Read The Click Trilogy Online

Authors: Lisa Becker

The Click Trilogy (72 page)

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From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 12:02 PM

To: Shelley Manning, Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

Thanks, Ashley.


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 12:08 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

So she's beautiful and well put together but he picked me.  That's supposed to make me feel better?    I'm off to cry and eat a spoonful or two of frosting.  Not the whole can.  I promise!  Glad she's out of our lives for a while at least.


From: Shelley Manning – April 21, 2014 – 12:12 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

Glad Genie's out of your life for a while or Ashley?  Ha!  Just kidding.  Not being around her all of the time, I've forgotten how backhanded Ashley's compliments can be.  Trust me, Sweetie.  You're the whole enchilada and that's why Ethan loves you.


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 12:14 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

And your pep talks are just one of the many reasons I love you.


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 12:15 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: No Place Like Home

Okay.  Thanks for letting me know.


From: PBCupLover – April 21, 2014 – 12:21 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: No Place Like Home

That's all.  No other commentary on this, huh?  That's why I love you…just the way you are.


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 12:24 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: No Place Like Home

Quoting Billy Joel now, are we?  Did you expect me to have more to say about this "Uptown Girl"


From: PBCupLover – April 21, 2014 – 12:26 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: No Place Like Home

Can we just "Leave a Tender Moment Alone" or do you really want to do this?


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 12:28 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: No Place Like Home

Ha! Ha!  Too much "Pressure."  See you home soon.  XO


From: Shelley Manning – April 21, 2014 – 1:14 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

I do know how to make everything better.


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 1:17 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

You do indeed.  Just emailed Ethan and we almost got into a Billy Joel-off.  Told him it was too much "Pressure" right now.  Ha!


From: Shelley Manning – April 21, 2014 – 1:21 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

Did you tell him to tell Genie to get in a "New York State of Mind" and "Say Goodbye to Hollywood?"  Or did he decide not to "Tell Her About It?"


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 1:25 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

All this week I have been "Keeping the Faith."  It's seemed like "The Longest Time" and as much as I wanted to eat some more frosting, "I'll Cry Instead."


From: Shelley Manning – April 21, 2014 – 1:28 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

Years ago he may have thought "She's Got a Way" but he is an "Innocent Man."


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 1:32 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

Well, as long as he doesn't think "She's Always a Woman" and "Sometimes a Fantasy," we'll be just fine.  Otherwise, he'd be "Movin' Out."


From: Shelley Manning – April 21, 2014 – 1:35 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

I think if he made a different choice, he's be more than "Movin' Out."  "You're Only Human," after all.


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 1:36 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

"You May Be Right."


From: Shelley Manning – April 21, 2014 – 1:36 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

"I May Be Crazy!"


From: Renee Greene – April 21, 2014 – 1:37 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

No, you're "Shameless"


From: Shelley Manning – April 21, 2014 – 1:40 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Re: No Place Like Home

That's true.  But as B.J. would say, "Only the Good Die Young." Listen, Sweetie.  As much as I would love to continue to let you "Tell About It," I've got to run.  Call you later.  Mwah! Mwah!


Chapter 25 – Fiesta Time

From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 9:08 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Cabo Bound

We're heading to Cabo.  You read correctly, Cabo!  William just rented a villa in Cabo for me to have an accounting retreat with the finance team.  You can come along and then we (and any friends we want to invite, too) can spend the weekend.  We leave next Wednesday.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 9:13 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

Next Wednesday?  That doesn't leave me much time to get my body into bathing suit shape.  But I'll gladly take a free vacation (well almost free; I do need airfare) to Mexico.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 9:16 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

Oh, I forgot to mention. He's chartered a private jet for us to get down there.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 9:18 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

Private jet?  Are you kidding me?  I could get used to being spoiled like this.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 9:24 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

Me too!  I'm going to invite a couple of my football buddies.  Do you want to see if Mark, Shelley, Nick, Ashley and Greg want to go?  Regarding Ashley and Greg, adults only.  No offense to Siobhan, but I just don’t think this is the kind of vacation where we want to have a kid around.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 9:29 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

I'll email them all and see if they're up for it.  I would guess that Ashley and Greg are a no but you never know.  I'll keep you posted.  Will there be enough room for everyone?


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 9:32 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

It's a 12 bedroom villa on the coast with a personal chef.  I think we'll be able to accommodate everyone.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 9:34 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

Get out!  That sounds amazing.  Well done, Billy the Kid.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 9:37 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

Yeah, I think he's trying to make up for the whole "bailing me out of jail" incident.  William won't be there and don't call him Billy the Kid if you want me to keep my job.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 9:37 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Cabo Bound

Got it!


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 9:42 AM

To: Mark Finlay, Ashley Gordon, Shelley Manning

Subject: Pack your bikini!

You read that correctly, my friends.  I'm Cabo Bound. But not just me.  All of us!  Ethan's boss rented a 12 bedroom villa (!) in Cabo for a finance retreat and Ethan can stay for the weekend and invite some friends to come enjoy.


You just need to get yourself down there on Friday.  We'll give you a ride home on Sunday on the private jet.  AGH!  This is so cool.  Do note, however, that some of Ethan's buddies will join us, as well as some of his finance team from work.  But it should be great fun.  Hope we can all hang out there.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 9:43 AM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Fwd: Pack your bikini!

Marnie's going to be there too, so I'm hopeful you can come.  It will be great for us all to hang out together.


From: Ashley Gordon – April 23, 2014 – 10:02 AM

To: Renee Greene, Mark Finlay, Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Pack your bikini!

