The Club (11 page)

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Authors: Mandasue Heller

BOOK: The Club
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With the weight of that gone from his shoulders, he was on top form when Jenna arrived. Greeting her with a kiss on the cheek, he told her about the dozens of calls they’d received from last night’s guests and customers, saying how much they’d enjoyed themselves and asking if they’d be open tonight.
‘Is that good?’ Jenna asked, shrugging out of her jacket and blowing on her icy fingers.
,’ he assured her. ‘Believe me, people don’t usually bother giving feedback. But the machine was chocker when I got here, and the phone hasn’t stopped all day.’
‘Wow,’ she murmured, impressed by his enthusiasm. ‘Hope it lasts.’
‘Oh, it will,’ he told her confidently. ‘I’ve got a feeling we’re going to be right up there with the best before too long. You watch.’
‘Fingers crossed.’ Jenna gave him a nervous smile. Glancing at her watch then, she said, ‘Best go drop my stuff in the office while I’ve got time.’ Walking away, she turned back to call, ‘You’re looking good, by the way.’
Smiling, Fabian called, ‘You, too.’ And he meant it, because she looked sensational again, in a figure-hugging black halter-dress, and emerald necklace and earrings that perfectly matched her eyes.
The front door opened just then, letting a blast of icy air in. Turning to see who was using the out-of-bounds customer entrance, Fabian frowned when he saw that it was two of the waitresses, JoJo and Vanessa.
‘It’s fucking freezing!’ JoJo yelped, stamping the slush off her shoes and shaking the snow out of her hair onto the polished floor.
Smile gone, Fabian marched towards them, barking, ‘How many times have I told you to come round the back? Let me catch you using the front doors again and you’re out! Now get that mess cleared up before someone slips on it and breaks their neck. And hurry up – or I’ll dock your wages.’
The queue was even longer tonight, the crowd just as skimpily dressed despite the heavy snowfall and icy temperatures. After just half an hour, Fabian went out front and told the doormen to stop letting people in – which didn’t impress those at the back of the queue who had been waiting for hours. But no amount of flirting from the girls in their best
outfits worked, because Fabian was determined not to reach their full quota with Joe Public punters if it meant having to turn celebrities away.
Inside, Jenna was doing the rounds: chatting to the customers who’d been lucky enough to get in, and making sure that everybody was happy. A fair few regulars from her dad’s day were here, but there were many more new faces – which was a great sign, as long as they didn’t drift straight back to their usual clubs as soon as the novelty wore off. James Lorde had never succeeded in luring the hard-core clubbers and A-list celebrities in, but Jenna was hoping that the funky decor would change all that. And, if last night was any indication, they were definitely on the right track.
Finished with the lower floor, she made her way up to the VIP lounge and looked around, happy to see that several of last night’s celebrity guests had come back. And there were lots of soap and sports stars who hadn’t made the party but had come to check the place out on the recommendation of those who had.
Spotting her just then, Tony Allen strolled over to say hello. The picture of elegance in a charcoal-grey suit, his jet hair slicked smoothly back from his brow, he said, ‘Hey, look at you. You look beautiful.’
Jenna was a little surprised when he pulled her to him and kissed her on both cheeks. It was a bit familiar, given that this was only their second meeting, but she supposed it must just be the American way. Fighting the urge to fold her arms when he let her go, she said, ‘Nice to see you again. How are you?’
‘Cool,’ Tony said, putting his hands in his pockets and gazing around. ‘Had a bit of free time, so I thought I’d come and check the place out again.’
Edging in beside him just then, Melody linked an arm through his and gave Jenna the once-over. Satisfied that she looked way hotter than her, she gave her a glowing smile. ‘You’re looking lovely, Jen.’
Rolling his eyes ceilingward, Tony muttered, ‘Christ! Why does she always have to clip the end off of everyone’s goddamned name? See, if she calls me
one more time, I swear to God I’ll rip her fucking tongue out.’
‘Aw, shut up,’ Melody scolded, playfully pinching his cheek. ‘You’re such a grouch sometimes.’
Shaking his head wearily, Tony said, ‘Be a good girl and go amuse yourself somewhere else for a bit, will you? I wanna talk to Jenna.’
Melody would have been furious if he’d dismissed her like that a couple of seconds earlier, but she’d just seen Fabian making his way to the bar. Glad of the excuse to escape, she gave Tony a kiss and told Jenna that she’d see her later. Then she tripped away through the crowd, her hips swaying sexily.
