being here? At least he’s not just screaming at me.” They both laughed and got back to work.




“She’s always late.” Sydnee watched Sara look towards the entrance of the restaurant as they waited for Sara’s cousin, Mina. They had lunch together at least once a week and every time Mina was always the last to arrive. Sydnee just accepted she would always be late, but it worked Sara’s nerves because, as she said, if they were ladies in one of those society clubs or something, Mina would be the one to set the table. Sydnee would just laugh it off and chalk it up to Mina being Mina. Anyone first meeting Mina would probably be turned off by her, but Sydnee wasn’t. Deep down, Mina meant well, it was just, sometimes her actions and words didn’t quite match up to her intentions.

“Oh, ladies, I’m so sorry to be late.” Mina breezed in and sat at the table, immediately picking up her menu to glance at the selections. She was dressed to the nines, as usual, and her makeup was flawless. Sydnee wondered why she ever looked at the menu, knowing she would order the same thing every time.

“I’m sure. Who’s more important than us this time?” Sara’s feigned enthusiasm was apparent as Mina’s air kisses hung on the wind.

“Oh, Sara, really. Stop being that way. No one is more important than my family and friends.” Mina pooh-poohed all the while looking at herself in a mirror she pulled from her purse, dismissing Sara’s comments.

“Whatever.” Sydnee watched Sara scowl as the waiter came and they placed their orders.

“So Sydnee, how are the boys? Is Charlie okay?”

“Oh yes, they’re good and Charlie’s fine. It was just a little accident.”

“Well, I hope Monica paid the doctor bill.”

“What? Why would she do that? My insurance paid for everything.” Sydnee wasn’t quite sure why Mina would think Monica should pay for Charlie’s injury. He was fine and it was an accident. It wasn’t like Monica purposely hurt her son, and Sydnee tilted her head waiting for Mina’s reply.

“Sydnee, your son was hurt because of her negligence. The least she could do is pay for it. I don’t think I would let my children go over there anymore.”

“Wait a minute, Mina. Monica is a great person and a wonderful mother. She was not negligent. It was an accident. The same thing could have happened to Sean if he had come to my house.” Sydnee wasn’t sure where Mina was going with all of this. She had never felt uneasy leaving the boys in Monica’s care. She’d been a lifesaver for Sydnee since she had gone back to work.

“All I’m saying is you are judged by the company you keep, and I would be a little wary of having your sons at her house anymore. What if it had been more serious? Then what?” Mina raised one perfectly manicured eyebrow in Sydnee’s direction.

“Okay, Mina, that’s enough. Monica and Scott are great parents and Sean is a happy little boy. There’s nothing wrong with Syd letting the twins stay at their house.” Sara interjected, and Sydnee nodded her head in agreement.

“Sara, I’m just giving my opinion. Just think about it, Sydnee. You don’t want someone coming back to you saying you’re an unfit mother because you are letting your children stay with people who aren’t going to watch them. I mean, what did Matt say?”

“Okay, nosey Nelly, that’s enough.” Sara sat forward, warning her cousin she was overstepping her boundaries.

“Oh, what do you know, Sara? If you had kids I’m sure you would let them run wild in the streets. And why are you wearing that dreadful top? It’s like you are trying to attract those parolees you usually date.” Mina scoffed, looking at her watch.

“You snobby ass, bi-” Sara started before Sydnee cut her off.

“Mina, look, it’s okay. Monica felt really bad about the whole thing, but it was an accident and that happens when you have little ones. Okay, let’s just drop it.” Sydnee bristled at Mina’s last statement. She honestly didn’t care what Matt had to say about the situation. She left him a message and he didn’t seem to care what happened to his children. And now, she found herself trying to keep some semblance of peace between Sara and Mina. She just hoped she could keep herself, as well as Sara, from jumping over the table onto Mina.

“Oh, ladies, look at the time. I really have to go.” Mina gathered her things and laid down a twenty-dollar bill, ignoring the evil look Sara was shooting her.

“You just got here.”

“I know, but I only came because I didn’t want to disappoint you guys since we do meet each week for lunch, but I have an invitation to BCC for afternoon tea and I just can’t be late.” Pushing away from the table, Mina straightened her top and put on her coat. “Toodles.”

“Toodles? Who is that and what did she do with my cousin? Who says toodles? I swear if she wasn’t related to me I would kick her in her-” Sara started before Sydnee cut her off again.

“Sara. Stop. You know Mina’s different. But what is BCC? Is that some new social group I don’t know about?”

“No, it’s the Brookdale Country Club. She and Aaron are trying their hardest to get in there. His boss lives in the BCC and Aaron thinks it would be a better neighborhood, and be a way for him to move up.”

“What? They already live in a very nice neighborhood as it is.”

“I know, but for some reason they want to live in a community that’s cut off from the rest of us ‘regular’ folk. I can’t understand how Mina got to be such a status hound.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I can understand her wanting to pursue bigger and better things. Honestly, what woman doesn’t want stability and something better for her kids?” At this point, that’s all Sydnee wanted for herself and her children. Even though he was a terrible husband and father, Matt had been a provider and Sydnee had been grateful. He’d made sure everything was always taken care of monetarily, even if he didn’t handle things emotionally. Now that she’d been left on her own to take care of things, she had to make adjustments. He left her with the house and the kids, and with Mina’s help on getting an attorney, she received a decent enough settlement with child support payments, but it wasn’t nearly the same as when he was living with them, and she had put herself on a strict budget to ensure her children had a future of some kind.

Sara sat back, crossing her arms and pursed her lips. “You don’t get it, Syd. There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious and wanting to do well, but Mina and Aaron…take it to a whole other obsessive level. Anyway, I’m sorry she mentioned Matt. She was truly out of line. And, just what’s wrong with my blouse?” Sara stopped, looking down at the cobalt silk shirt she wore.

“It’s no big deal.” Sydnee shrugged and waved off Sara’s apology for her cousin’s remark about her ex-husband. “And nothing is wrong with it, Sara. You look great. You know how Mina is. She’s probably just jealous she couldn’t pull it off like you. She wasn’t here more than ten minutes so why did she even come?”

“Just so she could name drop and get a little gossip in and remind us that we don’t live her absolutely
.” Sara winked, imitating Mina in her haughtiest voice before they both dissolved into a fit of laughter.




Later that week, Sydnee found herself out again with Sara, but this time she’d been talked into going to hang out with her at a club. Sara had begged Sydnee for months to get out and at least have a drink with her and she finally broke down. It had been ages since Sydnee graced the inside of a club and she was a little out of her element to say the least. Entering the place, she was instantly impressed by the chic surroundings. The club had three floors and Sara decided since Sydnee hadn’t been out in a while, she would immerse her slowly back into the feel of things so they headed for the lounge level. Sydnee was grateful. At least there she could hear what Sara said, since the dance floor level was so loud with the constant beat of the bass in the music. She didn’t quite remember how Sara talked her into it and she was starting to have second thoughts. Everyone in the club seemed younger than thirty and she fidgeted with her blouse, watching the eclectic mix of people milling around.

“Calm down. You look fine and you’ll have fun.”

“Sara, I don’t know about this. Maybe I should call and check on the boys.” Sydnee said, reaching for her phone in her purse.

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