It sounds so fantastic but we don't have anyone to watch Siobhan on such short notice.  And I just don't feel safe bringing her to Mexico.  And bikini?!?  I don't think either of us should be wearing a bikini anytime soon.  You could borrow one of my sarongs if you want.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 10:04 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Fwd: Re: Pack your bikini!

Well, Ashley's out.  Thank goodness.  And not just because she spoke the cold hard truth that I shouldn't be wearing a bikini.  Rather, I forgot to mention it was a grown-ups only weekend.  That would have been an awkward conversation.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 10:06 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Pack your bikini!

I think you'd look hot in a bikini.  Actually, you look pretty hot without anything on.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 10:08 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Pack your bikini!

  I shall reward you for those kind words tonight.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 10:08 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Pack your bikini!

Works for me!


From: Mark Finlay – April 23, 2014 – 10:32 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!

That should work – minus the bikini.  I'm just not that comfortable in a two-piece suit.  I'll look into flights now.  Thank Ethan for me.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 10:33 AM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!

Ha! Ha!


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 10:34 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Fwd: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!

Mark's in.  I'll keep you posted.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 10:37 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!

Babe, as much as I love hearing from you, I also have work to do.  Why don't you just fill me in tonight when I get home?


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 10:40 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!

You mean you don't want a running commentary of my life throughout the day?  And I would suggest being careful with your answer, since I previously offered to reward you for your kind words.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 10:44 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!

I love hearing about your day and your life.  It's the bright and shining highlight in my otherwise dull day.  After a long, hard day of work, I look forward to your brilliance and humor.  Spreading it throughout the day just dilutes its magic.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 10:46 AM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!

Well played, Mr. Langer.  Well played, indeed.  I'll see you at home tonight…wearing a bikini or nothing at all.


From: PBCupLover – April 23, 2014 – 10:47 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re:  Fwd: Pack your bikini!



From: Shelley Manning – April 23, 2014 – 11:02 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Pack your bikini!

First of all, I'm glad Ashley's not going.  I just might have to kick her ass for that bikini comment.  I know you've been working out, Sweetie, and I'm sure you look hot.  And sarong?  SO WRONG!


Second, you know my motto.  Unless I'm getting paid or getting laid, I'm not going anywhere.  This freebie of a romantic getaway sounds like just the thing for me and Nick.  It's been only a few weeks since our honeymoon and I could already use a vacation.  We'll be there.  I assume I need to arrange my own ride home to Seattle either from Cabo or Los Angeles, no?


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 11:08 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Pack your bikini!

So glad you have my back and the little bit of "back fat" I'm desperately trying to work off.  But regarding your motto, I'm literally laughing out loud.  Thrilled you guys can join in the for the fun.


Wasn't sure if you would be able to swing it considering you just got back from your honeymoon.  And yes, we can give you a ride to LA on our private jet (listen to me, right?) but then you'll need to hitch a ride back to Seattle.  It may be easier to just make a round trip – Seattle/Cabo.


From: Shelley Manning – April 23, 2014 – 11:11 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Pack your bikini!

I'll look into to it and let you know.  But for now, save a space for the two of us.


From: Renee Greene – April 23, 2014 – 11:11 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Pack your bikini!



From: Marnie Glass – April 24, 2014 – 9:02 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Feeling lame

I hope you don't mind that Ethan gave me your email.  Mark came over to hang out last night…again.  But we just hung out and watched a movie – the 80's classic Breakfast Club.  He didn't even try to kiss me…again.  I'm beginning to think he's just not interested.


From: Renee Greene – April 24, 2014 – 9:05 AM

To: Marnie Glass

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

Don't despair.  I can tell he likes you.  I think he's just afraid to get hurt.   It's going to happen this weekend.  Just trust me.


From: Marnie Glass – April 24, 2014 – 9:07 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

I don't know, Renee.  We've hung out three times and he just doesn't seem to feel that way about me.


From: Renee Greene – April 24, 2014 – 9:10 AM

To: Marnie Glass

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

He won't be able to resist you this weekend.  We'll be in a totally romantic setting, drinking margaritas (not that he's going to need to be all liquored up to be with you, but it will certainly help relax him), wearing minimal clothing, etc.


From: Marnie Glass – April 24, 2014 – 9:13 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

Actually I was thinking the margaritas would help give him the courage to make a move.  Or at the very least give
the courage to make a move on


From: Renee Greene – April 24, 2014 – 9:17 AM

To: Marnie Glass

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

Oh, it is on like Donkey Kong.  (I put in an 80's reference, since I know you are fan of that era.)  So, (and not to get all TMI on you, but…) time to pull out that matching bra and panty set, get a good waxing and shave your legs.  Love (and lust) is in the air.


From: Marnie Glass – April 24, 2014 – 9:22 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

No!  I should NOT do any of those things.  In fact, I should come to Cabo with stubbly legs and wear big ol' granny panties.  That's a sure way to guarantee he makes a move on me.  At least that's they way it always happens in romantic comedies.  You know, the girl is convinced she will be celibate forever and makes no effort to primp herself in anticipation of getting busy with someone.  And of course that's exactly when it happens and they both have a good laugh about the enormous size of her underwear, etc.


From: Renee Greene – April 24, 2014 – 9:25 AM

To: Marnie Glass

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

That certainly does happen in the movies.  But this is real life.  So I say prep and primp away.  It's going to happen.  I'm sure of it.


From: Marnie Glass – April 24, 2014 – 9:27 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Feeling lame

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