‘Cent short of a dollar,’ Tony murmured, watching her go. ‘But you gotta love that ass.’
Jenna smiled. They were such an odd couple: Melody a blonde bombshell;Tony short, dark and squat, and almost handsome in an ugly sort of way. If you took them at face value, you’d wonder what Melody saw in him. But there was obviously far more to Tony Allen than met the eye, and Jenna sensed that he would be deeply loyal to few – and deeply dangerous to many.
‘Have you got a minute?’ he asked her now.
Jenna was faintly amused when he immediately placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her to an empty table, pulling a chair out for her when they got there and waiting until she sat down before taking his own seat. Strange manners, considering she hadn’t actually agreed to talk to him – arrogant presumption mixed with olde-worlde charm.
Silent as ever, Eddie sat down and folded his arms, watching the room with unreadable eyes.
‘How’s about a drink before we get started?’ Tony said, looking around for a waiter. Spotting one, he clicked his fingers in the air. ‘Yo! Three large JDs – and don’t take all night about it.’
‘House white for me,’ Jenna chipped in quickly, a little less amused that he was presuming to order for her now.
Shrugging, Tony said, ‘And a house white.’ Clicking his fingers again when the boy turned to go, he pointed towards Melody, who was standing at the bar with Fabian now. ‘Give her whatever she wants, and tell her not to rush back, yeah?’
Leaning towards Jenna when the waiter had gone, he nodded in Melody’s direction. ‘What’s with that guy?’
Following his gaze, Jenna said, ‘Fabian?’
‘Yeah, him. D’yuh trust him?’
‘Of course. He’s a very good manager.’
‘If you say so,’ Tony muttered, not sounding too convinced. ‘He’s a bit of a smooth bastard, if you ask me.’
‘That’s just his way,’ Jenna said, not wanting to sound disloyal. ‘The customers seem to like it.’
‘Yeah, well, I don’t buy all that polite namby-pamby shit,’ Tony sneered. ‘He needs to get his finger out of his ass and start acting like a real fuckin’ man.’
Wondering where this was coming from, Jenna frowned. Fabian hadn’t done or said anything offensive, as far as she was aware, but Tony obviously disliked him for some reason.
Thrusting a twenty at the waiter when he brought their drinks over, Tony handed Jenna and Eddie theirs, then took a swig of his own, still eyeballing Fabian.
‘So, what did you want to talk about?’ Jenna asked, hoping to draw his attention back to her before Fabian got scorch marks on his back.
Turning to face her, Tony shrugged and took another drink. ‘You, as it happens. I’ve been thinking about what we was talking about last night, and I’ve got to admit I’m intrigued.’
Unnerved by the intensity of his gaze, Jenna said, ‘There’s really nothing to be intrigued about. I pretty much told you everything last night.’
Guessing what she was thinking, Tony chuckled softly. ‘Relax, Angel-face, it’s your mind I’m interested in, not your body – hot though it is.’
Jenna felt the blush flare across her cheeks.
‘I ain’t hitting on you,’ Tony assured her with a chuckle. ‘Melody’s always saying I give off the wrong signals, and it don’t usually bother me, but I wouldn’t want you thinking I don’t respect you, ’cos I do. That’s why I want to get to know you better.’ Giving her a sincere look then, he said, ‘You all right with that?’
Nodding, Jenna said, ‘Okay, but let’s not talk about me again. I’d rather hear about you and your club. I imagine you do things very differently in the States?’
‘Oh, it’s different, all right,’ Tony said, thinking that, for starters, a little girl like her would never get to play in a big man’s game like this without a whole heap of trouble.
Blissfully unaware that he had just been the focus of Tony Allen’s scorn, Fabian was enjoying making Melody grovel. She’d apologised for last night and promised that she would never try to force his hand again, but he wasn’t as fooled as his easy smile would have her believe. He knew that she’d get around to asking for coke sooner or later, but he wasn’t about to offer it on a plate. Far better to let her make the running so he could retain some control over the situation.
Right now, though, he was just enjoying the foreplay.
Sexy as hell in a red satin dress that clung to her hips and moulded itself to her breasts, with her hair swept up, leaving just a few long strands to frame her gorgeous face, and some serious bling sparkling at her ears, throat, wrists and fingers, Melody way out-glammed every other woman in the club – and,
, didn’t she know it. Fabian’s dick was straining to get at her as she flirted with him, brushing up against him so that her breasts grazed his arm, fluttering her long eyelashes, and pouting her glossy red lips.
Determined to play it cool, he put a hand in his pocket to disguise the bulge and leaned casually back against the bar, gazing nonchalantly around the room.
Sensing that she was losing his attention, Melody eased her knee between his. ‘Where’s your head at?’
‘Just wondering what your boyfriend would say if he knew what you were doing.’
‘Oh, let’s think . . .’ Melody tapped a long red nail against her lip. ‘Well, first he’d boil you in oil, then he’d hang you out to dry with a pig’s head sticking out of your ass.’ Looking him in the eye now, she said, ‘Worried?’
‘Not at all,’ Fabian drawled unconcernedly. ‘I’d be more worried about you, to tell the truth.’
‘Tony would never hurt me.’
‘You trust him that much, do you?’
‘Of course.’
‘Even if he found out what we’re doing?’
‘But he’s not
to find out, is he? Anyway, stop depressing me. I’ve been dying to see you, and all you’ve done is talk about Tony.’ Leaning closer, Melody raked her nails up his thigh, whispering huskily, ‘You heard what that waiter said – he wants me to take my time. So, how about we nip to your office while no one’s looking?’
‘Love to,’ Fabian said, glancing pointedly at his watch. ‘But I can’t right now. We’ve not been open long enough for me to pull a disappearing act.’
‘Just long enough to get me wet, huh?’
‘Oh, yeah?’
‘Yeah,’ Melody purred, gazing promisingly into his eyes. ‘So don’t keep me waiting
long, or I might have to go and find someone else to play with.’ Winking sexily now, she picked up her glass and began to move away.
Lust winning out over his determination to play hard to get, Fabian reached out. ‘Wait.’
Turning back, Melody looked down at his hand on her arm. ‘Changed your mind, Lover?’
‘Five minutes,’ he told her quietly.
Tipping her head to one side, she let her gaze slide down to his groin. ‘Sure you can wait that long?’
Grinning, he shook his head. ‘You’re going to get me into trouble, Miss Fisher.’
‘We’ll see,’ she murmured. ‘Just give me a minute to have a word with Tony, and I’ll follow you down.’
Fabian exhaled slowly when Melody sashayed towards the table where Tony and Jenna were sitting chatting. He must be crazy, he reckoned, getting deeper into this after the worry of last night, but she was too sexy to resist. And where was the harm – as long as they didn’t get caught?
Apologising to Jenna for interrupting, Melody cupped her hand around Tony’s ear and whispered, ‘Gay-Boy’s offered to dance with me again. You okay with that?’
‘Yeah, whatever,’ he said, eager to get on with his conversation. ‘But no funny business.’
Flicking her tongue into his ear, Melody giggled when he squirmed. ‘That’s the only funny business I’ll be getting up to tonight, Tiger.’ Waggling her fingers at Jenna then, she headed for the stairs, fully aware that every man in the room was following with his eyes.
Seeing Fabian going down to the lower floor, Kalli waited a couple of minutes, then poured a glass of chilled orange juice and slipped out from behind the bar. Telling Vanessa that she wouldn’t be long, she nipped down the stairs and made a dash for the DJ’s booth, keeping her eyes peeled for Fabian.
Smiling at Vibes who was lining up his next track, she edged in behind him and checked out the view through the three-sided window. It was the first time she’d been up there, and she was surprised how much of both the lower and upper floors you could see.
Slipping his headphones down around his neck after a moment, Vibes reached for the juice and took a long drink, then wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. ‘Thanks, you’re an angel.’
‘You’re welcome,’ Kalli murmured, still looking out. ‘Doesn’t she look gorgeous?’ she said then, sighing softly.
Following her gaze, Vibes felt something catch in his chest when he saw Jenna. She looked so beautiful, and classy with it – and
out of his league.
‘She sure does,’ he murmured resignedly. Then, ‘Who are those guys?’
‘One of them is Melody Fisher’s boyfriend,’ Kalli told him, flicking a glance at the swarthy man sitting across from Jenna. ‘He’s American, like you.’
‘Uh huh,’ Vibes said thoughtfully.

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